HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 28- Maughan, Mary Jane Deed (2) ... ~-- !;....-i-,~,;~!>-, .;. G-UI TCIIAH~ DEb']) 1 2 T1TIS IIU>S!'fTURE. mEde the . ,~ . .. day of November, A. D. 3 ,1928. by and be tw'een UARY JANE, MAUGHAN, of 1249 So. ',Vall 3 t. , 4 Spokane, Washington, HARRIET ANNE KYLE. of' Bo zeman, ~,ron tana, 5 ?fi.:r.U:-ILLA l'''A..'''G1:Y L1JCE, of 3151 Mt. P1eBnant street, ;;ashill:'e;ton, 0" ' I). C. pElT A Tt,D::r,JY. c..:.n.::n:..:...:1, of TJi vings ton, :..8.1.1 tGrla, HElmY EcC;OR- ~ . € . .. ~"".w.'l1;'~""'" ,;>",,,. .$.'_.''''''''>c,.''''''''~,.'''.,..''' .'.,". .. 7' ,.,.ra:ifd~1"~'1.':..':'. ..::: H-:~::'~'~'~1r~COF;:;~;,"I~~"o;~;e:~;';f;:'~"-''':' :<:/~,.:.. '" 8 %",. .. ~:~: ... . . DAllIEL I'LTI:Y )c'cCOR1'ICK an 9 -- . . t?. . . .. HeCOR~ITCK, his \",'i fe, of {{),M . . . . . 10 ~a.... EDl'll1mRTJRKE )IcCO'UfICK. an unmarried ,"an, 11 of .!!~~t;1~~!.l+l.!I}?!!. EVA HAY CARlaN, of Livingston, 7~011t8.l1a, 12 JOIDJ HAXEYand ]~AURA D. I:TAXEY, his wi:re, of park County, Ifontana, 13 VlII!LIAI~ lTilLY and ,OtETA H. "'rAJ'CEY, his wife, of Butte, 7'on tan::,', , 14 GEmW1l: jfA'CIT and l~ARGARET T. E/XEY , his wife, af Butte, Pontana, DAVID TJAXEY and OJ? AL G. VAX--;X, his wife, of .i...Jivil1.gston, Eo.nt:::.na, (~ndBERTIE Ir. OrJEHHOUSE, of Bozeman, 170n tana, the p~rtios of the fij;':';; t'~~~" "auQ...~":U;; G.P'X '"~~~~~J!f.iAll-a~l.i,~Jtal,G(,)~IlQXa ti on '~\~::i.;>,,~,,~~:~"~""- iI:>:,:,':," ",o,,'.;.'z!>.'" ,,,.' ":~~':":" ':;:!'.':"",' " :":P:'-~:4'~'tj~:j~;~~j,~.::,/t~ :,_~:q~{,~""~:::,~:~,, .~; ".::: ,,'. ,. ':,' ",::~""::'::" , "..,.n , " " , '" ,~''','' .., , " ,..." ,,"" . "" ' ,,,,, ': Of the State of Montana, the p~rty of the second part, 19 IT I T N E SSE T IT: 20 That the said parties of the first part, for ancl in 21 consideration Of the sum of ONE T)OIJJ.illR to them in hanCl')[J,id by 22 the party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby 23 acknowledged, do remise, release and forever qui tolaim un to the 24 25 said party of the s'econd part, and to its successors and a8si~ns the following clesctibed re~l estate, situated in the City of 26 Bozer'lRn, G8Ullty of GnllDti~l, anti S ta te 8f l:ontana, to Wi t : ...'11'",",,- ..' .-,1 28 A strip off' the s8uth ~3ide of the :)l'8perty armed 29 bJ' J/ral'Y Jane Tflaughan, et aI, said, strip being more parti cular1y descl'i bed asfo110Vls, t8 wit: Beginning 30 at a point in the south line of the lwt of Section 7..lFownahip 2 South, Range 62ast, said point being 31 160 feet westoi' the west line of Rouse Avenue 3.; ti:oi1ce west along said south line of HW.;;- 31 feet; thence easterly 32 31 feet t~ a paiutO.Bl feet north of said south line of 1P.Vt; thonce south 0.81 feet to the olaee of beginning, containing 12.5aql.lare feet, or ap>roximate1y 0.0003 acre, ITAT. 1I11.U'NI"' ct.. Hla...&. -~._.._- --~.~-- L ~- .,- ~. _. " -2- 1 TOG:CTHE:=~ v:i tll all the tener'1en ts, hereditaments and 2 appurtenances thereunto belonging, and the reversion and rcver- 3 sions, rcmGinder and remainders, rents, issues 2nd profits 4 5 thereofj aitd also all the estate, riGht, title and interest, )I'ODl3.2:'ty, :q8ssessi Oj~" claim 2,::1(;, c1el'la~ld whatsoever, f:',!;J ",.rell in 6 ~'.::"~::!f' .+,!~,.:., .,1Q!/." ""'i8W"''!n!' in"'e'trtti.~Yj:';lY1""th'e-f!lo8t'~-'!>ft'!Ft!;e"'t>:f the f'tretpart of, Ln 7 8 or to the Gaid Jremises, and every part 2nd ~8rcel thereJf. 9 TO ~LL T':.". r, T 0 =~0 I,]) , all and sinGular the uf:J.icl )11erni~~:IG8, 10 with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the ;':econd 11 par t , its successors and assigns forever; it being understood thB t the foregoing described trnot is conveyed to The Ci1ty of 12 Bozeman for the purpose of opel1ing Babcoc]: 0treet between House 13 Avenue anG Jozeman Avenue, T)1),r suant to the -':)rovisions of' Or6.in- 14 8-1.1oe ~Jo. 573, entitled: 15 16 If .AN ORI)I:T.~:nCE p~OVIDnTG FOR THE O?~}TInG OT' BAB- e.OCK ) T-q1~~ET 3~T~-rES~~ R (~1.:r8 ~.,~ .\"7!~3rr"l,.T ~:;~ }..-r~~') 3n71~;: ~;JT 17 ,~, ~r~~;' IT"'r':; I-:"r ~ l,.!:,i~ G I ~\! .",}' ~~0f~ ~~.~.. ~~~-- , {~0ir~,,:rT"".\; (~~1 ('!. .l^:...L- '..,"f~,jfj, "',it~,,,"~.;f-':~' -- A:fD ]3'OR TH.t!: AC:fJISI'f'TOlT ,':.r":". '_ .".. .""...,,.' ...",., .~.... ..' .' ......)l . . <.-,. --... ..- 18 BY THE CITY O:? 3bz~'A"T TTffi0UGTI COlTn:TJ~NATIO"'T -:'rw- CEEDI~.Tr~s' OF PRI~rlt~E ~:.~-qoP~T'I ~:::~~~>,~Fr~:.:.. It 19 IT IS 1TIIT>7mSTOaD tl1:'3. t :r,j~i.TIE ;~. o':.r-srrH(y(TSE ex,:;cu tes 20 thiS deed by reason of the fact that she hohls a [:1:)1"' tc;e'0 0 on 21 the D.'eruises of whioh the tract herein described is a part, 8.11d 22 for the purpooe of releasLl!.; and discharging allY lien that she 23 may have on the foregoing described t~'act of lanc\. by }'8~1:;;on of 24 Daid {:lOrtc:;age. 25 26 27 J~L,'W:J:~i~i'l,jmJJi~QJil'~!'~G~-!~Q. ".PlUl.::t+~~ of ..the :~r',....',:'..... .,. .;d:~~~::::."~~:j..~'.~ "i..,~,,"1;j;~:~>. ,., 28 i'L:'st ~)ar t have he:c eW1 to set their J'1_2.11 lis tile Cia;; and 29 30 31 32 ITA.... rU8L.IIHI". ... M "II~ .' A ,,:,-'" -3- 1 2 Year first above 3 .' '. " I } }O~~ ' .. .,. ".~ ,.,., .,.. ",:'., "" '.'"n, ,~\,~,.,',"" "."". ,', ,.',':;:,,;,.':>,".i:,<,,"'~~.'.. """':~';,',A'.'.',,""."".'~.~"""~'.""''''....,,.. , .'I'~~~~~~iF_~"r-~. ,<_ "l'!$,.,,, '" '. ".'" .., .,,' .. .. .. ,'... ... . '''c''.,,,,,,-,.. .. ,.:'.",:',:,~i,j,",.,\,.~~..,.~"", "~>""<.".'" q":;'. "~','" ,,'_."-=-""~." .".' ",n_..' ",.," ,",.'-";I:.:~:' . ": ...." "~"'>.'."'-."~""'.''':>':"'.,.~,:...~ ~~~~:~--- 10 .,~ItJ'fjPJG~_ 11 g,~llto~. ZH CJ(01~) 12 q ~ ~ 13 /0 -- 14 15 . 16 ~;" ". 18 19 ,~ 20 ! --"1___ 21 I~' n ,~ 23 24 25 -- ....4. 4p; 26 "';C",::"?;l,,, ":l,\:l<j;i:Mi?\~i:~<2~~~;:.~,J;;is"",,':~~~:"#JT:'':~'''~~:';:"~'2j.,,;' 28 29 30 31 32 ITAT. /- I"1J.e.IIHIN8 co. MILI..a. . , .-...............- I -4- / / 1 STATO: OF !'lH~ "'JTA. ) , : ss. :., (,,-'-"11'-'" (j-:-' r', T J '\ ,-,; Ie, ) ,I,ll '. ,--., ))1' ",' 1./ 2 '.'--~.. '_."..1. ,- -'.on this. ..~ay 0 3 me <TTT:]TI1\T ~". m"ITH, a Notary .i.;'llblic 4 personally aDpeared. IF1\.RY ,JANE HAUG ...~. T ,ll~~ lI"'I ~~ ~l''''I.l~ ,\1 1-1/ " I ~ .....-, known tome to the p81':::ons whoce nameS 5 are subscribed to the vlithin in,c:trument, and 8. cJe to me th~'.-t: -[' c; 8~~- eu te a the ~:_; ana. TIT ;.~,rIT~\:~~S ,~.:: . rl~~':';~!.:','~or , I n.2'l6 ",a~ f:,~~51 T4;T:,r7? ~,,@.r,~,~,~,.j;,~ Ql,~,~~~.e:J~ay..,." t ten.,. ',',. 8 9 10 11 ~ "), - ,/ ~1~ ss. 12 . ) / 13 ~ ~s ./.11~ay Of~. 1928, belore .. . me _ ", 14 ., ~. ", -, III . ,,'. ' . . II . . III . . . . . . . .. . . " ... . ill . . " ... " . . III II . . " . . . " . .. .. . . . -. 98~r},~o:n8,11.\T Blypenred. .FE~IHIJIJA ~'J'o.Xl1",{ IJUGE, J:norm to me to be the '. -_, 15" _1?er,::(J~~ whop.e nane is snbscri bed tJ the wi thin ins trumOll t , uno.. . 8.c-::l1O,:",rle(lged to me that she executed the same. 16 In "TI'l1NW("lS "rJTTi'R'T'OTi' I h'-'ve 'le""'ellllto ~" fl",yot, ..no.. sff'ix- _ ..... '. _':-'_J0. ".. ...J"," "t _ "' .. L ~ '. _ ", . _' "-'-'-"'". L.L . """' ad mv~ot~rial se[',l. the day and __~~-' A _ fl/L,_ u u ~__ ...:..)7 ;'f8f..~r -,-11':3'(; a,bovo ',"irltten,~" . _ . . .~. . ,,-> "0 -'"!" ,.,. 1r6taryPdblicr ~ ~~~ 18 C9--f cr, tr?>D 19 20 ~"m ^ m'" 0-<-:1 ~,"/l-'-m A'""A ) uj"..t:I.,:,,~.J 'v'J' ,1'~I".i::J....:'.,< t (?- : ss. ""//21 C mrrrrv- OH'T) t -q1:: ) J __ ., "" ,. ~._ ..L. ~1...1 \.. I. ......."_ . / ^ l - ~ [ n this l-r~t1lla.~.o~ J~..19~' be~ore ~/ 22 rue . ~-~.... ........, a lfotax;, __ l1.,.. .1 C 1.01 the ..>tn e of ...011- 23 tal , perGon ly appenred ~_GVA H.AXl~Y GA'\i-:IER, "3,r\ ;~lcY c:t.,;1~nr, end. ])A r D !~AXEY and OPAL n. EAXEY, his Vii fe, }::nown to me t:) be the 24 persons whose names are subecribed to the within instrument, and aclu10wledged to me th~:t she executed the sane. 25 IN 1'JI ~'NE3 S '.:JEERE OF , I ho.ve hereunto set my hrmd. and affixed my notarial ::;eal the clay and year first above written. 26.... 27- !'!d-tftl'!l' ,1'\1";- ~~e(,~~nt"nB' . .'',. ".'. - 28 _.- :pes1 d.1n('; at jl VU1{';S t on, I on tC:'no.. J'!;T \j ommiss ion eXl)ireS .~. .3~ If.~C:;.. . . . . --29 ~ 30 31 32 ITATr: Pl'IUIHU'" ..0. H'.'." . ..'.. '-"-~' -5- it / / ,/ STAI'PE OF -- ,;-/1 ....;..,~J' .... . ,,' 2 COmITY o~. ~.) as.. 3 ~,~s Ci...ol ~...dclaaY oj' ~.'.>..:~ '. ...... ...J9Z8c--~_f~. re me(1).. .. ...~~~,a Notar,y Pnblte01VY. .~.~"\::, 4 '. .. ...... e........ ..., pers o~1al1y 8PDeared HEl'TR: l{cCO~ . . .................. 1IcCOIL~cr:, his wife, knoHn to me 5 to 1)8 th 801'SOnS rrhJr3e names are subsc!'ibed to the within 1n- o.l-.,., "It.. p,..,':. IT ."1 dc.',~ .'.. , tl"'t t.I.....:,. _)Tf'. ';," tl", ',"'o-'r> ,(}' .,..".IOol-.I.I....W1l6r. j __,~J ne,_110.! e i;..)(3Q 1,0 r,e :1<:. "10.;' EJJ,~Cute(L liO ....."L_... -"'.c "'." '" ' ,,' -"- JI ~~ ~~~'~,-',_Q.ere~. ~fj.:t'J~f,'l :h~nd -- ,'s,i:.s "':'"1-*0,':.,>"1<' -. ,.,.'.~'%:@t ,,~ '"n:tixei my' nlftarri ' the day and year :fir s t above . - 7 'Iri tten. ~:%A : _ -_ Notary ~u\ ~.... ~ 10/ _ ~.: ."R~;idi~.;tq:~::a;~:~~ 1" / --- . ..' G. . 0........ - 4", s-. ~. . 1-1'< - ~,Iy orunission expires ;\.. .-.J.....~.. . " -~ .../ -. My Oom;flj,iusiAJ1/, Bxp~/'fpJ titJlltJ. 4~ J.SJ;;}tJ~ . /. '12 . . .~r '. ". . ...._.I!!!!~~~ltj_1 w.o...",,,.,.....,......,,,,..,.,.' ~'T'A/T11:i' O"!:'l e ) 13 U r',_ _.i.....I ,J..:,~. *' .. .-. ., · · It · · · · · .. . t,.1" ;, ,.~.s'''. 14 County of ..,.................) 15 ~rU?-2;1.~iS.~ff: dB.V. OfJ.?~ 19.2S'.b. afore me ~.~. ..Jf.17~\.. .. ..... ., a Notary .r.)ublie .. .~... I 16 .... ...... .. . . .. .. , 1) e r 0 J1c.lly a 'P pea red },'l\1':r'p,r~ uAXEY '!crJORJ:rr K and .. ~w. .fl.. . .. !orcr:('~..."I';~~, his ~~< %i!,..i'll"~;l.5" :f'e,I.:t..;" .i~.~lJ r. Q ...' ..... .'. ..~.."" '~. -e> "-', S,~iR-P-R~",~1~~'<h~,*..e')I~~:bt.J.:Gl'~~b_9g,>,~,.il:,''''k.'lO'.:.~," . .. '. . '-." ....". ". .......... . . .'.".. '.' . '. ...... ." '.". ..' . :'IlI'v"'N'.......2'. '.. "..,Jf.'......".<..'.-,."..C'll..." -to -eke'" t."L' '..'-',"'." ".'." "." '."-.~."."..-">..:, ,'" '..:. ..,,' ,',', .'-C' '.' -'..: -'"oij . .::.;; 'n . 'fiS. . ',""" a'oW'.Le...:oeu.-llO"Me .. ,ria ." n~l!!, &-:$$o!:I';' .. . .," , " 18 cutedthe same. nT WITNESS WHIGREOF, I have hereunto 19 ane:_ affixed my notarial seal the d8:r and year fir ten. _ 20 21 22 23 JJyCommiss ion expires 24 ~'T'A'T'~ OF ILIIFOIS ') ,j -----..,-.-' - '1IJJ~ -~'- - .:. ss. 25 County ot "(."~) 7i- - /1_ _ dh... / 26 . cfn thi. S ~1:... day .of ~&,.-( 12.Mr. 2" ; be Ore r:J. . .~..". ....:..'~...... ..1.,:., a notary l:ubliC-k:.'.~.. 27 . ..~~~.~, personally app&.red~sm~nm7TTRL!.. "', ':':':";$',~,~~*f.'~'~t,l;;~i~~il\"lMi;.,!~,:~,~t,~b!.:,'~!?J?~~:~?n~~~s! -" 28 .L.ne l,--, ~,~l.""erl.)eQ LO [,,_e ul hin in81:."._0,.e, ,_.ne. ,_,(__,_.,.~eC,eQ 1,0 file that he exeau tea. the same. -- _ , IH WITNESS VTHEREOF, I have hereunto set nw haxld and 29, 'a.1':t'1:cs~/'nij. notarial seal the day and year first above '.'Tl' i t ten. ~-~....- ~ ' >~~ ""' NotaryJ:'UQlic . .... .... '. ',---- 31 _., . .............. ..... .... - ~~ -',,- 41........ .... .'... ...:. ,...~.'. ..... ......, ... ~.. ,.......... .... 32 .. -.- ~-'""?1~ -...' Residlngat .............~... .1". ... --' . . . 2. J I My Commission expires .'1/.1..... .... tUTI pun.....N. co. HI....A. ,,',. ;, . . -I ! ! ,. ,-- ". ,.11\ / -6- 1 c: T ^T'i" 0""" ~"'OITrr ^ 'TA ) ,,- ~j.",,-'" .t' .. .'1 -~'"~" · Jf 2 : SS. . C1'T'''V;O) Ti' ("'i. . ^ m ".r COU,~.'..,'""LL,,"IL. ) Ai.... /.(jP'4t 3 0 t'., Y4 d ]' f' n 111. S .... ay 0 .. e Dr e me J"T ,," n1 I 'I'T ~,. ... ., '"I 'T'TT ~, b 1 i f t h ," t t J> 1 T t ' 4 U-' ,'. ,i\'. ~;, __E1, no uary pu. co. e >.) a. oJ. JhOn ana, per- sonally appeared JOmr l'U\_X~_;;Y and ",A D. T"Ac"."Y, his wife, 5 known to me to be the ,per sons wh e nanes are subscribed to the ':Ii thin ilU')trnrle~lt, anci ackno,;__edt-,~ecl t:J ne t,t th~'l'T exe- 6 eu ted the 2f:;-".8. T1I."!i j'--rr.TNJi;" <::' \''''''''''R'l''(iF. 'T t af:ri';:";;eu""r-.J'~C)~:~f'f'~~k.I's;itt"f\e.d''';-- '.'- ,;,." 8 9 uS 0 _,-on "ana ntana. '~/ 10 ,"" expires c. 16th 1.W~ ~ 11 .'..,.." m'~ ()Ti' 't.~O'''Tr;, ^I"fA ) JI 12 ,.),_,,1-'.. ,".l~ -,-' .',.-:\ .:--_.1.."'-1." . .... : SS. ~ ~ 1\ "i """'.1 F '''I. T",.""f" 'lIT 13 ,Al llTY \)F (,Al.J.JA.J..l." ~ ~ ~. ( 't1 ." 14 On tlllS. i. uay 0 ........ II . ..efore 1'1e ~Tustin ':"". 3mi tho a IJotar~l ,l;'ubli for the ,)hd;c of Honta/la, 15 pe:csonall;I a,';peared OLTDTA E. llf ,-EY, wife of '.1illlam I'Taxey, one of the grantors herein, }:n wn to me to be thepe1'sol1 whose 16 neDe i8 su_bscribed to the \7i thin inst1'ur'\ent, anc1 [~c _oYfleclged to me that they exncuted the saMe. 17 ." . ..' . .', '-'16" '.' ", '-'~'u,.___'g ~1!!)-'O' h'" ,,^ .....'>...t'. ,- -~"'_'-, '~+"~";:'~'J:'{'l"'-"lL":L'l~;-OQ-Q 'nn~n::D . - - . eve'..IV . ~i: . :: al"a:~ ~ffi:ied I'lY notarial seal th . a", ': ,'. e.' ::"i 20 Y lub1ie for the 3t~to of Yont211a (J i ding at 130zemall ;,'onL8na 21 ~ 01'.'.In1081 on ex~1res Dec .16~h l2les/17// 22 1.:;' 'T' ,\M 1;' erri' "'n~Tm!, T\;A ) t..J .._.... ",..;..:..J .. ,,', ..l. _~ ','." ~ ;._ , . sa. 23 COUHTY OF 3IV.T:~R BOV'!. ) 24 Jf ,1.1!t " f7\ On thi S I. ,{.!!da~ 0 .........~..~ .l!Jotary 11 25 pe';' s ::uall,y Br!i)oa1'ed 'nLLIAI~ 1,'fJLr t' , one of the 6':1'8,n tors herein, GEORGE l\1l"J"....'C}i;Y and l"ARGARET T. 0"_/ 26 lI;j\=("~Y, his ';life, knovm to me to be the 9orr;ons whc)8e 118.mes ' 'are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me _ '4.7 - th,tA they exe eu tedthe same. ::- -'....-..- '-;:'_ ;''!::-;If?<,,;,,;,,;'::~>:;IN WITNESS'~;-fIJ:,.'ha.ve:;herennto AP,t m'r h~:rld 28 r,jc(i i::;ef':l tho c_a;y and, ,'[ea:c :i:'i1'Dt ebove Fritten. ,-.~ ~,,.,. ....'.-. ~"." -. ~ 29-- -'"' -,' Notary .L'ublle for the--;Yt-i;te-'Ol' - 30- '- . Mont..an~., residiYlg a~' -~:o!.o.J7'"onrt 1:/ Hy COIDmi.ssion expires -. 7lJ.: t.. 31 . 32 ,,' .'AT! "~IBLI'H1N. c.. HILI.A. .' . , , 1 2 :;TATE OF CALIFORIHA ) . 58. 3 COUITTY OF LOS ANGKLES ) -4 ~ 011 this .~.~ cay of Fehruory, 1989, 5 a~~ bef:::>I'e me " . ~ ""T "","!'*'!1"T>,,'hl . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... .........., "." I,' ,') t: ',... .. ' , . , ___ ! c 6 L l anu fgr, .91,~ 9_~un~v, ,of ,}~~'"~~i~tf~,~~"",f3ta,.t~..9t,,,,,.Ga'l~:fo~ni'a !l'!'WlW;"- ,,'-,':j:" .:' " .',;~:::..;.~;17;;t_,:.",t~'7"~':~":'~'-:."'~~'1.'"~,,,.~.." ' ." - .0,., :;:,!-'P:,-~~. ..,''':'''' ','::" 'l' ~':~ '::.c': ~ ,.'. ,"., '.'. appeared p,' ::ZTIE H. (r.'ETT~T')nSE , };:novrn t:) ne t:l ~ie 8 the De~son viliose name 1s subscribed to the wi thin 1118 trumen t, 9 and f1Ck~l;)VTledged to me that she subsoribed the same. 10 II - - _. Il'T W'THESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my 12' . -. .' . '. -. -.,~ hand ano_ affixed my notarial seal the I? " .r'_~ ..,J-- ..- '- ,. - day a.nd year fir~,t r'bove written. ,~ B . ~- ~a.u~_ .. "-,..... . ..-. . .~ ~ _r ,:-:_~.~~~~'~~ 1$-: ~. 16 ,,, ~.~... . ,G OUYlty,., of LOSAfigel~~J, Notary Public for tlieAutate o~~li ornia, 17 ~esiding at 10s Ancbles G,-' lifornia ,:~~-",-."", "'>'06"t'8':' .'. ':\""~~'~~'-"*~\~'fl"":!e'a~:1i!ir:[Si}in:""e:tDrt6~;"; ;~~~~~::~i~~~~~t1:1r;~f.;lii7~-\~;?;:i;;"''':1c;~(':'~:~'~l\ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 " 28- 29 30 31 32 STATE PUB. CO. II~~ENA