HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 97- Brooks, Gene & Barbara Deed . .. . , . fILM 177 PACf431J QUITCLAIM DEED Tf-IIS INDENTURE, made this ~ day of September , 1997, by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation, with principal offices at 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana, party of the first part, and GENE S. BROOKS and BARBARA A. BROOKS, husband and wife, the party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1,00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by the party of the second part, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby convey, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said party of the second part and to its heirs and assigns, all rights, title and interest in and to the following described real property, situated in Gallatin County, Montana and more particularly described as follows: A tract of land 30 feet by 66 feet being all that portion of the southerly one-half or thirty (30) feet of vacated Curtiss Street as vacated by Ordinance #567 dated December 9, 1927, lying southerly of and adjacent to Lot 2, Block C, Marwyn Addition (being a rearrangement of Blocks 13, 14, 15, 18, 19 and 20 of the Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman, Montana), more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 2; thence along the easterly line of said Lot 2 projected southerly a distance of 30 feet to the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street and the true point of beginning; thence along the easterly line of said Lot 2 projected southerly a distance of 30 feet to the south line of said vacated Curtiss Street; thence westerly along the south line of said vacated Curtiss Street parallel to and 60 feet distant from the south lot line of said Lot 2, a distance of 66 feet; thence northerly a distance of 30 feet to the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street; thence easterly along the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street a distance of 66 feet to the true point of beginning containing 1,980 square feet, or 0.045 acres. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises with the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part, its heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set its hand and seal the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN Party of the First Part By: (0~ t~~~ Don E. Stueck, Mayor .. . . ATTEST: fiLM 1 "nfAU4314 ~X~ Clerk of Commission STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss. County of Gallatin ) On this~ day of b4~ ~ , ] 997, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State o(Mo tana, personally appeared DON E. STUECK and ROBIN L. SULLIV AN, known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of Commission, respectively, of the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. otary Public for the State of Montana, residing at Bozeman My Commission Expires (;, - /-.:). 5'~9 / v 352448 State ~f MOItt., County of GaUatln. ss Filed for record OCTOBER 1::- ,19-22.. at 11: 12 A. M., ~nd r~COfl..lej In Book 177_ 9f I!EEDS. _page 4313 SC.'lI., <'1'..- Recorder. 1Iy~?" /.~. .Deputy FEE: $12.00 RT: CITY OF BOZEMAN PO BOX 640 BOZEMAN MT 59771-0640 . . .. . EXHIBIT "A" A tract of land 30 feet by 66 feet being all that portion of the southerly one-half or thirty (30) feet of vacated Curtiss Street as vacated by Ordinance #567 dated December 9, 1927, lying southerly of and adjacent to Lot 21 Block CI Marwyn Addition (being a rearrangement of Blocks 13, 14, 15, 181 191 and 20 of the Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman, Montana), more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 2; thence along the easterly line of said Lot 2 projected southerly a distance of 30 feet to the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street and the true point of beginning; thence along the easterly line of said Lot 2 projected southerly a distance of 30 feet to the south line of said vacated Curtiss Street; thence westerly along the south line of said vacated Curtiss Street parallel to and 60 feet distant from the south lot line of said Lot 21 a distance of 66 feet; thence northerly a distance of 30 feet to the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street; thence easterly along the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street a distance of 66 feet to the true point of beginningl containing 11980 square feet, or 0.045 acres. -~ , .........-.,...---.--.--...-..._~~-~ -.'.-. .. 0 , GALLATIN COUNTY IAR ASSOCIATION FORM NO, 4 WARRANTY DEED JlLM 29 ~1447 (JOINT TENANCY) For Value ReeelvedVERNON Q. ERICKSON and FLORENCE 1. ERICKSON, husband and wife, of Gallatin County, Montana, the rrantor s ,do hereby rrant, bargaIn, sell, convey and confirm unto GENE S. BROOKS and BARBr.RA A. BROOKS, husband and wife, of 1206 West Curtiss, Bozeman, Montana, ......'1.". ."".... ,.;. the rranteea, .. JoInt tenants (and not as tenants In common). and to the survivor of ~aid , named joint tenants, and theIr alllll~s, and to the heirs and assigns of such survivor, the -; Collowlng described premlsel, In Gallatin County, Montana, to-wit: Lot Two (2) in Block "C" of Marwyn, a Rearrangement of Blocks 13, 14, 15, lB, 19, 20 and adjacent vacated streets of the Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman, Montana, according to theofficialplatthereof on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana. TOGETHER with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. SUBJECT to any and all existing easements or protective covenants of record, if any. ,. ....,.' ,.'~. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances unto the said Grantees, all joint tenants with right ot survivorship (and not as tenantll in common) and their assigns, and to the heirs and IIlIsigna of the survivor ot said named joint tenants forever. And the said Grantor 5 do \ hereby convenant to and with the aald Grantees, that the y are the owner 5 In fee simple of said premises; that they are free from all incumbrances and that t he Y will warrant and defend the same from alllawfol claims whatsoever. JUlylQ...f 1975. ......~4?.L~~</ ., :1~)220 VERNON Q. ERICKSON .....u.cYX~~./Eft&~~i{~ ~ STATE OF MONTANA. COUNTY OF Gallatin 1 h~r~b)' ..,rtlCy thot tM. I""trum.'nt WA' rIl.'d for reford ut th~ f"<'QIIHt ..r at ~ 2:55 o.dock pm" Ulls 1 day of August 11 7 S.ID IIIJI orne.. and dldy "",>rdcd In Book 29 of Dnda at pap 1447 CARL L. STOCKY ... t2/;l- "Z:;::::;~. .-^-,- I-a TlIJ. c.. "-, 2.00 ------- r _" 15 ;~r: 1.265 ",0. U__Qtll'r G.,AIM UREO (UIIrM. Titl. ...d I..t.rut 0.1,) _COJlPOI\^TIO~ 11'.'1 ruUll'.!IIG ca. RI\I"~. 11I0"" ,1........- - =-------~- - - This -Indenture I Mode the. ....2R.tn ....... ,do)! of .J,ll-+Y.. ........ in the year of our Lord ofle tl",uS(",d "i"e hu"dred ,wd ..... .s.e...enty.-c.tw.Q.,........, bclUJeen .CI'l'YOF ,aO~EM!-N, ..t-\ON'l'ANh. i;lM\.ln~cipalC,,):"PNP.t,ion:. ...... ...... a carpotCltioFl orgaFli:ed a"d exi,ti"g lI"der the /alvs "f Ihe Slate ot. Monti1na partv of tl:e FlH::;T !'/lHT, Gnd. VE!<.NON Q,ERICKS()N,dl1d r'L()"ro:WT J..,f$flXC.K;;;.QN, husband and wife; ,11." rwrl y.. of 11,<" SECOND FAHT, IVfTNfSSETf-l; TlHlI iI" said part.. Y. of II,., FI!~ST I'/IHT fo!' and i11 cOFl,lide",ti"" 01 t/", .HI'" of one.. po;\..la);.. ,r....Q.tll(~);. 'Ie;( l).lablecons.idet-ilt i. oJi.)"t/l;Mi<f:RXY~XXXxx.xx.x) '0 ...,the..p.:u:.ty...ai...thB.,f.irsL..\Oa.r:L."..' . ill hand paid hv the ,aid pad.l of the SEeON D P A H 1". lI/e rc<c;pl of wl,ich 1\ hcreb,v "d",owledgcd; do. ~.~ .. IH~r(.hy remisc, ,dcClse and l1uik{uirn Urlto the Mlid pori. ..Y.. "f tI", "ecand part. alld 10 .,t.llc.ir..I,,,ir.\, nn'/ ,,,sign,. all of tlr" right. title. i11/"'e.lt. c/ai", "Fld de",,,,,d. ""tI, at 1",,, <1lld ill e<l<1i1v. 0/111 a, well", iFl po"c,.Iion 0' ill cxpe'/i""c.v. of the parl..'1" , of tl,c fir,t p"rt i" ,,,,,1 10 Il,e followi"g de,crihed real proper/v. ,itll"led in tire C'JII"tv ot.... Gallatin ...".. ,.. ,.. , ............"...... "nJ Strde of M ontan<1, lo.wit: A. t:ract of land thirty fce.t.inwidth"nd si"Ly,!3i-){ ft'e,t i-llJpngt.h J,ying. il.oJ.iJ.f;eflti'\f\,t SQ\lt\/Crly..oJ Lot), IHocJ<:.C"MClrlo'yn,l\.dcU.tioo. being. il..R8i\);ran\lCJlHmr. .oLILl.o.C;J<:.S 13,.14, ..1.5.,.18 ,. .1.9...~O.il.J\d .ad.j.accnt v aCat",gEl.tr: ",e. t.sHoftr! .~l-J()r..ther 0 p~~~fic I\.dditi9D,tOaO!sman.. M9fltana said.t:.r.il:".t .9.f..l.i\11<1..bd.!1'l a.. Poc<;'i.cmd thc..,nort.t\ ,.Q.nc..h,q...l.L. QL y a.<;: aJ,C:c.). CI,I t: .ti.~.$..~.I;,);.".(:: .t...il.$. Y."- G.<lt.e,LbyCit, yoL. 13.0 ZeDl".n., o.r:o.inan l: e. . II.:U.Q..d"i~G(j.. Mi;l.Y., V..., J,9.~.L...anilmm;e.Pil.rL.LC\)L.d'l d('.5l:XibcUdS..folJ QW5 ; ,.13 ~.<;l inn.ing. ..at, ..th<!.. ,am.!. tllea.s.tex.1y... C,Qx.rwr ..0"::'.. sa id.. LoL.. 2.;... ,tl1cnc e.. .:.lloug. \:10.,".. .e.il ".t.~J:JY.. .l;.i.n~. ..()f ..5." ~~lJ'.o ~_.}.. PI:.? j !!'.c;; teel,.5 C;>U th.~I:.1Y. .\1..c:lj.~ ~i'.l.l"~,. oJ t: hir ty....t 3 .O.~,.. .fee. t;... the ucc.. .wes. ter: 1 y. ..pax.;:t1.1e.l.. t_o.. a:1d... thir.t y....( J.Cl).. ._Lee. t . .di.s tant,..fr.om..the...5auth .1o.t..J.ine . of.. .said . .Lot...2...c. ..dis.til-nce. .O.L. ,silLty- six, J6liL fee t;. ..thenr;.c .na);,r.he.r:-l.y. a. ,.dis. tance o..L,t.hixt-y ,(.3. 0.), .f.ect..t.o . tl1.e..sQl.lthw~st ..c;;Q,I\",I;..()t.~i\~ilj,,9t .2.;, ...t..hen(;C'.. ei.' st,c;cJ. y..<llon9... the..5 !J.U th 1 t , ,l line of said Lot 2 a distance of sixty-six (66) t.cet.t9tl,CPo.il1t .of hedrii-iii-ig :conlai"iiil1gT9BO sqiiare'fe.el;..... .....',..... .. d. .... ... /o!<e),er wil" ail alld ,illRulm the fcne,"ent,. he,edit","enb. 'HlJ (lOpurten'Hlces t""'clo behtlgitlR. or i" "Flyll';'" appert"inlrlg, "lid '''e retl/.I. i.I.IIlCS "tld prufil.\ ,hcreof. ;f ""y . ...".., ..... --....... .....--, .. .......-- .... ...".., ........... 1 N WiTNESS W 11 EHEOF. ,aid parly nf !l,e fin! pari "<1, c"u,ed it, corpor"le name 10 be sublCribed alld it.! corpora!e ,eal to be affixed. by it, proper officers. Ihereunto duly autl,orized, on thi.l...?6,t~.......Jay of..... .Jul.y.......... ........A. D., 1'.1.7.2..... I ATTf-'lT: mW~~ "'. '1...1) ~.,~. By ._. .... . . ..... n.. ..... .. .. ... .d~~:~;;;~\1~:.~ ~.~~~i~.~.~.~.~~.. MAYOR . ." . it.\\,\.;~...... i _, 15 >~G( 1266 STATE OF MONTANA. \ 6 I.L (ounlv of ... _.A.\.-'"'I'lJllk'..........,.,.. ......,.. ~ . '.:j lit' \ . ...in tl,e year /I}}?c-.-, before me f) On II".. -J day 0/, ..~- .,\!c-J \\V~I~^-T. ...F.. .hL 'I.",.')... .., a Nolar); ['lIblic for the _ < . . l'c' C . .." -,' [.>/ ' V tl, I ilV'. :'Iak of Mon,ana. pcrso,,,,IIV appe<1icd. ..11.....''''-\... ,.(.>\At\\~....,.. ....I.,..rt... ..'. . tl.\()..,....,.. I(n(llon to me (""-P'~.+o---rne.."n the oalh of. ) to be ,1"MA:/Q.~J,L.lt1i.V.f.(C'".~!~),.vJ,...,.. .... of II,,, corpoullion thol c.\"Celll"d Ihe n,i!hin irlSlrllmenl and ad:noll'lcd~cd /0 me thai .uch corpora/ion excCllted I/.e -,ame. 'N W' TN ESS W H mEOF. , '""' ''''':lr ", m, ,,,"" ""d """," "''' 0" ,,'"' 5",' ";.\' Ih, J", ""J ''"' '" Ii," ",Ii'"",, T'" Ff"''''YIJ . _~". ,; V '.'. .. Q .\J...'I".. . . . c-.,,' ".' . \ <, Nolary roil lie for 11,0 Stoic! of Mordan", .' t-lr~~ 'y ,"" ":' f,t l' "'\~l" ~f PHI:~i -fr. \. :. \.,:., ,I.. '., f\t:S.1 "":1 He.iJjt$ at .h)LC\l:i.'j,.,,;,l.h~c,.,~.;,~""J;dj,W:l.. . ...My CO'II1"i-,-,ion e-,pi". . ...,., ..,. 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