HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 97- Harold A. and Alice G. Fryslie Deed . . . filM 177PAGf4311 QUITCLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this --.2rul day of Septp.mbp.r , 1997, by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation, with principal offices at 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana, party of the first part, and THE HAROLD A. AND ALICE G. FRYSLIE TRUST, the party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by the party ofthe second part, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby convey, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said party of the second part and to its heirs and assigns, all rights, title and interest in and to the following described real property, situated in Gallatin County, Montana and more particularly described as follows: A tract of land 30 feet in width being all that portion of the southerly one- half or thirty (30) feet of vacated Curtiss Street as vacated by Ordinance #567 dated December 9, 1927, lying southerly of and adjacent to Lot 1, Block C, Marwyn Addition (being a rearrangement of Blocks 13, 14, 15, 18, 19 and 20 of the Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman, Montana ), more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 1; thence along the easterly line of said Lot 1 projected southerly a distance of 30 feet to the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street and the true point of beginning; thence along the easterly line of said Lot 1 projected southerly a distance of 30 feet to the south line of said vacated Curtiss Street; thence westerly along the south line of said vacated Curtiss Street parallel to and 60 feet distant from the south lot line of said Lot I, a distance of 309 feet more or less to a point of intersection with the easterly right of way line of Curtiss Street as currently platted in the Marwyn Addition; thence along a curve to the left, with its radius point lying generally to the north, of 345 feet in radius being the easterly line of Curtiss Street as currently platted in the Marwyn Addition to the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street; thence easterly along the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street a distance of 225 feet more or less to the true point of beginning, containing 8,009 square feet, or 0.184 acres. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises with the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part, its heirs and assigns forever, . . . nlH 177PACf4312 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set its hand and seal the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN Party of the First Part By: ( 00w E ~~-',.,.~ Don E. Stueck, Mayor ATTEST: (2o-L/ ~~ Clerk of Commission STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss. County of Gallatin ) On this ~ day of ~ ~ , 1997, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State o( ontana, personally appeared DON E. STUECK and ROBIN L. SULLIVAN, known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of Commission, respectively, of the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. ~~ U--tJ...~f<-- "-. Notary Public for the State of Montana, residing at Bozeman My Commission Expires /,1";-" 7'.9 / ! 352447 V State efMOftt., County of GaUatln. ss Flied for record OCTOBER 1S" . 1 9 ......2L at 11: 11 A, M" and recorded in Doole 177 8f DEEDS __ _page 4311 .8 tLliLfI rv and! Record8r. By ~7' '/7- Deputy FEE: $12.00 RT: CiTY OF BOZEMAN PO BOX 640 BOZEMAN MT 59771-0640 .. EXHIBIT "A" A tract of land 30 feet in width being all that portion of the southerly one-half or thirty (30) feet of vacated Curtiss Street as vacated by Ordinance #567 dated December 9, 1927, lying southerly of and adjacent to Lot 1, Block C, Marwyn Addition (being a rearrangement of Blocks 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, and 20 of the Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman, Montana), more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 1; thence along the easterly line of said Lot 1 projected southerly a distance of 30 feet to the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street and the true point of beginning; thence along the easterly line of said Lot 1 projected southerly a distance of 30 feet to the south line of said vacated Curtiss Street; thence westerly along the south line of said vacated Curtiss Street parallel to and 60 feet distant from the south lot line of said Lot 1, a distance of 309 feet more or less to a point of intersection with the easterly right of way line of Curtiss Street as currently platted in the Marwyn Addition; thence along a curve to the left, with its radius point lying generally to the north, of 345 feet in radius being the easterly line of Curtiss Street as currently platted in the Marwyn Addition to the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street; thence easterly along the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street a distance of 225 feet more or less to the true point of beginning, containing 8,009 square feet, or o. 184 acres. . .. rui 113'aGf 683 When recorded mail to Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Frysl1e 1136 E. Curtiss St. Bozeman. MT 59715 TRUST TRANSFER DEED GRANT DEED GRANTORS: HAROLD A. FRYSLI E AND ALICE G, FRVSLIE. husband and wife hereby Grant to THE HAROLD A, AND ALICE G, FRYSLIE TRUST. dated March 14. 1990. HAROLD A. FRVSLI E AND ALICE G, FRYSLI Eo Trustors and Trustees. The following described real property in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana: Lot One ( 1 ) in Block "c" of Marwyn, a rearrangement of Blocks Thirteen ( 13. Fourteen ( 1 4) . Fifteen ( , 5 ) . Eighteen ( 18). Nineteen ( 19) , Twenty (20) and adjacent vacated streets of the Northern PacifiC Addition to Bozeman. Montana, o.tedK.L5-ilY~ ~~~R~~~- U d" ~~, to before - AtT~(~~-- ~~--~~--- 1990. r=4Y 219217 State of MODl. CMnty of Gallatin. n Flied for record October 12 .1g90 at ~'~. ~nlod In Book!!L- of *05 page 6ii3 .. , , Recorder. By ~ Dep~ Rt: Harold A. Fryslie ' 1136 E. Curtiss St., Bozeman $S.OOpd :,o;!,:~#.;.,":':I;',,)L-J "',~""'~,~~~~.i~u.:~,: ; c; fll~ 108r4Gf 770 WMmAN'I'Y Dr:ED .-... -_."-'~-'-~--". .,.--.-,.... FOH VALUE H I':C E I \I t:: D , AHLINE E. S'I'HEr-;'I' , i.\lso known aR AI'U':NE E. STREET, of 1201 lIiqlllilnd Boulevard, BO'I.unlan t Mont.C\lli.:\ I '.,')71') , the q rill1 tor, does l\e reby qrant, barqilin, Bull, convoy ilivl confirm unto lIAHOLD A, FI'.YSLI E and ^l.ICE c. FHY~.;l.lE, of 11.\ b 1':ilBt. Curtiss, BO:l,em("ln I M()nt~Jni.i , l") 9 7 1 ~j , tho q ran t.f.~l\H, tho followi.nq described pr-umiACf-; in COIl liltin COUIlL,!, Mon\'i1na: Lot Ol\e (I) in I\lock liCit of Mal'wyn, iJ r (~d r r;l nq elllt".' n t of 1\10(; k s '1'11 i r te".[1 (\ .j) , Fourt(:~(~n ( 1 ~) , I,' if \..'on () 1",) , EiqhLoen ( \ U) , N i rH~ lnen (1 (1) , 'l'w"nty ( ,()) ar'HI (id".laC:f..,;nt ,\,. VilCi.\ tud str'eets of tl,e Nort.!U)rn l'ilC 1 t 1 (. ^rld i I. i oil 1.0 \ BOzL~rnan / Montilna, "~ f\"') TO II ^V I'; ANI) TO 1I(J i.,D L I'" ~'lfll d I-' r' .."" i I"") wi t.l\ 1..11<.' i r ap[Juru'naIlCl.'B \Ill to tho said q fit n ten ~J i'lnC' th.,j r- h" I r tl ilnll il : I ~ ~ 1 {J n :;. forever. And the ~:; iI i d <J I"ant"r doe" 11" roilY cov(;nant t.o dnd wi. th the said qranLee8 t hi1 t Sill' 1 H t1l<.' ownc r i.rl r",--, :-l i dIp l t'~ of ~.li"l i cJ ~'~ I prcmi~cH ; cha t they a r(~ f r "j(, frorn all (, nCllrnb ra IIces .,xc"pt ill I li.ens, (~(J.f;(~m(~nt~ ; d5S(}~i~mentH , t.::l Xf_~!J , cnvefldntH, L't.~rt if iCi1te:-1, '~ restrictions, {HJre(~mf'\lltH and c,ncllrnllrancC' of r l".'O" d or (., ~)Hf,~HHe(\ aCJil i liS t th'! allov,-,-d..,Bcr i bc'd prop<",rLy i.loci tlla t. flIH. wi 1\ Will- rilll t anel dof(~nd the }~ i,lm(~ f rOlll d 11 lilWflll c l,Ll i,llIf3 wh it t. ~'~()eV (l r ;' 1 Dt.'!' E D tll i ,; LL. d d y of /'. ,/ 1 'J H '.1. ._~.L{..... i /: J ,. II ~ '(-'"' ,.. :' (1 ( / t '. _._~. ... --- ....,-..--- ",.--,-:-.",..." ,... . ^rlirH' E. St.reet STNl'E OF MONTAN^ ) : S8 County of Gallatin I On th i 5 fl. day 0 f jrJi-t~--~-~._--, 1') e 'J , b~, fore me, a notary public for the State of ontanll, personally ilppei1rod ^HLIN!': E. STREET, known to me to be the person whoso n(.lm(~ is flubflcribeel to tp,e" ,w.i,tl1i n ins t r urne n t and acknowledqed to me tha t 51lC' execlltod ttw 'e-, , .,. ~er] '., (~1.m~{LCLL~CJL_-- - ,;' S<,,:'... ('. (". I,"' ',", I\r(). \-' -,. ,qi'J(J:aD Not" (ull t.'j!for the Stillt! of MT : I [, \. \ (, :! \ ",!tu ." lleHidinC) at: /~()I'1(""VI I' I ." -- My cornmiflBion e' pin''': .: Iii /1 , ' ..{ .< ,'-- ~, -; ~- \' 2040~;, Stato of Mont., Count'; 01 G311~tln. 55 FI!cd lor record~Oct:oher L91:h 19 fl9 .1 ~i];.J1.,', , '"d'" '" ",,,, 1,0A_ feci:"""S, - -------,.;, 1TO !J dU. ~_ E::...;:J::.i",.. fly -#' IN'?:: Z .?:;:;;;;~- lr\pu~iy~ Rt; American Land Title $5.00 __ _... ___" ___ (:1\ 101. 811'~r:( '?:)~~G Thi' inseeume"" "",e,.ce'] ,.he /.tc:..oay of -~- .--.' 19 84. by ,.he uno,," i'l,wd ,n ,h" c"p"e ic j 0 f ,he dul Y \'(ypo in tcd. 'lu.' li f ",,] -:1fld acLin(J !lcr:;ol1ill t"(!present,Jtivl' of the estilte of JO~;EPII D. STgE[T. Decl.'dsed, p rue c".' ,1111 1.1 S : (.l r t. 1,,-, d d i'i I n i ~; t r d t. i () 11 () r I. h c' (' S t,'] t..f: tJ e 1 n'l f i 1 .. d ,) s Cd U ~H.~ No. D f' _ 8 4 _ <\ 1 11 t. \ '" [) I '; t. r let. C CJ \J r t 0 f t \"\1' I': i '! h I. c.'...' 11 t 1.1 ,1\H.l i c: 1 d \ D if.; t. r i c t. o r t. he S t. a t l.' 0 f ~, u n I .1 n ,I 11 \ c.11l d fo r the Co u n \ 'f 0 f C all .\ t. 1 n, I. h c 1m d e r ~j i '1 n (' d . ..1 S I' c: r so 11.1 1 r I.' I' r '_' :j (' 11 t d t i v c." h a!.; I )'-1 i d i.I n d ,1 i 5 C h d r q l.' d d 1 1 0 1) 1 i. ( , i.1 t I. 0 n s 0 f t.he cs~....\u.'. d"':U'r:llln,'d \.h': I'crs')n:, entitle.d to dic;tribut.ion of I..!H' r::,;I.dtr. properties dccordin,! to l"W, ,Jnd hac; palll ,H)d disch,lr'lcd ,1\1,.,:;1..11-'.' .-m,] inherit,'lncc t,1:,(>:; u\Jon sdid f.!f>till..C.:, cd1 as ,1\J1-'<.:<lrf; ffom I.he fi1t':; 1[1 :-;,,1,] Cduse. NOl'i, TIlEHJ:Foru:. for the pur-!,,-)SI} of c10sinq :;ilid (!s\at.e ,Iwl m,lkin'l ,"0 p'" ,I i" , "",. ""'." i" 0; ,,,,,,I by L,'o. "v, 'H,d;" i q ",,,I. ." ,och I'" ,"on q 1 r'''I'I-''c;I.'li'd' i"". :"".,'[,.,' ,1,;,';\1:\';. r;\llsf"r:; '\1\': ';r';II-,\<-; untf): ..__ii.i. i :;1.!: ;:,THl'!.,.i'. Ii .Ie L. (:ur t 1 :;,,;, i'i)/.'.'I:\"~\' .,.,,-,:1' ,1:.,,1 c)')"i 1', ::1'. :..,..: l,r'll'" ';I~,j\,.,..i lrl (;,,\11' 111 c:,-)\]:\I. ~\(.)!\,.,111.I, ,11]': i',I:-' H..uldrl':' : I . :"'; ~_: r '1 h {'I I i I I :; ~'() 1 I ()'''''; ~._1 : Lu'. ('n'. (\111\ Block "c" uf ~\/\!,\-;Yc~. d r(:~,Jrr"n'.ic,nwnl u: 111,-,<:k:; T;.llr.t.-L't,n, Fourt.een, Flfl"'-:]' Li'lht,-,cn. ~;inct",'n :lnd Twenty, dill! ,I<..l.J.-1Cc,nt VclCdl(,d st.-reet,;, 0: t.hl' "ur-\hcrn I'Llcific /,dclition to j\o/.'>l1l.ln. Montiln.-I. IN \..;rTNL"~; ....;fjLln:Ur, t.l1C undvrc;iqncd cxcc,]\.cd CIne! ,H.:know1vdqc:; tilis ins t r 1.1 rn c n t ,I:'; 0 f t. h c: cl dIe ,I b 0 'J c :~ l ,.1 \. cd. //~ J ,~~~ / (~j ~ /" ,\11,:.,1,. i':, :,,_["..:,.>C.;";1,::-:.,:..,;.,,)1. i""i;r:'-;:"-.:-~~1.ir.:(. SO' ^Tlc 0' ,<c,"T ...,,\ I ",c.,',' "l ,J 0 'Wi ," 'L S n e"'. ""'CW.'" _"':J ~ . Co U Il t../ u f (;.1 1 1,"] t 1:\ ) 4i~/J.. Un this ".. cia\' uf _.,'..""'V{.:~-'~"'-------.-' 1984, l)cforc rnc, t.:H' undero;iqned, c\ NOt.Clry Pub 1.0 for the St{l':: of :-.1on\"n;\, personallY ,JPPC'ClI-cd /1i)LINE E. STHEET, knotf;\>1IQ me to be t~e pl)fSOn whosC' nclm(' is subs,_:t ilJcd t.o ~:h(' within ~,ti:~~t.. and acknowlec!<jed to me thdt she cxcc;u\.ed th(' same. IN....~.rrvS$W.REOfl I have hefe'unto set rny hilnl! (11)(1 affixed my sc<11 thp d~~:.Jt2i y8.l;r\~irst above written. ( ~ _ . "<C. ,; ~___.~ /- -'.. ",.I -~ : \ <:;, ,,~;... : ,.,~.,u I "tt'vli. ...'(--.,~ - ," ..... :J"..., I ~ TltlJ . ,. - ----t}-L~--zr--(j------ ./- - t-.------.-.~- '_' ',/ \ \.^. Notar p'r}11 lor the St, eO. Montana I I . '..~r'" " ~ . 1 .' Pes id elt Bozem.}n, ~tdna :L My commission Expire~"" J(. 07' 1.25748 . ..n_._ _~1LSL. THI" t....:-;THI \IF."!' "'" flU!l rOH IHF(lll!l \.... Till" OITtU CI\ TIll' ,'de ,,'H' J ,,' '''I '" 1<" "'iI "I< I."~h_ '" \ ,,' - ___...Ju=--. - - -.'" ,,,.8" 'i1. , ,.: ,,':0\1 \\\ '1..9.,5.7A '1 .\\!l \\,"1111' HI'I:(IHlll'.III'\ 1\IIll}o.. .,8.3._._.__.__. I. ..,,':' r\C ') "96 ,.,,,,' IiI I I\\{I\"-' 1'\1.\ .'}.' .'.::{1 , .~~~-""..... . i "' 15 'lCE 1259 !lfO. l" _Qlit'r (,1,,\1," nKJ!:U (I\i..lkt, Tltl. .pd Int....,... o..lr. ._CQH.POR,.\.TION ifi" ~"'ll'"'~''' (It. IIhl~.. lII(1!1T ~- ~ This Indenture, Made the ..}~~~.......... ..day of .....J\.l.ly................. i" the year of our Lord o"e /hou,a"d "i"e hu"dred 0".1 .. ....s.e.ven.t.y.:':'.t.wo...., .......... ......,..,.. bclu'ee" cITY, OEBO.zEMlIU, ..HONTANA. .<1 Jlunic ir;>.al. COTl/O):# '.ion.l.. ,. ... ,.. ...".. ..".... a eorpor"tio" org"niced and e-,'isting under the lall'" "f Ihe 51(,te of }lontana party of ,he FIRST I'AHT, an,] ...... JOSEPHD. andARLENF, E. S1:REr:or,.husb<l.ndand...wii.e,; Ihc p",t .y,. <Jf I/'e SECOND PART, WITNESSETH: That the ,aid pltrl.Y..,. , of I',e Fll~ST I'AF.T for a".1 ill c",,,i.1erali,,,, of the \11111 o/On,". ..Dou',P;...E,...o.t..h!'JX... VEl .lu",~>.l!". con.sio.eJ:: Q., l;i,QnEblua;-,,~XXXXx.xXX.X>? 1<1 tl1<~..paJ;.t'f..Q:..tlw..!.ir.st...pa.r.t.... ,..... ,. ... ,.. ..,.. ...,. i" /",,,.1 pu:d b.v Ihe ,aid parL.Y, of the SECO.VD /",IHT, 11,e receipl of ",hiel, i,1 hereby ",./"",,,,le.ll:e.1: .1(1..",&., .I,achy rcmi,c, rdea,e alld quilclaim ""to Il'e ,laid purL.y...,.. ,.. of the .Iecond p<lrL ull.1 10 t.h~i):......hei1S, and ",<sig".I, ,,/I of the righi, lille, illkre,I, el<l ill I alld .1e""'''.1. botl, <III", nd in Ctluily, "nd <1.1 well ,)S ill p",,\Cssion as in <,-,pdien'\). "f ,ht' ,,"rLy..,.. of the firs' parI in and /0 ti,e fo/lowinR de,cribed Teu/ propc-rl\), .Iiluated in Ilrc Count V 0/.... c;:,pati,I!. . ...... "nd Slale vf M 0"1",,,,. to-n';I: ::iee a,tt<\C;:(le<.ldesc;:r;iptiuom<l.l:kod E.l<.h.i.hi.t. '.'11" ...... .." ....... ....... . ....... ...., .d' ....... .---."" .....'. .......,.. ......., ...... ..... ....,..... ....-- . ........ . .--..... - --.......... ........ ......................... "..... ........... ............ .....-- ."0" ...... . .............. ..,......... . ..... ............. ..".. ...... ........... . .... .... .... ..". ...... .... --.....,,-- ........... ...... . ........ . ...... ...,.,. .............. ...,,--, ....".. ...... .".....".. ...... ,.. .. .n .. ,.. ,.. ....... .....'. .....,., ..-".. 10Rdher wilh aU and ,i"Rular the lenement" hcredit"",cnt", <Hal "ppurlen"n"o, ,hodo belonging, or i.' "TI]!,,,ise "ppert"inin~, (lIId the renl.l, issu'" und ,:ofil' ,hereof. if ,"'V ...... ....... .....-- ....... ... ..... ...". ....'. ...... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ,aid p"rly of the firsl part I"" e"u,t'd it, corpor<lle na"'e 10 be ,ubscribed and its corporate seal to be a.ffi:<ed. by its prop,,, officers, thereunto dulv autllOr;ad. on thi&.. ,2.6.~ll....:.;.daYo' ....J.u1.:r'. ...., ...._A: D., /9...n .. A l'TF..h, f. 't. 0/ C-:/ L: ....c~~~k~~r~~,,~::~?~:~l;~. - '<~, . . \ 15 ,1St 1260 sT ATE OF MONTANA. } , $'. CounlY of ttllHJJ1.'l.cL..................,.. ,., . 1~ .- .H'" ,...... ...in tl" year I?J)-:. before me /; On Il1i$,'],(..: ';.day of. .\,.\e'l.. K' ... "'-: \./.. -, ..... a Notilr)) P"blic for tl1<' I .\.,;.'>"'......1...1.. .' _.If... .,........ ........ , Stalc of Montana, pmonolly appeafed.lL\.....,fl.'f\.f:,.G:"f.lI.'4J,.,..,~..tiL'>.1J,.L<Jip.~r)!.':'.,:.....,....,. . /(I,,""n 10 fIIC (ar"i>rovd"To-.m~-of+ 1he oall1 of.. ) to br 'heA11.1,'O/.".:..cI.t~<.pf:.IJ:'l",v>i''''':v'. ...o( t/Jc curpuralion that c.\Ccut,.d 1"<' wil/,in inslrumen! and a,-i'noll'lcdged 10 mC tl1al such corporotion cxcnJld Ifte s"mc. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have "<",<until scJmv h"n'! and affixed mu Official Scal ,', J" 00' '''' ;, ,,;. "";/;",, /".'t~Qro'~ ...... .................. . t<ours n""'~ :.," " .. ",".'.",' 'otary Public (or Il1e 5 ale of Monl"':~. .~' v':. . l~ .J'. r' Ccn:n;I'.C1C1'U,.',.. i.,. ,,,', jj, l'J/~ ... ......\1.'1 Commission cxpires .... , ,. ,"'" ,. 19. ~~I .'ns" ....,. ..........,.. .... ~: .' , d c N: '" "- t:1 _~ I " .'" <:> 0 :,\ . II ,---.- '"', r- " " ..;;: l: ... 'I " 0-: C:l " ~ ::; \ u.J II >.: '" 0; " ~ :i, ~ ~. "- L! ~ Cl. u.J \11 '1\ :<: e:i " " ~. ; ~ \1 0 f--o c:::: c::: : " (,.., Ii ..::: " ~ ' " , " ,"'l; ; -.0' ~ 1>..: -<: : 'Ii .., ., - .... ~' . II '& ~ ~~\ f--o .11 h ; C .., : 11 ;,;;..... ~ <0 ~ g .. ~I 0; >-.;j '-= ) Z ~\.1 'II d .5: "" ..... - <:>1 <( 0 w. ...... .....' rl '-' V ~ ,'0' ~ ""' <( &.1\ >~ 0;:. "II ~ ..,: .:l I.: u <0 <0: 1>1 h ~.. :11 . <0; '5 <1>; ..9 el ~: f; ~ \1'; :6 .-J S Ii '" 'n , 1..1.. rl: '" .0: u m: I.''') U vi' 0 1\ 0 ~: ... e: Q .",: ..,: . \"'.' -II, P.) " Q.l: C> c: \ ~ el: u " . I lo"/ t..r.l ...... n " ..,: I:.':l C- o: ..~ I IU " ~ e>:: pi ...... .... l::: \'1 :0:: -1 II ,.;:: 'g .... ::<: r~ : ... <1>: 0: .S N :.t: p. '" - " CIl: "^: ~ => :>< (,.1 It; .~ - .,. ':r~ --' ~.., 1\ " "- j . \ rl , ' f- <fl ..." ('"""\: ..." " a H <:) ~ :s \ .. l.<: " " II u ~o \ ~ \ u "". :s " " A \ .., "5 e::; D.. V1 t:O p:: , - -\ 15 'AG: 1261 EXf;! B IT "A" f, tract of land being a portion of the vacated north one-half of Curtiss Street as vacated by City of Bozeman ordinance 060 dat.ed May 23, 19'> 1. 1 Y i ng sout.herly and "d- jacent t.o Lot 1 of Block C of Marwyn Addition (being a Rearrangement of Blocks 13. 14, 15. 18. 19. 20 and adjacent. vacat.ed Streets of the Northern pacific Addit.ion to 13ozeman. Montana) more particularly described as follows: Beginning at. the !'\outheast corner of said Lot 1 ; thence a long t.he easterly li ne of said Lot 1 projected southerly a distance of thirt.y (30) feet; thence westerly parallel to and thirty (30) feet distant from the southerly line of said Lot 1 a dist.ance of two hundred t'.olenty-five ( 225) feet more or less to a point of inter8ect.ion with the easterly line of curtiss Street as now platted in thE' ~\arwyn Add i- tion; thence along a curve to the right of 34') feet iCl radiu~ being the easterly li nC of said Curti"s Street a distance of sixty-one and six tenthS (" 1 .,,) feet more "r less to the so"th~'est corner of said Lot 1 of Blod.. C; thenc(' easterly a 10;.". the sout.herly lot .li.ne of silid Lot 1 a dis- tance of one hundred sevcntY-5ix and sixt.y-five hundredths (176.6')) feet to the point 0f heglnning, cOl'it.flininq (, ,() ~ 4 .7 c, Hquare feet ;)r 0.138 acre. .-" \ April i'l tIll" \H'dr If) S.) _ ['Cflltl' 'H, ._., ," X"t",I' /'"/,{,, /", II". I (:.. l';. ~'n~lj:r;~"ll I ; ,/'111 1'\1'. "r~') ")1" I/';,It,,, lud'll'I,. III liilll t '!h' "dltll', I 'Hi\'i' l"t"II"';I .~t'l "1.' !"",t! I"~'/ llf/l>l,l 'Ill ,If't. )' i It, 1111'\ t ,,'; (1'1 i, I' ,~. , it, t ,i h. .,.,' II" if It It: . .. I ,. ~.. . __ !4~' ... ....... .1 '\"../.",' /'"/,7,, I". ,1,. ,\1.." ../ ,\/.,",.",.. i .\I,'l,"'r,i"I~.'.;ft'\l)"i" /.. l'lt ~ I" -\ , , I ; i \ I I . -:~" 1 ~ ~ :.,.... A.("'\ ......; '-"_ #-l ~ . Q ". '""':l II == 0 :::::,;'.: ~:: ~ Q" ~ ...;;........ ~J ..e ~ .... ~ .. ~ .~~ ~. -', -~ _~ ~~ '- ~ t: .':-~ q i .....l;:: crl s:: .......! ~'I ......... ....... ~ ..,.~ ~ ....c _~. 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J~~'" }'1 "".1 I'..I/i Ill:-' f ,rI1. I f ) \' I r I '..~I/ ~ r.. 11,." aft i'I'" "'/;1'"'''' ,,," I,n 1""'\' ,,' ~'1J1I n-'. ,t"1 " ,(.,1":'; ,.\. II"" ''ll,jlll. !If, ,. 'III' t ,Iitl~d< W,II""" .i,',d . IIn'" m mil.,. 11,., ~ttd /'.1/\ J T }-::_~ ..f tI" .\II.llSP/' I/U I. II >1 \ / 11 .\'.. I.' F\ .1\"/' {n /Iii ....I.HIII (1/, 1>/ ~. 1/ / , \". ,,1/ /l /11/'. I I I \.1 \ / . 11,,(1 II..j' ", h H,rtr/." IIr f ,1,,1" '..'i J 011,/ "1 11,,- l.t"I;" II "II .n.\jt'II \ ", ~ 11. 1t 'ti~ I 11'. 'r I J ,'. ' , , I ~ I. I" " ~Ij '_ ,/1.,,' ti',,1 ...,tlltt' ,\IIl/lrk,1 H' llli Iltl' J(~itH pP Il<.~cm..ln (;,llLltln . Ilthl ",d. ,./ \f '.fd I ~' ! / l,{'''It t")n~ ( 1 ) In n l(\l,~": .'C" o~ :.t.;\:{,'_Y~! . ,1 t' {~., r r ,H'1t,l j .t'l~'n t P 1,.( ~:' i 'l'hirt.COn (131. f'(,,\rtf"c:"'t) ( \ \l . i. 1 !- t, ~.._~ r\ ( \ ',) . 1: u; :1t l'j.:n 11 ") Nln.'t..en ( l'l) . ,..",..n ty (10) . ,mol 1\{l.~,,,.C..~:'lt V.I':., t.,.\ ;! t. r nf" ~ ;.l t :ll' 1I.,r thorn ;,';1(~i:1C ,\;!.Iltlo'l to q<"i:":I:lI~,.Hl ~ r-h nt..\o \. DjroJ I I~ '~ ~ >~ .~- ~ I I )'t.. I. I.llf H. n.,II. .,iI .",,/ ,,,,c',;., 1'1.' !It I, 'III., '"'' d." "I .I t." ." \ IHh/, H~'J"nt.'f}."" (.'" til'"11 t.. "i'[""I..'III",' .'1 ~'J IJI\'\"n p~ "t'P' tr,."p!!", .1'1.1 I' l'., " I , ~ .1 \'...~I_~'~" .;.,I'"n,,~/,'. .lulIl '1 :;1"'llncll'~'. r"flt.~ r,.rlf"_ d".II'>,,,tlh ,II. I, ..,. dllll .to',. ,:li :!., ,11/, ','!.,I ~"IIl:"'.,...~~" *,.::1., .)1 ~/,.n,\,.,'lfll/lj~'11t 'f' l.oHh ~h"I.I. P''''I \\1..". .1.Jon, dfl.I.I, "1. I\i ,';"r:' ,i"I"i,~;tC' II' JII ,"'IJ.It1<'. .d ,It,. ,\iH,II.....I/~T Y .d :1.,/1/\'\{ /'.1/0. 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P i dlt,l ",,' ," t~ rldrl: fll"'! I ':', II Irlll rf' tl" 1".;" 4.ni' I,'nli..'" .,; "'h- ,\ll,i'l\-f1r II' \4ltd n""h,d ;I',tlt ktltlrlf,. Ijl..'dlnd lilt d.'. dllll ,f, ,'./) ,,/ {II. 'j,d /'..lIff '{ ..I 1/..' FlI~......r 1'..11<7, ....,/ "1/,,,,,/ ,.1.,.,1. r. ".." .",,/ '" ...." !l.II,,'II,ell! {"II'flti'II' ./1I;minl.! 'M ,.~ .Imna 11H~ .\.I"U(. '".0'"*,,,'.' I."" wn ^.r-:SS WI/I.:IH:OI". 1/,,' ,,,.,/1'..1 HI" 'l ,,/ rl", //1<"'1 /' 1IU" J", " I,." "'~'" C'U"d~" .~ 'o.:::l ..b.C.~U' ". co.po..,. "'..., !.."}",, .;;~xx. llbotxx ffi. ~l<: .o<X>n[lOU< I,'::t!,;to bo f1 ~ trOD" o.f c.,rll t ere 0 j"l thorizcd on tlH' 01,. \^" I,'" .. ~,~,,(.,f.~<<I.:f .",Y'),~\.<rN'" . an~ year ~clC"l:n"\;(),,t; 1Yrsl wo.tten. . >,~ <', <.:'~:,' ,^,.. I/'( prr","U of: . ~ . ~ :'...,. BRIDGER DEVELOPMENT <;OMPA.'N y" ..llk>l:' " ')'.j . t-'~ ,.. . (. " ""''''ld ~~' , .... ... C*#'/ · ~\l:I::'~"fl~'^lbl.l? t''',:.> ,. :--' "'t('.~.,;-' ~ _By:_ "'>...Li~_::':L~-~<(L:../~C- "'1'\"LI~'^ i~ 'l -Z.,JC:.}'t!.)(: l. . C. E. Anderson .~... /i.I 1,>'(' , ... r~ ~ ""> . ..... ... .. . ~,'\\;,,< >ID.',"J.' ,arllon ..:, '. .:'.".2~.c.~.J4r]! I ',nid"i/ .~~[#'\i~~;~~?"t~;;;h' . ,'",."\I'A"':"';';'~' ;.'1;;""""", ,!:.:,' i;:__...~" .'