HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 92- Zickovich, Corrine & Kenneth Deed .. ~ DEm OF roel.~ ... · fll" 12?rftr.r4~1 SEXIJRI'lY TITLE CD!PANY OF GALlATIN CXUfl"Y, a MDtana COrporatien, or 6'OO~-Ml 19th Avenue, Ebzanan, MDtana, as Trustee urrler that certain Trust IndenturejDeed of Trust b3re1naft:e.r referred. to as Inst:rurrent, executed by <X>RRINE K. ZIO<OVIOI AND KENNEI'H N. ZICKOVIOI as Trustor, am CITY OF OOZEMAN, A MJNICIPAL CORFORATION, as Ben3f1c1aI:y uOOer said Inst:rurrent dated NJVEMBER 28, 1990, anj recorded en DEX::E1VI8ER 4, 1990, in Film 113, Page 3923, I:bcurrent fib. 221223 of tl"e off1c1al rea:>rds of tl"e office of tl"e County CleIk arrl Recorder of GALlATIN County, MDtana havi.rg been requested in wri tinJ by tie holder of an obligation secured by said Inst:runent to recxnvey tl"e estate granted to tl"e Trustee uOOer said Inst:rurrent, does l2reby am by these presents, REO:NJE,Y, RELEASE AND REMISE to th9 pers::n or perscns legally entitled ttereto, w1th::ut warranty of any kiM, all of the estate, title arrl interest &XIUired by the Trustee urrler said Inst:rurrent arrl agrees to c:an::el and terminate th9 said Inst:runent arxl th9 security interest created t:te:eby in tie following described property: 'a !ill 1,2 IN BI.CO< 8 OF VALIEl UNIT SUBDIVISI()Il PHASE I, GALlATIN CXXJNl'Y, MJNI'ANA. ~ Date~~t~W,s 24m day of APRIL, 1992. ~ ,,,;,..,V'~, """.11...., 'G of .... 'lii }((.,\ ~ . . ~""".' ~'.!; (It' ~.. . smJRI'lY TITLE CD-!PANY OF GlUalATIN CXXJN'1Y ''"'''. .(,.; ."~'.'.. . #."~' -........J t.. ." ., ., ,. J5 ,..." .',. . ,,", '. "'" ~', "( ;, '.~j ~ '" ,.',.ft ,1:. ':":):\' (..r,".' . : r -,::;:. :;~". ,:;, , ' ': .. l' ;~~ \ .,'/'<,:~ ':,":,':,,/:~\' ,. ,,:,~ ' . ". .?)9'i;&,~,;,. /' t. By. ... ;"') ~ - -t'- ,'" '"..... 8 {'.. ..,. Exeicutive Vi Presi *~.e4/~ ""Assistant Secretary STATE OF M:M'ANA ) CXXJNTY OF GALIATIN ) ss ) On this 24m day of APRIL, 1992, before me, tl"e undersigrej, a Notary Public for tl"e State of M:ntana, persa1ally appeared F. EOOENE ~, knc:Mn to me to be tl"e EXEOJI'IVE VICE PRESIDENT, of tl"e oorporatioo desc.rited in and which executed tl"e foregoing Inst:rurrent, and ac.kncMledged to me that such oorporatian _:'> .' . tl"e sane. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my harrl and affixed ,{~.. ;~, · ~'. Seal 1:00 day an:! year first ~. ." ". . ~ '..' ~.. '. ..,.. ,.,.A'. .-,;::.~j. ,>'" " (, ". iaI _0:'1'::;'''' .. . " D ."1' '.;0 '. . ':-')1:."0 ~ ......114 ". ':. 1,'I'j:JI-i."....:::..;;- < : ~ ~ NotaJ:Y lie for the state of M:ntana ~'i,~(' (1'::'.AT;c::. Residing at Bozeman, }t:ntana. .i\.. ".'..t.P..'....\.............. .... ... I.... ...'.......~......... '..... ...:....',...'~.'....;./.. ~ My Camlissicn expires7... ::J - / - 9' J ..,.,,;;.. .. ...\1 < ,,'l. .;:: "'1i...'.".'.,:':Y....'....i';. ..... ."..c;i>\.:.'.L~...}'~ .' , [~ED ''':~~i-'F~"'UF cnJNI'Y RECORDER) . . ~'~?!":sTATE OF MJNI'ANA ) sa 1.'~icdJNTy OF GALlATIN ) 243901 This inst:runent was filed for recx:>rd in this office al. MAY 4 , 19~ at 11:.20AM arrl ~ dul~...ra;orded in Film 122 of RELEASES , PifJ ~5 6 3. ~ 'I!.lh.~ .:TV(. .. (!Ji.&n&J CleIk arrl Recorder By ~A'6"\. ~ . ~ t~ , Deputy. Fee: $ 6. 00 Return to: SEDJRI'lY TITLE CD1PANY OF GALlATIN cnJNTY P.O. Box 6550, Ebzanan, M:ntana 59715