HomeMy WebLinkAbout17- Amendment 7 to PSA - Morrison-Maierle - North 7th Lighting Design and Construction Administration AMENDMENT NO. 7 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR NORTH 7TH LIGHTING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION MMI.No.0417.063 THIS IS AN AGREEMENT made as of July , �.�� ,between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN,a Municipal Corporation,P.O.Box 1230,Bozeman,Montana,59771-1230(OWNER)and Morrison- Maierle,Inc.,P.O.Box 1113,Bozeman,Montana,59771-1113(ENGINEER). WHEREAS the parties previously entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated July 11,2011,herein referred to as the Original Agreement, for professional engineering services for the North 71h Lighting Design and Construction Administration project;and WHEREAS, the scope of the Original Agreement included preliminary design, final design, bidding and negotiating services,construction services and miscellaneous services;and WHEREAS, the scope of Amendment No.1 to the Original Agreement included additional miscellaneous services;and WHEREAS, the scope of Amendment No.2 to the Original Agreement included a pre-design investigation services phase;and WHEREAS,the scope ofAmendment No.3 to the Original Agreement included additional preliminary design, final design,bidding and negotiating services,construction services and miscellaneous services;and WHEREAS, the scope of Amendment No.4 to the Original Agreement included additional pre-design investigation services;and WHEREAS,the scope ofAmendment No.5 to the Original Agreement included additional preliminary design, final design,bidding and negotiating services,construction services and miscellaneous services for the project.;and WHEREAS,the scope of Amendment No.6 to the Original Agreement to transfer budget from construction engineering services to preliminary and final design level engineering services. This transferred budget previously allocated for construction services between West Villard Street and West Main Street to preliminary and final design services between Durston Road and West Villard Street. This amendment did not change the total contract amount;and WHEREAS,the parties desire to amend provisions of the Original Agreement to included additional pre-design investigation services,final design engineering services,construction services and miscellaneous services for the project. NOW,THEREFORE,IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN,the parties agree as follows: The conditions and provisions set forth in the attached EXHIBIT C-7—SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR NORTH 7TH LIGHTING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION and EXHIBIT D-7 —ENGINEERING FEE ESTIMATE are hereby incorporated in and made part of this agreement. The Scope of Services and Engineering Fees are increased per these exhibits. 1 ARTICLE 1-ENGINEERING SERVICES Article 1.1 of the original agreement is modified to include the following: 1.1. The detailed description of the specific project components is described as follows: Perform final design level engineering services for improvements to North 7"Avenue,between West Mendenhall Street and Durston Road. Perform Street Tree/Stormwater Analysis,Design and Landscape Architectural Services. Perform Traffic Engineering Analysis for the intersection of West Villard Street and North 7"Avenue. Perform Hydraulic Analysis for West Villard Street. ARTICLE 6-COMPENSATION FOR ENGINEERING SERVICE Article 6.1 of the original agreement is modified as follows: 6.1 LUMP SUM AGREEMENT FOR BASIC SERVICES AND EXPENSES OF ENGINEER 6.1.1 Payment. The OWNER shall for design phase services performed as Basic Engineering Services under sections 4.1 through 4.3 of this agreement pay a total sum in the amount of$344,116.59 for such services. 6.1.2 Payment Schedule. Total cumulative payments for the design phase engineering services(sections 4.1 through 4.3)shall not exceed the following ceilings: 62 280.56(-18%of design fee)until the Pre-Design Investigation Phase report and exhibits have been submitted to the OWNER. $144,184.03(-42%of design fee)until the Preliminary Plans and Specifications have been submitted to the OWNER and review authorities. $137,652.00(-40%of design fee)until the Final Plans and Specifications have been submitted to the OWNER and review authorities. 6.1.3 General. Engineer shall submit monthly statements for services rendered. The statements shall be based upon Engineer's estimate of the proportion of the total services actually completed at the time of billing,subject to any limitations on Payments based on completion of tasks or specific retainage requirements pursuant to the payment provisions of the Agreement. 6.1.4 Reimbursable Expenses. Only those expenses specifically identified for payment under section 6.2 of this Agreement are reimbursable. All other design related expenses are included in the Lump Sum Payment for the Basic services(4.1 through 4.3)and are not separately reimbursable. Additional Services specifically identified under the scope of design services for payment under 6.1 are not separately reimbursable. 6.2 DIRECT LABOR COST PAYMENT FOR BASIC SERVICES AND EXPENSES OF ENGINEER. Article 6.2 of the original agreement is modified as follows: Construction and project documentation services performed as Basic Engineering Services under sections 4.4 through 4.7 including General Administration of Construction Contract,Resident Project Representation,Project Documentation,and Construction Testing shall be compensated in accordance with the following: 6.2.1 The OWNER shall pay for Construction Phase and Project Documentation Services an amount not to exceed$ 102,819.00 except as provided under and 6.2.4. 2 Costs Compensation. Compensation for these services shall be based on the ENGINEER's Direct Labor Cost times a factor of 3.15 for services rendered which shall cover Direct Labor,Direct Labor Overhead,General&Administrative Overhead and Profit. Notification. At any time during the construction that it becomes apparent that the Construction Phase and Project Documentation Services rendered under this Agreement will exceed the negotiated compensation for these services,and prior to performing services in excess of the contract ceiling, the ENGINEER shall give OWNER written notice thereof. Promptly thereafter OWNER and ENGINEER shall review the scope and progress of the project work. ENGINEER shall obtain written authorization from OWNER,prior to any additional costs being incurred under paragraph If it is determined that due to a change in project scope under paragraph 5.2.1, the ENGINEER is entitled to additional compensation,OWNER and ENGINEER may negotiate terms as provided under The amount and terms of any additional compensation under or shall be negotiated and agreed in writing pursuant to 9.16. Costs Exceeding Estimated Compensation. Except as allowed under 5.2.1,when the total cost of the original scope Construction Phase and Project Documentation Services exceeds the negotiated compensation for these services,the OWNER shall pay only for the direct costs incurred in excess of the estimated compensation. These costs consist of an amount equal to the ENGINEER'S Direct Labor Cost times a factor of 2.74 for services rendered which shall include Direct Labor,the federally audited payroll Direct Labor Overhead,and General&Administrative Overhead costs,but shall not include any allowance for profit. 6.2.2. Reimbursable Expenses, as defined in section 7.4 of this Agreement, for Basic Services and Approved Additional Services shall be paid to the ENGINEER by the OWNER in the actual amount of the costs incurred up to an amount not to exceed$ 8,360.00 which includes$ 0.00 for consultants employed by the Engineer and$ 8,360.00 for all other reimbursable expenses. "_" 6.2.3. Failed Test Expenses. The ENGINEER shall maintain and provide to the OWNER,a record of the costs associated with failing quality control tests performed for the OWNER during the course of the construction of the project and recommend an amount the OWNER deduct from the contractor(s)payments. 6.2.4 The OWNER shall pay an amount for Additional Services rendered by the ENGINEER and approved in writing by the OWNER on the basis of the ENGINEER'S Direct Labor Costs times a factor of 3.15,or an amount otherwise negotiated at the time such services are requested and approved by the OWNER. Except as specifically amended herein,the Original Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and the parties shall be bound by all terms and conditions therein. 3 In witness whereof, the Parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement. CITY OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA MORRISON-MAIERLE,INC. BY: 1 BY: (City Manager) I(Vice-President) DATE: J 'V DATE: 14 f, t„ Zd -7 Z ATTEST: •�`'.�� B Q �� 0 .♦ J ��( ♦,y�' BY:(City Clerk) .-' • �TrN co. N:\0417\063\Contracts-Client\Contract Amend#7-Updated\PSA Amendment#7.doc 4 Morrison Maierle engineers•surveyors•planners•scientists Exhibit C-7- Scope of Services for N. 711 Lighting Design and Construction Administration Easement Updates, Construction Easement Creation, Final Design/LA Additional Services, Traffic Study,Hydraulic Study July, 2017 Pre-Design Investigation Phase This phase focuses on updating permanent easement documents and graphical exhibits for Parcels O and H. It also focuses on preparing temporary construction easements for the 24 parcels located between West Mendenhall Street and Durston Road. The following sections describe each task as well as identifying the deliverable for each task. Task 001 Update Easement Documents Task Description—Update easement documents, including legal, easement exhibit and graphical exhibit for Parcels H and Q. Add detail and notes as necessary to easement exhibit to clearly illustrate the project. Task deliverable—PDF's and hard copies of all easement documents. Task 002 Construction Easement Exhibit Creation Task Description — Create constriction easement exhibit for twenty-four (24) parcels along N. 7th between West Mendenhall Street and West Villard Street. Legal easement document by others. Task deliverable—PDF's and hard copies of all easement documents. Task 003 Coordination Task Description—Easement coordination between City and City's R.O.W. consultant. Task deliverable—N/A 1 �® Morrison Maierle engineets•sutveyots•planners•scientists Task 004 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Task Description— This task includes effort associated with project quality control and quality assurance review. Task deliverable—N/A Final Design Phase The collaboration, review process and requirements by MDT have crept beyond the original scope of work. Modifications to scope of work will be made based on the following: • Incorporating MDT specifications into the project as requested by MDT. Project will be a mix of MPWSS and MDT specifications. Plans remain AutoCad based. Contract documents remain EJCDC. • Project boundary is West Mendenhall Street to Durston Road. • Prepare pedestrian traffic control plan specification as required by MDT. • Changes to hardscape layout as requested by MDT. • Proceeding with original design intent for street trees with species modifications as modified by the City Parks and Recreation Department. MDT's comments, in regards to street trees, are not possible to fully meet (4" max. caliber). We will proceed under the prior authorization from the Public Works Department, the City Manager's Office and the Parks and Recreation Department to plant 2"-Y caliper trees. • Prepare construction agreement specification per MDT. • Coordination and modification of ADA ramps and crosswalks as requested by MDT. • MOA coordination and review. • Two (2) additional City meetings and two (2) additional MDT meetings. • Additional ADA detail due to MDT requirements. The following sections describe each task as well as identifying the deliverable for each task. Task 201 Final Plan Set Preparation Task Description—A review set of construction plans based on comments and changes requested from the governing reviews and comments, as noted above. Task deliverable—Plan set for review. 2 mi Morrison � Maierle engineets•sutveyors•plaonets•s<ient,sts Task 202 Final Specifications Task Description — A review set of constriction specifications. Specifications and contract documents will be a mix of City of Bozeman standards and MDT standards, as noted above. Task deliverable—Specifications and bidding documents for review. Task 203 Final Review/Permitting Coordination/MOA Coordination/Meetings Task Description — Final coordination for review and permitting items associated with the project, as noted above. Task deliverable—Technical memorandum with findings, as necessary. Task 204 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Task Description — This task includes effort associated with project quality control and quality assurance review, and adds a level of QA/QC not originally scoped for the project based on requirements of MDT. Task deliverable—N/A Bidding or Negotiating Phase The bidding or negotiating phase will proceed following written authorization to proceed from the owner. The following sections describe each task as well as identifying the deliverable for each task. Task 301 Prepare Advertisement,Bid Document Reproduction,Bidders List,Process Deposits Task Description — Prepare project advertisement and complete all coordination required to distribute construction documents to bidders. Task deliverable—Bidders List. 3 Morrison Maierle engineers•surveyors•planners•s<ientisls Task 302 Conduct Pre-Bid Conference and Respond to Contractor Requests Task Description — Conduct pre-bid conference and respond to all Contractor RFI's prior to bidding. Task deliverable—N/A Task 303 Prepare and Issue Addendum Task Description— This task provides allowance for issuance of one (1) addendum to the plans and specifications. Task deliverable—Addendum No. 1. Task 304 Attend Bid Opening,Prepare/Evaluate Bid Tab, Award Recommendation Task Description — Attend bid opening and subsequently process bid tab and make award recommendation. Task deliverable—Bid tab and award recommendation. Task 305 Award Contract and Contract Documents Task Description— Facilitate contract award and execute contract documents. Task deliverable — Two (2) signed originals of all contract documents to City of Bozeman and one(1) signed original of all contract documents to Contractor. Construction Phase The construction phase includes the general administration of the constriction contract for streetscape construction adjacent to parcels H and 1. The following sections describe each task as well as identifying the deliverable for each task. 4 Morrison Maierle engineer•swveyois•planners•au-um, Task 401 Conduct Pre-Construction Conference and Notice to Proceed Task Description—Coordinate pre-construction conference and prepare Notice to Proceed. Task deliverable—Notice to Proceed. Task 402 Shop Drawing/Traffic Control/Permit Review and Approval Task Description—Review and approval of applicable Contractor submittals. Task deliverable—Approved Contractor submittals. Task 403 Construction Layout/Control Task Description — Provide construction staking services and control points as requested by Contractor and per project specifications. Task deliverable—N/A Task 404 Resident Project Representative (1/4 Time, 1 Month) Task Description— Complete duties and responsibilities of the Resident Project Representative (RPR). Estimate effort is based on a one (1) month constriction window with the RPR on-site approximately 25% of the time. Task deliverable—N/A Task 405 Construction Management-Coordination, Schedule Progress, Pay Requests Task Description — Provide construction management services, schedule review and updates, and preparation/review of Contractor pay requests. Task deliverable—Weekly progress reports and pay requests. 5 �� Morrison Maierle engineers•surveyors•planners•suentros Task 406 Final and Two Year Warranty Inspection Task Description — Coordinate final and two-year warranty walk through. Prepare punch list items and notify City of Bozeman when items are complete. Task deliverable—Punch lists and completion notifications. Project Documentation Project documentation includes preparation of a construction notebook documenting the construction events that occurred throughout the project. The following sections describe each task as well as identifying the deliverable for each task. Task 501 Progress Reports (Monthly) Task Description — Preparation and assembly of monthly progress reports based on weekly progress reports throughout the project. Task deliverable—Monthly progress reports. Task 502 Record Drawings and Project Notebook Task Description — Preparation and assembly of record drawings and project construction notebook. Task deliverable—Project construction notebook and Mylar record drawings. Construction Testing Construction testing shall include material testing and verification of contract compliance. The following sections describe each task as well as identifying the deliverable for each task. Task 601 Concrete Strength,Air, Temp, Slump (Flatwork) Task Description — Completion of concrete testing of pole bases and flatwork per City of Bozeman standards 6 M0 Morrison mom Maierle engineers•surveyors-planners•scientists Task deliverable—Testing reports. Task 602 Subgrade and Base Densities Task Description — Testing of subgrade and base material densities for impervious surface improvements. Task includes one (1) soil proctor to determine maximum densities for on-site backfill material. Task deliverable—Testing reports. Street Tree / Stormwater Analysis, Design and Construction Professional services as described below. The following sections describe each task as well as identifying the deliverable for each task. Task 802 Preliminary/Final Design Task Description—This task has been modified to include additional set-vices as requested by the Landscape Architect sub-consultant. Please refer to the detailed DHM Design scope letters attached. Task deliverable—Per DHM Design Scope letters. Traffic Engineering Analysis Professional services as described below. The following sections describe each task as well as identifying the deliverable for each task. Task 901 Traffic Engineering Intersection Study Task Description — This task includes the project planning, data collection and traffic data analysis to complete an intersection study report for North 71h Avenue and West Villard Street. This study is precursor to the potential removal of the southbound left turn bay and addition of an enhanced pedestrian crossing with a refuge island. Task deliverable—Intersection Study Report. 7 �0 Morrison Maierle engineers•sw vepois planners sucnusu West Villard Hydraulic Analysis Professional services as described below. The following sections describe each task as well as identifying the deliverable for each task. Task 1001 Hydraulic Study Report(West Villard Street) Task Description — This task includes the hydraulic analysis of the storm drain inlet at the southeast corner of West Villard Street, as required by MDT to ensure adequate capacity of the existing storm drain infrastructure. This storm drain inlet is critical to the installation of the proposed curb bulb/bump-out at the northeast corner of the intersection. The new curb bulb would create a low point in the curb flowline and a new storm inlet would be installed at the low point that would drain to the existing storm drain inlet located at the southeast corner of the intersection. The scope of this study would be limited to the storm infrastructure between West Villard Street and Durston Road and would not include storm water detention/retention analysis or evaluation of outlet conditions/downstream impacts north of Durston Road. Task deliverable—Hydraulic Study Report. 8 Exhibit D-7 - Engineering Fee Estimate Morrison City of Bozeman,MT-North 7th Lighting Design and Construction Administration Maierle Easement Updates,Construction Easement Creation,Final Design/LA Additional Services, Traffic Study Prepared For:David Fine,City of Bozeman Economic Development Additional Services Staff Labor Labor Total Phase or Division Assigned Hours Rate Labor Cost 003-Phase 3-Easements 001.Update Easement Documents(Parcels H and O;word document, Senior Engineer I 6.00 $136.00 $816.00 certified easement exhibit,graphical easement exhibit) Land Surveyor II 6.00 $108.00 $648.00 002.Construction Easement Exhibit Creation(24 parcels,Mendenhall to Senior Engineer I 40.00 $136.00 $5,440.00 Durston,certified easement exhibit,graphical easement exhibit) Land Surveyor II 48.00 108.00 5 184.00 En ineerin Intern 11 56.00 $102.00 $5,712.00 003.Coordination(City and R.O.W.consultant Senior Engineer 1 1 12.00 1136.00 11,632.00 004. ualit-,Assurance uali Control Land Surve or III 3.00 121.00 363.00 rr $19,795.00 100-Preliminary Design Phase Two Person Survey Crew 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 101.Topographic Survey-Additional Survey(Spot surveys for Senior Engineer I 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 improvements since last survey) Land Surveyor II 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Engineering Technician II 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 102.Site Evaluation Design Engineer I 0.00 0.00 0.00 Senior Engineer 1 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 103.Lighting Layout Design Engineer I 0.00 0.00 0.00 Senior Engineer I 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 104.Lighting Calculations and Modeling Design Engineer I 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Senior Engineer I 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 105.R.O.W.Exhibits Design Engineer I 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Senior Engineer 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 106.SILD Exhibits/Legal/Packet Design Engineer I 0.00 $0.00 0.00 Senior Engineer 1 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 107.Coordination-City,MDT,Utilities,Suppliers Design Engineer I 0.00 0.00 0.00 Senior Engineer 1 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 108.Traffic Control Plan Design Engineer I 0.00 0.00 0.00 Senior Engineer 1 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 109.Civil Components(sidewalk,boulevard,grading,landscaping,signs, Engineer Intern 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 etc.for 26 properties) Engineering Technician II 0.00 0.00 0.00 Senior En ineerI 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 110.Preliminary Plans and Spedfcatons Design Engineer I 0.00 0.00 0.00 Senior Engineer I 0.00 $0.00 0.00 111.Preliminary Engineers Estimate Design Engineer I 0.00 0.00 0.00 Senior Engineer 1 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 112.NSURB Meetings 10 Senior Engineer I 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 113.Cival'Lv Assurance uali Control Su ervisin En ineer III 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal-Preliminary Design Phase 0.00 $0.00 200-Final Design Phase Engineering Intern II 78.00 $102.00 $7,956.00 201.Final Plan Set Preparation Design Engineer I 48.00 $114.00 $5,472.00 Senior Engineer 1 20.00 $136.00 $2,720.00 202.Final Specifications Senior Engineer I 36.00 136.00 4 896.00 Supervising Engineer I 8.00 $162.00 $1,296.00 203.Final Review/Permitting Coordination/MOA Coordination/Meetings Senior Engineer 1 36.00 $4,896.00 Supervising Engineer I 8.00 162.00 1 11,296.00 204.Ouatily Assurance ualiN Control I Su ervisin Engineer III 8.00 182.00 1 456.00 Subtotal-Final Design Phase 242.00 $29,988.00 NANIAOO\G-aas- X mask A�JV-Oda'edX� o-7-EN�- owns h 1of2 7/13/2017 Additional Services Staff Labor Labor Total Phase or Division Assigned Hours Rate Labor Cost 300-Bidding or Negotiating Phase 301.Prepare Advertisement,Bid Document Reproduction,Bidders List, Administrative Specialist II 4.00 $83.00 $332.00 Process Deposits Senior Engineer I 1.00 $0.00 $0.00 302.Conduct Pre-Bid Conference and Respond to Contractor Requests Engineer Intern II 1.00 $102.00 $102.00 Senior Engineer I 1.00 $136.00 $136.00 303.Prepare and Issue Addendum Design Engineer 1 1.00 $114.00 $114.00 Senior Engineer 1 1.00 $136.00 $136.00 304.Attend Bid Opening,Prepare/Evaluate Bid Tab,Award Design Engineer I 0.00 $0.00 Recommendation Senior Engineer 1 1.00 _ 136.00 $136.00 305.Award Contract and Contract Documents Senior En ineer 1 2.00 136.00 272.00 Su e, ri Engineer III 0.50 $162.00 $81.00 NegotiationSubtotal-Bidding or r $1,309.00 400-Construction Phase 401.Conduct Pre-Construction Conference and Notice to Proceed Design Engineer I 0.00 $0.00W4080.00 Senior Engineer 1 0.00 0.00 402.Shop Drawing/Traffic Control/Permit Review and Approval Desi n En ineer I 2.00 114.00 Senior Engineer 1 1.00 136.00 403.Construction La ou Control Two Person SurveyCrew 8.00 172.00 404.Resident Proiect Representative(Quarter Time 1.0 Month Engineer Intern 11 40.00 102.00405.Construction Management-Coordination,Schedule Progress,Pay Desi n En ineer 1 0.00 0.00 . Requests Senior Engineer 1 2.00 136.00 272.00 406.Final and Two Year Warranty Inspection -Design Engineer I 0.00 0.00 0.00 Senior En ineerI 1.00 136.00 1w;nn Subtotal-Construction Phase rr $6,228.00 SOO-Project Documentation 501.Progress Reports(Monthly) Design Engineer I 1 0.00 1 so.00 I On Senior Engineer 1 2.00 $136.00 $272.00 502.Record Drawings and Project Notebook Ennineering Intern II 1 8.00 $102.00 $816.00 Senior En ineerI $544.00 Subtotal-Project D. rr 600-Construction Testing 601.Concrete Strength,Air Temp,Slum Flatwork Engineer Intern lI 1 4.00 $102.00 $408.00 602.Subgracle and Base Densities En ineer Intern II 4.00 102.00 408.00 Subtotal-Construction Testing rr $816.00 700-Miscellaneous Services 701.Miscellaneous Services-Additional Recluested Not to Exceed Rate Schedule 0.00 0.00 Subtotal-Miscellaneous Services 0.00 $0.00 800-Street Tree/Stormwater Analysis,Design and Landscape Arch. 801.Pre-Design Analysis and Report 1 90.00 $0.00 802.Preliminary Final Design DHM Design 1.00 8 200.00 8 200.00 803.Construction Services 0.00 1 10.00 Subtotal-Miscellaneous Services r •r rr 900-Traffic Engineering Analysis 901.Intersection Stu&Reoort West Villard Street Traffic Study I1.00 8 600.00 8 600.00 Subtotal-Traffic Engineering Analysis 0.00 $8,600.00 1000-West Villard Hydraulic Analysis 1001.Hydraulic Studv Re rt West Villard Street H draulic Study 1 1.00 8 000.00 8 000.00 Subtotal-West Villard Hydraulic Analysis 0.00 $8,000.00 Subtotal-Engineering Services Labor Costs 330.50 $84,568.00 Direct Expenses Quantity or Duration Charge Rate Total Expense Technology and Communications 330.50 $6.00 1983.00 Vehicle mi 399 0.71 283.32 Soil Proctor 1 360.00 360.00 Concrete Strength TestingSet of 4 2 150.00 300.00 M ar Record Drawings Set 150.00 150.00 Miscellaneous Expense 1.0% 84 568.00 1.0% 845.68 Survey Equipment(day) 1 $210.00 $210.00 ExpensesSubtotal-Engineering Services Direct rr Project Total-Engineering Services 11 11 N:b11]�063�CmlractsQbR\CMracf NneM d]Updated�GAdT 6]-E,g F�_Easemmis-Smile Change...k 20f2 7/13/2017 HHM HISIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND PLANNING ( ECOLOGICAL PLANNING I URBAN DESIGN February 17,2017 Kevin D.Jacobsen, PE LEED AP Morrison Maierle 2880 Technology Blvd Bozeman, MT 59718 Re: North 7th Street Tree Planting Guidelines-Request for Additional Services Dear Kevin, We have enjoyed working with you on the North 7th Street corridor project and are extremely excited to see the project move into construction. Our current scope of services dated October 71h 2016,includes a limited scope for the completion of Task 5 100%Construction Documents as we had assumed very few changes to the scope. We are asking for an additional scope of services in order to complete the 100%set of construction documents for the project, per the below requested changes: -Changes in Hardscape layout, requested by MDT,affecting all intersections -Shift in the overall boundary of project work -Set up/modification of new sheets layouts based on the new overall project boundary -Tree species changes requested by the City -Additional meetings with City Staff and written responses to comments -Preparation of a Cost Estimate for Landscaping& Irrigation portions of project Scope of Services: We have structured our proposal in a similar format to our previous North 7th Street scope of services agreement. The goals of the Additional Services Agreement will be to: • Decrease the boundary of project work to the area between Mendenhall and Villard only (All previous boundaries of project work will be disregarded) • Focus on the corridor from Mendenhall to Villard,along North 7th-encompassing both the east and west sides of the streetscape,with 100%CD set to reflect this new project boundary • Comply,to the best degree possible,with MDT"Landscaping"and "PROWAG/ADA(Accessibility)" comments received on 2/10/17(via PDF email) • Comply with City's request to change tree choices and meet with city staff from parks and/or public works as needed to confirm acceptance of our proposed plan set • Prepare a cost estimate that reflects the new Mendenhall to Villard project boundary of work DENVER CARBONDALE DURANGO RALEIGH BOZEMAN WWW.DHMDESIGN.COM 201 South Wallace Avenue,Suite A-3 Bozeman,MT 59715 P:406.219.2012 HHM HISIEN We understand the goal is to have this set of plans ready for submittal to you in early March. We anticipate updated CAD files from civil and meetings with city will occur well before that date so that our team has ample time(1 week or more)to make the appropriate changes as listed above in our goals. Tasks and deliverables are as follows. Task 1—Incorporate new items for 100%CD set We will move the 90%CD set to a 100%CD set(as in original scope of work)and update all sheets and plans to comply with new project boundary, design changes and MDT and city comments. Our revised plans will be submitted to Morrison Mairele in digital PDF format. We will prepare a cost estimate based on industry standard costs and relate these to recent Bozeman construction bids on similar projects. DHM Design will perform an internal quality assurance review prior to the distribution of the 100%Construction Documents to the project team. Our deliverables include: Deliverables and Meetings • (Complete 100% Landscape Construction Plans, Details, Irrigation Plan and Landscape and Irrigation Specifications per the original Scope of Services) And additionally focus on the new project boundary from Mendenhall Street to Villard Street, along North 711-encompassing both the east and west sides of the streetscape • (2) Meetings with the City Staff as needed to show set of plans and gain City approval on the updates • (2) Meetings with Morrison Mairele to coordinate changes • Prepare a Cost Estimate that reflects the new Mendenhall Street to Villard Street project boundary of work Not to Exceed Fee Estimate: $3,600 Billing The billing for the work outlined above will be done on a monthly basis for time and materials to the not to exceed fees as identified above.The top-set number as provided is sufficient for the tasks as we know them at this time. An itemized statement shall be sent monthly, and payment is due within 45 days of receipt. Additional Services Should additional services such as additional schemes, multiple rounds of revisions, additional meeting etc. become necessary this work will be done on an hourly basis. DHM will notify you prior to completing any additional services for approval. If this work becomes significant we may, at your request,submit a proposal at that time which will identify the extent of any additional work prior to commencement of the work. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this additional services proposal. If you find the above described Scope of Services and resultant fee consistent with your thinking please sign below. HHM DESIGN Sincerely, DHM DESIGN CORPORATION jky,#� Charlie Kees Principal Accepted by: Mr. Kevin Jacobsen Date Kevin D. Jacobsen From: Charlie Kees <ckees@dhmdesign.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 6:18 PM To: Kevin D.Jacobsen Subject: RE: N 7th Construction Plans Kevin, As requested here is a quick summary of our scope and associated fee: Peach Street to Short • Re format sheets to only include 1 block stretch. • Review MDT and City comment to be sure all comments are reflected in the drawings. • Review new engineering files,coordinate utilities, light locations and limits of strata-vault with current plans. Adjust tree locations per engineering plans. • Research and coordinate with site furnishing manufacturers to accommodate break away details • Coordinate with Strata vault on details and look at new electric vault. Adjust strata vault layout based on new design. • Coordination irrigation connection location from adjacent properties • General coordination with Morrison Mairele • QA/QC review and final distribution. Based on this scope I anticipate±42 hour of DHM time for and 4 hours of our irrigation sub consultant time for a total budget of$4,600.00. If you need a more formal fee proposal please let me know. I will start digging into this tomorrow and be in touch with any questions. Thanks, Charlie Kees Principal I Leed AP I PLA 406-219-2012 From: Kevin D.Jacobsen [mailto:kjacobsen@m-m.net] Sent:Wednesday, May 31, 2017 6:25 AM To:Charlie Kees<ckees@dhmdesign.com> Cc:Chris Keil<CKeil@dhmdesign.com> Subject: Re: N 7th Construction Plans Thanks Charlie. The construction plans need to be submitted to the City and MDT on the 9th in order to have a chance at constructing this small project in the fall of this year. These are final drawings, pending additional review comments of course. As you know the owners are undergoing an extensive remodel and would like to have all exterior construction complete by winter. Thanks, Kevin i Morrison Maierle engineers•surveyors•planners•scientists Engineer's Fee Estimate Transportation Engineering Services for Enhanced Pedestrian Crossing & Removal of Left Turn Lanes Prepared For: City of Bozeman & Bozeman Midtown Urban Renewal Board Project: North 7th Avenue &West Villard Street Intersection Study PROJECT SUMMARY Phase Task Description Estimated Fee Phase 010-Intersection Study8,015.00 Task 01 1 Project Planning&Coordination $ 410.00 Task 02 1 Data Collection $ 1,310.00 Includes the following tasks: ❑ Video traffic data collection at up to 3 intersections. • North 7th Avenue& West Beall Street • North 7th Avenue& West Villard Street • North 7th Avenue& West Short Street ❑ Correspondence and coordination with the Montana Department of Transportation(MDT) for available crash data and study review. Task 03 1 Traffic Data Analyses $ 2,885.00 Includes the following tasks: ❑ Traffic, pedestrian,&bicyclists volume summaries from CountingCars.com processed data. ❑ Compilation of crash statistics from data provided by MDT. ❑ Identification of any crash trends requiring mitigation. ❑ Perform analyses of estimated annual average traffic growth rates. ❑ Perform analyses of 20-year projected roadway and intersection traffic volumes. ❑ Perform analyses of capacity and level of service for existing conditions with dedicated left turn bays. ❑ Perform analyses of capacity and level of service for design year(20-year projection)conditions, with removal of dedicated left turn bays. ❑ Perform analyses for pedestrian crossing treatment based on established guidelines. ❑ Identify and evaluate potential measures to mitigate any identified traffic operational deficiencies. ❑ Evaluate analyses findings and study recommendations. Task 04 1 Intersection Study Report $ 3,410.00 Includes the following tasks: ❑ Prepare necessary figures and exhibits associated with the intersection study report. ❑ Prepare and assemble the intersection study report. Phase I: Assurance $ 585.00 EstimatedTotal 8,600.00 N:1Proposals\Proposals by ClienKity of Bozeman12017 North 7th Avenue Traffic StudieslN-7th-Ave+W-Villard-St_Intersection-Study_Bozeman-MT_2017-03-27.xlsx 3/27/2017-12:43 PM Morrison Maierle 2680 TECHNOLOGY BLVD.W. • P0.BOX 1113 • BOZEMAN,MT 59771 engineers• surveyors • planners - scientists 406.587.0721 • www.nm.net July 14, 2017 City of Bozeman, Economic Development Attn: David Fine 121 N. Rouse PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Re: Bozeman — N. 7th Light Design & Construction Contract Amendment#7 (modified from previously submitted amendment#7) MMI#: 0417.063 Mr. Fine: Please find two (2) originals of Amendment#7 to the PSA for the North 71h Lighting Design and Construction Administration project. This amendment is setup to allow the following work. Items 1-3 were previously submitted as amendment#7, items 4-8 have been added to this amendment as requested. # Description Budget 1 Updates to two(2)permanent public access and utility easements and the graphical exhibits $20,400.00 associated with them(Parcels H and Q). Parcel H shall be updated to eliminate the jog in the easement where the existing business sign was located. Parcel Q shall be updated to include additional area proposed for a future bus stop and shelter. Preparation of twenty-four(24)temporary construction easements located between West Mendenhall Street and Durston Road. Construction easements to be based on completed design and will allow the awarded project contractor to utilize additional area on private property to complete grading,paving,concrete,landscaping,signage relocation and other contract requirements. In addition we will update the graphical easement exhibits to include the latest design and updated notes to help convey the design intent to property owners along the corridor. 2 Modification to existing plans and specifications for the N.711 Avenue Streetscape $15,700.00 Improvements project based on review comments and feedback from the Montana Department of Transportation (West Mendenhall Street to West Villard Street). The design scope,collaboration and review process through MDT for this phase of the project has differed significantly from previous phases that were completed successfully. Based on MDT requirements we will be adding MDT specifications,modifying the hardscape layout, modifying ADA ramp and crosswalk locations and attending additional collaboration meetings. We are also assisting with the drafting and review of the Memorandum of Agreement with MDT. 3 Preparation of a Traffic Intersection Study for West Villard Street. This is a study to analyze $8,600.00 the potential removal of the southbound left turn bay in order to add an enhanced pedestrian crossing and refuge island within the median. The Montana Department of Transportation is requiring this study. We create solutions that build better communities. AN EMPLOYEE-OWNED COMPANY • AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER—MINORITIES/FEMALES/DISABLED/VETERANS Morrison Maierle engineers surveyors planners scientists 4 Hydraulic analysis of the storm drain inlet at the southeast corner of West Villard Street,as $8,000.00 required by MDT to ensure adequate capacity of the existing storm drain infrastructure. This storm drain inlet is critical to the installation of the proposed curb bulb/bump-out at the northeast corner of the intersection. The new curb bulb would create a low point in the curb flowline and a new storm inlet would be installed at the low point that would drain to the existing storm drain inlet located at the southeast corner of the intersection. The scope of this study would be limited to the storm infrastructure between West Villard Street and Durston Road and would not include storm water detention/retention analysis or evaluation of outlet conditions/downstream impacts north of Durston Road. 5 West Villard Street to Durston Road modifications to existing streetscape plans and $14,000.00 specifications based on review comments and feedback from the Montana Department of Transportation. Based on MDT requirements we will be adding MDT specifications,modifying the hardscape layout,modifying ADA ramp and crosswalk locations and attending additional collaboration meetings with the City and MDT. 6 Preparation of construction plans and specifications for the removal of the south bound left $7,000.00 turn lane at West Villard Street and the addition of a pedestrian refuge island with a pedestrian activated RRFB for the enhanced school crossing. This item is dependent on findings from the Traffic Study being completed this spring at this intersection as well as City of Bozeman and MDT approval 7 Landscape Architecture services and coordination for the final design of the landscape $5,000.00 elements adjacent to parcels H and I. 8 Construction Administration for streetscape improvements adjacent to parcels H and I. $10,000.00 The amendment and associated attachments are enclosed. As always, we appreciate the opportunity to work with you. Please contact me at 922-6823 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Eli (&, - —17u--&-- Kevin Jacobsen, P.E., LEED AP Senior Civil Engineer Enclosure(s) N:\0417\063\Contracts-Client\Contract Amend#7-Updated\Contract Amend#7 Letter.docx