HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 97- Dahl, Eldon H. Deed . . . ' ." fiLM 177PAtf4:115 QUITCLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this --.2ru:L day of Spptemher , 1997, by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation, with principal offices at 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana, party of the first part, and ELDON H. DAHL, the party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by the party of the second part, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby convey, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said party of the second part and to its heirs and assigns, all rights, title and interest in and to the following described real property, situated in Gallatin County, Montana and more particularly described as follows: A tract of land 30 feet by 75 feet being all that portion of the southerly one-half or thirty (30) feet of vacated Curtiss Street as vacated by Ordinance #567 dated December 9, 1927, lying southerly of and adjacent to Lot 3, Block C, Marwyn Addition (being a rearrangement of Blocks 13, 14,15,18,19 and 20 of the Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman, Montana), more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 3; thence along the easterly line of said Lot 3 projected southerly a distance of 30 feet to the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street and the true point of beginning; thence along the easterly line of said Lot 3 projected southerly a distance of 30 feet to the south line of said vacated Curtiss Street; thence westerly along the south line of said vacated Curtiss Street parallel to and 60 feet distant from the south lot line of said Lot 3, a distance of 75 feet; thence northerly a distance of 30 feet to the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street; thence easterly along the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street a distance of 75 feet to the true point of beginning containing 2,250 square feet, or 0.052 acres. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises with the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part, its heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set its hand and seal the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN Party of the First Part By: (C/o,-, / /I~ Don E. Stueck, Mayor . .. , fiLM 171 PACE4J16 ATTEST: (2t ;/ ~&~ Clerk of Commission STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss. County of Gallatin ) On thi~ day of :/t,LZ4-<LL< / , 1997, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State o~M ntana, personally appeared DON E. STUECK and ROBIN L. SULLIV AN, known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of Commission, respectively, of the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names arc subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. , ... .....'i'~~!j'r,c,~~~'~;~,~t_";\,. .' .'~I:'~I""'" '<,~~~,SWHE~OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the ~ ,:;p~~- . '.. ' . '~~$>ilbove wrItten. '''"tt.1'. . "i,.(\~.:,." T"J' 1'1. .,l\.' 0". I. "'. . .,. .' .. I.. """':",~" ': ',)t~i'!'" !.~: ",.' ':'$'<0,/ '.. . ~ t..". ~"'(' ,I' ",. ,_. .'." '~4~;; ....:...~. . j< . ,. 'OI'.~'~.. ... .... .'_' .;: ~ t''/:l'}' : ~,.'~t 'I. ,,"_ ~, . . V'" ',~"% '... ....'- :: ',,", ':.;.:.' " ..~. ',(~\ ":'''!~~> ': " f:...' I. ; :'.,.J;" .;.~.' ~) ~ \-0--1.. ..''-,,4/ ' ~"!.::,ltr,, ':. " ,~~": ::,p :". ',~:~~.'o/ , ' -e,'''-" ~!~IJ~ ',I c.~'I"~-: Notary Publi~ ~or the State of \i"i'l\l'':1fr~i''~;;' Montana, resldmg at Bozeman My Commission Expires t '/..>-. J.9 i J 352449 State ~f Mortt., ~ou~ty of GaMalin: ss Filed for record OCTOBER 15" . 19 at 11.13 A. __. 1\1! ~I!d rCi;O ;-;,t::~: It. dock 177 01 DEEDS a '-2L .sC.OE1J . J7'"".. Recorllii1Bf ,:::;));f' / ~p gc lW.U.. , . ~. - ~ Deputy FEE: $12,00 RT: CITY OF BOZEMAN PO BOX 640 BOZEMAN MT 59771-0640 . . " . EXHIBIT "A " A tract of land 30 feet by 75 feet being all that portion of the southerly one-half or thirty (30) feet of vacated Curtiss Street as vacated by Ordinance #567 dated December 9, 19271 lying southerly of and adjacent to Lot 3, Block C, Marwyn A ddition (being a rearrangemen to f Blocks 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, and 20 0 f the Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman, Montana), more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 3/ thence along the easterly line of said Lot 3 projected southerly a distance of 30 feet to the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street and the true point of beginning/ thence along the easterly line of said Lot 3 projected southerly a distance of 30 feet to the south line of said vacated Curtiss Street/ thence westerly along the south line of said vacated Curtiss Street parallel to and 60 feet distant from the south lot line of said Lot 3, a distance of 75 feet; thence northerly a distance of 30 feet to the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street; thence easterly along the centerline of said vacated Curtiss Street a distance of 75 feet to the true point of beginningl containing 21250 square feet or 0.052 acres. --.. . . I ~ -" STA~ONTANA ~ ss. rlLM 167 pm3785 County of ""'-.... ) Filed for rec his day of ,19 at o'clock _.M. and Recor -"--~Qok.-~-of-oeeds onpage of the records of Cou ty-o~-- , State of Montana, Clerk and " Itl Recorder by . u ~ --------- ~ :;; -. w'o THIS INDENTURE, Made the ~ day of October, 1n the year of our E ~ Lord one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six between VIRGINIA F. DAHL ~ ~ of 1214 East curtiss, Bozeman, MT 59715, the party of the first part ~ ~ and ELDON H, DAHL, of 1214 East curtiss, Bozeman, MT 59715, the party ::. u~ of the second part. f ~ _ WITNESSETH: That the said party of the First Part for and in i consideration of the sum of One DOHarand other Valuable consideration ~ ($1.00 & OVC) to her in hand paid by t~e said party of the Second Part, r receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: does hereby grant, convey, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said party of the second ~ part, and to his heirs, and assigns, all her right, title and interest, ~. including any after-acquired interest, to the following described real ~ estate, situated in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, to-wit: ~ ~ A tract of land 30 feet by 75 feet lying Southerly adjacent to Lot 3 of ~ Block C, Marwyn Addition being the Rearrangement of Blocks 13, 14, 15, u';!. 1B, 19, 20 and adjacent vacated streets of the Northern Pacific ~~ Addition to Bozeman, Montana, more particularly described as follows: ~ ~ That portion of the vacated N\ of curtiss street as vacated by city of ~ ~ Bozeman Ordinance #760 May 23, 1951, beginning at the Southeast corner ~ ~ of said Lot 3; thence along the Easterly line of said Lot 3 projected ~:~ southerly a distance of 30 feet; thence Westerly parallel to and 30 ~:>, feet distant from the southerly lot line of said Lot 3 a distance of 75 ~ ~ feet; thence Northerly a distance of 30 feet to the Southwest corner of ~ ~ said Lot 3; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said Lot 3 a o ~ distance of 75 feet to the point of beginning. ~ .J .J "(" - - '," (, / / ti ~ I J r r ,., /' /- ( /( ." . ,/ '.", I.. i' / .; ;" 1 ~ vi together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances II: ~ thereto belonging, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title interest, dower, right of dower, property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever as well in law as in equity, of the said party of the first part, or, in or to the said premises and every part and parcel thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises, with the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set her hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of _,/, ,. _~ '\-' 1)/ tL1!t:/kd . -t-..y 04/!0 (SEAL) VIR INIA F. DAHL ~,... ::J..., :,::,':ik ;:;i.~ , :" . .. . , ' STATE OF MONTANA ) filM 167PA([3786 : sa. County of Gallatin ) On this d- day of October, nineteen hundred and ninety-six, before me a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared VIRGINIA F. DAHL, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. (-/ ~ . L<,.' (,' ;/-l~ . A ( .( _. .It {,. - .. . ~ Notary Public for the State of Montana :0 Residing~#";:'";,( ,.; .(~,..(; My commission expires ,. '/. "J ~ it . :J..'r.'/ / ~ . (,...... Io,. ~.tA/ .. ..' ~ :7'. ~ .. ..~. ,.-;;.......~:<..) .... . ~..,.. ' cj :!?! f.J<t,1.t>.RJI:.... ~ ~,...... ".:. ,'~~l r El~L):' L .4....0,;. \ ..., / ~ ._ \ '''.:--,:. .... .J.~~.. . ~ fJ! j. .....~" ~ :J . .; .......;.~~.. <t ~ ...." 1'C O. ",\'1 ."J u.,.j ..f1'~. ".. 0"'" . 0. N ... 333633 UJ 0 -. ::J OJ ;Jz State of Mont. Coalttf of Gallatkl. .. FtlMI flf FH8rd 00 OCTOBER 22 .192.,L ....~ :<:::!. It 3:03 P M.. aod recorded In 10M ~ of ~ ~EEDS PIQ8 3785 ""$: ~vi .8~1I rl14 1'~"u'J RaoGrHr." Cn f\f\. 0 r; :A1rVrJ/r"'iI '" 8I9Uty W'Ot FEE: $12,00 RT: ALLIED LAND TITLE, INC ( "",.,. .-~oOtana Deed of Trust . 555!31!BOPOO m~ 167PACfJ787 wen/Credit line Number 544 0 0 219 57 11115 INDfNItJRE, nwde \his 17th day of Oetobe1" A.D. .1996 ,between ~LDON H. DAlfI., whose mailing address is 1214 B CURTISS ST. aozBMAN...--L.-..-MT 597153g64 ---, IS Gnntor, ALLIED LANtl TITLE. me. with principal office at 24 S WILLSON. aOZl!:MAN. MT 59715 IIlI Trustee, ond JIRST BANlC MONTAN~TIONAL ASSH 104 East Main with principal office at BOZBMAN, NT 59715 ,as Beneficiary. Wl'TNESSETlI: (Cheek box 1, 2 or 311ld. ifgr1llltor is a thUd-party pledgor, box 4,) [!] Wberellll, ELDOH H. D1\HL .-. - ("Borrower") has executed ond delivew.! to FIRST ElANKJolOKl'AUA------- NATIONAL ASSN a promi~ry note dated ...Ql;;~:Z:: 17. 199..6.....- (and loan agreement dated ._) for the prineipal5Unl of TWENTY rtvB THOUSAND TWO IWNDUD TWENTY DOLl.ARS AND 50 q:NTS dollars (S 25 . 220 .50 ) with interest thereon from the date thereof, until paid, at the rate set forth in said note, said principal sum and interest thereon tn be paid at such limes and in such amounts as set out in the promissory nOle (and loan agreemenl, if applicable) said note (and loan agreement, if applicable) by reference being made a part hereof to the same extent as though set out in full herein, and, as specified in said note (and loan agreement, if applicable), the remaining balance of said principalsurn shall be due and payable on ...Ql;;.t.ober 17. Z.ll..C..O--- (the "Maturity Date") or at such latcr t" date IIlI may be provided by any renewal or extension agreement. renewing or exlending the referenced np, :: .:;:;;0 Whereas, .-.---------.-..-- ~ ("Guarantor") !la_ executed and delivered to -------" ~ a Gu.1r.lllty dated _. guaranleeing the indebtedness ~ of .-- ~ '" ("Borrower") at Vl "l and all el(lensions or renewal. thereof including, withoul limitation, such other existing and future ~ lDdebterlness of the Borrower to .-- F i provided under the temlS of the Guaranty which, by thi. reference, is made a part hereof, as though set forth in full herein; ~~reas, t;Il E ("Borrower") has executed and delivered to 2 tl a revolving credit line agreement dated . --- --". by and betw~en ~ lJlorrower and -.-. , ~ ~hich provide. to Borrower an open-ended, revolving line of credit up to the anlount of .---....-" ..... doU"",($ ____.,_-_), plus 5 ;:kcrued flllllllce eharge.; said prin<:ipal, intere.t and flllllllee charge. being payable at such times and in such amounls as ""t out in ,;aid revolving credit line ~ ::agreement, whieh by reference is made a pan hereof as if sel forth in full herein; ~as, Gnntor has agreed to hypothecate the Grantor', intere,t in the property described herein as eollaleral securily for the obligalions of Ihe Guar.Ultor or Bonower described above, And, Whereas. Gnntor i. de.iro'" of securing the pronlptpa)ment of the indebtedne!<S, both principal and inleresllhereon as above ""t oUI, in whoSl: hands soever the said note, agreement, or continuing guaranty may be, .uch holder of said nOle. agreement, or guaranty being referred to hereafter as Beneficiary; payment of all JIIIIII expended or advanced by the Beneficiary under Or pursuant to the t.'nll. hereof, together with inlerest thereon as herein provided, perfomulllce of each agreement of Grantor herein and in said note, agreement or continuing guaranty contained; and payment of any future advances, in no event e~c..ding -'-- dollan, now in cuntemplation of the partie., if the Beneficiary at it. sole option elect. to make any advance. whatsoever. Now, Therefor, Gnntor, in consideration of the premises, and for the PWl"'se. aforesaid, has granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, and <.10<:. hereby 8'"dlll, bargain, aell and convey unto Trustee, in tnt.st forever, all thOiIC certain premise. and property _ituate in the County of GALLATIN ' Slllte ofMonlana, known and described as follow., to.wit: Legal Description: SBS LEGAL DBSCRIPTION ATTACHED Otberwiae known as (_I address): 1214 E CURTISS 6T ElOZEMAN, MT 597153864 Toptber With all buildings ond improvements oow or hereafter erected thereon, all ilCfCCns.. storm sashes, awnings, allaChcd carpet and noor covering, beating. Iightillg. plumbins. pi. elc<:trie ventilatillg. refrigerating ond air-<:ooditioning equipment used in COllllCClion therewith, aU of which. under thi. instrument, shall be deemed a part of the ~ty as between the parties bcreto, The exprns enumeration of the foregoing itena shall DOt be deewed to limit or resaict the applicability of.,y other \aopI1JCI deaqibina in IJCIIlCfIII tenna other property in1endcd to be covered hereby. Together With all and ainguIar the teDmlents, bereditaments, righl. rights of way, easewenta. privilqp and appurtenances, thereunto belonging. or in anywioe ..,pc.-.inina (all . part of the pmniacs hereby couveycd) which abaII be deemed to include hilt not to be Iimiled to (i) all =t.s, issues, profit.s, royalties and \leDefita there&ooll, aubject. ~. to the right. powcl" and lIUthority bereinafter givm to and conferml upon Beneficiary or the bolder of . Certificate of P\JrdIBIe to col1ec:t such rcuta. iAucs and profits: (ii) all impromnents, lixt1.IreIllld eqWpmetll (whether or not lIIlDCXed thereto) DOW or hereafter used in I;OIlllectioQ therewith; (ill) all WlIlc:r md rights to the \l:Ie ofwater for cbDe:sIi<:. agricullural. wanufacturing and 11I1)' other purposes thereon to which Gnntor and/or the premiaes hereby coowyed lie llIllW oc may bereafter beamc etIIitled; (iv) alllixtures aod equipmall (wbelb::t or notllWlCXed th=to) IIOW or bcreafter used for the produdioo oc distributioo of water tbmoo oc foc the irriplioa oc drainaQc tbeRof, (v) all shares of water oc shares of stock in atrj water, irrigation or ditch COIIIpllIlY wbidI in my _ etIIitles Gn\IltOr mi'oc the premiaes hereby ~ to waICr far; domestic. agriI;uItura1. IllalII1facturig BQd any other purposes IIpO<I ..ud pran;,... including any such $bares to which Grtmtoc or the paoiscs IIIIl)' be entitlcl and togetber with 11I1)' such sbares bcreafter ~ by Grantor fN at"" ,uch plJl1'O'C5o and (,'i) all judgments, aWlInls "r damagn and senlemenls hereafter made as a result of or in lieu of any ralcing oflbe premises, or any part - --~- ," . r/lM 167P~CEJ78S thereof, under the power of eminenl domain. or for any damage 10 the pmnises or the ilnprovemenlS Ibcmm, or 10 any pan thereof. wbcthcr cauocd by -" tBkins Dr olberwilWl, such part of llllY ..x:h jucllJlllenl, lIWIUd or lWInlemenllS Benefici8ly may elect 10 be applied 10 the indebledness hereby !CCIll'Cd and the blllaocc thereof, if lUIy, 10 be reSCl'Ved 10 the pari)' or parties otherwise enlilled 1here1O. Tilne is of the essence hereof. Upon default by Gnmtor in the payment of any indebtedness secured bereby or in the performance of llllY agreemenl hereundeT. all 5WIlS secured llCfCby shall immediately become due and payable althe oplion of the Bcneficilll)'. In the event ohuch default, Beneficiary may execute Dr cause Tro:<tee to execute a wrinen notice of defaull and of election 10 cause suc:h property to be sold to sati$fy the obligations hereof, and Tro:<tee or Beneficiary shall me ~h nolice for record, in each county wherein said properly or some part thereof i$ silUaled. Benefid8/)' shall also deposit with Tro:<lee, the note and all ~dDcumen15 evidencing el<pClldilUreS secured hereby. 'l<;) ~Afler the lapse of such lime as may then be required by law following the recordation of said nOlke of default and of election to cawe said property to be sold, and notice of default and notice of sale having been given as then required by law, Tru.<tee, or its anomey, withoul demand on Grantor, .ruul sell said propcrt)' on the ..::::. date and al the time and place designated in said nolice of sale, either as a whole or in separate parcels, and in such order... it may determine (but subject 10 any . _tutory right of Gnmtor to direct the order in which such property, if consisting of several known lot< or parcels, .ruul be 5Old). at public auction to the highe.t !i ~dder, the purchaJe price payable in cash in lawful money of the United State. at the time of sale. The person conducting the sale may. for any cause be rlo.'Cm. _, ~pedient, po.tpone the ...Ie for a period nol exceeding fifleen (15) days by public proclamation by such person at the time and place fixed in the DOtke of sale. and ~ OlD other notice of the postponed sale need be given. Tru.<tee shall execute and deliver 10 the purchaser its deed conveying said property so sold, but without any l= mvenant of warranty, express or implied. The n:<:ital. in the deed of any maners or fact. shall be cDnclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. Any peMn o including Benefidlll)' (but cxcluding Tro:<tee) may bid at the sale, Afler deducting all costs and expon...s of exereising the power of sale and of the sale, including Z ~st of sean:h and evidence of title, advertising and recording expen..., documentlll)' taxes lUld Tru.<tces' and anomey's fces, Trustee .ruul apply the proceeds of :) JliJe to payment of all amount. secured hereby and due hereun&..'f, including all sums expended b>' the Trustee ...J BeneficiaI)', or either of them, with accrued o [nterest thereon at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum from the date of expenditure thereof, and the surplus, if any, to the person or person.< legally entitled :; lhcreto; provided that the Trustee, in it. discretion, may deposit such surplu.< with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the ..,Ie took place. -'~ <.t C' l2 ~tor agrees to surrender poSSCllSion of the hereinabove dellCribed tro:<t property to the purchaser at the aforesaid sale on the tenth (lOth) day following said sale. Z !Wthe event such posscssion has not previously been delivered by Grantor. ~ ~. t;; tn the occurrence of any default hereunder, Denefici8/)' shall have the option to decl8l1l all sumS secured hereby immediately due and payable and foreclose this 0; <tlndenlUre in the manner provided by law for the forcelosure of mortgage. on real property and Denefidary ~hall be entitled to recover in .uch proceedings all costs and expenses incident thereto, including a rea.<onable anomey's fee in sueh amount as shall be fixed by the Court. And Grantor covenants and agrees to and with Trustee, that al the time of the delivery of these presents he i. well seized of the said premise. in fee simple, and ha.< good right, full power and lawful authority to grant. bargain. ",II and convey the SIUIle in manner and form aforesaid, hereby fully and absolutely waiving and releasing all rights and claims he may have in or 10 said premises lIS a homestead exemption or under or by virtue of MY homestead. stny. appn>isement and exemption laws now existing Dr which may hereafler be enacted; and that the SIUIle are free and clear of all lien. and eocumbrances wh.,tever, save and except re~trietions and e"'lements both of record and also taxes and ....ssment. not yet due lUld payable lUld those lien. and encumbrances specified in pat1\graph 4 below. and the above barpined premises in the quiet and peaceable posscs.'ion of Trustee "gainst alllUld every peMn or persoll.' lawfully claiming or to claim the whole Dr any part thereof. Grantor shall and will Warrant and Forever Defend. Grantor neroby Furtber Covenants And Agrees with and for the benefit of Trustee and Benefiei8/)': 1. (Applicable only if Gnmtor i. liable under the promi....ry note, guaranty or revolving credit line agreement described above.] To pay prontplly all sums, including interest, secured hereby when due, lIS provided for in said promissory note and any renewal, extension or modification thereof, and in this deed of trust; all such ~ums to be pa>'able in lawful money of the United States of America. At the Benefici8/)"s option. Gnmtor shall pay a "late charge" not.xceeding five per eentum (5%) of any installment when paid more than fifleen (15) day. after the due date thereof to coVer the extra expense involved in handling delinqu.nt payments. 2. To pay, bllfore the same become delinquent, all taxes and assessments of every type and nature levied or assessed against said premises or upon Truste.'s Or Beneficiary'. interest therein. or upon this deed of trust or said note or tho indebtedness secured hereby, withDut regard 10 any law, heretofDre or her.afler enacted. imposing payment of all or llIlY part thereof upon Tro:<tee Dr Beneficiary. In the event of enactment of any law imposing payment of all Dr any part of any such taxes upon Trustee or Beneficiary, or the rendering by any court of competent jurisdiction of a decision that the undertaking by Grantor. as herein provided. to pay such tax or tax.s i$ legally inoperative, then. unless Grantor nevertheless pays .uch taxes, all sum. hereby secured, without any dcdUClion. shall at the option Df Beneficilll)' become immediately due and payable, notwithstanding anything contained herein or any law heretofon: or hereaner enacted. 3. (Applicable only if Grantor i.liable under the promis.<ory nOle, guaranty or revolving credit line agrcement described al><)\'e.1 To pay. at the r.oquest of D.neficiary. togeth.r with, and in addition to, the monthly I'a)ments of principallUld intere.t payable under the terms of the note or agreement evideocing the indebtedness secured hereby, on the same day of the month,'" the prineipal and interest installments are due and payable, until said indcb.edness.is fully paid, a sum cquallO the taxes and special ....ssm.nts, if any, next due on the property described herein, plus the premium. that will next becom. due and payable on policies of f..., and other ha7JuU insurance on said propcrt)' as .stimated by the holder of the nole or agreement evidcncing the indebtedness (''hold.:r''), less all .wns already paid therefor, divided by the number of months to elapse before one month prior 10 the date when such taxe., ....ssment. and premiwns will become delinquent, 5UCh sums to be held by the holder in \nISlto pay said taxes, assnsments, and premiwn. before same become delinquent. In the event that the amoWlt SO paid to the holder shall nol be 5Ufficient 10 pay said taxes, lISSCSSIOents, and premiwns when due. then the Grantor shall deposit immediately with the holder an amount sufficienl to pay said taxes, assessments, and premiums. Default in making any of said payment. required for the purpose of providing funds for the payment of taxes, assessments, and premium!.. aforesaid shall at the option of the holder mature the entire indebtedness S<'<.-ured hereby. If there shall be a dcfault under llllY of the provisions of this instrtIment resulting in a sale of the properly or foreclosure, or if the holder acquired the property otherwise after def.u1t it shall apply. at the time of commencement of 5UCh pro<:ftdinllo or al the time the properly i$ otherwise acquired, the balance lhcn remaining of the funds accumulated under this provision.. a aNit against the amount of principal then remaining unpaid under said note. No intet.", sha\1 accrue or be allowed on any paymen~ made under the provisions of this paragraph. On full payment of the eked of tr\ISt debt any unused portion of the fund shall be paid over to the owner. On prepayment of the debt any amount in the fUllCl shall be mdited on the indebtedness. Transfer oflega1 title to the propcrt)' aforesaid shall automatically tran.<fer to the new owner the beneficial interest in the l\md. 4. To immediately pay and disdlarge llIlY claim, lien or cncumlnance agains! such premises which may bll or become superior 10 this deed of trust, except for the foUowin8= LIENS AND ENCUMBRANCES OF RECORD 5. To kcq> the pmnises insured qainslloss or damage by flte (with extended c:ovcrage) and such other hazards lIS Ill.ly be requind by Beneficiary. in fonn and amounts satisfactory 10, and in insunU:e companies appnm=d by Bale6ciary and with ....:cptable loss payable claUS<!S running 10 Beneficiary .m.ched so wtlDss proceeds sba!I. at Beneficiary's optioCl. be applied 10 said indebtcdnes:l. \\1lCIher due Of DOl. or to the n:storatioa of said improvements, or be released to OnonlOr. Such policies, together with -" abs\raI;t$ of title and other title evidmce as may be required by Beneficiary, sbalI be deliv=d to and held by Benefici8ly without liability. UI"'" fote<;\osure of this deed oflNSl Of other ~tiott of the pmnises. or any part thcreofby Beneficiary. -" policics. abstra<:u and title evidence shaJI become the absolute property of the BcneflCiazy. . -,.- - ~ -. flu~ 167~nJ789 6. To flnlt obtain 1he wrlnen COll5eflt of Benefi~, lu~h consent to be granted Of withheld It the sole discretion of Beneficiary, before (i) removing OT deU10lishing any building Of a\nJe\Ul"e now or hereafter en:c:ted on the premises, (ii) a1lering the amngement, design or struc:tutaI ~han>o;ler ~f, (iii) making any rq>ain whi~h invol"" the removal of stru<;tUra! parts or the exposure of the int.riOT of su<;h building to the clements. OT (iv) exc'pl fOT domemic purposes, ",rung Or removing or pennilling the cutting or removal of any tree. or timber on the premises. 7. To maintain premise. in good condition and repair, including but not limited to the making of su~h repain as Benefi~ may from time 10 time dctcnninc + to be nece5-'lll}' fOT the preservation of the premise~ to take all necc5-'lll}' and reasollllble precautions 10 protect said premises from damage by the .lcmc'Ilts or from _ the cold; and to not commit or suffer any waste thereof. p ~ 8. To comply with all laws, ordinance., regulations, covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting the premises, and not to suITer or p<mnit any violation ~ereof, ..::::. u ~. Not to alienate the lllid real estate without the prior wrltlen approval of the, Beneficiary, nor to encumber said real estate to the prejudice of the Beneficiary. ~ ~e event the GrantOT elects to a1ielt/lte the real estate, the Beneficiary reserves the option to change or modify the terms of the Note, Guaranty. Agre.ment w lIIldIor Deed of Trust. Beneficiary shall be entitled to charge a tramfer fee and collect reimbursement for expenses incurred as a result of said alielllltion. -I. I- .. t= ~ In the event of nonconlplianee with the terms of this Paragraph Nine, the B.neficiary may at its option decl",o all of tho remainder of the indebledn.... ~ iliunediately due or payable, whether or not any other default exists. lhis cov.nanl shall rut. with the real estale and remain in full foree and effe.:t unlil the <l., iridebt.dneas, secured hereby. is paid in full. Whether or not the Onmlor complies with tenns of this PlU1lgraph Nine, the Beneficiary may deal with any successor c; orsuceeSlOrs in interest with reference to the real estale and debts, secured hereby, in the SlUlIe Inanner lI.'I wit;. the Onmtor, without in any mlUlller vitiating or ':': discharging Grantor's liability hereunder or upon the debt secured, ~ '-Additionally. whether or not Grantor complies with the I.rms of this Paragraph Nine, in the .v.nt of aliolllllion or transfer of the litle to the property hereio I- &ribed. the purchaser or new owner shall be deemed to have assumed and agre.d 10 pay the indeblednes.< owing the Beneficiary hereunder, wbcther or oot the Z ~.nl evidencing such transfer expre..ly so provides. The Grantor shall al all times conlinue primarily liable on the indebtedne... secured until the Deed of !3 Tru.<1 is fully discbarBod or the Grantor is fonnally rel.a...d by an in.'tr\lIl1ent in wriling and duly e~cC\lted by the Beneficiary. ... V> w a: ;;'0. If Grantor fails 10 pay any claim, lien or encumbrance which is superior, or is alIeged to be superior. 10 this deed oftTUSl or, wben due. any tax, IlSSCssmenl or wurance premium, or 10 keep the premises in repair, or shall commit or suff.r wa.<te, or \0 do any other act as berein provided, tben Beneficiary, al its option. may pay aaid claim, lien, .ncumbranee, tax, lI.'I....ssment or premium (with right ofsubrogalion th"",under). may make such repairs and lake such sleps a.< il deem. advisable to prevent or cure such waste, and may appear in any .uch action or proceeding and retain counsel ul.rein. and take such action therein as Beneficiary deems advisable. and for any such purpose B.neficiary may advance such sums of mon.y. including all costs, attorn.ys' fees and other items of .xpense as it deema necclSllf)' or perfonn any other act required herein 10 be pcrfonned by tho Grantor. Beneficiary shall have the sole righllO make the detennination of the legality, validity. and priority of any such clainl, lien, en~'UIIlbranee, lax, lllISCssm.nt or premium, lIIld of Ul. amount necessary to be paid in satisfaction th.reof. Ben.fieiary shall not be held accountable for any delay in making any such paym.nt, whieh delay nlay result in any addilional interest, costs, cbarBes Or expen.<e otherwise, II. In the .v.nt the B.neficiary .hall appear in any action or proceeding purponing to alTect the title to said premises, the security intended to be given by this wtrument, or the priority thereof, either by bringing same, being made a party therelo, or .Ie.:ting to appear therein. the Grantor, in addition 10 all oth.r agreements contained herein. agree. to pay, upon dcmand all costs and expenses, including coun costs, costs of .videnc. of lit Ie and reasollllbl. attorneys' fees paid or incurred by B.neficiary and the same shall become a part of the indebtedness secured hereby. 12, In the ev.nl the premises hereby encumbered shall be abandoned, or shall be left unatlended, even though the property of Granlor bas not been removed therefrom, at such times as the premises are in danger of suffering, or have suITered from the elements or from the cold, Beneficiary is expressly authorized, but without obligation to do so, 10 enter upon the premise. through its .mployees or agents and without liability for so doing, to take such measures as it may deem nece5-'lll}' for the prolection and preservation of the premises and, for any such purpose, to advance such sums of money as it deems necessary. 13. If default be made in payment of any installment of principal or interest hereby secured, or any part thereof, when due, or in paY1l1ent of any other sum secured hereby. or in the performance of any of Grantor'. obligations, covenants or agreements herein. all of the indebtedness secured hereby shall become and be immediately due and payable al the option of B.neficiary, without notice or demand, which are h.reby expressly waived, in which event Beneficiary may avail itself of all rights and remedies, at law or in equity afforded by the laws of Montana, either through sale by the Trustee as above provided Or by foreclosure through the COurtl and Grantor shall pay all cosls, charges and .xpense. thereof, including a reasonabl. anomeis fee. 14. During the existence of any su<;h default and during any period of redemption after foreclosure sale or sale by Truslee hereunder, Ben.fieiary or the holder of 1he Certificate of Purcbasc shall be entitled to the possession. use and enjo)n1enl of the premise. aforesaid, and 10 the rents, issues and profit. thereof, all of which are hereby assigned to Beneficiary or 10 the holder of the Cenificat. of Purchase, lI.'I the ca... may be; and such possession. use and enjoyment of the premises aforesaid, and the rents, issues and profits thereof, shall at once be delivered to Beneficiary or the holder of the Cenificale of Purchuc on request and, on rel'usal, 1he delivery of such possession may be .nforeed by Beneficiary or the holder of such Cenificate of Purchase by any approprial' civil suil or proceeding; and Beneficiary or the bolder of the Certificate of Purchase, or either thereof, shall be .ntitled to a Re.:.iv.r for said premises, and of the rents, issues and profits thereof. after any such defaull, including the time covered by foreclosure proceedings and the period of redemption. if any there be, and shall be emitled thereto lI.'I a maner of right without regard 10 1he IOlvency or insolvency of Grantor or of the then owner of said premise. and without regard to the value of the premises, such Receiver to be appointed by any court of competent jurisdiction upon eX pane application and without notice, nolice being bcrcby .xpressly waived, the appointment ofsud1 Receiver on any su<;h application without notice being bcrcby consented to by Orantor; and all rents, is.'ues and profits, income and revenue of said premises -"'ill be applied by such Receiver a<:cording to law and the orders and directions of the coun. IS, No delay by Beneficiary in exercising lUlY right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise afforded by law, shall operate lI.'I a waiver thereof, or preclude the exercise thereof during the continuance of any default hereundo:r, No waiver by Beneficiary of any dtfault shall constitute a waiver of or consent to subS<.'<juem defaults. 16, (Not applicable wbero deed of UUSI ........... revolving line of credil or Guararlty.] In the evenl the OranlOT or $ucceSlOrs in interest de.ire 10 make payment. on principal in excess of those provided in the note se<;urN hereby, such prepa)n1ent shaI1 be subject to the following provisions: ... _ r .........- . - It . ~ . filM 167~f~ ~ 11. Without affecting the: liability of BlI)' penon (other 1hBn lUly penon expressly relcaxd pursuant herolO) for payment of any indebledu=< secured heroby, and __ without affecting the: priority or extent of the lien hereof upon any propcny IlOt specifically relcaxd pumtlUlt 1"""'10, Be""ficiary or T lU$lcc acting p=uanl to th<: ~ wrinen dUection of Beneficiary lIllIY al any time and from time to lime. without notice: and withoullimitation., as to lUll' 1egal right or privilege of Beneficiary or .:- TrllSlec. (i) rel.aae lUly penon liable for payment of any indebledne$s secured hereby; (il) extend the time or alV"" 10 alter the lenns of payment of any of th<: indebtedness; (ill) accept additional security of lllIY kind; (iv) release BlI)' part of said premises from this deed of trusl, or lUly O\'.:er ",,,t or penonal propcrt)' S scc;ur1ng the indebtedness; (v) <:ollKIltlo the: creation or releasing of lUly casement on or over said premises or any covenants re<tricting use or <:>ccupancy theToof; :J.,vi) join in any agreaDCIlt subordinating the lien or ~bange hereof. "- 18. Any agreement hereafter made by Grantor and Beneficiary pursuant to this deed of trUSt shall be superior to the rights of the bolder of any intervening lien Dr encumbrance. 19. It is agreed that the invalidity or Inapplicability of anyone Or more covenants, conditions, agreements. pbraoes, ~lauses, senlences or parts thereof of this deed oflrUSl ohaII not affect the remaining ponions of this deed of trUSt. or any other pan thereof. and in such event this deed of trUSt ohaII be construed as if such invalid or Inapplicable ponions had IIOt heel! set forth herein. 20. 1Ws deed of trUSt. together with the: covenants and agreements herein <:ontained, sha1I bind and the benefits and advantages hereof shall inure to the respective hein. executors, administrators, suee.ssors and assigns of the panics hereto, Whenever used, the singular number shall include the plurnl, th. plurnlthe sirtgullll'. and the use of any gender shall be: applicable to all g.nders, also all words herein used referring to Granlor as an individual shall be COll.,Wed to include z all hereinabove named Grantors whether individuals. corporations or associations and whether on. or more. All covenants. agreements and undertakings berein of ~ Grantor shall be joint and several. In the event additional numbered covenants are for eonv.nienc. inserted in this deed of trUSt following the legal description, I- _h additional numbered covenants shall be read and given effect as though following this covenant in cO\lSCl."live order. ' w.. cr N 21. This deed oftnlSl shall secure. in addition to the original indebtedne", any additional advances made by the Beneficiary or any subS<'<luellt holder under the nOle, loan agreement or the indebledneSS secured by the: guaranty. The Public Trustcc may. upon the production of ",lid oOle, or aweemeol. or guaranty duly cancelled, reI.... this deed of trUSt without funher showing as 10 said additional advances and without liability for so doing; such rele...... shall also coruslilule a release of the lien for any su~h advancements. In Wimess Whereof. Grantor has executed this instrUment the day and year fm;tabove wrinen. .,.=--- (~, /" vi {~ fr( ("B~N~.\~~~'< ,nY -- ._~_.__._~-_._---^- ATIEST: By (Seal) STATE OF MONTANA ! 55. Coo.~of Gallatin O.lhi. 17 th day of Oc tober, 1996 ,before me a NoI.ary Publidorthe State or Montana, personally appeo.-.d BLDQ!.'I H. DA?IL. . , known 10 me to be Ihe person(.) whooe namc(.) i. (sre) 5Ilbseribod 10 the wilhin in"lWl\enl5 and aeknowledged 10 me thaI he (1Ibe) (Ihey) "",,:,tcd,th. ..me. i. "il'''' wh=f. I have hereun.o set my hand and affixed my Nola. 0.' sl Seallhe day sad yea~ !1""',above .r;';') .$.. n ~ ' ~ ., I ", ' . \\\tt'''' . " , ~ I ' " , " ..'" 0' .. ~ '~I P .LI(~j lLi \.1- .{ T iLL it. ._,,- 04. ...: '" 1';..'0 Noury Publi. .~' ''''''V.."... .....' (' ~J R .., Bozeman ..:,' ._' It\kL .... ., """,ng at: . - :.. :.~\.,.~.. .. ~ . =~. 1. ,,' ~ '. Ii ' - "'- ".. b, ...~ <:....,. ~ V~,3 ~"', .: 'J.....'. ".. '_ \'" .......... '\it.\ ~', ~ : _. ~,~, .:.~...,~! r:~)l,;'~f1a..n, \,:.~,.;.. "- ,.. _ .' )""\:t:.., . MycommIJ$lon res:'." 1" r ... "'~'.i."Y ..;t1:......,.~,.,~-''''.. ",,-- #..~." ,_',... :'\.... ,J_ I 'o~ ":f .. ..~.., ~~ ,.' '11., '41l;O' ,.,.. ..,~.ai."'".," ....c ' REQUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE TO; TRUSTEE The UlldenigtlCd is the legal owner and holder of the note and all other indebtedness secured by the within Trust Indenture. Said note, together with all other indebtedt>ess secured by said TlUSl \Ddcnture. has been fully paid and satisfied and )"011 ar-e hereby requested and directed on pa)"mellllo )'OlI of lUly I1Illl$ owiDa to you under the rcnns of lllid TlUSllDde.l1Ire. to cancel said llOte above lIletltiooed and all other evidences of indebtedness secured by said TrIISIlndcnl1lre delivered to you herewith. together with said TlU$l Indmrure. and to "",onvey, without warranty. to the patti"" designated by the temu of said TlUSllndenl1lre. all the estate now held by )"ou ~under. II I ~_~to \ __ I ~ . . ... MONTANA fit,. 167r~fJ791 555!31!BDPOO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THAT REAL PROPERTY IS NOT EXEMPT FROM EXECUTION TIlE UNDERSIGNED BORROWER OF FIRST BANX MONTANA. NATIONAL ASSN ACKNOWLEDGES TIIA T TIlE DEED OF TRUSTrrRUST INDENTURE HERETOFORE OR CONTEMPORANEOUSLY HEREWTTII EXECUTED AND DELIVERED TO TIlE LENDER BY THE UNDERSIGNED BORROWER, WHICH DEED OF lRUSTrrRUST INDENIURE IS DATED October 17, 1996 AND WHICH DEED OF lRUSTrrRUST INDENIURE SECURES THE PAYMENf OF A PROMISSORY NOTE OR CREDIT "l;'"" LINE OF EVEN DATE IN THE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL SUM OF TlIBNTY rIVB THOll SAND 'l'lIO BtlNDlUlD 'l'lIBN'l'Y DOLLAAS AND 50 ~ _ CBNT8 ( 25 , 220,50 ) , TOGETHER WITH INTEREST TIlEREON, COVERS AND ~ DESCRIBES CERTAIN REAL PROPERlY WHiCH MAY OR DOES QUALIFY AS A HOMESTEAD UNDER lULE 70, ~ CHAPTER 32, MONfANA CODE ANNOTATED. TIlE SAID DEED OF lRUSTffRUST INDENTURE DESCRIBES TIlE ~ FOLLOWING REAL PROPERlY, TO-WIT: If> ~;:: SBB I.BGAL DBSCRIP'l'ION ATTACHBD _ C1 . ", "" ...J.... = :.~ I- o .~ z ~ '5 ;;, o ;! uJ ''';'' ~ ',.. ...J .... <(0 0<1> I- ...J Z :::! '5~ 1-<1> ""of g:.... COUN'l'Y GALI.ATIN Property co~n1y known aa: 1214 B CURTISS ST BOZBMANI NT 597153864 TIlE UNDERSIGNED BORROWER FURTIIER ACKNOWLEDGES TIIA T TIlE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED OF lRUSTffRUST INDENTURE IS NOT EXEMPT FROM EXECLmON AS A HOMESTEAD BECAUSE UNDER MONTANA CODE ANNOTATED 1370.32-202 IT IS SUBJECT TO EXEClTnON OR FORCED SALE TO SAllSFY A JUDGMENT OBTAINED ON TIlE DEBT SECURED BY TIlE DEED OF lRUSTffRUST INDENTURE OR OTHER ENCUMBRANCE ON TIlE PREMISES. TItE EFFECT OF TIlE PROPERlY NOT BEING EXEMPT IS TIIA T YOUR HOMESTEAD CAN BE TAKEN FROM YOU IN TIiE EVENT AN EXECUTION OR FORCED SALE IS LmUZED TO SATISFY A JUDGMENT. ..~.---- / I!'. It/ 1/ /7'1; C/"..- . ,,,l:~-....- rlc. V d/V *LOON H: DAHL DATE / DATE DATE STATE OF MONTANA ) : SS. County of Gallatin ) On \his 17th day of October, 1996 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and fOf the State of Momana, personally appeaml BLDON H. OAHL known \0 me \0 be the person(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within and foregoing ill5lrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. ~ ~ WHEREOF. I "" """"" '" my "'" "" ""'" my No";. "" "'" my "" >= m "'" ~rti,,,,, 'm aboVe '"'II; . " i\~TT~ ~ ~".;or'" . .'")' ,. . ,,' ,... . \ . \ I _--. ~S ~ \/ fiUl,~f<. ' ' -rcatc " " '_ ~ _jj I NOf AllY ~ r~ "'" """ of""""" : c-::~. .. . : r 1\ ""'::2: ~ . . Residing at Bozeman .0. \ ~"" ~..r.- ,...:,.. . ::-/, ~ "': ... .....1;:.. My ~ ~- _,l \'c.:"-I'.a .-.-.------ ..,.,_.......l~,~.t,d..,,!~..N..L,-l.n.t. \!C'H.'~~~M~I~c;:l "..- ;- 4 .. ~. , ATTACHMENT A Property Description ~ ""'3."" fILM 167PACfJ792 g ~ ~ ILN 5440021957 ~ Eldon H. Dahl It> u~ z..... - 0- W tr: -' , Lot 3 in Block "c" of Marwyn Addition, a rearrangement of I- , ;: .:: Blocks 13, 14, IS, 18, 19 and 20, and Adjacent vacated o ;- 2 " streets, of the Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman, Montana, <t according to the official map and plat on file and of record -' . o' in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin w ~ L County. -' ~ ~,; 0'-' A tract of land 30 feet by 75 feet lying Southerly adjacent to Lot I- ~ Z 0' 3 of Block C, Marwyn Addition being the Rearrangement of Blocks 13, ~?; 14, IS, 18, 19, 20 and adjacent vacated streets of the Northern I-Vl ~;; Pacific Addition to Bozeman, Montana, more particularly described as followS: That portion of the vacated Nl/2 of Curtiss Street as vacated by City of Bozeman Ordinance #760 May 23, 1951, beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 3; thence along the Easterly line of said Lot 3 projected Southerly a distance of 30 feet; thence Westerly parallel to and 30 feet distant from the Southerly lot line of said Lot 3 a distance of 75 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 30 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 3; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said Lot 3 a distance of 75 feet to the point of beginning. /',.... /' /. .:"..,... r. /,-- 1..,- " / :: ~ '? I. 3 3 3 G :~ 4 ~ Itlte of.Monl. eouati of Sallatkl,. fUN 'If FIIonf OCT08F:R 22 .19.22.- It 3:04 P M..,1Ad recorded 'n Book J2L of _ MORTGAGES PiQC l1JiL ~~ ~ ~ RoG8rMr," C [)!\flA; (-( ItI;-'1tr''''.f-It~ FEE: $36.00 RT: ALLIED LAND TITLE, INC ATTCHA _ ,- '.~.,~. :i.\,.('i"Jjj~~~Y\'~'~'~~~~:J::Ei:~::.f:' ..:' ~ ",':<. .', I, , ., . AMg..Ol~~'N..~~.:;:,.il~j~t..,;'.i:f.':""'li;,:,..;., I': i f - \ 15 ilT,[ i2G7 "0." Ol':IT Ct.,,'" ,..,.tI' 0".... ,.",. ... h'''''' 0."\ _CORI'OK""""" "". .....".,.." "n."',"" ==-----~ .- - =--'- =-~ ..~ This Indenture Made Ihe ' }~,t~.. ...... ...d"y 01../.1,\11..." ........ . ..... in the yM of our I Lord one i!1U"sand nine h""dred atld. ,seventy.....Y"'.'?..,... ....... . ,.. . between CITY .OF IlOZEHAN. .MONT ANA-, a Munic ipal corporat.ion' a corp"r"lion ("'-1:"",:".<1 m,,1 e"i"tin~ ""d", the 1011'.\ ,J[ 1/". SUle of Mont.dn'~. pnr/1) of Ihe FII,ST 1'/leT, ""d EL\)()N 11. DAllL and VI.RGllU!\ ..F .DAIlL, husbandan.dwde; 1/,,, w"i. y "f Ihc .';(CONf) P/1J~T. WIT/\'ESSFJll Th,lI II,,, .,,,id pmt y of tl,,, FlUST 1'/lIiT fo, ""a in c"",ider"""" of Ihe Will of on.e. Do.llar: h.... a.thel: valuillllE.. con.llidE'T il t i ()~j.//.trt.x6~O:.xx.xXx.xx.xYJ lu t.l\"'.l!ar.:ty.oftI1()..first:p"r~. ill /,,"Id paid b.~ tI,e '(lid part. y. of the SECO.'Vl) l'llHT. tI,e rcr:cipl 0/ ll,hid, i., hercb.v Mk""ll,/cdged; do. ~s. hrr["b~ rerlli,o, relt'",e ""d ""ilda;/1' IIldo Ihe wid PMt..">,..,..,.. of lhe ..ccolld parL. "",1 10 , t.h.eir..hms. <'lId G...,ig,", "U of tI,e ,i~h!, I;tlt', i"ter"sl, da;/1! (lIld de/ll",Jd. boll! (lt law ""d ill c(jIl;ly. nnd as lvdl a' I" po"e."ill/l 'IS ill e""d;o/lc.v, Ilf Iho p"r/.,Y. of Ihe fir,l pilrl ill "lid tll the following de.'Llih,,] real proper/V. ,illllllcd ;n li,e C')Il11IV <>f ,..,..G.ilLl.il.Lin..,..,. ,.. . "<Id StdLe of MOllla"u. la-p.il: Atril.ct.. Qfland t,bt.rtyl3Q) ~,cq\: by ;>pvc,.ty f.iVe.CD) .t.ce.tlying SQlJtl><;>.rlyaqj,w<.'n1..t<;; L9t)o.LJnocl:\C, n'll,wy.n^dd~U.(m l)cill.gthc Rear rdngEment of BIne k ~ r P,., } 4,1S ,18 ,19/20D!'(1ilclja,cen.t.YilGiiJod st.reets('f tl\eNortllernl'dcitiCl\dclitiOn to i307eIJ1~:I:,Mr)nt"n~"1rl:1nr,;, part ic\:larly. .clesc;r.ib",las .~Ollo:,s;,Jha tpor tion. of thEC.Ydca,t""l.I19.r.:.tll...9l)e ha H,of CU l' t is~,S t.'~et..a.s,v~.c.at."lcl.byyi tyof DO~El~an. C)ldi,n,:nc",.t 7 6 0 ~\~i'..~.3, ..19.51,. .begi. '\l1in"1,at~l1,es.CJ\l the.as t: .c:w n."r. .~)~ .~dlclLO.t .3:..t:11ence a lonCJ..t: l1e.. ",a. ~.tEll:. ~ Y. .l.i.r:~,.().r. .!;.a~ ci...L.o t.. 3. . pro ) ~ctEd. .?().U.',he r ly.. .il. cl ~s t Cl.ne e 0 t thirty (30) feet; thence westerly parallel to and thirty (30) feet ........... .....,..... .........,.., ......,.............. ......... ,.....".., .....,... .............. ...".. d i st1\l1~d fr()Ir:."tne sQ.\.l.therll' lot l~ne ..()~." sa icl Lot3."a" :\i,~ti\I1.,,~,,().f.,,;;e.v:en t five (75) feet; thICnce nort_herly " dist.ance ot thirty (JO) feet to the __........... ,..... ...H_d__ ,.. ....--' sO\lthwest. corner of said Lot 3; thence easterly along the southerly ... ,...,.....,................................................... .,......". ...........,... line of said Lot 3 a dist:ance of seventy-five (75) feet to the point 0 ......... ...... ..... ,.. ,..... beginning. containing 2,750 square fEet. ......... ,.. ,.. ,.. ,..' ..... logdher llIith a/l (l/ld ,ingul<,r the Lene",ents, Iwredil,wlerlb. lInd appurtenances Ihcrclo belonging. or in (lnYll.i.\e (Ipperl,WlIIlg. "nd Ihe renl', ,."11'" "nd nn.{il.' Ihew>/. if aHV ... .,",' ...". ....-- ,--' ....... ..........,. ...... ..... ..... ...,... IN WIT N ES5 WHEREOF. .aid partv of Ihe fir,1 p"r! h"s (",..ed ii' carpa"de rl1lnle 10 be subscribed and if. corporate .ea1 to be affixed. by its pr()p"r offi,er>, Ihereunto duly aulhori:.ed. an thjs.. .2.6th."....JQ~ ~/:....J.ul.y." ... ....."..."" "..A. D.. 19,,7.2.. ....." .......,~....~........,.......~.....~.............................,.. ATH$T' ,) '/.' / B ), 'I'. /. \I..... ' .. ..... ."." '~~:~r.~:f:x~:rc~t\~i~~~i~iMUiiiMiC d. - 0 , ' .. , ;~ "',. ..i:,,,.,~,,,~,,,;.;4I:"<l\ll>t,,.....:.',w;, , .' .",,'X.~~i.,.'......',,- . r , 15 ..\~[ ::..268 sT /1TE OF MONTANA, \ Co"nlY of ..~.~.\-:\.,Qrfl':"./ I <S. . . , . . . . .. .......... , .. I 1 0" ,f,;, JC"' ... d" 0'. -:\',,1 in Ihe year /y.'.P.-.., hefore me 16K f ~('I-.) .... (] Nol",." ['"hlir for Ihe .. C t. J. .... ..,.,. .. v.. c__.. ,. . . SI,'le of M onl""a. pc.-,onally appeared...I.L'I....,,'.L"'E...61U1l't......'. ...1, {.."''''.i!c.,l I-:ip-'LC)I"":-:.,. i!"OWll 10 me ({J<--PI"".,J..I<t,..e- an-tiTe.oalh of. . ) 10 be Ihe-Alfl.,r:fl..:CC""'"'8/fJ.t;~~,').,.'.(,,).... . .of Il,e corpora Ii"" Ihal ",.<'(",ed Ihe 1l,;lhin i".,lr"m",,1 ""d ad("on,led~ed 10 me Ihat such corporation exu"ted IIIC ,umc. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I ,,,"' "'Kd'" "" 'm,d 7/1'''' m" 0,,,,,,,, ,,,,' :,\ ; I. the day and yea, in till> certificate [;r "a Lt"'I;'~ ~ _ .. . . 1-. < ... j) t~;;tJ. .~~_.:. t _ ", " , Notary P"bl'f fo,.'lle SI"le of Mo"I'""'. I'.' , ., H,.id;nR ,d .l~ir"::";i';.:':" ....~1.Y Commi.15;o" expire., ... ... .... /9... 'C N, ..., i Q ;:" . ~ " , '" 0: 0 " ;>. ,< " 2l "2 " b 2: \ ,i " " L.LJ ..., 0- :i e 0 W Ii - - l.! L.LJ Q ~ Q .. i: ,.., "l: Q ~": -: 0 ::> % '-' \0:' _\' z. !C-' " -.0: "l; 0.., c:: ...... ~~~ \ 11, 6: .~ ~ <>: t>.' h - ;.J' <= : ~ ~.. ~: ",I " 0) .s A c5 .r<. rl: r<, >. g " II (""\' .~ ~ +J 3 -; N 2 ~ 0->, - r< .j~ 0 OJ ..... ~ 0 :r - 0): .~ 0): 0): ., OJ '-' "'" -;: " Ii Q. co '" r-"': k il 0: \0:: ~. ~ ~ . .....u " n ...... r<: ""E 4>: 0): " . ~ tJ l.! ~... 0 0): .0: " - ..,: "" .; u) 0 t.': " E' " t'--' \0:, '-'1 ~ " " ". " 4>: >.0: 0: '" 'J] >" w.J C.( ,...J: c::l N ;:<:: ~..~ '0 n >.0 I- " II E-" ;<< h .. r::; "', .- r<, '-. '"" ..- H 0 " - ~ 4>: 0: ..., .r< ,- ::> II u p h " <n: .:;, " - >To' ' ....,r< ,.-1 ;>, "'" ""E " ..-c:: : ;~I\a il ", VJ t: -':: C--':, : i..i: " .. " " " "" " .., " ~ " "" ~ l.! -; "- Vi C:l '7 8 9 10 ELDON H. DAUL for Decree U - 12 rtrberng.prownto the slltl~fllctlon of the 18 14 15 18 17 '18 19 20 tenllncy . Amended Inventory thllt there Is no In- " "' ill'" 11 q~t 921 \11~~ ~"... . :. . "?fJl.'" . '\~, ,j 'ii,Ci'" . . "{1~~!':lO~ \ ~'::'{;,./~,,~I I'~' ;.,~t.., ~'1~.t ~ ~ Stete"'of Mofttllne~' to-wlh\.j'\':"~; . ......, U, I,. '~"~ "I e .. I(- ",..1?~~1 ~~ 4. ~ .~ 'Ttj q~' jo."' ~_1 ' :' ~,,,~.)i1.:,: :~~:J REAL PROPERTY ~ . -~ ~~ /~lijj' ~~~ d ~ ~ ': 1,., f : tot Th,... (3) In Block"C" of~brwyn Mdltlon" a I'"&- ,al'"l'"DtlgtlllJlnt of Blocks 'Hi ,H. 15, 18, 19 and 20, end AdJecent >vacat.d.tree'ts/Of.th.- Northem Pacl f I c .;Addltlon :to Bozemarir.Montanll~ Ilccol'"dlng to the of- . :,Iclal;'mepend plat on,.f1le and of 1'"0 co rd In the , ~offlce:Of:th.County .Cle~andReCOl'"del'" of Galllltln .1 .."" :.County.II'$'il'Jm,~",~11.1.)",3h(:i' ' . v.;:,"'P... i .r.,~ -1.' ii' ?f.jljf~' 'J~'}~"~~~~ ..,.. i' . ;,.~~"" '," ~t'9~1;'~";\' If''}.~}. ~ I:\~.' ....~~ ~ ~ ' .<,'i~,f;,.":,, .,,[~ , .~.f ,,\';~fpERSrnAL PROPERTY f ."'.'. ~.... I ".!1-.-". ,. ' i ; ,~".i.f ''''~~'i~';'?:~\ .,'~(~; iiN.'."",,,,>, ., <, l;'r'j;Bank Account,- SecIIl'"lfyBllnk & Tl'"ust Coqleny of Bozeman, ~lontena .:,...",..:~.",~;. .'~.~':'.\..:\ ::.'..L.....'..~... .~....(;...:<.....':~..'~;......t.:......:~.;.;....'.!.'.' _.......!....:...':........;.~....~....... .".......'.....'........:.:,~.~;..:~.::m.;.....~..'~~....,t..~.....:~:.:.;.'::,~.~~.'.',:.;.....'" ::: "":.."". 2!~[Household Fumlshlnli..,.:.1rtJ;;~:LJ., i1i~[~~~~:~~II~;._:~'~l~~:.'~~~';~al Bank of Bozemlln, Montane. conhlnlng the ,i1~t':r.-)11:.il:;<>.'.,:,':..:.~;.Contr.ct of Sal.b.NDe" ELDON H. DAHL end MARDARET B. ,~~~~~,~i,.f~~i~;::;!t~~~,~;7~!,~~}enants .0;55.,llers; end JESS LAIRD, as Buyel'" J...4~~.l.r,".;i',;.....';:.,:.\.:. ,".;,~"".",':":....':.:~'~,:.:,...'o!::',.:",^..":. '," "',"' t',":: ",7""':' ',',.. .,. '.('"'"'~,. ; ,'. ~.t.!&. ~..~i~:;'!......',Jh.,...:lI..;.t...J...h..i~.::~.a.,!id EUXlN.',,;..e~;.',:D.AH...... L.,.SU.l'"Vlve.d the saId MARDARET a, DAHL, llnd that '4.i!,i:~P;j,...,,".v'.i,ffl[l.I;i:"..,... ..'."."..' ,. ',.' . "./... '..... . by'the'":c1ellth',ofseld MA~AAE.TB..:DAHL, all I'"lght. tItle and Interest In and to . ~l~''5iil.t;'f~~n.''.I'" ,.1,' "..,.:. .... :er~~~t~it~~dP~(~~aIP~!J;.':bo~':deSCl'"lbed pllssed to the said ELOOO H, ~8~1~~]'~nt~,~':t~~;:~!~r~ARET B. DAHL In lInd to s~ld relll and ~'"~. .;,~..:,..~..~.~.:...~ze.,..~...nn. ,~.~..t.j.tM...d...:~.r.~.:'..~.~."i~:e... .I.Y ~ the 25th driY of April, 1966. ."'~\''''''A''''C.i...!ii''I'''\'.t.^<:l''.'.':''. .""., ;'. ..:''rh.a!.::!h. .....~.h..~1"S o.t.....':.'..,aw. .~.'o.fsa. IdMARGARET.... B. DAHL, Deceased. at the date of , . ..;."!0t;';.~~tlJ~;t.(),<f~,~'4l\"::d!i;l!'\^. . ;.. hel'-:Cclelltf;l,.31'"8..u;.fol'ClWS;~o-wlt: .. ., '~,.~ '~i1".,,"~ .'7/:~"'1'::,'~1"j\1~',~'~" ',it:~;~"'.:,;~::,~~.~:,:~~,:~~, :(., ~eLEROY, P. DAHL,';:;':., . - son.- Bozomlln, Montllnll ,;7;THCIoIAS R. DJ\HL~)'~>. . - son - Bozeman. Montana . ,. "\\PATI3ISIA ~~:"P~h;$;l!\,.;;". .... .' - dllUghtel'" - Bozeman. Montanll " ;. ..~. . ~ttr: . ,,',", '. ."S'~:< ." k ~~~;~.That~'e"Id8h"~ l~t'rOd'ueed;b'y':the Petltlonel'" that all expenses of the ~~~~i~M''''''~~~~~C,)'~'' >r.<-?~~';:r\"'~ '~. . o..cells.'d's~:last"lIlness,.fun.rel: and of thIs proceedIng have been paid by .~~~"ir~{~~~~#,i' I \~;~~ .j:., ~1~";~~' ., .'\1~ , ' the" Pet I ti onir. 'h~l~'" \ j::"j(..l;.:',""'; '.:. .t '. .' . ....." ",\.,' ,,' ".,'" '. ; :'- -' II: ,'t'4it,iMi..(it1;<1'~\.... ?it','./l';;' " '< .' ., That~th. Court hllS'.appolnted HOWARD E. SMITIf, of Bozeman, Montana, speclel ,_~". 1.1'1;:~Im.'V~"<_'f~'.\H'1.;;'itll '~".:"I,>, ,,' appralser,.,.to~apPl'"llls..theh.",lnlMJfore.deSCl'"lb.d relll and pel'"Sonel properly ~.)C.~"JO :~.' .'.n~.:..;.;ttfln~~~...:r. ;!'~~.J..i.:.~.g'.::t'.~.:.~;ln.ate.:...d and tl'"llfls. fel'"red on account .~ lIi.''(,''./.Wii1.'h.''r.'l\~~0(t;\,.,',o:..'''t'.,,'''''''...''''.;''''.''.,. ". o.~..~~.. iffi..=.l\:':.iJea~~.'.'..fh.: ..~~...o..'::.,...f.'.j"..'MAAGAPU.,.... ..'.... B......'.."'......ONi... .....I,;..:':~an.".. .d. ....10. ..assl...st....ih. e Court In determIning the ~~~li;\I?rf!".. ,B.'!'.q.".,J:5....'?j.,'.. ., ilmoilnt:.of/lnheritance tax (;w'lng ~bY ,..u~ of.the death of ~AR3ARET B. DAlILI .,.... . '"~~1~.!'"'~~ .ki::;;\"",...,;.. t<<:lw.,\1H~"P~~M,~,~~o..,:.~~Eo..NlD DECREED, that al i Inhel'"lt~nce ,1 ..t+;. ff.~t~Of:5ald TermInatIon of JoInt Tenancy has ~tJ..'~'l:"'Y;:.'" .. ..fl.le.......... .. '.&... :~'tnh.... r.'.. t. en. ce. t.ax.. ... dl/8 01" OIflng end that th.re Is . .....i~. ,,, ...""'-'.~...\..."... ~::~~ .~,~..,;~.~".~-;::~ .,;' ,';f., '"'I";':-:~ " ..- Clh..t.idi,p...tf:f,~~t,tln~.I'"I!8nca tl!lx. I ,'. ,'-,~",t~:~'f~1f.'I'~-!;,'<~.",:~,,~}".'~~~""'..':' 'S'CKOED.AtiJ~.i.NQ,DEauD.'.lt1at ~Bo DAHL dIed on the . . . . ..0 . ... '. ....~' ':;~}!~~~d:+' ~~. , . .PSO:,mc:DECflEE,JEfMINATltI; JOINT TENNCf Page 2. . . .~~.i.t:.~ ~.:,_'~ ,.:.:. ~ ,;I" '",/ mil i1 'J~€ 922 owner of wsted In hIm. dlTfof Septelllber, 1971. 111. Jl/ . ~ ~~ ~ l-~ /I Is r c Ju ". . <'!,~,~I'f;"~,:" , ' \J Title :j;l{.i:,j:~:..,_.~.: :: .'.. ',~.:1 (. .;', . :., .' . ',', . . tJ: b 1-1{ -/lVe. (p..~ Pege 3. :, ..'"". '~...... ',-~,,~ -- .." :-:--_~.~.~:-_~._~,_,..;~.CL_... ''^ .....:~.~..::.,._:L_.~>-..J.~')~. ~ .... .. r . ._',~;.""'::-_~" ~~'::~?"" -:t-" _"'. _ -:". I .. , - . ,,,.....- .' ,\" - ; . ~,: .:'......~'':',~::'"':'.~:':'7:....'''.......,'''''::"''''".~~:'~nr-,',''''':''~..~~.:'''''~'' ~1~_.;___....,.,..":'.,;f">"..~"l<":.:'_~'Ot'~~~~'r'l'~~~~:~~,: ' .. -'.&,,,,,,,,,,,,,\,,.,,['0.._.",.-. I ~ *: 1 . t "1 ., . \ I ....--...... "..... .~ ~ " , . ,",,~.., ,..~,-,~......- ~--~ -- --'l- ----- ., .. 1:1.... , ., .. .~ . , ~ I ~I 1 '( -.-.1.,.- . . . . ';,." 0.' ._ .' " .. ~_.. .. . ~" .:~. ".' . 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