HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-18-17 City Commission Packet Materials - C3. PSAs with Snow Shovel and TLC Landscape for Sweeping and Sewer Cleaning Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Frank Greenhill, Stormwater Program Technician Kyle Mehrens, Stormwater Program Coordinator Craig Woolard, Public Works Director SUBJECT: Professional Service Agreements with Snow Shovel, LLC. and TLC Landscape and Excavation, INC. to complete on-call street sweeping and storm sewer cleaning services on behalf of the City over a one-year term. MEETING DATE: September 18, 2017 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to sign Professional Service Agreements with Snow Shovel, LLC. and TLC Landscape and Excavation, INC. to complete on-call street sweeping and storm sewer cleaning services on behalf of the City over a one-year term. BACKGROUND: The City requires contractors to install stormwater control measures that mitigate pollutants generated on construction sites, reducing adverse impacts on public streets, storm sewer infrastructure, and local rivers. Staff routinely conducts inspections to determine if construction sites are adequately protected and in compliance with Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC). In cases they are not, Staff initiates a protocol that: (1) educates the noncompliant contractor; (2) presents solutions to bring site conditions into compliance; and (3) utilizes enforcement actions, as necessary, to ensure the resolution of identified issues. To date, Staff has resolved most noncompliance situations without the need for enforcement; however, a tool that provides Staff the ability to hold contractors accountable is necessary to ensure the City can progress its Construction Site Management Program. Staff solicited quotes from private firms who specialize in infrastructure cleaning services, including street sweeping and storm sewer vacuuming. Staff plans to hire the firms to clean degraded public assets adjacent to noncompliant construction sites when all other enforcement options are exhausted. Work completed will be at the expense of the noncompliant contractor and generally range from $150-$1,000, depending on the issue(s) severity, construction site size, and duration of noncompliance. Staff completed a Request for Quotes (RFQ) process per the City’s Purchasing Policy. Two (2) firms responded to solicitation efforts and submitted proposals. Staff determined that both Snow Shovel, LLC. and TLC Landscape and Excavation, INC. possess the knowledge and skills required to complete the work types requested. Attached are two partially executed Professional Services Agreements (PSAs). The City and private contractors will complete an individual Task Order under the authority of the PSA before any work commences. Individual Task Orders will include the scope, location, and type of work 18 requested. Staff prefers this approach because it eliminates the need to solicit quotes each time a cleanup operation is required, preserving City resources and allowing for efficient response. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. ALTERNATIVES: As directed by Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: City Street and Stormwater Operations currently work to mitigate negative impacts from noncompliant construction sites, resulting in a significant cost in time, labor, and equipment. This approach will shift the burden away from City field crews and place it on offending parties. Snow Shovel, LLC. and TLC Landscape and Excavation, INC. will submit invoices directly to Staff for work completed. Upon receipt, Staff will pay out of the Stormwater Fund, but then seek reimbursement from the noncompliant contractor for the full cost of services and for Staff time spent coordinating the activities. The City will place a lien on the property if the noncompliant contractor does not pay the invoice in full before the deadline outlined in the City’s issued Notice of Penalty. BMC Sec. 40.04.930 provides Staff the authority to use this enforcement protocol. Attachments: 1) Partially Executed Professional Services Agreement – TLC Landscape and Excavation, INC. 2) Partially Executed Professional Services Agreement – Snow Shovel, LLC. Report compiled: 9/11/2017 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Exhibit A to Professional Services Agreement TASK ORDER NUMBER Issued under the authority of Professional Services Agreement between the City of Bozeman and Snow Shovel, LLC for: On-call street sweeping services within the public right-of-way, including the collection, capture, and lawful disposal of construction debris, sediment, and pollutants upon request by the City. This Task Order is dated , 20 between City of Bozeman (City) and Snow Shovel, LLC (Contractor). The following representatives have been designated for the work performed under this Task Order: City: Contractor: SCOPE OF WORK: (attach additional sheet(s) as required) (Insert scope or reference EXHIBIT A – Scope of Services) COMPENSATION: (revise the following as necessary) Contractor shall be reimbursed on a (time & materials, lump sum, percent of completion, etc.) basis. Contractor shall invoice no more often than monthly for services provided in the prior month. The provisions of the Professional Services Master Task Order Agreement and any Special Terms and Conditions and/or Exhibits or Attachments to this Task Order shall govern the Work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties authorized to commit resources of the companies have executed this Task Order: City of Bozeman (City) Snow Shovel, LLC (Contractor) By: By: Title: Title: Date: Date: Fed. ID. No. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45