HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-05-15 430 Bozeman, Montana May 15th, 1942 The Comm:tssion of The City of Gozeman met in rep:ular session in the COl:11.'1'Jlssion Room, City Hall Buildinr,:<:, Friday evening, Niay 15th, 1942, at 7: 30 0' clock P. ~,,'. Those be :1.ng present were Mayor Gusch, Commis.':doner L8nrl00, Commis,'\ionGr Sorenson, City Manager Quinnell, and the ClerIc, '.vhen thA fa llowinp, proceed inrrs were had to -wi t: The minutes of the last regular session were read, anc} it was moved by Commisnloner gorenson, sAconded by Commissioner Landoe that the m~"nute8 be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vot8; those voting Aye being ;V~ayor Busch, Commisp,ioner Lanc'_oe and Commissioner Sorenson; those votlng No, none. Recreation -- Combining Le~lon Baseball & City Recreation Mr. N. i,:. Nelson, of the Local American Legion Fost, appeared to ask if The City of Bozeman could have the Playground Supervisor a t Beall Park hancile a softball program for the small children during the summer; thn t the softball program would require abou t twb hours a day and the Lep;ion would furnish a pprox ima tely ~~150.00 'worth of equipment for the softball teams. ~rhe me tter was di scus sed an:! the Commis l'1ion s ta ted they favored com- bin1ng the program wi th the American LegIon, provided it would work in with the Super- visor' s plann<~d prop;ram for the summer. Police Radio Messers. Lovi t Wes tlake, Lawrence Moore of the Sheriff's Office nnd Vi. ,To 81.1111 van appeared before the CommlsGlon to discuss the E'tatus of tl"le Police Radio. Mr. ::3ul1ivan, at the request of City Manager Icluinnoll, had investigated a local transmitter and the equipment offered by Mr. E. G. Hendrickson; Mr. Sullivan stated th8t the Spokane Radio Equipment Company could furnish equipmen t thf:l t IVlr. Hendrickson could not furnish and from the two, a workable transm:1tting and receiving set could be had for the Police Department and the Sheriff's Office. It was explained that the prices quoted by Hen- drickson were 1n line with quotations received from other sources and the equ1pment proposed to be furnished was tha t of reliable manufacturers. After considerable discuss ion, 1 t was moved b:T Commis.sioner Landoe, seconded by Commissionor 00ronson thnt the City Manar:er be authorized to select necessary radio equipmen t from proposals s 11bmi t ted by the sever8l bidders a t the prices emoted; tha t purchases be made from persons or firms able to givo prompt serv1ce; thAt fur. E. G. HAndrickson's bid for ins talling the eqlJipment be a ccepted and tha t the Tempco Trans- mttter Company be released from their contract becau,se of their inability to ,f\Jrnish the necessary radio eq1J.ipmrmt because of war concJ-ltions ancl trIG motion was carried by ttJe following Aye and Eo vote; those vo tine; Aye be ing Mayor Busch, Commis s ioner Landoe, and Commissioner Sorenson; those votIng No, none. Airport -- ConcHtion of Jitch--:':ase""ent of ~)rainar;eUitch The Manager rrported that Mr. Frank Hordina, owner of the ranch which lies north and east of the Minicipal Airport called at the office and complained to him of the manner in which his irrlga tion ditch had been recons tru~ted by governmental authori ties in con- nection wi th the Airport Development Pro;iect. Mr. HerdinB warned that if anything wont 'VYronR: wi th the di tch he w01Jld hold the ci ty responsible as his ranch is no good wi thout water. The Manager nported that he had asked Mr. Herdina to put his warning; in writing and pointed to the fact the ditch had been mo,red by the Federal Government, and that no I I I I I I part of the work had been done by the City. The Mana~er stated the,t on the recommnndation of Mr. veorge Murphy, of the U. S. Army Enginc;ers, steps have been taken to IT et a ric:ht-of-way easement on the Belgrade . Airport owned by The Sta te of Montana, for a drainage di tch. -Walks & Curbs 1942 The Mana~er presented a list of sidewalks and rn~b8 prepared by the City Engineer which are :in need of repair or new construction during 1942. The Commission st8ted that when the wea ther cleared they would inspec t the pla ces lis ted and fix the amount of work to be done durin~ the coming season. Report The Manager presented and read the report of the water analysis by the State Board of Heal tho It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commisfdoner Landoe that the report be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those votlng Aye being Mayor Busch, Commi:",:,'ioner Sorenson and Commis- sioner Landoe; those voting No, none. /\(1.4 01.1rnmcm t There being no further blJsiness to come before the Commis,qion at tr.is time, it was moved by Commiss:toner LanCloe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson th.qt the meeting aci'journ and the motion was carried by the followin~ Aye and No voto; those vo ting A,,;,re boin9; Mayor Busch, Commis~doner LandoB and Commissioner Sorenson;those voting No, none. Attest: ~~~~ ~ZL?A1A_~ Mayor-~~-~---- 43t