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FY18 Budget Work Session - Special Revenue Funds Part 1 - SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS 6/5/2017 BOZ E MAN MT FY18 Special Revenue Funds Budget Work Session Monday, June 5,2017 Community Development Fund Community Development Fund Expenditures $1,600,000 $11400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 FY14Actual FY15 Actual FY16 Actual FY17 Approved FY18 Recommended ■ Personnel ■ Operations ■ Capital Community D—lopment Fund- FY14 Actual FY15 Actual FY16 Actual FY17 App—ed Reco=8ended Expenditures Personnel $670,789' $626,090 $691,909 $888,931 $971,694 Operations $56,939 1 $160,061 $335,345 $362,941 I $423,669 Capital $8,916— $0 $0 1 $0 $110,000 Total $736,644 $786,151 $1,017,254 E $1,251,872 $1,705,363 1 6/5/2017 Community Development Fund FY18 Community Development Fund-Revenues Other State/Grants 5% 996 1 Taxes 15",S -Application Fees 61% Transfers 61%_ 10% Community FY17 FY18 Development Fund- FY34Actual FY15Actual FY36 Actual Approved Recommended Revenues Application Fees $416017 $416,017 $461,150 $719,899 $745,925 Transfers 184:033 184,033 164,228 209,162 124,284 Taxes 170,051 170,051 178,125 176:591 185,830 State/Grants 106,060 106,060 109,225 108160 108,700 Other 16,070 16,070 16,000 50,694 59,400 Total $892,231 $892,231 $722,550 $1,264,506 $1,224,139 Community Development Fund - Restricted Cash DescriptionRestricted Cash FY17 Revenues- FY17 Beginning April t Conservation Overlay $198,286 $29,810 ($50,000) $178,096 Entryway Update*no fee $61,712. $0 $61,712 2015 Long Range Planning_ $179,309 I _ $66,420 ($107,000) $138,729 Technology Fee *new 2015 $17,733 $27,102 $44,835 Totals $457,040 $123,332 ($157,000) $423,372 2 6/5/2017 J Building Inspection Fund Average of Monthly Building Fees -- - $200.000 51a0000 $160,000 $140.000 $120,000 s---,000 $e0,000 W,000 540,000 520,000 S- at 42 Q3 114 Ql 42 113 Q4 QI 42 113 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 114 Q1 Q2 43 44 Est FY13 FY14 FYIS FY16 FY17 Building Inspection Fund Building Inspection FY14 Budget FY15 Budget FY16 Actual FY17 FY18 Fund Approved Recommended Revenues $1,160,700 $1,539,623 $1,843,206 $1,685,248 $1,769,150 Expenditures $1,228,610 $1,460,836 $1,640,228 $1,978,444 $2,086,952 Surplus/(Deficit) ($67,910) $78,787 $202,978 ($293,196) ($317,802) 3 6/5/2017 Tree Maintenance District Tree Maintenance Assessments: ®® 15% FY17 Recommend a 15% increase for FY18. 2% FY16 Implementation of Urban Forestry Plan -1.2% FY15 0% FY14 • Added Superintendent position in January 17 0% FY13 • Add contracted services for tree trimming • Growing a reserve up to$100K for emergency event(—Fv19120.) Average-size lot assessment increases $2.93/year; to$22.48/yr. Tree Maintenance District Tree Maintenance Fund Revenue Sale of Cost- Share-Trees 1% _Interest Earnings 0% Penalty and Interest 0% Grants/State Shared Assessments 0% 99% i 4 6/5/2017 Tree Maintenance District Tree Maintenance DI9trlct-5 year Projection FY2018 Bud tPre atlon Adapted R4carmerded ""petted Projected Projected Prpxbd Proposed Rate itasme 2% 2% 2% �Estireted O"oxth it AssessabteSq R 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% e 1 EY199 Pr2t Beginnirm Fund Balance.Prolected 23 1 10 300 108638 203330 338053 Estireted Revenues: A.—Is Adel Diked) 581,733 68Z373 800.423 832,760 $66.404 901.407 Pmtlty and Interest 1,350 1,350 1,350 1.350 1.360 Interest Earrings 1,600 t:Sa1A50 m 3,000 3,000 3.000 3,000 Salad CosFShare-Trees 6,000 61000 6,0D0 6,000 6.0110 6.000 beresfSbb Shared750 Total ESURWed Revenues: 590,583 69ZO73 M 773 817 710 676,754 911.757 Proposed Expendiures: E4s0ng Personnel 390,966 420,950 433,679 446,688 459.983 473.793 Cperal om— 191,253 228.987 265.857 273,832 282047 290.509 Cepltal 135.000 679000 105.000 28.000 Total Proposed Expertdibrrea: 717.212 7 435 748AJS 742.031 754.292 Endnq Fund Balance-Pr ed 117164 102.300 108.638 203330 33&053 495518 Annual Assessiner": Snel Lot 5.000 sq 1L 13.03 14.98 17.23 17.68 17.93 18.29 A-"Lct 7,500 sq ft. 1955 22.48 2585 2837 26.90 27.44 Large lot 10,000 sq M1 2E07 29.98 34.48 35.17 35.87 36.59 Ezra Large.15,000 sq 0 39,10 44.96 51.71 5274 53,80 54.87 Reserve Pdcy. Wo"kbn capital for Even ld Ash Incidents 100,000 100,000 100,000 f00,000 100.000 100,000 45 0ays Pen B Opa 71.780 00,1 H 86.232 B8.819 91.483 94.228 171.780 180.129 186.232 188,819 191,483 194,228 Community Housing Fund Workforce Housing Funding Within the Community Housing Fund Approved .Recommended 0.5Af8a 1 mat 3"its 3 as 3 Mils FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY17 Beginning Balance 336.926 347.769 21,855 298.966 178,802 Revenues: General Fund Transfer 56,246 Dsdc.b.of Tax Revenue 42,819 88,470 241,168 264,886 278,745 Interest Earrings 2,555 Z958 2,850 2,650 3,000 Lcan Principd Repayments 6,000 682 9,500 8.6W 8,600 at Total Estined Revenues: 50.374 148,358 253,508 277.236 291.245 Expenditures: - Road b Horns-Aolrinislre8on 1 40A00 40P00 40,000 40,000 40.000 HRDC-West Edge Project Doanpayrnerd Assistance _ 160A00 HRDC Addrinisiaiion of Rewhing Loan Fund 14,400 14,400 14,400 Workforce Housing Ordnance D—lopreniftlpdate 50,000 Support for Lav Incorne Housing Projects(offset Irryact Fees) 24,269 Rerreindor of CAHAB Support not contained in Fund _ 121(b total$14,4007yr) 3,407 Q4D-Project Assistance 200.000 Ad it istratine Costs eA_00 70,000 _ Affordable Housing Ad- Ran L7pdate 10.000 lm ct Fees For Herne Purchase 100,000 IM.,t Fees For Rental Housing 32,000 40,000 _ Ernergency Sheller 25AOD Dwvn Payment Assistance 50A00 Total Proposed Expenditures: 40,000 477.676 86,400 287,400 124,400 Ending Balance 347.769 21,958 188,966 178.802 345,647 5 6/5/2017 FY18 Typical City Residential Property BOZ E MANMT Annual Cost Adjustments Typical Residential Property Recommended Budget Street Maintenance Assessment $ 28.78 Arterial Street Assessment $ 27.57 • $ 2.93 Property Taxes $ - Water Services $ 10.12 Sewer Services $ 11.90 Storm $ - Annual Increase $81.30 Monthly Increase $6.78 6