HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 34- Graf, Eugene & Josephine Deed LAIM DEED The Standard Publl.shing Co., Printers and Bookbinders, Anaconda, Mont. ".".'. r .~ THIS INDENTURE, Made then..m......~.1~~:n.....n..........n.nmn.day of..n.mm...J..an:ua~y.,.u..........nm......in the, year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred andm.T.b1..r.ty...t.o~.r{19.3.4.l....between.........Eu.gel1e...Gr.a.f...and.... - . ..J.9.~~P~.~.~...~~f.J....n.(~~~~.4...~~...~~.f.~:>.........~~~.~..'.9.f...~~.~.~...~...'::.~~.1!ftJ..~...~.Q.~]y'....... ..S.ta.ten.of...llontan&~...u~.1n.&t.t.er...r.e.t.e.r%.4. ..to..A8..~be....pa.r.t1e.....o.t....the...fi.r.8t_..pa.rt ; ..~.4......1.~....gJ.T.I...Qr...~.Q.I~!A.....~...~.~.~.~~...~~.:r.P'~;...~j..~m...~.~..:Q~41...P.O.l1..ti.Q....O.t..._t:b~ ....~~~~.~..J~.f....M~.~.~.AA~.....J~...~.~.~~.~.~....g.9.~~_y'.,.-,....~~.~~_~.~.~~.~~~...~~.f..~.~.~~~...~.g....~.!_.................. , . . . ". ..,. 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'" .. ~~~ 4....9~...n_ ~!t~.~...~y....~fu.~Q:!.~~.(I~~.;.~....l:9.".;..._and..the...grantor.n.he.raln.,....t.he...P&r.t1.o.. Y{i~g:dt,~~t1rai:ta€Yf:g:a &~:~ ir!i i{ ~~i~hg:n.~~h :iietea:1~oanpX\or .................n n............... ......m.. ..... ........... m........ ................. .J.............................................................~.................. P.........m....... .1.... _ . replace an_ sidewalk and/or curbing on West Cleveland Street whiob may ...1"eq\41.r.....suo.h...:r-..plao...nt-..a:A4l-ir-7....Jr-ipai.r...Dy....~ea80-n...o:f...t.b....-8-8.tab11..hIl.nt.. ..... anel/or u.. of suoh alley .0 pet1 t1oned. tor. TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and the reversion and reyersions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title . ~,'" in terest; "':'.~.:::'::~:: ~:"'.~. ::-.::.:: ':-':::-:-.:':'.'.':'.::-.'.':'.::-.:::':-':.:':'.:':'.::.::::::::':-'7::7.:':".':"'.::.'.':' ::::::.:-.~ :::'~.::2"': nproperty, possession, claim and !'i~m~nd whatsoever, --as well in law as in equity, of, ,thf! said PaJ.'t;~;~H~.Of the first part Of, in or to the said premo ~ts~~ ~id.. --ev~ry part and parcel thereof..l.m~~~...~~~.~..~~.i~~.~.~.(,:!~Y.m.~~P.9.~~.~m~~m~~...~m~~~.~~ ~ ~. . ~ ~~O IIA~ AN:p TO BOLD, all arid Singular,thesaid premises, with the appurtenances....f'Q~...~J.g.~~~~f.~~.a.y _ ..- ""l .- '-'~;p\,g~p9.~.~Jr..~tI:~'.~~.~~...pijQn.Q:..al.ny,.~=~.~.=.-.".:.~.~.:~::::~::.::~:::.......:'.~~:~..n__.:~'-::.:.... ....n:n..:....:.......:..:.. .~.- ~ , ~~. ~_ _ __ _ _ _~...,....,;.~ ~r ..r..r _,--- _ _ __ _ _~ _ _ _....,.... n - --. -. -- -- .-- --.... -- .~.. ......... ...~....... .......... ................ ..~.. - - --..~. -" - --- - -- - r~ - - --- ...."... ....... ~_ ___ _~ _. __~_ _ __...... ~.~ _ ~A'... _ _ _ _..... _ __ " '." 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County oL...G.~l~.~.1!.~~....u On thiS..........L~.u...~..............................daY of...... .I~~...'-"!.;:;~,..in the year one thousand nine hundred and..~~~.~~.Y.~.~.~~.t... .........before me.....J;.~~...~_~~_~.~~.~.~.g.'''....................m................a Notary X~iJBSV.5J1"~ Pl,1bl1c for the State of Montana, personally appeared._____~~.P~~....Q:~~.:r...~4....J..Q..~~pbtn.~.___g.~.t..Jlll.~u_. , .. :u.u:~ ..'-~. f.~.}........ u......... ..___.. ...........- u on.... ......~. ................................ ............,... ..... u..... u. ........................ u". ...___...n_ ___.....m... ,.................... known to me.. ..___uu.......... ..... ......___,. ................. ........... .............. . on......-..., .,." ......... no... ......................... .......... .....___.................. .........._ U~UU~UX.._______.....u..___...u....uu...................uu...u.) to be the person..~.who8e nam~...~~~...subscr1bed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to,me that....~he Y - exeeo~ the' same, - '" IN WITNESS WHER:a;OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal /. ~ <I day and year first above ~~ ~ - ,\, " . . ~,~' - . . . .......... ,"7'---' ..___u.... ..... .........,..---.....................---................ "- ~ .- Notary Public for the State of Montana, residing at...,..~~~.~_~n....;:....MontliLIla / . . My commlsslon _F/.:-f:;mnmmm1ilt. / . ,\. ....n", ,'~ . -- ~'_ ',_... _..'''"""'"':'"~~.~~.:-'~i........~_':o:u.I.~ 'JI&.~~.:"" lb'o_~"__~......,,',.:...,.,~,~~,.':..:...."_ 'J.i>......il. .~ .,;.:.;t:. ~ .11 'l i~""'. ~..'~:.~",.~"'~~il;~~.i;?~E.~:~:~ '- ,.," ". ". ---' .-.....- . . , , . . '. j ." . .------- '. .,,' .r """'''''",",,,'', 4~d!!'1..r:' ~~:.: ~'. .~ ""., ., <~.~ ""~,~.,- _..~'" ~..:-:~'""'''''"":,:,;:;,,-'.,.:''.:.'-''-'-. - , ; oa ..... ..... - .-.::l""!' C ~, 0 :;:l I c?, QS i ~ t> ~ .: ri ~ 0:. : ~ ~ .w .-i :- t---- g - .. t r;::: s::i . ~ 0: Ii "tJ: --^-- ~aJ .1" ! ,~ 6 Q 0: G: i! CD: e: ~ : r+ .: If: t=a: . , .!i4 I, .1 Sl i g n- ::t ! 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