HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-06-12 438 Bozeman, Montana June 12th, 1942 The Commission of rI'he Cit~r of Bozem:m met In r~l7,ular session in the Comr.:.ission Room, City Hall Building, Priday evening, ,June 12th, 194~3, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. fJ.'hose being present were Mayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson, Commis Rioner Landoe, Ci ty Attorney Ai tken, Ci ty I,/Tanager Quinnell, and the Clerk when the following proceedlngs were had to -wi t: 'The minutes of the last rcgl:lar session were read and i twas moved by Commis sioner Landoe, sec~'Dded by Commissioner Sorenson that the m~.nutes be approved as read and the motion was cl"lrried by the follow:lng Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch, Commlssloner Sorenson and, Commlssion8r Lancloe; those voting No, none. Applicntion for City Licenses The apnlicstion of ~r. v. ~ [)avldson for a ci tv license was nresented and read. I,' .L It was moved by Commis 8i oner LanrJoe, seconc1.ed by Commissioner Sorenson thn t the applica tion be arproved rmc.l. the license iSS1Jed ar;d the motion was cf'rried by the followinv Aye and No vote; those votinFrA;Te bcinp; T':Tayor Busch, Commis?ior:cr Landoe and Commissioner borenson; those voting No, none. Report 'The report of the I-'ire Chief for the month of Ma y was presen ted and read. It was moved by Commissioner Lancloe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the report be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting A b. r' B} C i' S 'C -' "'~ L d ye elng vmyor USO.1, omm SSloner orenson ann ommJ.s.,J.oner an-oe; those voting No, none. Curbing in SID No. 333 The Mannrrer stated that T'iTr. Hoy Malsor of the Standard ConstrlJction Company hnd been in and s ta ted he wOlJ1d give wri tten notice to The Ci t;T of Bozeman before the firs t of .July, 1942, tha t he h88 rec8 i VA(1 0 fficial no tic e of the defec ti ve clJrblng in Spe cial Improvement District No. 333, and that h8 will repair or replace all defective work in the said district in accordADce with the notice received as soon as work on the Airport will perr,;i t. A~re~ment -- Leasing of Airport The Mannper stated that as requested, Mr. John Lynch. had submitted a Lease Arrreement for the leasIng of hangar space on the new Airport. He presented and read the agreement, which was disCl)Ssed with Mr. Lynch. It was decided to have the City 1\Ian9ger and the City Attorney s tud;T the lease agreemen t further before any ac tion is taken. AIrport - - C01.i.n t;r Levy The Manager read an opinion of the County Attorney relative to the County partlcipating in the maintenance and operation of the Airport. It was the opinion of the County Attorney that the Connt;T Commissioners could levy .~ mill for Airport purposes. ComYl1:un:tcD tion A communica tion from the Volk Brewery of Grea t Falls was read promoting: the sale of beer in tho food stores of Bozeman. Burl:"1'r;t for 1042-43 The Manar:er read prelIminary 8stLna tes for the bu:-JQ'et for the coming fiscal "Jl'Bnr. It was roved by Commis s loner Lando e, seconded by Coruml ssioner Sorens on the. t the es tima te s be talren under advisement and the motion was carried by the following Aye and :l'!o vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch, Commis slon8r Sorenson .1nd Commis s ionor Lancloe; those voting No, none. I I I I I I ^(~ .i ournmcn t There being no ftlrt1":er business to come before the Commission at thls time, It was moved by Commis sioner Sorenson, seconded by Commis si oner Land oe thn t the mee tine; nc1.iourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Niayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner .wandoe; those voting No, none. At~estA ~ ~j~ ~ .;;;.,(. ~ ' Clerl~ of the ommis sion ~ ~~--- Mayor 489