HomeMy WebLinkAbout17- Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment 4 - Dick Anderson Construction, Inc. - Sports Park Phase 1 Utilities Exhibit A Guaranteed Maximum Priceera n t for the following PROJECT: (Name and address or location) Bozeman Sports Park The author of thi s document has added iofor mat ion 4600 Baxter Lane needed for its completion. Bozeman,MT 59718 The author may also ;have revised the text_ of the TWE OWNER: otriginal Alta t ndard form. Rn Additions and I'e)e tions (Name, legal slates and address) Report that notes added information ,ss well as revisions to the standard form t:.eXt is availahle from The City of Bozeman Montana the at.lthor and should he 121 N.Rouse Ave. revi ewes. PO Box 1230 T"}1is document has itaporf:.ant: Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 legal consequences. Consultation ,,ith an ("Otvncr") Ltorney is enc oul:agcd with respect to its completion or modification. and the Construction Manager: AIA Docallaent n201"-200i, (Name, legal status and address) General Conditions of the Col II-Tact for Construct-i.on, Dick Anderson Construction,Inc. is adopted in this documer't 4498 Jackrabbit Lane by ref l rence Do not use with o t her aerieral Bozeman,MT 59718 conditions rtnless this document is modii_i_eci. ("Construction Manager") ARTICLE A.1 § A.1,1 Guaranteed Maximum Price Pursuant to Section 2.2.6 of the Agreement,the Owner and Construction Manager hereby amend the Agreement to establish a Guaranteed Maximum Price.As agreed by the Owner and Construction Manager,the Guaranteed Maximum Price is an amount that the Contract Sum shall not exceed.The Contract Sum consists of the Construction Manager's Pee plus the Cost of the Work,as that tern is defined in Article 6 of this Agreement. § AAAA The Contract Sum is guaranteed by the Construction Manager not to exceed four hundred thousand eight hundred thirt1­11iree dollars and 63 cents(S400,8.33.63)for utilitp work for Phase One,for a total of$1,236,548.74,subject to additions and deductions bl! Change Order as provided in the Contract(Attachment A-Original Contract). §A.1.1.2 Itemized Statement of the Guaranteed Maximum Price.Provided below is an itemized statement of the Guaranteed Maximum Price organized by trade categories, Frr,c,noate cOi cttar�" of any allowances,contingencies,alternates,the Construction Manager's Fee,and other items portion of I hl s AIA' i)t;cunlent that comprise the Guaranteed Maximum Price. to ar(ott ey elr c t l onit- f I le is pi-ohibi ted and o uns"tit toes a (Allachtnent B- Letter front Construction,Ilanager dated,lul),18,2017) Violation of copyright lews �; set forth II) ':he foofe.T of §A.1.1.3 The Guaranteed Maximum Price is based on the following alternates.if any, this document, which are described in the.Contract Documents and are hereby accepted by the Owner: AIA Document A133 - 2009 Exhibit A. Copyright - 1991, 20D3 and 20D9 by Th- A e ican In titl)te of Architects. Ad l rrghte 1 IA p .t> t d t-, U f.,p ,jl [ .i I _ naf 1 Tr t t' ll ri c-1 p .i-_ t n or Atstribu+i chi< AIA G c..T ,. any pert , of _. rz�y _-'It i = _ 1 c ­Ad 1 r _n 1 pezaltic>, and -II II t r p e tcd to the oe n rt >ten_ r ble �� 4 a r c..e 1 This draft produced sced by AIA ltvare at I4:4_;_40on 12/02/2015 under r Nlr Otde 7I0997�622 wh eich pir on 12/0l/2016,�a nd is not for resale. Ue Notee: (3BWA1F) (State the numbers or other identification of accepted alternates. If the Contract Documents permit the Owner to accept other alternates subsequent to the execution of this Amendment,attach a schedule of such other alternates showing the amount for each and the date when the amount expires.) u Utility work(electric,water,sewer,and stormwater)of Phase One Improvements,Bid Package dated May 12,2017, as amended per Exhibit A and Exhibit B of of Attachment B dated July 18,2017.0 §A.1.1.4 Allowances included in the Guaranteed Maximum Price,if any: (Identify allowance and state exclusions,if any,from the allo►4'ance price) Item N/A)) Price($0.00) § A.1.1.5 Assumptions,if any,on which the Guaranteed Maximum Price is based: The work is a portion of Phase I site improvements,as per the approved Sports Park Master Plan. § A,1,1,6 The Guaranteed Maximum Price is based upon the Supplementary and other Conditions of the Contract included in the project specifications. § A.1.1.7 The Guaranteed Maximum Price is based upon the following Specifications: "Bozeman Sports Park Phase 1 Improvements Project Manual,"dated May 12,2017 as amended per Exhibit A and Exhibit B o f Allaehment B dated.July 18,2017. § A.1.1,8 The Guaranteed Maximum Price is based upon the following Drawings: "Bozeman Sports Park:Phase I Improvements,"dated April 25,2017,as amended per Exhibit A and Exhibit B o Attachment B dated July 18,2017.. § A,1.1.9 The Guaranteed Maximum Price is based upon the following other documents and information: Attachment B-Proposal letter from Dick Anderson Construction re.Revised Site Utilities and Revised Site Electrical CMP#4 Request for the Bozeman Sports Park,dated July 18,2017. ARTICLE A.2 §A.2.1 The anticipated date of Substantial Completion established by this Amendment:October 1,2017. t OWNER(Signature) CONSTR ON ER(Signature) Name)City of B07eman Dick A s stru n,Inc. City Manager by&,Vi y Title• AIA Document A133x - 2009 Exhibit A. Copyright 1991, 2003 and 2009 by The American Institute of Architects. A11 rights reserved. FAFNING: This AIA Dent is protected by U 5 Copyright :.a= and Tr[ernacior.al Treaties Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of 2 this AIA' Document any portion of it, may -esult in es severe civil and criminal penalti , and —11 to piosecuted to the maximum extent pssible under "'- lax This draft was produced by AlAsoftware at 14:45:40 on 12/02/2015 under Order Ho. 7109973622 which expires on 11101/2016, and is not far resale. Ueer Notes: (3B9ADAIF)