HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-06-26 I I I Bozeman, Kontana Jl:me 26th, 1942 'The Commission of The Ci ty of Bozeman met in re.0:'\Jlar session in the Commission Room, 44t City Hall building, Priday evening, June 26th, 1942, at 7:30 o'clock P.:.T. rl'hose being Present were Mayor Busch, Commissioner Landoe, Commissioner .;)orenson, CIty Attorney Aitken, Ci ty lVlanap:er QIJinnell, and the Clerk, when the followinp: proceedings were had to-wit: The mimltes of the last rep:ular session were read and it was moved by Commissioner Lancloe, seconded b:v Commissioner Sorenson that the minutos be approved as read, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting ,'ye being Mayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe; those voting No, none. Application for CIty License The applic9tion of UcEntire's Service Station for a City License was presented and read, and the apolicatlons of the Bo:r,eman Country Club and Herb Springer for City Beer Licenses were presented and read. It was moved by Com~issiol1er Sorenson, seconded by Com- missioner Lancoe that the applications be apnroved and the licenses issued and the motion wac carried b;T the follm'::tng Aye and No vote; those votincr Aye bein.r:r :Mayor Busch, Com1;lis- sioner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe" those voting NO,none. War Veterans Encampment for 1943 The Manager s ta ted tha t on ,June 22nd, Me ;TOr Busch had telegraphed an invi te tion to the Spanish-American Vier Ve terans at Kal ispell to hold the ir 1943 l~ncampmen t in Boz eman. Protest to W & C 1942 Order The l\1anarrer read a cornnunication fro1:' Mr. T. B. Holker, 1104 South 5th AvemJe, request- inrr that the order for the construction of new walk adjo:tn:lnr: his prop0rty to the north be be revoked as the cirCtlmR tances which prompted the COn'mis s ion to roscinc. the order las t year have not chanrred. 'The Matter was discussed b~r the Commlssion, and they were of the opinion that the order to cons true t the new walk should s tanc:l. Report The report of the Librarian for the m:')nth of .June, 1942 was presented and read. It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commission Landoe thClt the report be ac- cepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried b" the following r'ye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch, Corrm1." ,:doner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe; those vot:ing, No none. GarbsITe -- Bi~s for GarbA~e ~isrosal 'I'he I,';anarrer sta ted tha t after careful considera tion of the garbar:e disposal ques tion in Bozeman he had concluded that the City should arrain advertise for bids. He presented tbe call for b:ids which was read. It was moved by Commis8ioner Landoe, seconded by Comm:isO"ioner Sorenson that thE Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for garbage disposal; bids to be opened .July 17th, 1942, and the motion was carried b:<r the followinp l'1ye and No vote; those vo ting Aye be ing 1:18 yor BUSC}1, Commis sioner Bu sch fmd Commis sionor Soren s on; those voting No, none. Corrununica tion Cal:tfoY'nla Co. Ro RefuelJrg lit rrhe Man8.r~er read a pll:'oposed option to pllrchase the refuelinO' equipmcn t of the Cal if- ornia Company to be ins ta lIed a t the Ai.rport; thn t the option could be exercised upon the termination of tbe lease between that Company and Mr. John Lynch. The matter was referred 442 to the City Attorney. Lease for I~ngBr Space The proposed lea pe wi th Mr. John Lynch for hangar space on t he Airport ':vas read. After discuss ion, I t was moved by Commi ss loner Landoe, seconded b:JT Commis sioner 0oren- son, that the substance of the lease be approved as read and referred to the City Attornoy for final drafting and the motion was carried by the following ~ye and No vote; those voting A;Te be Ing Jha :'JOr Bll sch, Commi s pioner ';;;'oren son and Comm:l:",31 oner Landoe; those voting No, none. Ar~ory Lease The Manager read notes from an informal meeting of the City Commission and Mr. L. U. Richardson, of the Montana Armory Board, relative to the City's leasing of the Armory B1Jildin~; and stF:ted that a form of lease would be prepared by the Il'lontana Armory Board alonr,r tbe lines of tho disclJssion \'lber8by- 'Ilhe Clt'} of Bozem!"m would pay ~p2,021.20 per year as rental for the (1rill hall nnd the Communi ty Room. 'l'his lease v:111 be sub- 1111 tted to the Commls cd on for approval 9. t an eorl y ria te . Jagle's Conv8ntion Commissioner Lanclos, st,qted th3t I/r. S. .I.Kelley had requested him to as]:: perrrris- pion for th0Eao;les Lodr.:e to rope off part of r,;ain Street in front of the Eagle's Building for a band concert durinr,r their conv"ntion to be held in Augw:t. It was pointed 01Jt that this street obstruction might be danIT0rous in case of fire Bnd it was decided to take the mB tter IIp wi th the Police and Fire Departments before a decision is reached. Ad.i ournmcn t There being no fl1rther bnsiness to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commis"ioner Sorenson, seconded by Commis.cdoner Landoe that the meetlng adjourn, and the moti'iD waR carried by the follovling Aye and No vote; those votinp: Aye being TFayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and Commis.sioner Landoe; tYose voting No, none. ~~ Clerk of the CommIssion k"a ~!or.'.~.?E~ --~ LJ____ t.' V.-...4__....................:::::::::::~"" I I I