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BozemB~, Montana
June 5th, 1942
'l'h8 Commission of The Cit;'T of Bozeman ffi(~t in rp,R"ular session in the Commission Room,
City Hall Bu.ilding, Friday eveninp:, ,June 5th, 1942, at 7:30 o'clocl..;: p.rL 11'h08e being pres-
ent were Mayor Busch, Commissioner Landoe, Commissioner Sorenson, City Attorney Aitl{en.
City Tv:anap;er Q,u innell and the Clerk, when the f 01 10\'1lnp' proceedin€,s were had towi t:
'l'he minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Commissioner
Sorenson, seconded by Corn~issioner Landoe thAt the minutes be approved as road and the
motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch,
Commissloner Soronson and Commie s ionsr Landoe; those voting No, none.
Curbir:g S. I. . No. 333
Mr. D. ~. PIetsch, Jesse Green and T. D. Ho1ker appeared before the Commls~ion to
inql1ire if it was necessary for them, as owners of property in Special Improvement Dis-
trict No. 333, to do anything in order to have the defective curbing replaced or proper-
1y repaired. The gentlemen were informed that the CIty Attorney had been instru.cted to
notify the Standard Construction Company of the condi tion of the curb.:i.ng and that the
ma tter would ha ve to be taken cnre of immedia tely and t11e necessary repairs made b~r the
contractor in accordance with the provisions of his contract and bond, without expense
or cos t to the City or the prop,rt;' owners in the dis tric t.
C12irns for the ~onth
The Man8p;er presented the clalm of Mary 1':. Crabb in the amount of ~pl.00 for refund
on care paid for a lot in the Sunset Hills Cemeter;r. The l:Tanap:er stated the Sexton reports
that the lot has been mowed twice so far this season, wheroupon, it was moved by Com-
missioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lancloe that, the claim be disallowed and the
motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch,
Conrr.1issioner Sorenson and Commission8r Landoe; those voting No, none.
Claims Nos. 2916 to 3094 inc~lsive were presented on the various funds as follows:
J;"ire .
Gene ra 1
:s'ire Relipf
Carr. Ferm. Care
War Bond
~~ 147.79
__,_.__n___, .,..__,~
:f,; 21,944.55
The lVlanager S ta ted he has Budl ted these claims and finds therr to be tr1.1e and lawf1Jl
claims against The City of Bozeman and recommends that warrants be drawn for their pay-
rront. After examination of the claims in detail by the Commission, it was moved b~r Com-
missioner Landoe, seconded by Commissioner o.Jorenson that the claims be allowed and warrants
drawn for their payment and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those
voting Aye being Mayor BUSCl"l, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe; those vot:ng
No, none.
T}'Je followinr- reports for the month were~~,resen ted and read:
Pollc e ,Judge
Police Chief
City Enr::incer
Cemetery Board
Water Collector
Employment Officer
Building Ins pe c tor
Plumbing Inspector
Directo~ of Finance
I twas Yl'oved by Commis simer Landoe, seconded b;' Commis s loner ""orenson tha t the re-
ports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried b" the following ilye and
No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson ancl Commissioner Landoo;
those vo tinp; No, none.
Airport -- Laasinu of Airport --:Jelegates to F18nn~r;g Council
~/:r. John Lynch and Doug Fergu son a ppeared before the Commis sion to d is CUB s the leas-
ing of hangar apace a t the new airport to Mr. Lynch for the Ci vi lian Pilot 'I'raining School.
l:1'r. Lynch stated he would like to have a letter from the City stating the Airport would
be leased to him for training purposes when it is completed so that he 'in turn could show
this for- to the CPT Inspectors as proof that a Sufficient space will be made available
at the new Airport fDr larger hangar and shop facilities for the training school.
Aftor lenrrthy disc1Jssion by those prOflent, it vIas decided to have Mr. Lynch present
a form of lease to the City for tho trac t of land on the Airport th8 t he would require
for han~ar and shop constrl:ction, and Mr. L;:mch's request for a letter stating tbat
necessar;" space would be leased to him upon cOP1pletion. vms granted.
The lVIamuTer 8 ta ted thR t several membprs of the Airport Commis :'1ion would like to
attend the Northwest Aviation Planning Council to be held in Spokane, June 19th and 20th,
1942. After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Landoe, seconded by Commissioner
Sorenson that it being in the pllblic interest that ~lOO be alloted from the Airport Fund
to help pay the expenses of the membc"rs of the Airport Commis.sion who wished to attend
the Planning CounCil, and the motion was carried b" the following i.lye and !To vote; those
voting Aye be:tng IvIayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and COill.'1dssioner Landoe; those voting
No, none.
Comrnis;oiOll';r Sorenson nsked to lie e]ccw3ecl bec~:1'1se of illncs~ and his reOl10st vms c'rRnted.
Applic8tions for City Licensos
ThB following applications for City Licenses were presented and read:
Ryqn Prl1it Company
Elsie's Beauty Shop
rl. M. McCulloch
Bobcat Drive Inn
0.:. Olsen Cand;T Company
It was moved by Commis;doner Landoe, seconded by ba;mr B1J8Ch that the applic8tiors
be approved And the licenses issued. and the IT'.otion vms carried by the following .t~ye ar'cl
}To vote; those voting Aye bAing Ma;TOr Busch ancl_ CornJ11issioner Landoe; those voting No,
Ad.1 ourTImon t
There being noJ1.Jrther business to come before the Commission at this time, it was
moved. by Commln s ioner Landoe, seconded by Ivla yor 13n8 CD that the mea ting adj ourn and the
motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being May., or Bu.scb
'" '
and Commissioner Landoo; those voting; No, none.
I.Ta ;Tor