HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 92- Brandon Legg Development Deed ... DEED OF FULL REXDWEYANCE ~ HI ~ 122fAti4562. · SEOJRI'lY TITLE CCM>>ANY OF GALLATIN a:ufiY, a M:ntana. Coq:oraB:en, of 600 South 19th Avenue, Bozeman, M:ntana, as Trustee uOCIer that certain Trust Irrlentw:ejDeed of Trust te.re:inafter referred to as Inst:runent, executed by BRANIX>N L'EX)3 DEVEIDFMENl', DC. as Trustor, and CITY OF OOZEMAN, A MJNICIPAL CDRPORATION, as BeneficiaI:y uOOer said lnst:I1..ment dated JULY 25, 1991, and recnrded en JULY 31, 1991, in Film 117, Page 1648, Ik:lcuna1t No. 230649 of tha official records of tha office of tha Camty Clezk am Recorder of GJ\LIATIN COunty, M:ntana. ~ been requested in wri~ by tha rolder of an obligatioo secured by said lnst:I1..ment to recxnvey tha estate granted to tha Trustee uOOer said Instnment, does hereby am by tOOse presents, REXDNEY, RELEASE AND REMISE to tha person or persa1S legally entitled t:bareto, w1tlxJut wananty of any kini, all of tha estate, ti tie am interest BCXIU1red by tha Trustee UOOer said Instnment and agrees to c:an::el am tennina:te the said InstrurIent and tha security interest created thereby in the followirYJ des::r1bed property: rm 6 IN BI1XX 11 OF VALLEY UNIT SUEDIVISIOO, PHASE I, GJ\LIATIN CXXJNI'Y, mNI'ANA. CJ ~ 1992. \Y) ~ SPXIIIU'lY TI'l'LE lD!PllNY OF GllLlATIN COONTl/ ~ By: ~.~ -^ (f) Executive . Pres~ :t I STATE OF MJNTANA ) CXXJNTY OF GJ\LIATIN ) ss ) On this 24TH day of APRIL, 1992, before ne, the urrlersigrej., a Notary Public for tha State of M:ntana., persc:nally ~ F. E'l.X:;ENE SPRAl'GET, knc:Mn to fie to te the EXEOJ'I'IVE VICE PRESIDENT, of the cx:>rporation described. in arrl which executed the foregoin'J Instnment, am ac:knl::Mledged to Ire that such cx:>rp:>ration exec;::uted tha sane. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my harrl and affixed. .,:~.1!lJitf.cial Seal tre day and year fixst:~,. .,. ~nAT~ '>"1 ~ '~', ...... '" '""..6 ' (c;,' '" "l...,:..'r~'" .~. '.:' R/~i'" ~ \ Notary PUblic far the State of Montana I ~ -r<,. 'I 4'..:.4....... '.. ,"1, , . ',' - '1 1 'tee j Res.......-~ at Bozeman, :tana , \'. ~.( )d'~"'l My Calmissioo. expires i .2-/...q3 , $~ I ' <J?,", < .\'td',:I'.~::" j~ ;i,roJN1Y REOJRDER) f 1NDEXED 01 j~T .. ,M:>NI'ANA ) ss . '6F GALlATIN ) 243900 This instnment was filed for rec::nrd in this office on MAY 4 , 19~ at ~.l~AM and~ dulymcxmled in Film 122 of RELEASES . Pi() 45 6 ~ . . ~ ~ ~ {Yi,;,,1ffl Clerk arrl Recorder By \~ .~ - ' Deplty. Fee: $ 6. 00 Return to: smJRITY TITLE cn.tP.ANY OF GALLATIN CXXJNIY P.O. Box 6550, Bozeman, M:ntana. 59715