HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-05-29 434 Bozeman, Montana IV1ay 2~.1 th, 1942 The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commis,~ion Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, May 29th, 1942, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. 'rhose being present were Mayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson, City Attorney Aitl{en, City Manager Quinnell, Director of Finance Walter Davis and the Clerk when the following proceedinps were had: The minutes of the last reglllar session were read, and it was~oved by Commiss1oner I Sorenson, second.0d by Me'TOr B1JSC!'1 thAt the minutes be approved FIS read and the motion was carried by the followinO" A;Te and No vote; those voting Aye being TvTa;Tor Bus ch, Com- rrdss10ner Sorenson; those votIng No, none. ldrport -- RefueLing Pi t Mr. DOlJ,(J' :J:<'erguson, of the Cal1forrd.a Compan y. 8 ppeared before the Comt1is s1 on to in- quire if ,John Lynch hl'ld een pi ven a lea se for hl3no:ar spa ce for use in connec tlon wi th the operation of his Civilian Pilot Training School at the new Airport, when it 1s com- pIe ted. Mr. l"ergll son 8 ta tee; thel t he had been informed by the EnfTineer in ch8rge of the Airport 1mprovement project the t 1 t would probably be nclvisable to im~ tall a refueling pit for the fly'"ng school before the rvnway blaCk-top is laid. Mr. F'erauson also stated tha t his company would :install the refuelint! pi t as soon as the lease for hangar space is granted by The City of Bozeman and Mr. Lynch gives h1m a contract to fllrnish oil and gas for the school. It was pointed ou t tha t Mr. L;mch had been ,c:i ven verbal assurance by City Officials tl1qt the required lease WOllld be forth comlnp; as soon as the Airport is completed and blrned over to the City. . . P . 'The matter WBfl discl1sc,ed at length and 1v1r. J. erguson was in- I formed by the Commlssion that The City of Bozeman would do all it legally c0111d do to he 1 D wi th the Pilo t Tra inlng School; 1 t be inp,- under,'" toad tha t Iv:r. Lynch wm)ld COndlJ c t his school on the new airport as soon as it is complete::]. 'rhe City Manager was instruc- ted to procure necessary information for the preparation of the lease. Applications for City License The following applications for City Licenses were presented and read: Baxter Beauty Salon Vince's Hair Shop Schlechten Stlldio Hilton's Cafeteria House of Music Knapp Motors It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by ]\~ayor Busch that the applica- tions be approved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the follOWing A;Te and No vote; those voting ll.ye be-lng Ma"or Busch and Commi2sioner Sorenson; tho2e vot5.nrr No, none. Police Radio -- Agrecwent for Trans1~ittin~ Towsr The Man"lp;er presented And read an aFreement betweer Hotel Bozeman and The City of Bozeman whercb, perm:i. s sl on is p-ran ted to the Ci t\T for the ins talln ti on of an tenna equip- Ir.en t on the roof of the 30z eman Eo tel for lJ Be wi th the Polic e Radio trnasmi tter. It I is stipulated in the a,rrreement tha t there must be no ir'terfr;rerce \'.11 th radio reception in the ho te I . It r'1 b' C i..t S" ~ d b M B t.- was Move,. y omm g.:il0ner orenson, fJeconc!e y .ayor "nsCl.l tha t the Rrrreement be approved and the City Mana~er be authorized to sign the agreement for The City of Boz';man and the mot:Lon was carried by the following i\ye and No vote; those vot:i.ng Aye being Mayor B,:tsch, Comm1ss:ioner Sorenson; those vottng No, none. I I I 4:35 Appointment fo Cemotnry Goard rr:"le Mayor Announced the appointement of Mr. ;"red. Willson to the Cemetery Board. It was moved by Commis sioner Sorenson, seconded by LTa 7'or Buscl'"'. tha t trle appoin tmen t be apcroved ann the mo tion was carried by the fo llowinp- J."ye and JlJo vo to j thos e votin.o' nye being Mayo r Busch, Commissioner Soren20n anc: those vot:ing No, none. Airport -- R0nowal of RB~io Ranrre Facility Lease The Manager read a communication from the Civil Aeronautics Administration stating it was the desire of the Uni tad Sta tes to renew tbe lease wi tb The Ci t:v of Bozeman for the land on wilict) tIl.e Radlo Ranrro 1"ac1li ty is loca ted. It was rY'oved by Commis31 oner Sorenson, seconded by Mayor Busch tha t the lease be rey'ewed and the motion was carried by the follow- ing Aye and No vote; those voting Aye br;tng Mayor Busch, Cor.unisnioner .JorensoTI; those votlnr: No, no)',e. Adjournment There be lng no further bll sine ss to come before the Gon;mi scdon at thi s t lme, i twas moved b;T Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Ma;mr Buscb thAt the meeting ac1jo1Jrn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; t~oso votinrr Aye being !v1a:TOr Busch and Commissioner Sorenson: those votinp: No, none. /;f /7A~~ Ma yor~~:::'~--"'---'