HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-13-17 City Commission Packet Materials - A10. UDC Update Continued Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Tom Rogers, Senior Planner Martin Matsen, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Unified Development Code (UDC) Update Public Hearing MEETING DATE: November 13, 2017 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action RECOMMENDED MOTION: N/A. RECOMMENDATION: Continue review of Article 3 – 7 of the draft revised Chapter 38 Unified Development Code. On August 24, 2017 the City Commission began consideration of the Unified Development Code (UDC) update, dated July 28, 2017. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A motion to table discussion was made and seconded. The Commission voted 2:2 on the motion to table. The excused Commissioner will consider and vote on the motion to table discussion on the revised development on Thursday, September 7, 2017. On September 7, 2017 the Commission voted not to table the discussion on the UDC, final vote 3:2. On September 11, 2017 the Commission continued consideration of the UDC update. The Commission completed review of Article 1 and began consideration of Article 2. The Commission continued the review to Monday, September 18, 2017. On September 18, 2017 the Commission continued the public hearing to October 2, 207. No action was taken at the September 18, 2017 hearing. On October 2, 2017 the Commission completed review of Article 2 and began consideration of Article 3. Two motions were made to amend the development code. Staff is maintaining a summary of all motions to track what changes will be made. The Commission continued the public hearing to October 23, 2017 with intention to focus on Articles 3 and 4. Staff held a meeting on Wednesday, October 4, 2017 with a group of design community to discuss and improve the minimum design standards in Article 5. The discussions with the design community are ongoing. On October 16, 2017 the Commission continued their review of the draft development code. Staff presented numerous illustrations describing the current and proposed zone edge transitions requirements and illustrations covering floor area ratios (FAR). No motions were made at this hearing. Review will continue with Article 3. 737 On October 23, 2017 the Commission continued their review of the draft development code. Staff completed presenting Article 3. The Commission continued their discussion and focused on zone edge transitions, zoning authority and communication, lot dimensions, accessory dwelling units and cottage housing standards. Public comment on ADU and affordable housing incentives. Allow ADU on ground floor, remove ADU restrictions on subdivision approved before 1997, and remove restrictions for small sized lots only for affordable units. No motions were made at this hearing. On October 30, 2017 the Commission continued their review of the draft development code. The Commission continued their discussion and focused on regulatory communication, lot dimensions, accessory dwelling units, cottage housing standards, and other standards. Public comment was heard on ADU and the B-3 District. Fourteen motions were made to amend the draft development code. The subject of some the motions were not included with the official public notice for the UDC update. A copy of the notice contents are included with this memo. Staff will consider all the motions that are outside of the scope of the current notice as direction to the City manager to initiate a zone text amend that include these items. On November 6, 2017 the Commission continued their review of the draft development code. No action was taken. The meeting was continued to Monday, November, 13, 2017. LINK TO ORIGINAL AUGUST 24, 2017 CITY COMMISSION MEETING MATERIALS (STAFF REPORT) LINK TO SEPTEMER 7, 2017 CITY COMMISSION MEETING LINK TO SEPTEMER 11, 2017 CITY COMMISISON MEETING LINK TO SEPTEMBER 18, 2017 CITY COMMISSION MEETING LINK TO OCTOBER 2, 2017 CITY COMMISSION MEETING LINK TO OCTOBER 16, 2017 CITY COMMISISON MEETING LINK TO OCTOBER 23, 2017 CITY COMMISISON MEETING LINK TO OCTOBER 30, 2017 CITY COMMISSION MEETING Anticipating discussion on Article 5 – Project Design a link to the DRAFT block frontage map is provided below. Default designations are described in section 38.510.020 (page 359). Draft Block Frontage Map UNRESOLVED ISSUES: Described in the UDC Update staff report. ALTERNATIVES: As determined by the City Commission FISCAL EFFECTS: None identified. Report compiled on: November 6, 2017 Attachments: Summary of Commission Action UDC Public Notice 738 MEMORANDUM TO: Bozeman City Commission FROM: Tom Rogers, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Bozeman City Commission amendments to the July 28, 2017 draft UDC update DATE: November 13, 2017 During Board discussion the following amendments and issues related to the Unified Development Code (UDC) update were moved, seconded, discussed and voted on with the results listed below each amendment. Motions highlighted in YELLOW relate to subjects not included in the UDC update notice and have not been considered by the Zoning Commission. September 11, 2017 Article 1 – General Provisions Although no vote was taken, there appeared to be Commission support to insure that the approving [governing] body (Planning Director or City Commission) is limited to applying arbitrary and capricious conditions of approval for development application. Specifically, section 38.100.050.A, second sentence states, “In some instances the public interest will be best served when such minimums are exceeded.” Commission suggests that a higher standard is required. Staff Comment: Conditions of approval above and beyond minimum standards require specific findings showing reasonable nexus and proportionality. All approval or disapprovals are subject to appeal through the appropriate channels described in this chapter. Article 2 – Permits, Legislative Actions and Procedures September 18, 2017 No action taken. 739 October 2, 2017 Article 2 – Permits, Legislative Actions and Procedures 1. 08:07:51 PM (01:32:28) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to add “recommendations do not constitute votes of approval or denial” to Section 38.200.010(G). The motion passed 5-0. 2. 08:18:16 PM (01:42:53) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to add “Under this section, when advisory boards review and make recommendations to the review authority that they act in a quasi-judicial capacity” to Section 38.200.010(G). The motion passed 5-0. October 16, 2017 No motions made. Discussion on:  Article 3 – Zoning Districts and Land Uses  Commission requested more illustrations to describe zone edge transitions and floor area ratio (FAR) October 23, 2017 No motions made. Discussion on:  Section 38.300.020. Replace list of zoning districts. Solution – replace.  Table 38.300.100. Illustrative summary table seems to bring unwarranted scrutiny. Solution – delete table.  Minimum lot width.  ADU. Ground floor, height limitation, location of accessory structures.  Cottage housing. 500 foot radius limitation. Public comment on ADU and affordable housing incentives. Allow ADU on ground floor, remove ADU restrictions on subdivision approved before 1997, and remove restrictions for small sized lots only for affordable units. October 30, 2017 Staff presented alternative standards for certain code sections as described in Attachment A – Code Modifications dated October 30, 2017. Staff completed summarizing proposed changes to Article 3. The Commission is deliberations and making changes to the July 28, 2017 UDC draft. 740 Public comment was heard. Comment focused on the following:  A representative from the design community stated they are working on proposed changes to Article 5.  Accessory dwelling units and their effect on existing neighborhoods, traffic generation in alleys  Furthering the distinction of the downtown area. Insuring the proposed changes to the B-3 district achieve the desired outcome (38’ transitions), Article 3 – Zoning District and Land Use 3. 08:15:11 PM (02:15:36) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to amend the purpose of Section 38.300.010 to include E., “Zoning districts and the zoning map communicate the City’s expectation for land use in each particular district”. The motion passed 5-0. 4. 08:17:48 PM (02:18:13) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to restore the line in 38.300.020 “For the purpose of this chapter, the City is divided and classified into the following use districts” and restore the table therein. The motion passed 5-0. 5. 08:25:05 PM (02:25:30) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to amend Section 38.360. 170, A., 1., to change 1,000 feet to 400 feet in the last sentence so it reads “must not be located within 400 linear feet of the exterior property…”. The motion passed 4-1. 6. 08:29:42 PM (02:30:07) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to amend Section 38.360.170, 1., a., and b. to add language “where students are regularly present” after “facilities” in paragraph a., and after “private schools” in paragraph b. The motion passed 5-0. 7. 08:37:28 PM (02:37:53) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to strike the table “Summary of housing types permitted in the residential zoning districts” in Section 38.300.100. The motion passed 4-1. 8. 08:59:00 PM (02:59:25) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to amend Section 38.300.100, A., to state that the intent and purpose of the RS residential district is to commemorate and preserve existing RS zoning only. This district is not available for future land use designation. The motion passed 3-2. 9. 09:09:07 PM (03:09:32) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to amend Section 38.360.110 E., 1., to add subsection h. to state “When cottage housing units meet the definition of affordable housing under 38.380 maximum units under d. and e. do not apply. Every unit would have to be affordable, with the same proportion, in order to exceed the maximum.” The motion passed 5-0. 741 10. 09:21:12 PM (03:21:37) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to amend Section 38.340.070, A., to change the middle of the paragraph as follows: “In order to encourage restoration, rehabilitation, and appropriate new construction” and the rest is the same. Section 38.340.070.A.1., is amended to read “Modifications must be more historically appropriate for the building and/or site in question, the adjacent properties, and the overall pattern of the neighborhood as determined by the standards in section 38.340.050” and the rest is the same. The motion passed 5- 0. 11. 09:23:30 PM (03:23:55) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to amend Section 38.300.110.D., to retitle it “Business district (downtown B-3) and to append “downtown” in front of “B-3” throughout Section 38.300.110. The motion passed 5-0. 12. 09:27:12 PM (03:27:37) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to add a sentence in Section 38.300.110.D., as the second sentence to read “The downtown B-3 district should be the area of greatest density of development and intensity of use.” The motion passed 5-0. 13. 09:30:33 PM (03:30:58) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to amend Section 38.300.110.D.4, to unstrike the line “Room should be provided in appropriate areas for logical and planned expansion of the present district.” The motion failed 2-3. 14. 09:43:42 PM (03:44:07) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to amend Section 38.300.110.D.4.(a), to unstrike the sentence and leave it in the document, and remove “a.” to make it the second paragraph of 4. Additionally, strike the beginning of the sentence “It is the intent…” and state “This district encourages...”. The motion passed 5-0. November 6, 2017 742 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR A TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE The City of Bozeman is replacing and amending its land use regulations, Unified Development Code, Chapter 38 BMC. The Unified Development Code establishes standards for development and land use. These changes apply throughout the entire city. The new text applies to all applications for land development. The update will also eliminate all entryway corridors and apply design standards throughout the City. The purpose of the public hearings are to consider the application as requested by the applicant, City of Bozeman, PO Box 1230, Bozeman MT 59771. The Bozeman City Commission will conduct public hearings on the proposal Thursday, August 17, 2017 and Thursday, August 24, 2017 in the City Commission Room, City Hall, 121 N Rouse Avenue, Bozeman MT at 6:00 pm. Amendments include overall reorganization as follows: 1. General provisions (user guide, and purpose & authority) 2. Permits, legislative actions & procedures (consolidates project applications, review procedures, and approval criteria) 3. Zoning districts & land use (introduces zones, permitted uses, and density & dimensional standards) 4. Community design (includes standards related to public and larger scale community design issues such as streets, block size & connectivity, subdivision design, and parks) 5. Project design (includes standards to apply to the design of individual developments, including development frontages, site planning, building design, parking, landscaping, signage, etc.) 6. Natural resource protection (mostly wetlands and floodplain regulations) 7. Definitions The text amendments will include the creation and addition of: Section 38.510 – Block Frontage Standards  Storefront  Landscape  Mixed  Gateway  Internal  Other  Industrial Section 38.520 – Site Planning & Design Elements  Relationship to adjacent properties  Non-motorized circulation & design 743  Vehicular circulation & parking  Internal open space  Service areas and mechanical equipment Section 38.530 – Building Design  Building character  Building massing & articulation  Building details  Building materials  Blank wall treatment Specific amendments will amend multiple sections by (section references follow the revised organization): Eliminating duplicative code references Amend Section 38.270.070.C payment of cash in-lieu of capital facilities Amend Section 38.210.010 the duties of Administrative Design Review (ADR) Amend Section 38.220.130 submittal materials for regulated activities in wetlands. Amend Section 38.220 submittal materials and requirements for subdivision and site plan applications Amend Section 38.220 supplementary documents Amend Section 38.230.040 Design Review Board (DRB) authority Amend Section 38.230.100 plan review criteria Add Section 38.230.120 to create Special Use Permit (SUP) procedures and criteria Add Section 38.230.130 to create the community design framework master plan Add Section 38.250.060 to create departures for specific development standards Amend Section 38.270.090 refining development or authority for the maintenance of common areas and facilities developer or property owners’ association Amend and refine Section 38.300 purpose and intent of residential, commercial, industrial, and mixed use zoning districts Amend Section 38.300.050.C where district boundaries divide a lot or parcel into two or more districts Amend Table 38.300.100 to add a reference table showing permitted housing types within each zoning district Amend Section 38.310.020 classification of uses by refining evaluation criteria and authority Amend Tables 38.310.030, 38.310.040, 38.310.040.B, and 38.310.040.C, residential uses Amend Section 38.320.020 form and intensity standards in residential districts Amend Tables 38.320.030, 38.320.040, and 38.320.050 for residential, mixed-use, and non-residential districts Amend Section 38.320.060 zone edge transitions Amend Section 38.330.010 UMU district special standards Amend Section 38.330.020 REMU district special standards Amend Section 38.340.E conformance with other applicable development standards Delete Section 38.340.200-280 Entryway Corridor Overly District Delete Section 340.400-470 Casino Overlay District Amend Section 38.350.050 Setback and height encroachment, limitations, and exceptions Amend Section 38.320.030 Cottage Housing provisions 744 Amend Section 38.360.030 accessory buildings, uses and requirement standards and creating daylight plane provisions Amend Section 38.360.030.I to harmonize garage setbacks with previously approved text amendments Amend Section 38.360.040 accessory dwellings units reducing unit square footage in certain districts, allowing ADU’s on the ground floor when standards are met in certain districts and generally modifying standards Deleting Section 38.360.080 automobile washing establishments Deleting Section 389.360.090 cemeteries Amending Section 38.360.150 large-scale retail standards Deleting Section 38.360.180 manufactured home communities Amending Section 38.360.160 manufactured homes on individual lot standards Deleting Section 38.360.170 portable carry out food and beverage buildings Amend Section 38.360.210 single, two, and three-household dwellings residential garage intent and standards Amend Section 38.360.240 townhome and rowhouse dwelling to create building standards, garage standards, internal drive isle standards, and create usable open space requirements Amend Section 38.400.010 streets, general to include alleys Amend Section 38.400.090.C drive access requirements and standards Amend Table 38.400.090.C.3.a(4) maximum driveway widths for townhome or rowhouse dwellings Amend Section 38.400.100.A street vision triangles Amend Section 38.400.110 transportation pathways to modify and clarify standards and alternate easements Amend Section 38.410.020 to include neighborhood centers are subject to block frontage standards Amend Section 38.410.030 adding courtyard access lots Amend Section 38.410.040 clarifying block standards Amend Section 38.420.020 parks and open space requirements Amend Section 38.420.030 to allow and establish standards for cash donation in-lieu of land dedication Amend Section 38.430.090 clarifying planned unit development standards Deleting Section 38.430.100 North 19th Avenue/West Oak Street entryway corridor Amend Section 38.500.020 building additions, remodels, and site improvement criteria Amend Section 38. 510 block frontage standards creating storefront, landscape, mixed, gateway, internal, other, and industrial frontage standards Amend Section 38.520 to add site planning & design elements including the relationship to adjacent properties, non-motorized circulation & design, vehicular circulation & parking, internal open space, and service areas and mechanical equipment standards Amend Section 38.530 to add building design elements including building character, building massing & articulation, building details, building materials, and blank wall treatment Amend Table 38.560.060 non-residential sign standards to include a maximum square footage for pole signs Amend Section 38.700.020 deleting animal hospital definition Amend Section 38.700.020 adding definition of articulation Amend Section 38.700.020 adding articulation interval Amend Section 38.700.020 deleting auto salvage yard definition Amend Section 38.700.020 deleting bar definition Amend Section 38.700.020 adding blank wall definition Amend Section 38.700.020 deleting convenience food restaurant 745 Amend Section 38.700.020 refining definition of convenience use Amend Section 38.700.020 adding definition of cornice Amend Section 38.700.020 deleting date of submission definition Amend Section 38.700.020 adding departure definition Amend Section 38.700.020 adding façade definition Amend Section 38.700.020 deleting food processing facility Amend Section 38.700.020 deleting front line of building definition Amend Section 38.700.020 adding general service establishment definition Amend Section 38.700.020 adding heavy retail service establishment definition Amend Section 38.700.020 adding high visibility street corner definition Amend Section 38.700.020 deleting industry, heavy definition Amend Section 38.700.020 deleting industry, light definition Amend Section 38.700.020 defining level I, II, and II improvements Amend Section 38.700.020 defining live-work unit Amend Section 38.700.020 adding manufacturing, heavy definition Amend Section 38.700.020 manufacturing, light definition Amend Section 38.700.020 adding manufacturing, moderate definition Amend Section 38.700.020 adding pedestrian-orientated open space Amend Section 38.700.020 defining rowhouse Amend Section 38.700.020 defining rowhouse cluster Amend Section 38.700.020 refining definition of setback Amend Section 38.700.020 adding transom window definition Amend Section 38.700.020 adding trellis definition Amend Section 38.700.020 adding vertical building modulation Amend Section 38.700.020 refining warehouse definition Amend Section 38.700.020 refining yard definition And generally correct grammar, numbering corrections, active voice, etc. The complete text of all the proposed changes is available through the Department Community Development, 20 E Olive Street, Bozeman MT 59715. The text may be revised as the public review process proceeds. The City invites the public to comment in writing and to attend the public work sessions. Written comments may be directed to the City of Bozeman, Department of Community Development, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771-1230. For those who require accommodations for disabilities, please contact Mike Gray, City of Bozeman ADA Coordinator, 582-3232 (voice), 582-3203 (TDD). Please reference UDC Update Bozeman Municipal Code, File 15-320 in all correspondence. ******** SUBMITTED FRIDAY, 07/21/17 FOR SUNDAY, 07/30/17 AND 8/6/17 LEGAL AD PUBLICATIONS. PLEASE PRINT BOLD WHERE INDICATED, AND SEND AFFIDAVIT TO BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 746