HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 99- Pea Cannery Deed ., . . ... ~ o. . .- ' .' < . ' i . CITY OF BOZEMAN FILM 200 PACE 380 WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this :2..r2..- day of i1?/lA l ,1999: IN CONSIDERATION OF THE SUM OF $ 10.00 (or O.V.C) lawful money of the United States to them in hand paid by the CITY OF BOZEMAN, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, WITNESSETH THAT, The Pea Cannery, A Montana Partnership 35 Spanish Peak Drive Bozeman, Montana 59715 does hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, CONVEY, WARRANT AND CONFIRM unto the CITY OF BOZEMAN for its benefit and use the following described real property, to*wit: A parcel of land, said parcel being located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, Principal Meridian Montana, Gallatin County, Montana, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the west quarter corner of said Section 6; thence North 890 26' 51" East, along the south line of said Northwest Quarter of Section 6 a distance of 1330,60 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 010 57' 39" West, along the west line of Tract 2 as described in a deed recorded in Book 148 of Deeds, Page 341, records of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder's Office, a distance of 23.67 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve to the right, having: a radius of 994.93 feet, a central angle of 040 15' 11 ", a chord bearing of South 71 0 51' 32" East and a chord length of 73.84 feet; thence along the arc of said curve, an arc length of 73,86 feet to the end of said curve; thence South 890 26' 51" West, along the south line of the said Northwest Quarter of Section 6, a distance of 69.36 feet to the point of beginning, Parcel contains 0.020 acres, more or less,; AS SHOWN by Exhibit "A", consisting of one sheet, attached hereto and made a part hereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee, his successors and assigns forever. And the said Grantor does hereby covenant with the said Grantee that it is the owner in fee simple of said premises; that they are free from all encumbrances and liens, and that it will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING, however, all gas and oil, beneath the surface of the above- described and conveyed premises, together with the right to extract the same, provided that in the exercise of such right the surface thereof shall not be disturbed, interfered with, or in any way damaged. FURTHER EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto the grantors, their successors and assigns all water, water rights, ditches, canals, irrigation systems, existing or as relocated, if any, including but not limited to, water stock or shares, bonds, certificates, contracts and any and all other indicia, of water, water right and ditch ownership, or any interest therein, appurtenant to the land described herein. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described and conveyed premises, with all the reversions, remainders, tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto, unto the CITY OF BOZEMAN, and to it successors and assigns forever. Warranty Deed Page lof 3 ,,_ 11 Ii . ""., ~ f'-4, ~ FILM 200 PACE 381 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned have executed these premises the day and year first above written. ~~~~;/ F derick J. Bel Managing Partner Certificate of Exemption I certify that the purpose of this deed is to create a tract of land that could be created by a court order, for the purpose of the construction of Oak Street, and therefore this survey is exempt from review as a subdivision pursuant to Section 76-3-201(1), M..C.A. Dated this .~) day of .,+,'/ ,1999. ~~ Frederick J. Bell Managing Partner STATE OF MONTANA County of 6....,(/.. ~ On this ~ day of. I' J , 1999, before me a Notary Public in and for the State of ~ 1-a..r.t::l , personally appeared Frederick J. Bell known to me to be the Managing Partner of the corporation that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN Wrr:NESS.WHER,.E:OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed by Notarial Seal the day and year. . "'".." """'",..' t,e first above written. .~...~.~~~t.... ,'w '.'. 71 & ~' '!I.' ,.. ,,., . ,"j ., I .........' $f.w:...'-g1A/fJ-4--' ...' //: - b ., ff ','klfj. (~~,.\l, No~a~ PublIc for the State 0 Montana i 'II 1 d :/ Resldmg at 8J"2.tl"" .....J"'Yl'.7......., , ('Y)ar..b-r.? \\,~.;; '"/11' My Commission expires ~~~~ ~,I,\~. , "I, ~.I "1}. \,. ,. ...tl!!' <$'iF- ',~ " ....!J;.. r ~\;. , ""t""'H4t,~~~\\t\ Certificate of Governing Body I, Phillip J. Forbes, do hereby certify that the accompanying deed has been duly reviewed, and has been found to conform to the requirements of the Subdivision and Platting Act, Section 76-3-101 et. seq., M.C.A., and the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations. Dated this :3 r:!. day of Mt ' 1999. {/#I# ink PhifGp J. Forbe Director of Public Service City of Bozeman Warranty Deed Page 20f 3 Ii' . -~.... ;. ": ''J Certificate of Governing Body flU~ 200?An 382 I, William A. Murdock, do hereby certify that the accompanying deed has been duly reviewed, and has been found to be exempt form review as a subdivision pursuant to Section 76-3- 101 et. seq., M.C.A., and the Bozeman Area Subdivision Regulations. Dated this ;JvO~ day of 1rI~ Warranty Deed Page 30f 3 , ~ . ..... .~... . J ~. " ....;.;r'. r ~,.... e ~ e .~-'-~ .J ,..-,~~-,..,,---~---- . . "b~ EXHIBIT A fiLM 200 PAn 383 " ~ I " ~. C(lp A PARCEL OF LAND ~.~ 1'&... "7.o~ ~ LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, '" ';>~,l>(-' '0." TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, ~ "'> ~ P.M.M., CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA / ~ ..;>." It.tl~ / "0 ~1tb: < ~ ~ "-i< 4q " ...".;.o~ $". "<;"" NOTE: SAID PARCEL OF LAND IS SHOWN ''t/''''''c ."...., 4t ..o"'t ~ " ~ ~~"'~~ AS THE HATCHED AREA AND t?Q . ~ 1t.,J- cq <f CONTAINS 0.020 ACRES /( ". 0./ ~..4 > '>,p / < ~ ~~ // / ,/ // / tOo I a,1- </// ~ ~'\ ~". 'f::.~-" 0", "'" "'~~ &~ ~~:~ . G}tj.; ~tj.; l:' ,/ ~~ /' ~o'" J' -r. ./ .?*" / a ~,,~ / QJ / <9.. / / *::% .... < / . ..~ "'. # V ~ "0 '" . .s: '\t:l "- . 0- ~v/' """", "'" ~ ~ '" ~<v.. c:. '",,- ~ .~ ,,/ / I o SO' 100' 150' ./ # / U 1111. I I SCALE (\:l BEARING BASIS: CERTIfiCATE Of SURVEY NO. C-41-C <00. ',,- LEGEND ~~ "'", ~~~ .mwQl. ~sc.BJe.llill'j 'J' ~ .", ~ .1-0;> I QUARTER CORNER ." ~ ff . "'~ "I,~ A fU N;N> (49~~ s) fLUSH <9 '~..~ 'f " 0", . fD 5/6' REBAR, EXCEPT f>S NOTED ~~ I " SfT 5/B' REBAR W/ YPC (12251 51 <( ;;. N::AP ALUMINUM CAP )., ~O YPC YELLOW PlASTIC CIi' ~"'q NT POINT Of NON- TANOENCY fO ftJUND . "-" . '}II '" l> .., ;:* (12251 s) SURVEYOR LICENSE NUMBER ~ -/ V ~<..~, ...,. R RADIUS .. '<(p1~~'~~#~ A ARC DISTANCE lft':tXEDlft . CH CHORD / ~'ft ' -.- LINE OF C.O.S. NO. C-41-C 3 9 4 2 5 :I. ~. \ .,1.4 IiO J ~~-, - .,~ PROPOSED CENTERUNE AUCNMENT OF FUTURE OAK STREET ~tGte. oj Mont.. County of GaLLatin. ss filed for record JUNE I 30 . t9~at 11 . "i 1A M.. and reconlod in ROOk 200 oj' .,$'el~., <V WId8 FB 834/61 9/10/98 ~,_.~- DEED page -lWJ Recorder 89811 XC1.DWG FEE: $24,00 (CHG)Mh ~ .,;(~ Deputy ::IR:~:;';' 'TIiI()MAS,..D~!'~':~(:)~$~i'~<<;:l~ RT: CITY OF BOZE ' .," ENf;., N EE:!{lNti/f/j(),N'$JJ"lil'yI,WTS",>'> .E~i~,~Rirn~'~imi~~i~~'~~~0~:iil:liI.:i~l~rOY~i -,~~~