HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 27- Bozeman Country Club Deed . - DEED ---- THIS INDENTURE, Mad.e this .:<.. / ,J- day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, between BOZEMAN COUNTRY CLUB, a Corporatian, organized, existing and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Montana, with its prinicpal place of business at Bozema.n.' Gallatin Caunty, ..~, J"'.'~~~ "4- .' 1. "_~' ............... ..,~"-~,y~~. ....:-:--'''"..,-~\fJ~.....~,...:.-:I-.~,~-,._,~.,'~'~~'',_.y"''. i"'-..' -....-<. :Montana, the party ar the first part . ,'and. ~ CITY OF BOZID,1AN, a Municipal Carporatian, in Gallatin County, State of Mantana, the party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of one 'of /70 DOLLARS 0/1. /O<J to it in hand paid by the party of the secand part, the receipt whereof is hereby aoknawedged, and in cansideration of the benefits which will aoorue to. the party of the first part by the establishment af a Public Street embracing.the lands hereinafter canveyed, do by these presents grant, bart;ain, sell, convey and canfirm unto. the said party af the seoand part, and to. its sucoessars and assigns, all of the follawing .~.. ,- .. desoribed real praperty, situated in the City of. Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State af Montana, towit: A strip of land sixty (60) feet in width in Black Seventeen (17), and aerass East Babcoek Street, all in Narthern Paoific Ad.ditian to. the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Mantana, and more particularly described as fallaws: Beginning at a paint in the north line of said East Babcook Street, said point being ane hundred ninety-four and seven-tenths (194.7) feet east af the southwest corner of Block Twenty-five (2n), Northern Pacifio Addition to. the City of Boseman; thence south 670 19' E. to. al)oint in -.''''':. .'.,:" ,"-&1<1 Bl-ook8e"eh~eIi-TnTon the - baundary ;line of ~:I". the praperty af the Bozeman Cauntry Club and Granville A. King in said Block Seventeen (17), said paint being sauth 300 4' E., thirty-four and six-tenths (34.6) feet from a paint in the north line af said Blook Seventeen (17), ane hundred fifty-nine and one-tenth (109.1) feet west af the nartheast carner thereof; thence south 300 4' E., sixty-nine and three-tenths (69.3) feet; thence narth 678 19' W. to. the narth line of East Babcook Street; thence east alang said narth line ane hundred fifty-five and six-tenths (155.6) feet to. the point af beginning; cantaining five-tenths . ~ ...2..... (.5) of one acre, more or less; excepting there- "" from any portion of said East Babcook Street not officially vacated by the City of Bozeman. TOGETHER with all and singular, the tenements, heredit- aments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertain- ing, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, ~'f" r 1ii!" """..~~,~_ -, ~ . ~',,', 'A ~" ---~'.~""""""'~'. ......_,-~ .._,~~~,...........~,,,.....................~._,---l.'_~'\.,:,~,...:..:.~_~... issues and profits thereGt;and a1ao .11 estates, right, title and interest, property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said parties of the first part, of in or to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with a.ppurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the above mentioned and aesoribed premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, and to its suocessors and assigns forever. And the said party of the first part, and its successors and assigns do hereby eovenant, that they will forever warrant and defend their ~___ J;_1ght, title.. and. In.ter_aat in-and-L-othe--said-p!'emiee-s-,--and the-quiet ~.-, ...- and peaceful possession thereof, unto the said party of the second part, its successors and. assigns, against the acts and deeds of the said party of the first part, and all and every person and persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same. The above described real estate is conveyed by the party of the first part to the party of the second part, to be used by the party of' the second part, its Buocessors and assigns, for a Public Street and High-way. This conveyance is made pursuant to a resolution unanimously pas8ed. and adopted by the Board of Director8of the said Bozeman ".:; .,.,",..',....,~ -'~~- .:L./~ Country Club, a corporation, at a meeting thereof held on the day of February, A.D. 1927, in the City of Bozeman, Montana, and said resolution is as follows: "Resolved that the President and Seoretary of this Corporation be authorized and instructed to make, execute, and deliver to the City of Bozeman, adeed for the lands above described for . --- / -3- Right-ot-way purposes on~, tor a Pttblio Highway and Street, for the nominal eousideration ot ONE (tl.aO) DOLLAR.tt m WIT:NESS WHEREOF, The said party oftha first part has <mused these presents to be exeduted in its oorporate name, by itsPresid.entand Secretary for such purpose duly authorized, and ;.:f[.' ,". '+'" ~ ...:...<: '....." , , ~~",IiIII" %;' .. ~~'~ ............-, "~"..::, '-.--..............., - .....-. -............. - - ~ , _.':',.,........I..ft~,'" ~~,__.'. the eorporate .eal"'~O:b..4,1;A. dayu.d J'Mr first above written. . ~~---::~~~d, Sealed and Delivered, ...... '-.. ......"... '.. L BOZ'RMAN ;' "",~___.._r___. "~~ '. COUNTRY CLUB. ;_........-..-. in-'tb:e .presenoe of f~'Z~~ ~~_. --~ .- ~ ...,-.-" ' -. ~ ,- ' -',..,,:, ~:.,,\...:~:!~'i ,~<~~ '~::'~:~?l~ Attest: " STATE OF MONTANA, ) ) as. COUNTY OF GALLATIN.) - ~ . ---. M~ dai -o~ :-:::: ':~::c 1:::, t::fore- ~ State~ontaDB.' per~CDB.llY appeared ... ~ h ---.,..- known to me to be the Presid.ent of the Corporation that exeouted the within instrument, and aoknowledged to me that such Corporation exeouted the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix my Notarial Seal, at my office in Bozeman, Montana, the day and year in this aoknowledgement first above written. .. .. ",_ "r"..'_ .. ry,hbl1c .for the State ef Montana. - siding at Bozeman, }.IontaIl~l/ 0 ,/ .- . .... - ~\... My Ctlimmission expires, ~ 7- 2---} ~ ~,~''tI. . - ,~ - :. .:-:- -'. " ~ ..... '''., -- ,;-.... .' ~ ........ "'"'- ~- ' -