HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-11-17 City Commission Packet Materials - C4. Task Order 4 with Sanderson Stewart for Oak and N. 7th Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: David Fine, Economic Development Specialist SUBJECT: Authorize City Manager to sign Task Order #4 with Sanderson Stewart for Oak St. and N. 7th Ave. Intersection Improvements MEETING DATE: September 11, 2017 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to sign the task order. BACKGROUND: The intersection of Oak St. and N. 7th Ave. is currently below a “C” level of service and, therefore, according to current policy, redevelopment within 0.5 miles of the intersection is limited until the level of service (LOS) issue is addressed. Specifically, improving the LOS requires the construction of a westbound right turn lane. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) is planning improvements including a new westbound right turn lane in 2019 or 2020. MDT staff, however, have expressed willingness to allow an interim solution that restripes the existing pavement to add an interim right turn lane and an additional signal head. Sanderson Stewart would provide design engineering and construction oversight for the project, which could be added to a future Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The addition of the project to the CIP would allow the Director of Public Works to grant LOS waivers to projects within the intersection radius to allow redevelopment of the Midtown corridor to continue. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: There is a chance that the project could still be denied during the MDT System Impact review process. Given our conversations with MDT staff, we feel somewhat confident that we will receive a favorable outcome. The inclusion of the proposed intersection improvement project in a future CIP using Midtown Urban Renewal District funds would require action by the Midtown Urban Renewal Board and the Bozeman City Commission. 101 FISCAL EFFECTS: Funding for Task Order #4 would come from Professional Services funds included in the FY18 Work Plan and Budget for the Midtown Urban Renewal District. The lump sum cost of the task order is $7,900. ATTACHMENTS: Task Order No. 4 – Oak Street & N 7th Avenue Intersection Improvements 102 Task Order Number 04 Issued under the authority of Professional Services Agreement with Sanderson Stewart for Architectural and Engineering Services in the Bozeman Midtown Urban Renewal District Term Contract 2015-2018. This Task Order is dated , 20____ between City of Bozeman (City) and Sanderson Stewart (Contractor). The following representatives have been designated for the work performed under this Task Order: City: David Fine, Economic Development Specialist Contractor: Danielle Scharf, Associate Principal SCOPE OF WORK: The scope for Task Order No. 1 is detailed in the attached Midtown Urban Renewal District Scope of Work – Task Order No. 4 8/25/2017. COMPENSATION: Sanderson Stewart will bill for its services on a lump sum basis with a project total of $7,900. Sanderson Stewart shall submit invoices to the Client for work accomplished during each calendar month. The amount of each monthly invoice shall be determined on the “percentage of completion method” whereby Sanderson Stewart will estimate the percentage of the total work (provided on a lump sum basis) accomplished during the invoicing period. The provisions of the Professional Services Agreement shall govern the Work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties authorized to commit resources of the parties have executed this Task Order: City of Bozeman Contractor By: By: Title: Title: Date: Date: 103 Midtown Urban Renewal District Scope of Work – Task Order No. 4 – Oak Street & N 7th Avenue Intersection Improvements 8/25/17 Sanderson Stewart is pleased to provide this scope of work for design and construction administration services for street improvements at the intersection of Oak Street and North 7th Avenue in Bozeman, Montana. This work is to be done as a part of the Midtown Urban Renewal District term contract for architectural and engineering services. We understand the project generally includes restriping the east leg of the intersection to provide three approach lanes for westbound traffic and associated signal modifications. The project does not include any roadway widening. Construction will take place during the fall 2017. A detailed list of assumptions and scope of services for the project are outlined below. Scope of Work: Phase 1 - Project Initiation This phase of the project will include project initiation and planning tasks, including scoping, contract preparation, and meetings with the City of Bozeman. All project management tasks and client meetings beyond project initiation will be allocated to the remaining project phases. Phase 2 - Topographic Survey Pick-up and Base Mapping A detailed topographic survey of the project area has already been completed and base drawings have been prepared in Autocad format. It is anticipated that some quick pick-up topo will be needed to verify the exact extents of existing striping and curb lines within the planned area for restriping. The resulting survey points will be added to the existing base file. Phase 3 –Preliminary Design Design tasks for this phase of the project will include a striping plan, signing plan and a signal plan. Detail sheets for signal modifications will be provided as well. Sanderson Stewart will prepare special provisions and a specifications manual including bid documents. The engineer’s opinion of probable cost will also be provided with this review submittal. Phase 4 – Final Design Sanderson Stewart will address all review comments received from the City of Bozeman and MDT and prepare final plans, specifications and engineer’s opinion of probable cost. The final deliverable will include electronic copies of all submittal documents, as well as up to three hard copies. 104 Phase 5 – Construction Administration and Inspection This phase of project will consist of limited construction bidding services, contract administration and construction inspection tasks, including the following: • Assist with a limited construction bidding process including a request for bids from up to three contractors, bid review and bid tabulation • Process contract documents • Facilitate pre-construction meeting, prepare agenda and distribute minutes • Shop drawing review • Construction observation and documentation (assume 8 hours of construction inspection time) • Respond to Contractor RFI’s • Construction testing coordination and review (if required) • Process pay applications submitted by Contractor and any necessary change orders, verify material quantities on all contractor pay requests • Process the Certificate of Substantial Completion, coordinate final inspection and prepare punch list • Prepare as-built (record) drawings • Conduct warranty inspection and prepare punch list (if required) Phase 6 – Construction Staking This phase of the project consists of the construction layout, anticipated to include the following: • Striping and signage staking Fees and Billing Arrangements: Phase Fee 1. Project Initiation $300 2. Topographic Survey and Base Mapping $600 3. Preliminary Design $3,000 4. Final Design $700 5. Construction Administration and Inspection $2,800 6. Construction Staking $500 Total $7,900 Sanderson Stewart will bill for its services on a lump sum basis with a project total of $7,900. Sanderson Stewart shall submit invoices to the Client for work accomplished during each calendar month. The amount of each monthly invoice shall be determined on the “percentage of completion method” whereby Sanderson Stewart will estimate the percentage of the total work (provided on a lump sum basis) accomplished during the invoicing period. Project Schedule: The anticipated schedule for this project consists of the preliminary design deliverable within 3 weeks of notice to proceed. 105