HomeMy WebLinkAbout17- Affidavit - Resolution 4823 - Public Hearing Notice AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 357443 1668531 STATE OF MONTANA ) )SS. LEGAL#9734 CITY OF BOZEMAN County of Gallatin ) ATTN: ROBIN CROUGH PO BOX 1230 BOZEMAN MT 59771A , NOTICE To CITY RESIDENTS being duly sworn, deposes and says; that he/sl e HEARING ON FINAL ADOPTION is legal ad clerk of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, OF COMMISSION RESOLUTION a newspaper of general circulation, printed and NO.4823 OF THE CITY OF published in Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; BOZEMAN MNTANA LEVYING and that the notice here unto annexed AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL NOTICE TO CITY RESIDENTS ASSESSMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2418 UPON ALL REAL PROPERTY IN THE BUSINESS has been correctly published in the regular and IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT entire issues of every number of said paper for LOCATED IN THE CITY OF BOZE. MAN'S DOWNTOWN AREA To 2 insertions. DEFRAY THE ESTIMATED COST AND EXPENSE TO BE INCURRED IN THE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT' DISTRICT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR AS OUTLINED IN THE DISTRICT'S WORK PLAN AND BUDGET, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a,regular session of the. Said notice was published on: Commission of the City of 09/10/2017 09/17/2017 Bozeman will be held on the 18th day of September 2017; Commission Resolution No. 4823 will be passed and ap. proved. Said Resolution levies and assesses a special assessment upon all theF Property in the Business Im- provement District located in Subscribed and sworn to before me this the City of Bozeman's down-` 20th day of September, 2017 town area to defray the esti- mated cost and expense to <' Immprivem d in the fiscal year as Business oo vement District for the ' outlined in the, --; Notary Public for the State of Montan district's work plan and bud- Residing at Bozeman, Montana get. That said Business Improve-? ment District and the Resolu- tion creating the same, and I P %ND §,`IS Z the amount of the assess- `' �� � �K ttC17�,5�a'y pus"ic ")r the ments are located at the City Pp slaty:of Clerk's office located at City E EAL, Pes3�"�g t 8� fes Bali, 121 North Rouse Ave: MY comm�ssls�ra Ex ; ' M��� Sv 28,2018