HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 4833 Amending the Fee Schedule to Add a Fee for Short Term Rentals o� C9. RESOLUTION NO. 4833 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE FOR THE REVIEW OF ZONING, SUBDIVISION, ANNEXATION, GROWTH POLICY PROPOSALS AND OTHER PLANNING RELATED REVIEW PROCESSES, AS ALLOWED BY SECTIONS 7-1-101, 76-3-201(4) AND 76-3-602, MONTANA CODE ANNOTATED (MCA) AND SECTION 38.34.140, BOZEMAN UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE TO ADD A FEE FOR REGISTRATION OF SHORT TERM RENTALS. WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman collects fees to cover the administrative costs of processing and reviewing zoning, subdivision, annexation, growth policy proposals and other planning related review processes; and WHEREAS, said fee schedule must be updated from time to time to reflect changes in City procedures, increases in costs to the City and legislative changes at the State level; and WHEREAS, Section 76-3-201(4), MCA authorizes local governments to collect fees, not to exceed $200, to examine subdivision exemptions and Section 76-3-602, MCA authorizes local governments to establish reasonable fees, to be paid by the subdivider, to defray the expense of reviewing subdivision exemptions; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman is authorized to collect fees for the review of annexation, zoning and growth policy proposals, based on the provisions of Section 7-1- 101, MCA, because state statute does not prohibit the collection of fees for annexation, Page 1 of 3 Resolution 4833,Adoption of Fees far the Registration and Inspection of Short Terrn Rentals zoning and growth policy proposal review; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman has adopted new standards for short term rentals that require expenditures for review processing for which revenues must be collected to offset; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman is authorized to collect fees for the review of annexation, zoning, growth policy proposals and long range planning, based on the provisions of Section 7-1-101, MCA,because state statute does not prohibit the collection of fees for annexation, zoning and growth policy proposal review; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman is authorized to collect fees for the development and implementation of the growth policy which fees are in addition to any other authorized review fees, based on the provisions of Section 76-1-410, MCA and the City has committed through Resolution 4112 to the growth policy contents as required; and WHEREAS, Section 38.34.140 of the Bozeman Unified Development Code states that: "The city commission shall establish a schedule of fees, charges and expenses and a collection procedure for reviews, permits, appeals and other matters pertaining to this chapter. The schedule of fees for the procedures listed below shall be set from time to time by the city commission by resolution. The fees shall be available in the office of the planning director and may be altered or amended only by the city commission."; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman,Montana: Section I The fee schedule for the fees, charges and expenses review of zoning, subdivision, annexation and growth policy proposals, building permit review for zoning Page 2 of 3 Resolution 4833,Adoption of Fees for the Registration and Inspection of Short Term Rentals compliance, registration of short term rentals, and all other reviews associated with the review of applications, agreements and other reviews as specified in the Unified Development Code shall be as follows: See Exhibit A Section 2 PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 11"' day of September, 2017. This fee schedule shall be in full force and effect on December 1,2017. CARSON TAYLOR Mayor ATTEST: ROBIN CROUGH City Clerk * ••, 3 a3- c� LL`4 TIN APPROVED AS TO FORM: KAREN STA AUGH Assistant City Attorney Page 3 of 3 Resolution 4833 Exhibit A Fee Schedule for Planning Review Applications August 29, 2017 Project application fee must include all relevant fees from the fee schedule.Please contact the Planning Division staff if you need assistance with fee estimation. The Department of Community Development will make the final, binding calculation of applicable fees for each application.Applicants will be responsible for any additional noticing costs required under Bozeman municipal code. Application Type Base Fee Scaled fee by project size Pre Application Consultation -If these charges are incurred,the fees must be paid prior to final project approval. 1 Pre-application Consultation with City Planners $42 per hour after initial 2 hours Site Development 2 Master Site Plan $1,831 $118 per DU; Non Residential Space 0-30,000 SF-$542 per 1,000 ft2 3 Site Plan $2,155 Additional ft2-$255 per 1,000 ft2 Buildings with four or more stories-$102 per 1,000 ft2 after initial 30,000 ft2 Subdivision Development 4 Subdivision Pre-Application(Step 1) $395 minor/$862 major $42 per lot $1,831 minor/$2,914 major; 5 Subdivision Preliminary Plat(Step 2) PLUS noticing fee of$6.50 perphysically contiguous property $74 per lot owner 6 Subdivision Final Plat(Step 3) $1,621 minor/$2,704 major $74 per lot 7 Subdivision Exemption $200 8 Condominium Review $169 (Independent of site development process) Planned Unit Development 9 PUD Concept Plan(Step 1) $1,406 10 PUD Preliminary Plan(Step 2) $1,616 $94 per DU;$292 per 1,000 ft of non-residential space 11 PUD Final Plan(Step 3) $1,406 $92 per DU;$292 per 1,000 ftz of non-residential space Annexation Fee Schedule for Planning Review Applications Resolution 4833 Exhibit A Application Type Base Fee Scaled fee by project size 12 Annexation $1,580 (Including Initial Zone Map Amendment) Appeals 13 Appeal of Administrative Interpretation $734 Original application fee plus 14 Appeal of Administrative Project Decision $200 for public noticing via newspaper, Zoning Reviews& Design Reviews 15 Commercial Reuse $128 16 Commercial/Non-Residential COA $344 (Independent of a Site Plan or Reuse application) 17 Historic Neighborhood(NCOD)Design Review/Residential $84 COA 18 Informal Review $277 per Board 19 Zoning Deviation $221 each 20 Zoning Variance or Subdivision Variance $1,816 21 Conditional Use Permit(CUP) $1,508 22 Special Temporary Use Permit $169 per week 23 Comprehensive Sign Plan Review $226 24 Zoning Verification $97 25 Regulated Activities in Wetlands no fee Regulatory Changes 26 Zoning Map Amendment $1,831 $58 per acre (non-Annexation) 27 UDC Text Amendment $1,662 28 Growth Policy Amendment $2,914 $32 per acre If Growth Policy Map is amended PenaltylSpecial Consideration Fees-If these charges are incurred,the fees must be paid prior to final project approval. 29 After the Fact Permit $308 in addition to all other applicable fees 30 3rd and Subsequent Submission of Revised Materials 1/4 of total original application fee 31 Modification/Amendment to Approved Plan $277 32 3rd or Subsequent Occupancy Site Inspection $123 $339 if City Commission 33 Extension to Approved Plan approval is needed;$103 all others $482 OR 34 Initial Improvements Agreement(IA) 1 percent of face value, whichever is greater 35 Reduction in Security $241 (other than final) 36 Impact Fee Deferral $63 Abbreviations:UDC=Unified Development Code;DU=Dwelling Unit;COA=Certificate of Appropriateness,NCOD=Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District;ECOD=Entryway Corridor Overlay District Fee Schedule for Planning Review Applications Resolution 4833 Exhibit A Planning Review Fees for Building& Sign Permits These fees will be assessed and collected by the Building Dept. as part of the permitting process. No planning application is needed. Permit Type Planning Review Fee Sign Permit Review $133 if in Overlay District; $26 all others Residential Building Permit $52 Review Commercial/Industrial Building Permit Review $110 Registration and Inspection Fees for Short Term Rentals These fees will be assessed and collected by the Department of Community Development as part of the registration process. Registration is required annually.A zoning review may be required in addition. Action Fee Short Term Rental $250 Registration Fire Inspection $225 Fee Schedule for Planning Review Applications -;