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Resolution 4839, Cash-in-lieu for North Black Pocket Park Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Carolyn Poissant – Trails, Open Space, and Parks Development Manager Mitch Overton – Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Resolution 4839 – Allocation of Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Dedication Funds to North Black Pocket Park Project MEETING DATE: November 20, 2017 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action RECOMMENDATION: Approve Resolution 4839 allocating $20,000 in cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication funds for construction of improvements for the “North Black Pocket Park.” RECOMMENDED MOTION: In consideration of all public input and materials presented to date, I hereby approve Resolution 4839 allocating $20,000 from the cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication account for construction of improvements for the “North Black Pocket Park,” in accordance with the provisions of Section 38.27.030 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. BACKGROUND: Section 38.27.030 (F.)(1.) of the Bozeman Municipal Code, (“Cash Donation in lieu of Land Dedication”) contains the following provisions, reflecting the language of the Montana Code Section 76-3-621, which follows: F. Use of cash donations. 1. The city shall use a cash donation for development or acquisition of parks to serve the development. 2. The city may use the cash donation to acquire or develop parks or recreational areas within its jurisdiction or for the purchase of public open space or conservation easements, only if: a. The park, recreational area, open space or conservation easement is within a reasonably close proximity to the proposed development; and b. The city commission has formally adopted a citywide park plan that establishes the needs and procedures for use of the cash donation. 282 Montana Code Section 76-3-621: (5) (a) In accordance with the provisions of subsections (5)(b) and (5)(c), the governing body shall use the dedicated money or land for development, acquisition, or maintenance of parks to serve the subdivision. (b) The governing body may use the dedicated money to acquire, develop, or maintain, within its jurisdiction, parks or recreational areas or for the purchase of public open space or conservation easements only if: (i) the park, recreational area, open space, or conservation easement is within a reasonably close proximity to the proposed subdivision; and (ii) the governing body has formally adopted a park plan that establishes the needs and procedures for use of the money. (c) The governing body may not use more than 50% of the dedicated money for park maintenance. In this case, the site is not technically a park, per se, but will serve recreational purposes and complies with the 2007 PROST Plan, which states the following goal and objectives: The application submitted by the Downtown Bozeman Partnership is attached (Attachment A). The proposed concept plan for the site includes room for a bicycle tuning station, seating, a phone charging station, and shade trees or a shade structure (Attachment B). This project presents a unique opportunity to leverage additional resources by partnering with the Downtown Bozeman Partnership to provide much needed amenities in the central business core for visitors, employees, and residents alike. This project also conforms with the objectives of the City adopted 2009 Downtown Improvement Plan which recommends: • Public spaces–both large and small–should be enhanced and made active through programming or adjacent uses that can animate and oversee them. [p. 13] • Downtown would benefit from the thoughtful integration of plazas and courtyards, the creation of pocket parks along Bozeman Creek, and the greening of streets and alleys surrounding Main Street. This Plan outlines a strategy to “green” Downtown Bozeman 283 through the careful integration of street trees and the introduction and improvement of public spaces. [p. 22] • Surrounding Downtown are several parks and open spaces, but Downtown itself has very few. Downtown would benefit from more functional open spaces that can be used and enjoyed day and night by residents, visitors, and workers nearby. [p. 23] The Recreation and Parks Advisory Board unanimously approved the following motion at their regular meeting of July 13, 2017: Having considered all information presented and public input received to date, I hereby move to recommend that the City Commission approve the allocation of $20,000 from the Cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication account to the North Black Pocket Park improvement project. Parks Department staff will coordinate with Downtown Bozeman Partnership staff on final design and implementation of the plan. All applicable city development reviews will be conducted to obtain the necessary approvals and permits prior to construction. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. ALTERNATIVES: Per Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: A total of $39,164.37 in cash in lieu funds have been received in the vicinity of downtown Bozeman. The allocation of $20,000 to this project will leave a balance of $326,126.98 in the cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication account (see Attachment C). The Downtown Partnership has committed to maintaining the pocket park. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 4839 Attachment A – Application for Use of Cash-in-lieu of Parkland Dedication Funds Attachment B – Concept Plan Attachment C – Cash in lieu of Parkland Dedication Funds Tracking Spreadsheet Report compiled: November 14, 2017 284 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4839 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, APPROVING THE ALLOCATION OF CASH-IN-LIEU OF PARKLAND DEDICATION FUNDS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO NORTH BLACK POCKET PARK WHEREAS, the Downtown Bozeman Partnership has submitted an application for the use of cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication funds for construction of a “pocket park” on city-owned property in the downtown area, at North Black Avenue and East Mendenhall Street; and WHEREAS, cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication contributions totaling $39,164.37 have been received from development proposals in the vicinity of downtown; and WHEREAS, Section 38.27.030 (F.)(1.) of the Bozeman Municipal Code, (“Cash Donation in lieu of Land Dedication”) specifies criteria for which these funds may be utilized; and WHEREAS, the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board at their regular meeting of July 13, 2017 unanimously passed a motion recommending that Commission approve the allocation of $20,000 from the cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication account to the North Black Pocket Park improvement project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, Section 1 – Municipal Code Reference In accordance with Section 38.27.030 (F.)(1.) of the Bozeman Municipal Code, the sources of cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication funding identified as “in the vicinity of downtown” 285 are appropriate for use to provide a recreational facility at the North Black pocket park location; and Section 2 – Funding Authorization The allocation of $20,000 from the cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication account is hereby approved for the North Black Pocket Park improvement project. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 20th day of November, 2017. ___________________________________ CARSON TAYLOR Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________________ ROBIN CROUGH City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 286 City of Bozeman Parks & Recreation Department Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Funding Application Submitted by: Chris Naumann Downtown Bozeman Partnership 287 City of Bozeman Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Funding Application NORTH BLACK POCKET PARK: Application CASH-IN-LIEU FUNDING APPLICATION Please complete all sections of the application. Attach additional sheets as necessary. Contact the TOP Manager if you need assistance (phone: 582-2908). Park Name: Not Applicable Name of Project: North Black Pocket Park Location of project within the park and nearest cross-streets: The proposed pocket park is in southwest corner of North Black public parking lot between Main and Mendenhall streets. Applicant (Organization): Downtown Bozeman Partnership Person: Chris Naumann Phone#: 406-586-4008 Email: chris@downtownbozeman.org Mailing Address of Applicant: 222 East Main Street #302 Bozeman MT 59715 Project Summary: The Downtown Partnership is requesting Cash-in-Lieu park funding to rehabilitate the southwest corner of the public parking lot on North Black Avenue. The “North Black Pocket Park” would convert this dilapidated piece of public land into a high-amenity park that would provide and important connection and respite between historic Main Street and the parking garage and the growing Mendenhall commercial corridor. The Downtown Urban Renewal District will provide matching funds to leverage any Cash-in-Lieu contribution. Sanderson Stewart has contributed the conceptual design work included in this application. If funded, construction could begin and possibly be completed this fall or spring of 2018 at the latest. Thanks to the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board and City staff for considering this request. 288 City of Bozeman Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Funding Application NORTH BLACK POCKET PARK: Narrative • A brief description of the project. Describe existing conditions in the park, proposed improvements, why they are needed, and a desired time frame for completion. The North Black Pocket Park would be created in the southwest corner of the “North Black” public parking lot located between Main Street and Mendenhall Street. Currently this piece of open space is very unattractive and dysfunctional. Last year two old, large conifer trees were removed from this space. The existing conditions include steep grades leading up to an uneven area that is overgrown with cedar shrubs and weeds. The space also includes an old set of concrete steps ascending to a pad with a surface-mounted bench that is in disrepair. The proposed improvements would include: o Removing the concrete stairs and pad o Excavating the space to grade o Installing a pedestrian walkway between the sidewalk and the parking lot o Planting drought-tolerant trees and shrubs o Installing benches and a picnic table o Installing a dog clean-up station o Installing screening between the park and the adjacent trash dumpsters These improvements are needed to transform this public space from an eye-sore to an attractive, pedestrian-friendly pocket park. Ideally this project would be completed by November 1, 2017 or by June 1, 2018 at the latest. • Site layout drawing (site plan) with dimensions of proposed improvements at 1” = 20’ feet or larger scale as well as existing features in the area of the park. See the attachment for design renderings from Sanderson Stewart • Details or manufacturer cut sheets of the proposed site improvements The specific site “furniture” (benches and table) have not been selected at this time. One option is to use the benches and tables currently installed at Soroptomist Park. The other option would be to select durable furniture unique to this park. The Downtown Partnership is currently working with Bridger Bowl for the donation of a ‘red chair’ from the Virginia City ski lift. The red chair would be installed in the North Black Pocket Park as a pedestrian bench. Several installation types are being 289 considered including a concept similar to the red chair ‘bench’ at Lindley Park Center. • Basic cost estimate See the cost estimate attachment from Sanderson Stewart • Copy of the current park master plan with location of proposed features indicated. There is not a park master plan for this public space. • Describe the process utilized for obtaining public input and support for the project (HOA meetings, neighborhood survey, etc.). This project conforms with the objectives of the City adopted 2009 Downtown Improvement Plan which recommends: o Public spaces–both large and small–should be enhanced and made active through programming or adjacent uses that can animate and oversee them. [p. 13] o Downtown would benefit from the thoughtful integration of plazas and courtyards, the creation of pocket parks along Bozeman Creek, and the greening of streets and alleys surrounding Main Street. This Plan outlines a strategy to “green” Downtown Bozeman through the careful integration of street trees and the introduction and improvement of public spaces. [p. 22] o Surrounding Downtown are several parks and open spaces, but Downtown itself has very few. Downtown would benefit from more functional open spaces that can be used and enjoyed day and night by residents, visitors, and workers nearby. [p. 23] The three adjacent property owners have offered their support of this application and project. See the attached support from: o Ashley Ogle, Element Hotel (25 East Mendenhall Street) o Ileana Indreland, Delaney & Company (101 East Main Street) o Jon Edwards and Curt Smith, Schnee’s Boots & Shoes (35 East Main Street) • Describe how the project relates to the goals and stated needs of the City’s Park, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails Plan. The PROST Plan does not speak specifically about existing or future parks in the downtown district. The following provisions in the PROST Plan support this application: o Goal 4 Partnerships--Objective 1. Work with user groups, service organizations and other relevant entities to develop new and enhance existing parks, trails and recreation facilities. o Goal 7 Equity--Objective 3. Provide parks, trails, recreation facilities and programs throughout the City in a geographically equitable manner; avoid 290 creating areas that are underserved or over-served in relation to the rest of the community. The proposed North Black Pocket Park will involve several partners including City Parks Department, Downtown Urban Renewal District, and the City Parking Division. It is challenging to incorporate public parks and green space into downtown since it is largely a built environment. The North Black Pocket Park would provide new park space what could be considered an underserved area—downtown. • Describe all committed match funding, in-kind services, materials donations, and volunteer labor for the proposed project (not required for making a request). The Downtown Urban Renewal District Board committed matching funds in the URD FY2018 budget and workplan. Depending on the final overall design, the City of Bozeman Parking enterprise fund may be available to pay for parking lot egress improvements associated with the construction of the pocket park. • Describe the development project source(s) of cash-in-lieu (if known). Numerous downtown development projects have paid cash-in-lieu of park land over the past decade. To the applicant’s knowledge, no cash-in-lieu funds have been reinvested in downtown parks, open space, or landscaping in the past decade. In fact, the Downtown Urban Renewal District invests between $5000 and $10,000 annually to improve and maintain Soroptomist Park. APPLICATION CONTACT: Chris Naumann Executive Director Downtown Bozeman Partnership 222 East Main Street #302 Bozeman MT 59715 406-586-4008 chris@downtownbozeman.org www.downtownbozeman.org 291 City of Bozeman Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Funding Application NORTH BLACK POCKET PARK: Location Maps 292 City of Bozeman Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland Funding Application NORTH BLACK POCKET PARK: Property Owner Support 293 294 24'18'5'24'18'5'Conducted for: Downtown Bozeman Partnership Performed by: Sanderson Stewart 106 E. Babcock Bozeman, Montana 59715 406.522.9876 North Black Pocket Park June 2017 295 North Black Pocket Park DRAFT DRAFTProject Goals tiny pocket parks goals • Simple, unadorned materials used in interesting and sophisticated ways • Low maintenance installations that can withstand intense use • Project enhances existing streetscape • Provide a sense of discovery or whimsy with art installations, carvings or the choice of materials/ furnishings 296 North Black Pocket Park DRAFT DRAFTExisting Conditions297 North Black Pocket Park DRAFT DRAFTPark Furnishings within Bozeman Photo are from Soroptimist Park in Bozeman, Montana. North Black Pocket Park may incorporate matching furnishings as appropriate. 298 North Black Pocket Park DRAFT DRAFTMaterial Palette tiny pocket parks ground screen seat surprise 299 North Black Pocket Park DRAFT DRAFTPreferred Plan - Alt. 1 tiny pocket parks gentle curve 24'18'5'24'18'5'Gabbon Towers Ski-lift Chair Bench Benches Sign Concrete Path Pea Gravel Path Parking Ticket Machine (out of traffic path) NORTH 20 10 0 SCALE: 1"=20' 20 40E. Mendenhall St.N. Black Ave. Note: The proposed alternative is shown in the colored drawing. The existing parking lot condition is overlayed in red. New parking lot access Existing walk Proposed Street Light Proposed Street Tree Proposed Street Tree Preferred Location New walk 300 North Black Pocket Park DRAFT DRAFTPreferred Plan - Alt. 2 tiny pocket parks gentle curve 24'18'5'24'18'5'Gabbon Towers Benches Sign Pea Gravel Path Temporary Pea Gravel Path Temporary Landscaping (to be relocated) Parking Ticket Machine (out of traffic path) NORTH 20 10 0 SCALE: 1"=20' 20 40E. Mendenhall St.N. Black Ave. Note: The proposed alternative is shown in the colored drawing. The existing parking lot condition is overlayed in red. New parking lot access Existing walk Proposed Street Light Existing DriveProposed Street Light Use Existing Curb until Parking Lot Construction is Completed Proposed Street Tree Proposed Street Tree Preferred Location Ski-lift Chair Bench 301 North Black Pocket Park DRAFT DRAFTCost Estimate tiny pocket parks ALL ITEMS ARE COMPLETE IN PLACE ITEM EST. NO. QTY. UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 101 1,342 SF Demolition, Surface General @ $2.50 /SF = $3,355.00 102 274 LF Concrete Landscape Curb @ $8.00 /LF = $2,192.00 104 1 EA Modifying Ski-list Chair, Concrete Base (Allowance)@ $700.00 /EA = $700.00 105 581 SF Pervious Surface, 4" Section @ $5.50 /SF = $3,195.50 106 220.00 SF Concrete Sidewalk (6-inch) @ $10.00 /SF = $2,200.00 107 300.00 SF Asphalt - $20/SY @ $2.25 SF = $675.00 108 768.00 SF Irrigation @ $1.25 /SF = $960.00 109 768 SF Soil Amendments, Restoration @ $0.50 /SF = $384.00 110 1 EA Tree Plantings, 1.5-inch Cal. Shade Trees @ $500.00 /EA = $500.00 111 23 EA Shrub Plantings, 5 gal. @ $50.00 /EA = $1,150.00 112 1 EA Picnic Table allowance @ $3,500.00 /EA = $3,500.00 113 2 EA Screen - stone or gabbon (allowance)@ $2,500.00 /EA = $5,000.00 Subtotal = $23,811.50 Total Construction Costs = $23,811.50 Construction Contingency (15%)= $3,571.73 Total Cost of Construction Improvements = $27,383.23 A & E Fees (14%)= $3,833.65 Total Cost Improvements = $31,216.88 Preliminary Cost EstimateFor Quantities Based on Preliminary Drawing - Parking Lot Improvements NOT Included Carnegie Parking Lot - Preferred Plan, Alt. 1 ALL ITEMS ARE COMPLETE IN PLACE ITEM EST. NO. QTY. UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 101 1,342 SF Demolition, Surface General @ $2.50/SF = $3,355.00 102 274 LF Concrete Landscape Curb @ $8.00/LF = $2,192.00 104 1 EA Modifying Ski-list Chair, Concrete Base (Allowance)@ $700.00/EA = $700.00 105 581 SF Pervious Surface, 4" Section @ $5.50/SF = $3,195.50 106 530 SF Pervious Surface, 4" Section - Temporary @ $5.50 /SF = $2,915.00 107 800 SF Irrigation @ $1.25/SF = $1,000.00 108 800 SF Soil Amendments, Restoration @ $0.50/SF = $400.00 109 1 EA Tree Plantings, 1.5-inch Cal. Shade Trees @ $500.00/EA = $500.00 110 23 EA Shrub Plantings, 5 gal. @ $50.00/EA = $1,150.00 111 1 EA Picnic Table allowance @ $3,500.00/EA = $3,500.00 112 2 EA Screen - stone or gabbon (allowance)@ $2,500.00/EA = $5,000.00 Subtotal = $23,907.50 Total Construction Costs = $23,907.50Construction Contingency (15%)= $3,586.13 Total Cost of Construction Improvements = $27,493.63 A & E Fees (14%)= $3,849.11 Total Cost Improvements = $31,342.73 For Carnegie Parking Lot - Preferred Plan, Alt. 2 Quantities Based on Preliminary Drawing - Parking Lot Improvements NOT Included Preliminary Cost Estimate Alternates: Allowance for shade structure $7,000 to $10,000. Alternates: Allowance for shade structure $7,000 to $10,000. Assumes new parking lot access costs covered in parking lot construction phase. 302 Cash In Lieu of Parkland FY99 - FY17 year-to-date fiscal BALANCE PLUS:PLUS:LOCATION ID STREET / SUB VICINITY LESS:BALANCEyearBEGINNINGNEW CASH-IN-LIEU FUND INTEREST (for mapping)LOCATION PAID OUT ENDING 1999 79,285$ -$ 4,491$ -$ 83,776$ 2000 83,776$ -$ 4,835$ -$ 88,611$ 2001 88,611$ -$ 4,951$ (26,863)$ 66,699$ 2002 66,699$ -$ 1,947$ -$ 68,646$ 2003 68,646$ -$ 916$ -$ 69,561$ 2004 69,561$ -$ 958$ (8,000)$ 62,520$ 2005 62,520$ 168,768$ 4,146$ -$ 235,434$ 2006 235,434$ 71,272$ 1,212$ (272,000)$ 35,918$ 2007 35,918$ 302,653$ 15,316$ -$ 353,886$ 2008 353,886$ 299,582$ 18,601$ (500,146)$ 171,924$ 2009 171,924$ -$ 4,841$ -$ 176,765$ 2010 176,765$ 10,500$ 3,299$ -$ 190,564$ 2011 190,564$ -$ 2,258$ -$ 192,822$ 2012 192,822$ 11,712$ 1,854$ -$ 206,388$ 2013 206,388$ 83,057$ 1,783$ -$ 291,227$ 2014 291,227$ 10,435$ 2,190$ -$ 303,852$ 2015 303,852$ 101,248$ 2,747$ (29,800)$ 378,047$ 2016 378,047$ 40,048$ 3,626$ -$ 421,720$ 2017 421,720$ 68,631$ 376$ -$ 490,727$ since 1999 79,285$ 1,167,906$ 80,345$ (836,809)$ 490,727$ BALANCE LESS ALLOCATIONS -102,600.00 OAK MEADOWS-20,000.00 NORTH BLACK 368,126.98 AVAILABLE BALANCE DETAIL - CASH PAID IN: 05/17/2005 VILLAGE INVESTMENT GROUP 119,743.89$ Village Downtown Blvd Village Downtown 05/05/2005 VERA M WIEGAND TRUST 10,500.00$ South 19th and Dickerson Kirk Sub Lot 8 and 9 Block 3 02/14/2005 MORGAN HOMES,INC.-IN LIEU 38,524.46$ ?168,768.35$ fiscal year total 2005 04/25/2006 MT AVENUE PARTNRS:MILL PK 11,348.00$ ? 09/28/2005 SANDAN LLC - CASH IN LIEU 36,514.50$ Sandan park Cattail Sub 07/20/2005 STEWART TITLE OF BOZEMAN 23,409.00$ ?71,271.50$ fiscal year total 2006 06/08/2007 D & D PALMER LLC 29,800.00$ ? 05/14/2007 BAXTER SPRINGS LLC Z-06098 89,089.11$ Baxter Lane North of post office Baxter Springs Condos 04/05/2007 MILL DISTRICT PARTNERS 25,765.60$ ?Northern Pacific Add Lot B Block 106 01/09/2007 BIG RIVER DEVELOPMENT INC 102,600.00$ Oak Meadows Oak Meadows Sub 11/14/2006 DMC, INC 55,398.00$ ?302,652.71$ fiscal year total 2007 06/27/2008 SAAM REAL ESTATE INC Z-07270 88,165.00$ Greek Way Greek Way Subdivision Lot 4A 06/26/2008 GOLF COURSE PRTNRS Z-07158 58,806.00$ Birdie Drive Links Condos 09/26/2007 SCHROEDER HOMES INC 152,611.15$ ?299,582.15$ fiscal year total 2008 fy09 - none NONE 2009 02/12/2010 MT AVE PARTNERS NOR Z-06247A 10,500.00$ Oak and Rouse Hardware Building (Planet Natural)North Side PUD 10,500.00$ fiscal year total 2010 fy11 - none NONE 2011 01/13/2012 CHASE SKOGEN CONST Z-06098 11,712.00$ Baxter Lane North of post office Baxter Springs Condos 11,712.00$ fiscal year total 2012 06/07/2013 CHASE SKOGEN CONST Z-06098 11,712.00$ Baxter Lane North of post office Baxter Springs Condos 06/07/2013 CHASE SKOGEN CONST Z-06098 7,808.00$ Baxter Lane North of post office Baxter Springs Condos 05/06/2013 LMF GROUP, LLC PZ 13-165 6,258.24$ ? 04/19/2013 CHASE SKOGEN CONST Z-06098 11,712.00$ Baxter Lane North of post office Baxter Springs Condos 02/22/2013 CHASE SKOGEN CONST Z-06098 11,712.00$ Baxter Lane North of post office Baxter Springs Condos02/07/2013 SHAHAN ENTERPRISES INC 10,430.40$ ? 11/09/2012 CHASE SKOGEN CONST Z-06098 11,712.00$ Baxter Lane North of post office Baxter Springs Condos 10/12/2012 BAXTER INVESTMENT GROUP 11,712.00$ Baxter Lane North of post office Baxter Springs Condos 83,056.64$ fiscal year total 2013 03/31/2014 JASON A. DELMUE Z-13254 PZ14-84 PEACH+BLACK 2,090.88$ Peach & Black Peach & Black 10/11/2013 BLOCK M,LLC PZ13-396 PARK BLOCK M MASUB FINAL PLAT 8,344.32$ Lamme Block M 10,435.20$ fiscal year total 2014 05/18/2015 15-188 PARTRIDGE DOWNS SUBD 25,200.00$ Durston Partidge Downs Subdivision 04/10/2015 15-142 MAJXNER RESID FSP Z-15079 1,045.44$ 2560 downtown 10/10/2014 14-474 THE WILLSON RESIDENCE FSP 12,038.21$ 227550 Main and Grand09/26/2014 14-482 HOMES AT BRIDGER PEAKS ESTATES FINAL PLA 20,125.00$ ? 09/26/2014 Z-14214 HOMES@BRIDGER PEAK LAUREL PARK CONDO 32,409.00$ ?Laurel Glen 08/22/2014 Z-14166 DIXSON MULTIHOUSE PZ14-297 FSP 10,430.40$ Equestrian Lane and Gallatin Green Baxter Meadows 101,248.05$ fiscal year total 2015 04/14/2016 15-172 REACH GROUP LIVING SP 2,760.00$ 68340 Durston & Greenway 02/26/2016 15-368 POPLAR TERRACE APTS SP 3,136.32$ 203010+020+030+040 Babcock & ?02/08/2016 14-239 COLLEGE & 23RD APTS SP 25,092.00$ 214270 Sports Park 08/28/2015 15-158 MENDENHALL URBAN HOUSING 31860+32060 Fifth & Mendenhall303 Cash In Lieu of Parkland FY99 - FY17 year-to-date 06/29/2015 14-457 THE MENDENHALL MIXED USE 9,059.40$ 26990 Fifth & Mendenhall 40,047.72$ fiscal year total 2016 04/12/2017 17-54 223 EAST MAIN STREET SP 1,608.00$ 30900 downtown 03/01/2017 16-534 SOBO LOFTS MIX-USE BLDG SP 11,519.44$ 7020 + 7190 Babcock & 8th 10/20/2016 16-275 COTTONWOOD CORNER APTS SP 53,700.77$ 139820 Cottonwood & Babcock06/24/2016 15-552 HAWTHORNE PLACE SITE 1,803.00$ 89170 downtown 68,631.21$ fiscal year-to-date 2017 06/30/2016 17-115 MCCHESNEY WORK - LIVE 23,198.00$ Maus Ln & Griffin 2018 VICINITY KEY DOWNTOWN TOTAL AVAILABLE 39,164.37$ DETAIL - CASH PAID OUT: 02/05/2001 SUNDANCE SPRINGS PARKLAND (26,862.88)$ (26,862.88)$ fiscal year total 2001 06/29/2004 NORTH MEADOWS PARK (8,000.00)$ (8,000.00)$ fiscal year total 2004 02/13/2006 PARKLAND TRANSFR->LIBRARY (22,000.00)$ 07/11/2005 PARKLAND TRANSFR->LIBRARY (250,000.00)$ (272,000.00)$ fiscal year total 2006 06/02/2008 BURKE PARK LOTS PURCHASE (500,146.00)$ (500,146.00)$ fiscal year total 2008 08/11/2014 REFND:EXPD PUD-PALMER LLC (29,800.00)$ (29,800.00)$ fiscal year total 2015 304 Cash In Lieu of Parkland FY99 - FY17 year-to-date fiscal BALANCE PLUS:PLUS:LESS:BALANCE year BEGINNING NEW CASH-IN-LIEU FUND INTEREST PAID OUT ENDING 1999 79,285$ -$ 4,491$ -$ 83,776$ 2000 83,776$ -$ 4,835$ -$ 88,611$ 2001 88,611$ -$ 4,951$ (26,863)$ 66,699$ 2002 66,699$ -$ 1,947$ -$ 68,646$ 2003 68,646$ -$ 916$ -$ 69,561$ 2004 69,561$ -$ 958$ (8,000)$ 62,520$ 2005 62,520$ 168,768$ 4,146$ -$ 235,434$ 2006 235,434$ 71,272$ 1,212$ (272,000)$ 35,918$ 2007 35,918$ 302,653$ 15,316$ -$ 353,886$ 2008 353,886$ 299,582$ 18,601$ (500,146)$ 171,924$ 2009 171,924$ -$ 4,841$ -$ 176,765$ 2010 176,765$ 10,500$ 3,299$ -$ 190,564$ 2011 190,564$ -$ 2,258$ -$ 192,822$ 2012 192,822$ 11,712$ 1,854$ -$ 206,388$ 2013 206,388$ 83,057$ 1,783$ -$ 291,227$ 2014 291,227$ 10,435$ 2,190$ -$ 303,852$ 2015 303,852$ 101,248$ 2,747$ (29,800)$ 378,047$ 2016 378,047$ 43,198$ 1,739$ -$ 422,983$ 2017 422,983$ 1,803$ -$ -$ 424,786$ since 1999 79,285$ 1,104,227$ 78,083$ (836,809)$ 424,786$ current balance DETAIL - CASH PAID IN: 05/17/2005 VILLAGE INVESTMENT GROUP 119,743.89$ 05/05/2005 VERA M WIEGAND TRUST 10,500.00$ 02/14/2005 MORGAN HOMES,INC.-IN LIEU 38,524.46$ 168,768.35$ fiscal year total 2005 04/25/2006 MT AVENUE PARTNRS:MILL PK 11,348.00$ 09/28/2005 SANDAN LLC - CASH IN LIEU 36,514.50$ 07/20/2005 STEWART TITLE OF BOZEMAN 23,409.00$ 71,271.50$ fiscal year total 2006 06/08/2007 D & D PALMER LLC 29,800.00$ 05/14/2007 BAXTER SPRINGS LLC 89,089.11$ 04/05/2007 MILL DISTRICT PARTNERS 25,765.60$ 01/09/2007 BIG RIVER DEVELOPMENT INC 102,600.00$ 11/14/2006 DMC, INC 55,398.00$ 302,652.71$ fiscal year total 2007 06/27/2008 SAAM REAL ESTATE INC 88,165.00$ 06/26/2008 GOLF COURSE PRTNRS 58,806.00$ 09/26/2007 SCHROEDER HOMES INC 152,611.15$ 299,582.15$ fiscal year total 2008 fy09 - none NONE 2009 02/12/2010 MT AVE PARTNERS NORTHSIDE PUD 10,500.00$ 10,500.00$ fiscal year total 2010 fy11 - none NONE 2011 305 Cash In Lieu of Parkland FY99 - FY17 year-to-date 01/13/2012 CHASE SKOGEN CONSTRUCTION 11,712.00$ 11,712.00$ fiscal year total 2012 06/07/2013 CHASE SKOGEN CONSTRUCTION 11,712.00$ 06/07/2013 CHASE SKOGEN CONSTRUCTION 7,808.00$ 05/06/2013 LMF GROUP, LLC PZ 13-165 6,258.24$ 04/19/2013 CHASE SKOGEN CONSTRUCTION 11,712.00$ 02/22/2013 CHASE SKOGEN CONSTRUCTION 11,712.00$ 02/07/2013 SHAHAN ENTERPRISES INC 10,430.40$ 11/09/2012 CHASE SKOGEN CONSTRUCTION 11,712.00$ 10/12/2012 BAXTER INVESTMENT GROUP 11,712.00$ 83,056.64$ fiscal year total 2013 03/31/2014 JASON A. DELMUE Z-13254 PZ14-84 PEACH+B 2,090.88$ 10/11/2013 BLOCK M,LLC PZ13-396 PARK BLOCK M MASUB 8,344.32$ 10,435.20$ fiscal year total 2014 05/18/2015 15-188 PARTRIDGE DOWNS SUBD 25,200.00$ 04/10/2015 15-142 MAJXNER RESID FSP Z-15079 1,045.44$ 10/10/2014 14-474 THE WILLSON RESIDENCE FSP 12,038.21$ 09/26/2014 14-482 HOMES AT BRIDGER PEAKS ESTATES FIN 20,125.00$ 09/26/2014 Z-14214 HOMES@BRIDGER PEAK LAUREL PARK 32,409.00$ 08/22/2014 Z-14166 DIXSON MULTIHOUSE PZ14-297 FSP 10,430.40$ 101,248.05$ fiscal year total 2015 04/14/2016 15-172 REACH GROUP LIVING SP 2,760.00$ 02/26/2016 15-368 POPLAR TERRACE APTS SP 3,136.32$ 02/08/2016 14-239 COLLEGE & 23RD APTS SP 25,092.00$ 08/28/2015 15-158 MENDENHALL URBAN HOUSING 3,150.00$ 06/29/2015 14-457 THE MENDENHALL MIXED USE 9,059.40$ 43,197.72$ fiscal year total 2016 06/24/2016 15-552 HAWTHORNE PLACE SITE 1,803.00$ 1,803.00$ fiscal year-to-date 2017 DETAIL - CASH PAID OUT: 02/05/2001 SUNDANCE SPRINGS PARKLAND (26,862.88)$ (26,862.88)$ fiscal year total 2001 06/29/2004 NORTH MEADOWS PARK (8,000.00)$ (8,000.00)$ fiscal year total 2004 02/13/2006 PARKLAND TRANSFR->LIBRARY (22,000.00)$ 07/11/2005 PARKLAND TRANSFR->LIBRARY (250,000.00)$ (272,000.00)$ fiscal year total 2006 06/02/2008 BURKE PARK LOTS PURCHASE (500,146.00)$ (500,146.00)$ fiscal year total 2008 08/11/2014 REFND:EXPD PUD-PALMER LLC (29,800.00)$ (29,800.00)$ fiscal year total 2015 306 Cash In Lieu of Parkland FY1999 - FY2009 BALANCE -PLUS PLUS LESS BALANCE - BEGINNING NEW CASH-IN-LIEU FUND INTEREST PAID OUT ENDING 1999 79,285$ -$ 4,491$ -$ 83,776$ 2000 83,776$ -$ 4,835$ -$ 88,611$ 2001 88,611$ -$ 4,951$ (26,863)$ 66,699$ 2002 66,699$ -$ 1,947$ -$ 68,646$ 2003 68,646$ -$ 916$ -$ 69,561$ 2004 69,561$ -$ 958$ (8,000)$ 62,520$ 2005 62,520$ 168,768$ 4,146$ -$ 235,434$ 2006 235,434$ 71,272$ 1,212$ (272,000)$ 35,918$ 2007 35,918$ 302,653$ 15,316$ -$ 353,886$ 2008 353,886$ 299,582$ 18,601$ (500,146)$ 171,924$ 2009 171,924$ -$ 4,841$ -$ 176,765$ 2010 176,765$ 10,500$ 3,299$ 190,564$ 2011 190,564$ -$ 2,258$ 192,822$ 2012 192,822$ 11,712$ 1,854$ 206,388$ 2013 206,388$ 83,057$ 1,783$ 291,227$ 2014 291,227$ 10,435$ 2,190$ 303,852$ 2015 303,852$ 10,430$ -$ (29,800)$ 284,482$ 2016 284,482$ -$ -$ -$ 284,482$ since 1999 79,285$ 968,409$ 73,597$ (836,809)$ 284,482$ DETAIL - CASH PAID IN: 05/17/2005 VILLAGE INVESTMENT GROUP 119,743.89$ 05/05/2005 VERA M WIEGAND TRUST 10,500.00$ 02/14/2005 MORGAN HOMES,INC.-IN LIEU 38,524.46$ 168,768.35$ fiscal year total 04/25/2006 MT AVENUE PARTNRS:MILL PK 11,348.00$ 09/28/2005 SANDAN LLC - CASH IN LIEU 36,514.50$ 07/20/2005 STEWART TITLE OF BOZEMAN 23,409.00$ 71,271.50$ fiscal year total 06/08/2007 D & D PALMER LLC 29,800.00$ 05/14/2007 BAXTER SPRINGS LLC 89,089.11$ 04/05/2007 MILL DISTRICT PARTNERS 25,765.60$ 01/09/2007 BIG RIVER DEVELOPMENT INC 102,600.00$ 11/14/2006 DMC, INC 55,398.00$ 302,652.71$ fiscal year total 06/27/2008 SAAM REAL ESTATE INC 88,165.00$ 06/26/2008 GOLF COURSE PRTNRS 58,806.00$ 09/26/2007 SCHROEDER HOMES INC 152,611.15$ 299,582.15$ fiscal year total 02/12/2010 MT AVE PARTNERS NORTHSIDE PUD 10,500.00$ 10,500.00$ fiscal year total fy11 - none 307 Cash In Lieu of Parkland FY1999 - FY2009 01/13/2012 CHASE SKOGEN CONSTRUCTION 11,712.00$ 11,712.00$ fiscal year total 06/07/2013 CHASE SKOGEN CONSTRUCTION 11,712.00$ 06/07/2013 CHASE SKOGEN CONSTRUCTION 7,808.00$ 05/06/2013 LMF GROUP, LLC PZ 13-165 6,258.24$ 04/19/2013 CHASE SKOGEN CONSTRUCTION 11,712.00$ 02/22/2013 CHASE SKOGEN CONSTRUCTION 11,712.00$ 02/07/2013 SHAHAN ENTERPRISES INC 10,430.40$ 11/09/2012 CHASE SKOGEN CONSTRUCTION 11,712.00$ 10/12/2012 BAXTER INVESTMENT GROUP 11,712.00$ 83,056.64$ fiscal year total 03/31/2014 JASON A. DELMUE Z-13254 PZ14-84 PEACH+BL 2,090.88$ 10/11/2013 BLOCK M,LLC PZ13-396 PARK BLOCK M MASUB 8,344.32$ 10,435.20$ fiscal year total 08/22/2014 Z-14166 DIXSON MULTIHOUSE PZ14-297 FSP 10,430.40$ 10,430.40$ fiscal year total DETAIL - CASH PAID OUT: 02/05/2001 SUNDANCE SPRINGS PARKLAND (26,862.88)$ (26,862.88)$ fiscal year total 06/29/2004 NORTH MEADOWS PARK (8,000.00)$ (8,000.00)$ fiscal year total 02/13/2006 PARKLAND TRANSFR->LIBRARY (22,000.00)$ 07/11/2005 PARKLAND TRANSFR->LIBRARY (250,000.00)$ (272,000.00)$ fiscal year total 06/02/2008 BURKE PARK LOTS PURCHASE (500,146.00)$ (500,146.00)$ fiscal year total 308 Cash In Lieu of Parkland FY1999 - FY2009 BALANCE -PLUS PLUS LESS BALANCE - BEGINNING NEW CASH-IN-LIEU FUND INTEREST PAID OUT ENDING 1999 79,285$ -$ 4,491$ -$ 83,776$ 2000 83,776$ -$ 4,835$ -$ 88,611$ 2001 88,611$ -$ 4,951$ (26,863)$ 66,699$ 2002 66,699$ -$ 1,947$ -$ 68,646$ 2003 68,646$ -$ 916$ -$ 69,561$ 2004 69,561$ -$ 958$ (8,000)$ 62,520$ 2005 62,520$ 168,768$ 4,146$ -$ 235,434$ 2006 235,434$ 71,272$ 1,212$ (272,000)$ 35,918$ 2007 35,918$ 302,653$ 15,316$ -$ 353,886$ 2008 353,886$ 299,582$ 18,601$ (500,146)$ 171,924$ 2009 171,924$ -$ 4,841$ -$ 176,765$ 2010 176,765$ 10,500$ 3,299$ 190,564$ 2011 190,564$ 1,880$ 192,444$ since 1999 79,285$ 852,775$ 67,393$ (807,009)$ 192,444$ DETAIL - CASH PAID IN: 05/17/2005 VILLAGE INVESTMENT GROUP 119,743.89$ 05/05/2005 VERA M WIEGAND TRUST 10,500.00$ 02/14/2005 MORGAN HOMES,INC.-IN LIEU 38,524.46$ 168,768.35$ fiscal year total 04/25/2006 MT AVENUE PARTNRS:MILL PK 11,348.00$ 09/28/2005 SANDAN LLC - CASH IN LIEU 36,514.50$ 07/20/2005 STEWART TITLE OF BOZEMAN 23,409.00$ 71,271.50$ fiscal year total 06/08/2007 D & D PALMER LLC 29,800.00$ 05/14/2007 BAXTER SPRINGS LLC 89,089.11$ 04/05/2007 MILL DISTRICT PARTNERS 25,765.60$ 01/09/2007 BIG RIVER DEVELOPMENT INC 102,600.00$ 11/14/2006 DMC, INC 55,398.00$ 302,652.71$ fiscal year total 06/27/2008 SAAM REAL ESTATE INC 88,165.00$ 06/26/2008 GOLF COURSE PRTNRS 58,806.00$ 09/26/2007 SCHROEDER HOMES INC 152,611.15$ 299,582.15$ fiscal year total 02/12/2010 MT AVE PARTNERS NORTHSIDE PUD 10,500.00$ 10,500.00$ fiscal year total DETAIL - CASH PAID OUT: 02/05/2001 SUNDANCE SPRINGS PARKLAND (26,862.88)$ fiscal year total 06/29/2004 NORTH MEADOWS PARK (8,000.00)$ fiscal year total 02/13/2006 PARKLAND TRANSFR->LIBRARY (22,000.00)$ 07/11/2005 PARKLAND TRANSFR->LIBRARY (250,000.00)$ (272,000.00)$ fiscal year total 06/02/2008 BURKE PARK LOTS PURCHASE (500,146.00)$ fiscal year total309