HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 90- 1306, Appropriations (4) .... -, , . ORDI NANCE NO. 1306 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, APPRO- PRIATING CITY FUNDS FOR VARIOUS CAPITAL ITEM EXPENDI- TURES FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER 1, 1989 THROUGH JUNE 30, 1990. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE- MAN, MONTANA, TO WIT: Section 1 The City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, does hereby au- thorize and appropriate expenditures for Capital Improvement Program items pre- viously budgeted under Ordinance No. 1276, finally adopted on March 20, 1989, per Section 7-3-4373, M.C.A., which allows for encumbrance of monies pre- viously appropriated. Section 2 The City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, does hereby au- thorize and appropriate expenditures for Capital Improvement Program items from various revenues in the estimated amounts and for the purposes as fol- lows: Item Estimated No. Item Division/Activity Total Dollars General Fund 88-201 Cars (3) Police $ 42,000.00 90-202 9-1-1- Equipment Police 1,750.00 90-204 Replace SCBA's Fire 3,800.00 90-205 Positive pressure air fans (2) Fire 2,600.00 88-302 200 scale aerial photos Engineering 7,000.00 90-302 Linear park property delineation Engineering 6,000.00 90-310 Sprinkler system - City Hall City Hall Comp 11,400.00 90-311 Second exits - City Hall/Police Ci ty Hall Comp 6,000.00 90-312 Second exit - Fire City Hall Comp 1,800.00 85-305 Used pickups (2) Parks 12,000.00 85-306 4 x 4 pickup Parks 15,000.00 90-314 Mower Parks 3,000.00 84-378 South Side Park lights Parks 15,000.00 88-319 Modernize sprinkler - Lindley Parks 8,000.00 90-316 Bat board - Bogert Parks 3,000.00 88-331 Backhoe Cemetery 35,000.00 87-302 Magnetic & cable locator Streets 1,400.00 90-321 Power blaster cleaner Streets 5,000.00 89-401 Hard disk drive for Sytem!38 Finance 4,600.00 89-402 Additional internal memory for System/38 Finance 4,000.00 84-604 Laminator Library 2,300.00 90-601 IBM PS2 w/printer Recreation 2,500.00 89-605 Carpet for Senior Center Recreation 5,000.00 Sub-Total $ 198,150.00 89-802 Third interchange - Phase II Gas Tax $ 130 ,000.00 Sub-total - General Fund $ 328,150.00 ..~~_._- .~ --~""-._~,-,--- --.. ., . Enterprise Funds 88-E323 Carpet for house WWTP $ 3,500.00 88-E333 Counter top lab WWTP 4,000.00 90-E325 Centrifuge WWTP 2,800.00 88-E337 Repair and enlarge sludge ponds, Phase I WWTP 10,000.00 88-E340 Seal pavement WWTP 8,000.00 90-E329 Hydraulic backhoe-mounted compactor Sewer/Water 6,000.00 88-E309 Sludge pump WTP 5,000.00 88-E314 Water plant expansion,. Phase I WTP 25,000.00 89-E331 Pretreatment basin, Phase II WTP 80,000.00 89-E333 Water Plant expansion, Phase II WTP 600,000.00 84-E314 4-whee1 drive pickup Water 14,500.00 88-E345 Materials for hydrant repair Water 5,000.00 88-E346 Materials for transmission system repair Water 6,000.00 89-E342 Highland Boulevard main, Phase I Water 25,000.00 90-E336 Highland Boulevard main, Phase II Water 126,000.00 89-E345 Box scraper for alley restoration Collection 2,500.00 89-E347 Recycling facility, Phase I Collection 10,000.00 89-E352 Methane gas monitoring system Landfill 18,000.00 90-E340 Twin engine scraper Landfill 55,000.00 90-E341 973 Caterpillar Landfill 78,000.00 SUb-total - Enterprise Funds $1,084,300.00 TOTAL PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED $1,412,450.00 Section 3 The City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, does hereby ap- propriate in the funds listed for transfer to the Capital Improvement Projects Fund, in the amounts specified, the following revenue and fund balance sources for the various Capital Improvement Program items as follows: General Gas Tax Ap- Fund prtnt Fund Water Fund Sewer Fund Garb. Fund To tal 9-1-1 State funds $ 1,750.00 $ $ $ $ $ 1,750.00 Contribution from County 650.00 650.00 Contribution from MSU 1,275.00 1,275.00 INTERCAP loan 50,000.00 133,000.00 183,000.00 Water Revenue Refunding Bonds 781,000.00 781,000.00 Transfers from Reserves 144,475.00 130 ,000 .00 108,500.00 31,300.00 30,500.00 444,775.00 TOTAL REVENUES $198,150.00 $130,000.00 $889,500.00 $ 31 ,300.00 $163,500.00 $1,412,450.00 Section 4 That this ordinance, after being duly considered, upon public notifica- tion, at a public hearing to be held on the 26th day of February 1990, shall not be finally adopted until ten (10) days after the first publication of this or- dinance. - 2 - .., .. , Section 5 That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its final passage. Section 6 That should it be found by any court of competent jurisdiction that any section, clause, portion, sentence, word or phrase of this ordinance is deemed to be contrary to any existing law or regulation, that in that instance, it is the intent of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that all other portions, sections, words, clauses, phrases or paragraphs of this document shall remain in full force and effect until June 30, 1990. PROVISIONALL Y PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at its regular meeting held on the 12th day of February 1990. ROBERT L. HAWKS, Mayor ATTEST: . ROBIN L. SULLIVAN j.- , Clerk of the Commission : FINALLY PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at its regular meeting held on the 12th day of March 1990. R ATTEST: ~.~~ Clerk of the Commission l .. Ii- .. - 3 - _._._-~--_.- ---~ . TENTATIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, APPRO- PRIATING CITY FUNDS FOR VARIOUS CAPITAL ITEM EXPENDI- TURES FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER 1, 1989 THROUGH JUNE 30, 1990. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE- MAN, MONTANA, TO WIT: Sect ion 1 The City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, does hereby au- thorize and appropriate expenditures for Capital Improvement Program items pre- viously budgeted under Ordinance No. 1276, finally adopted on March 20, 1989, per Section 7-3-4373, M.C.A., which allows for encumbrance of monies pre- viously appropriated. Section 2 The City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, does hereby au- thorize and appropriate expenditures for Capital Improvement Program items from various revenues in the estimated amounts and for the purposes as fol- lows: Item Estimated ~ Item Division/Activity Total Dollars General Fund 88-201 Cars (3) Po lice $ 42,000.00 90-202 9-1-1- Equipment Police 1,750.00 90-204 Replace SCBA's Fire 3,800.00 90-205 Positive pressure air fans (2) Fire 2,600.00 88-302 200 scale aerial photos Engineering 7,000.00 90-302 Linear park property delineation Engineering 6,000.00 90-310 Sprinkler system - City Hall City Hall Comp 11 ,400.00 90-311 Second exits - City Hall/Police City Hall Comp 6,000.00 90-312 Second exit - Fire City Hall Comp 1,800.00 85-305 Used pickups (2) Parks 12,000.00 85-306 4 x 4 pickup Parks 15,000.00 90-314 Mower Parks 3,000.00 84-378 South Side Park lights Parks 15,000.00 88-319 Modernize sprinkler - Lindley Parks 8,000.00 90-316 Ba t board - Bogert Parks 3,000.00 88-331 Backhoe Cemetery 35,000.00 87-302 Magnetic & cable locator Streets 1,400.00 90-321 Power blaster cleaner Streets 5,000.00 89-401 Hard disk drive for Sytem/38 Finance 4,600.00 89-402 Additional internal memory for System/38 Finance 4,000.00 84-604 Laminator Library 2,300.00 90-601 IBM PS2 w/printer Recreation 2,500.00 89-605 Carpet for Senior Center Recreation 5,000.00 Sub-Total $ 198,150.00 89-802 Third interchange - Phase II Gas Tax $ 130,000.00 Sub-total - General Fund $ 328,150.00 . TENTATIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE . Enterprise Funds 88-E323 Carpet for house WWTP $ 3,500.00 88-E333 Counter top lab WWTP 4,000.00 90-E325 Centrifuge WWTP 2,800.00 88-E337 Repair and enlarge sludge ponds, Phase I WWTP 10,000.00 88-E340 Seal pavement WWTP 8,000.00 90-E329 Hydraulic backhoe-mounted compactor Sewer/Water 6,000.00 88-E309 Sludge pump WTP 5,000.00 88-E3l4 Water plant expansion, Phase I WTP 25,000.00 89-E331 Pretreatment basin, Phase II WTP 80,000.00 89-E333 Water Plant expansion, Phase II WTP 600,000.00 84-E3l4 4~wheel drive pickup Water 14,500.00 88-E345 Materials for hydrant repair Water 5,000.00 88-E346 Materials for transmission system repair Water 6,000.00 89-E342 Highland Boulevard main, Phase I Water 25,000.00 90-E336 Highland Boulevard main, Phase II Water 126,000.00 89-E345 Box scraper for alley restoration Co llection 2,500.00 89-E347 Recycling facl1i ty, Phase I Collection 10,000.00 89-E352 Methane gas monitoring system Landfill 18,000.00 90-E340 Twin engine scraper Landfill 55,000.00 90-E34l 973 caterpillar Landfill 78,000.00 Sub-total - Enterprise Funds $1,084,300.00 TOTAL PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED $1,412,450.00 Section 3 The City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, does hereby ap- propriate in the funds listed for transfer to the Capital Improvement Projects Fund, in the amounts specified, the following revenue and fund balance sources for the various Capital Improvement Program items as follows: General Gas Tax Ap- Fund prtnt Fund Water Fund Sewer Fund Garb. Fund Total 9-1-1 State funds $ 1,750.00 $ $ $ $ $ 1,750.00 Contribution from County 650.00 650.00 Contribution from MSU 1,275.00 1,275.00 INTERCAP loan 50,000.00 133,000.00 183,000.00 Water Revenue Refunding Bonds 781,000.00 781,000.00 Transfers from Reserves 144,475.00 130,000.00 108,500.00 31,300.00 30,500.00 444,775.00 TOTAL REVENUES $198,150.00 $130,000.00 $889,500.00 $ 31,300.00 $163,500.00 $1,412,450.00 Sect ion 4 That this ordinance, after being duly considered, upon public notifica- tion, at a pub I ic hearing to be held on the 26th day of February 1990, shall not be finally adopted until ten (10) days after the first publication of this or- dinance. - 2 - .. TENTATIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE . Section 5 That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its final passage. Section 6 That should it be found by any court of competent jurisdiction that any section, clause, portion, sentence, word or phrase of this ordinance is deemed to be contrary to any existing law or regulation, that in that instance, it is the intent of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that all other portions, sections, words, clauses, phrases or paragraphs of this document shall remain in full force and effect until June 30,1990. PROVISIONALL Y PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at its regular meeting held on the 12th day of February 1990. ATTEST: ~~u~ Clerk of the Commission . . FINALL Y PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at its regular meeting held on the day of 1990. ROBERT L. HAWKS, Mayor ATTEST: ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission . I - 3 -