HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-25-17 City Commission Minutes soz. t t co. THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday,September 25,2017 Mayor-Carson Taylor: Present Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Present Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Present Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Present Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Present Staff Present at the Dais: Interim City Manager(ICM) Dennis Taylor,Assistant City Attorney(ACA) Karen Stambaugh, City Clerk Robin Crough A. 06:00:50 PM (00:06:36)Call to Order—6:00 PM-Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. B. 06:00:59 PM (00:06:45) Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 06:02:27 PM (00:08:13)Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. D. 06:02:36 PM (00:08:22)Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services(LaMeres) t5 2. Accept the Midtown Urban Renewal District Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Report(Fine) .a 3. Authorize the Mayor to Sign the Findings of Fact and Order for the Amended Plat of Lot 7, Block 41, Northern Pacific Addition Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat, Application 17273 (Quasi-Judicial) (Jadin) 7 C, 4. Authorize the Interim City Manager to Sign a STR Helper Software License and Professional Services Agreement with Bear Cloud Software, Inc. for Short Term Rental Compliance Software (Stambaugh/Winn) _g a 5. Authorize the Interim City Manager to Sign an Interlocal Agreement with Story Mill Fire District for Fire Protection Services (Waldo) . L!C Page 1 of 7 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,September 25,2017 6. Authorize the Interim City Manager to Accept a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Assistance to Firefighters Grant for Wildland Firefighting Personal Protective Equipment(Waldo) 07 t5 7. Authorize the Interim City Manager to Sign a Notice of Award to Caterpillar Tractor and Equipment for One(1) 2017 Motor Grader Lease (Vandelinder) , a 8. Authorize the Interim City Manager to Sign a Notice of Award and Purchase Agreement with Titan Machinery for One (1) New 2017 Double Steel Drum Roller with Trailer (Vandelinder) a 06:02:41 PM (00:08:27) City Manager Overview ICM Taylor provided a brief overview of Consent Items 1-8. 06:04:48 PM (00:10:34) Public Comment There was no public comment. 06:05:04 PM (00:10:50)Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items 1-8 as submitted. The motion passed 5-0. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd MaVor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-CVnthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve E. 06:05:21 PM (00:11:07) Mayoral Proclamation 1. Proclamation Regarding Smith River State Park , a Mayor Taylor read a proclamation regarding the Smith River State Park. Phillip Narrow, Chapter President of the local Trout Unlimited Chapter,thanked the Mayor and Commission for the proclamation. F. 06:09:13 PM (00:14:59) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 06:10:04 PM (00:15:50)S.K. Rossi,Public Comment Ms. Rossi of the Montana ACLU presented the text of Initiative No. 183, addressing transgender bathrooms. She discussed the severe impacts this initiative will have if it passes and the local and state levels, including liability and the City's non-discrimination ordinance.She encouraged the City to sign on to the ACLU's lawsuit as a plaintiff. Mayor Taylor asked when the City would need to sign on if they were to. Ms. Rossi responded. Page 2 of 7 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,September 25,2017 06:14:15 PM (00:20:01)Jan Strout,Public Comment Ms.Strout discussed the City Manager candidates and the non-discrimination ordinance, Equal Pay for Equal Work effort, and Indigenous Peoples' Day.She thanked the Commission for their support. G. 06:16:13 PM (00:21:59)Special Presentation 1. Water Conservation Drought Update (Ahlstrom) Public Works Director Craig Woolard introduced Jessica Ahlstrom, Water Conservation Technician. Ms.Ahlstrom discussed Bozeman's summer outdoor water use,the summer 2017 outreach initiatives, the 2017 Drought Management Plan, and drought monitoring. She discussed the drought response program measures in some detail. 06:24:59 PM (00:30:45) Questions of Staff Cr. Pomeroy asked about the response for the outdoor rebate program. DM Andrus noted that Ms.Ahlstrom and the City's programs were mentioned in Governing magazine. Cr. Mehl asked if there were additional ideas to expand where the drought meter will run in the future beyond the paper.She discussed the balance of not creating a callus for watching the drought. He asked where the biggest return on investment would be. Cr. Krauss asked why drought is a problem now. He asked if the City was increasing the water supply as population increases. He asked if the City has hit drought warnings in the past and what the City has done. Cr. Pomeroy commented that the state views Bozeman's water conservation program favorably. Mayor Taylor asked about the percentage of water annually used on lawns, and how long the decreased usage can continue. H. 06:37:42 PM (00:43:28)Action Items 1. 06:37:49 PM (00:43:35) Ordinance 1979 Provisional Adoption, Terminating the Mandeville Farms Tax Increment Financing Industrial District Created by Ordinance 1684,Establishing the North Park Urban Renewal Area, Creating the North Park Urban Renewal District and Adopting the North Park Urban Renewal District Plan with a Tax Increment Financing Provision Pursuant To Title 7, Chapter 15, Part 42 And 43 Of The Montana Code Annotated, And Amending Section 2.06.1330, BMC, Regarding Urban Renewal,Tax Increment,And Economic Development Districts And Section 2.05.1830, BMC, Regarding Urban Renewal, Tax Increment, and Economic Development District Boards (Fontenot) -4=) 06:38:35 PM (00:44:21)Staff Presentation Economic Development Director Brit Fontenot presented Ordinance 1979,and entered all packet materials into the public record. He discussed infrastructure as economic development. He provided a brief history of the Mandeville farm property. He discussed why an urban renewal district is staff's Page 3 of 7 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,September 25,2017 recommendation, and the North Park Urban Renewal Plan mission and goals. He discussed public comment received on the project. He discussed next steps on the project. 06:48:33 PM (00:54:19)Questions of Staff DM Andrus asked how many years were left on the TIF, and what new opportunities will an URD provide vs. a TIF, and has the City had interest of projects that couldn't have proceeded with a TIF? Cr. Pomeroy asked Mr. Fontenot if the change was necessary because development hasn't happened here as planned, and if the zoning would be changed. Cr. Mehl asked about the noticing and final adoption dates. He asked about the difference of the districts. Mayor Taylor asked if making this an urban renewal district will help access in the future. He asked if development has happened on the property yet. 06:56:24 PM (01:02:09) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 06:56:28 PM (01:02:14)Erik Nelson,Public Comment Mr. Nelson, representing North Park Development Partners,stated this is the best avenue for moving forward. He discussed the timeline for development on infrastructure on the property. 06:59:32 PM (01:05:18)Craig Campbell,Public Comment Mr. Campbell,with the DNRC,discussed the limitations of access of surrounding lands. 07:01:04 PM (01:06:50)Motion that having reviewed and considered the text of Ordinance 1979, public comment, the recommendations of the Planning Board, and all the information presented, I move to provisionally adopt Ordinance 1979,including the legislative findings that the North Park Urban Renewal District, through the North Park Urban Renewal District Plan,seeks to provide long- term economic stability and to use planning and the development of public infrastructure as tools for well-managed growth and is in the best interest of the City. Further, I instruct staff to return to the Commission on October 9,2017 for final consideration of Ordinance 1979. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd 07:01:53 PM (01:07:39) Discussion Cr. Mehl discussed the history of the district, and the necessity of the zoning. He supports the City process that was followed, as well as the larger goals. Cr. Pomeroy stated that this tool box didn't have the right tools, and this new tool box will allow flexibility and more activities. She is also interested in building housing in the district. Cr. Krauss plans to vote no, as he has a hard time buying this is urban as it's a farm. He doesn't think he can defend this to the legislature. Page 4 of 7 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,September 25,2017 DM Andrus supports this,and she agrees with at least three conditions to make this apply. Mayor Taylor supports the motion as he also agrees with a number of criteria. 07:10:11 PM (01:15:57) Vote on the Motion that having reviewed and considered the text of Ordinance 1979,public comment, the recommendations of the Planning Board, and all the information presented, I move to provisionally adopt Ordinance 1979,including the legislative findings that the North Park Urban Renewal District, through the North Park Urban Renewal District Plan,seeks to provide long-term economic stability and to use planning and the development of public infrastructure as tools for well-managed growth and is in the best interest of the City. Further, I instruct staff to return to the Commission on October 9,2017 for final consideration of Ordinance 1979. The motion passed 4-1. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Disapprove Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve 07:10:36 PM (01:16:22) Recess Mayor Taylor called the Commission into recess until 7:20 PM. 07:21:24 PM (01:27:10)Call to Order Mayor Taylor called the meeting back to order at 7:21 PM. 2. 07:21:40 PM (01:27:26) Resolution 4838, Adoption of the 2017 Water Facility Plan Update (Heaston) ..C� 07:21:52 PM (01:27:38)Staff Presentation Public Works Director Craig Woolard introduced the plan, as this is the last piece of five years' effort. Senior Engineer Brian Heaston discussed the Water Facility Plan Update. He discussed the planning basis for the plan. He discussed the major elements of the update. He discussed water use characterization. DM Andrus asked if there was a way to put some of his measurements in comparable units. Mr. Heaston discussed the existing system evaluation,future system layout, and recommended improvements in detail, including short term (0-5 years), near term (5-15 years),and long term (15+ years). He detailed the policy recommendations coming out of the planning process including new design standards for fire suppression systems, new pressure reducing facilities, and updating water system design criteria. 07:48:07 PM (01:53:53)Questions of Staff DM Andrus asked about the western transition main and if it's related to low pressure in the area. She asked about the cost and requirement of the fire suppression systems, and impacts on adjacent Page 5 of 7 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,September 25,2017 buildings. Cr. Pomeroy asked if the ultimate buildout of the system is$300 million. Cr. Krauss asked about costs and timelines of primary transmission lines. Mr. Heaston discussed the urgency of the issue in detail. Cr. Krauss asked about the community plan boundary and the increase needed to provide full service. Cr. Mehl confirmed that the discussed projects are currently on the CIP. He also asked about the final goal of adopting uniform design and construction standards for non-potable systems. Cr. Mehl asked about and encouraged a minimum standard. He asked about gallon/per capita day and a comparison. He asked about conservation vs. growing need. Public Works Director Craig Woolard discussed the supply and demand curves. Cr. Krauss asked about the assumed growth of future years. Mayor Taylor asked when distribution system pressure design will come before the Commission. He asked if a current builder would have to abide by these standards. He asked about the options for non- potable systems.The Commission and Director Woolard discussed in detail. He also asked about groundwater supply development. Cr. Pomeroy asked about watering city parks and asked if it's possible to use untreated water in the future. 08:41:40 PM (02:47:26) Public Comment There was no public comment. 08:41:54 PM (02:47:40)Motion that having considered the staff presentation and materials provided, I hereby move to adopt Resolution 4838, adopting the 2017 Water Facility Plan Update. Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd 08:42:13 PM (02:47:59) Discussion Cr. Pomeroy stated this is the right thing to do to ensure quality and quantity of water,and this is a proactive program. Cr. Krauss stated this is a very good update. DM Andrus also supports the resolution, as this is forward thinking. Cr. Mehl supports the plan. Mayor Taylor thanked Mr. Heaston for the presentation. 08:45:30 PM (02:51:16) Vote on the Motion that having considered the staff presentation and materials provided,I hereby move to adopt Resolution 4838,adopting the 2017 Water Facility Plan Update. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Page 6 of 7 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,September 25,2017 Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve I. 08:45:42 PM (02:51:28) FYI/Discussion 1. Mayor Taylor noted tomorrow's meeting at 8:00 AM in the Madison Room. 2. Mayor Taylor also discussed adding the 1-183 lawsuit to the agenda on October 91n 3. Cr. Krauss thanked the City Manager and Mayor for not including the UDC this evening. J. 08:48:00 PM (02:53:46)Adjournment Mayor Taylor adjourned the meeting at 8:48 PM. Carson Taylor Mayor ATTEST: �O0. F . . Robin Crough * `= City Clerk 9��•, .1883 PREPARED BY: Robin Crough City Clerk Approved on: lip 1�- Page 7 of 7