HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-06-19 440 Bozeman, Montana ,June 19th, 1942 The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in re.O::1Jlar session in the Commission hoom, City Hall Building, Fridayevenlnc', June 19th, 1942, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those being present were ~~ayor Busch, Comm:i.ssioner Lancloe, Commissioner ~orenson, City Attorney Aitken, Ci ty l::anager 01Ltnnell, and the Clerl'=-, when the followinp proceed:lnr:rs were had to-wi t: The mlnut2s of the last rer:rula.r session were read and it was moved b;; CommIssioner Sorenson, seconded b~7 Comm.J.8sion 1:';1' Lancloe tha t the minutos be approved as read and the motion was cArried by the followinp' Jl.ye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor BtlSch, Cor.m'.issioner uorenson and Comrnisc3ioner Lanoe; those voting No, none. Airport The Manager read a letter to r"r. T;. J. Fer~l1son, of the California Company, ;2tat:i.ng that if his company installed refeulini! equipment at the new Airport, the City would like to have the rlght, if and when the compan y decided to discontinue the refeu ling service, to purchase this equ ipmen tat cos t less reasonalbe deprecia tion. Hen tal of Ar't'1ory The Manager stated the Soil Conservation Service has applied for space in the new Armory Building and bids for approximately 1500 square feet of space are to be opened in Billinr:s, .June 24tb; that he would submit a bid and mal{"e it contin~ent upon the premises not being rented to the AliA, for wbich a bid has already been submitted, and sub,iect, also to the Cit'\~ takin[J' over the Armor;r Buildinp'. ",'ralk~<: Gl1rb 1942 The C1 ty 0.:nP.'ineer, actin[J' u.nder the provis10ns of Sec tions 5244 and 5039.64 HeM, 1935, and the pro vis :tons of Ordinance }To. 561, re 11.3. ti ve to the corHl trlJC tion of ~as c. W & C, wi thout the forma tion of a special improverrc'D t dL:: trlc t, hav_~na: subrni t ted his re Jort and recommenda tions for ID42 in detai 1 wi. tll reference to needed repairs and now installa tion; anc~ the City Commission and Ci ty Manager having checked the report and made per8om'll ins pac tion as to the rec ommenda tions of the Ci tT Enp:lneer, recommends the adoption of the report as submitted. It was moved by Commisl'lioner La.ndoe, seconded by Commissioner ~orenson that the re')Qrt of the Ci ty i;~ngineer as to the repair and ins talla tion of Misc. 'VV S': C 1942 be and the same is h8reby accepted, approved, adopted and ordered filed and that the repairs and ins tal18. tions therein mentioned be ordered cons true ted before J1J ly 20 th, 1942; thn t said report of' the Ci ty'~np:;ineer is hereby adopted and referred to and made a ~:Jart of this minute entry by such adoption and reference for the purpose of designating and idsntify- ing the streets and avenues on wlrlch such new installation and repairs are to be made; that the City Man2f,,:er is hereby instructed toO':.!ve, or cause to be given written notice to each owner or th.e 8.0'ent of such owner, of the property along which such new installa- tion or repalr is to be made as reqnired by said Sections and Ordlnance, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those votinr; Aye being I\I,ayor Busdl, Com- m:18sioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lanc1oe; those voting No, none. Adjollrnment There be. nEt, no fur ther bll f' nes ~ to come be fore the Commis s ion at tl1is t:tme, it was moved &. seconded that the meet:ng adjourn, F;i; the motion was carried. Those voting Aye being Commissioners_, Bur1ch, Landoe and Sorenson; those No, none. Attest:--~ ~ ~~ Cler~OmmiS8jOn c3L~~L ~ja :vor , I I I