HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-18-17 City Commission Packet Materials - TOC. Table of ContentsTable of Contents Agenda 3 Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services Claims Memo 6 Authorize the Interim City Manager to Sign an Impact Fee Payment Agreement with Cannery District Partners, LLC for Improvements to Oak Street Commission Memo: Cannery District Impact Fee Agreement 7 City of Bozeman Impact Fee Payment Agreement 9 Authorize the Interim City Manager to Sign Two Professional Service Agreements with Snow Shovel, LLC. and TLC Landscape and Excavation, Inc. to Complete On-Call Street Sweeping and Storm Sewer Cleaning Services on behalf of the City Over a One-Year Term Stormwater Infrastructure Cleaning and Street Sweeping PSA 18 Professional Services Agreement - Snow Shovel LLC 20 Professional Services Agreement - TLC Landscape and Excavation INC 33 Resolution 4846, Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Waiver of Right to Protest Special Improvement Districts Associated with Story Mill Community Park for Infrastructure Improvements at Story Mill Road, Griffin Drive, and Story Mill Road - Bridger Drive Intersection CC memo - Res 4846 Story Mill SID 46 Resolution 4846 48 Attachment A - Waiver 50 Attachment B - Consultant Estimate 52 September 2017 - Thriving Community Month Proclamation 53 Resolution 4823, Annual Assessment for the Business Improvement District (BID) for Fiscal Year 2018 Memo_BID_FY18 54 Resolution - BID Assessments_FY18 55 BID SCHEDULE A FY18 58 Resolution 4824, Annual Assessment for the Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) for Fiscal Year 2018 Memo TBID FY18 66 Resolution 4824 TBID FY18 67 Schedule A-TBID FY 18 70 Continuation of Ordinance 1980 Provisional Adoption, Revisions to Article 38.43, Affordable Housing to Address Condominiums Text Amendment, Application 17381 Cover memo 71 1 Ordinance 1976 Provisional Adoption, a Text Amendment of the Bozeman Municipal Code, Section 38.25.040 to Set Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements for the B-2M District, Application 17304 CC Staff Report for Ordinance 1976 72 Ordinance 1976 88 B2M Map 96 A1 Development Review Application Form 97 ZTA Form 100 ZTA Application Narrative 102 B3 vs B2m parking comparison 106 CC Minutes from 5-1-2017 108 Ordinance 1981 Provisional Adoption, a Proposal to Affirm and Readopt Resolution 4598, as Amended by Resolution 4623, Which Added Subchapter 4B (Design Guidelines for Commercial Development within the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District, Specifically the B-3 “Halo”) into the Design Guidelines for the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District, Application 17399 Staff report 116 Ordinance 1981 140 Ordinance 1981 (Exhibit A)146 Resolution 4598 and Subchapter 4B of the NCOD Design Guidelines 158 Resolution 4623 and amended Subchapter 4B 173 Updated boundary map 179 Zoning Commission draft minutes 180 Public comment 191 Session Continued from September 11, 2017: Public Hearing of the Bozeman City Commission Regarding Proposed Changes to the City’s Zoning, Subdivision, and Other Land Use Regulations (Chapter 38, Bozeman Municipal Code) (known as the “UDC Update”) (Public Comment Closed, Commission Deliberation Only) UDC Update continuance memo 193 Appointment to the Design Review Board (DRB) Commission Memo - DRB 194 2