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Bozeman, Iilon tans
May 8th, 1942
The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room,
City Hall Building, Friday evening, l,,'Tay 8th, 1942, at 7:30 o'clocl{ P.~If. rl'hose being Present
were Mayor Bu,sch, Com!l'issioner Landoe, Commissioner Soreni3on, Ci ty Manager Quinnell,
Director of Finance Wal tar Davis and the Clerk when the following proceedings were had:
The minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Commis2ioner
Lsndoe, seconded by Commis s ioner Sorenson tha t the minu tes be approved as read and the
mo tion was carried by the fo llowing Aye and No vo te; those voting Aye be ing Ma yor Busch,
Commissioner Sorenson and CornrnJsstoner Lanc1oe; those voting No, none.
Applications for Cit:T License
The followinp applications for City Licenses were presented and read:
C. D. Pons
Eagle Cleaners
It was movod by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissi oner Landoe that the ap-
plic,"ltions be 8C)prOVen and tl~e licenses iSSlJed and the motion was carried by the follow-
· np: l'~ye and No vote; those voting j~ye being M8:"70r D1Jsch, Commis s ioner Sorenson and
Commis sioner L8ndoe; those voting I{o, none.
Sale of Viar :l,onds
The City Manager reported thl1t Mrs. Mabel Cruickshank, COlmty Chairman of VVar Bond
sales, had requested permission to set tlp a b00tll on the Main Street sidevvalk, May 16th
for the pl.1rpOSe of selling VVar bonds. The Commission expres,sed approval of the plan
and favored permitting the booth to be set up.
The followinp; reports for the month of April were presented and read:
ri" . CI
Employmen t Officer
&lilding Inspector
Directo~ of Finance
Health Officer
Police Judge
Cemeter~T Board
Water Collector
It was ~oved by Commis~ioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Landoe that the
reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the followIng Aye
and No vote; those voting Aye being !/fs\'or Busch, Commissioner Landoe and Commlssioner
Sorenson; those voting No, none.
Inv08 t:'i1ent of Cer~. Fcr11"anen t C,'~_:re Fund
The Manarer statod that $5000.00 of Cemetery Permanent money was avai18ble for in-
ves tment. I twas rr:oved b;: COT:1D1' s sioner Lando e, seconded by Commis s ionor Sorena on tha t
the Director of Finance be a1J.thorized to purchase ~;5000.00 in U. S. Savinvs vefense
Bonds, Series G, and the motion was carried by the following J.~ye and No vote; those
votinr:: Aye be:i.ng Mayor Bllsch, Commissloner Sorenson and Comm:isf!loner Landoe;those voting
No, none.
Bond of City 2ncineer Thorpe
The bond of L. S. Thorpe, in the amount of ;lnooo, as City EnR'lneer, was presented.
It was rroved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded b;~ Commissioner Landoe the t the bond be
approved and accepted sub ,1 ect to the approval of the Ci t;:rA ttorne;-r B.."ld the motion was
carried b;! the following Aye and No voto; thofJe votlng Aye be:.ng Mavor Busch, Commis-
sioner Landoe and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, nons.
Co-operative A~reonent
~ity & G~olorricBl Survey
The IVTanaQ'er presented and read the annual ap;reemont betwesnthe U. S. Geolordcal
Survey and The City of Bozeman for the lnvestif!atlon of the surface waters in the East
Gallatin River. It was moved by Commissioner Landoe, seconded by Commissioner ~orenson
that the Manager be authorized to sip;n the aq;reement for The Cit;, of Bozeman and the mo-
tion was carried by the followlnp, Aye and No vote; those vot:i.ng Aye being r,Tayor Busch,
Comrni ssioner Sorens on and Commis s loner Landoe; those voting 1'To, none.
Relea88 of Gas & Phlmbinp: Bonds
A Communic.gtion from the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company requesting release
as Buret:,! on H. V!. Stoudt's bonds for tras fitting and plumbinp; in The Cit,! of Bozeman was
do:in.f'1 busines'1 in this Cit;T. It was '110ved by Commis~'ionr;r Sorenson, ,"'8conded by Com-
presented and read. It was explaIned that ~lr. .::>tondt had moved to Missoula and is. no 10Dfser
mis sioner Lanclos tha t tr\e bonds be released and tho motion was carried by the following
Aye and No vote; those voting Aye beinp: Ma;TOr Busch, COI!1miss,ioner Sorenson and Commis-
sioner Landoe; those voting No, none.
Police Radio Equipmont
Mr. Lovi tt Wes tlake, County Sheriff, appeared before the Commie s ion to discllS s tfle
s ta tus of the Police Radlo Agreeme!?-t and tIle proposal of Mr. Hendrickson to furn ish
radio eqlllpment for joint use by the Police Department and the Sheriff's Office.
After discussion, it was decided to get further information from Mr. Hendrickson
before deciding on the acceptance or rejection of hts proposal.
There be-1nFl no further blJsiness to come before the Commission at this time, it was
moved by COmr.1issioner Landoe, seoonded b"- Commissioner Sorenson that the meating ad,iourn
and the motion was carried by the following: Aye and No vote; those vr)tjn~ Aye beinp; I':~a'TOr
nuscb, Co;:nmis donor Sorenson and Commls s loner Landoe; those voting No, nono.
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