HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-07-17 I I I 447 Bozeman, Montana July 17th, 1942. The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular sea sion in the Comml sslon Room, City Hall Building, B'ridayevening, July 17th, 1942, at 7:30 o'clock I'.M. Those '<being present were Mayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson, Commissioner Landoe, City Attorney Aitken, City Manager Quinnell, Director of Finance Walter Davis, and the Clerk, when the following proceedings were had to-.~t: The minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Landoe that the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Ilayor Busch, Commis~~ioner Sorenson and Commission0r Landoe; those voting No, none. C~ty Appropriation for Health Unit Dr. A. D. Brewer, ITealth Officer, appeared before the Commission in the lnterest of the City's payment for the maintenance of the City-County Healtrl Unit. He stated that the City of ~ eman now pays $100 per month for their share of the maintenance of this Department; that from in forma tion he has, other ci ties pay a ls.rger amount for the maintenance of their Healtrl Departmpnts. Dr. Brewer stated fllrther that at present his Department can barely meet expenses and tha t in order to keep the same personnel in his Departmen t he would like to have the City contribute $110 per mon th as their share for the maintenance of the Health Department. Dr. Brewer was informed that the annual budget comes up for consideration this even- ing, and the matter would be taken under advisement. ApplicAtions for City License The following a pplicA tions for City Licens es were presented and read: B-B Cafe Arlo Keene Chas. G. Stine s Fleming Wholesale BozewBn Granite Works It was moved by Commissioner Landoe, seconcied b:r Commissioner Sorenf'on that the ap- plications be approved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the following Aye and :No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch, Com~istdoner Sorenson and Cormrissioner Landoe; thos e vo ting No, none. Bond of A. E. Anderson -- Police Captain The bond of A. ~. Anderson as Police Capt*in, infue amount of ilOOO was presented. The bond was approved as to for~ by the City Attorney, whereupon, it was moved by Com- missioner Sorenson, seconded b;r Commis sioner Landoe tha t the bond be approved and accepted and the mot ion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; thoo e voting Aye being Mayor Busch, Commissioner Landoe and Commissioner Sorenson; those votlnl:" No, none. Airport -- Resolution app-'OWd by County The Manager repor ted tha t the County Commis 810n ers had approved. .Toint-resolu tion No. 512, for the maintenance and operation of the Airport. Bids for Garbage Disposal The Manager stated this was the tiTI'.e and place set for the opening of bids for Garbage Disposal. He presented and read the affidavit of publication of the Hl')tice to BIdders; whereupon, it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lancloe th2t the bids be opened and read, and the motion was carried by the followlnp; Aye and No vote; those votipg Aye being Mayor Buscb, Comrri~sioner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe; those 448 votinp: No, none. The following bid was opened and read: .J. S. Miles Collection from Entire Ci tv . $ 1,270.00 per Collection from Residences Only Mo. $845.00 Per Mo. It was moved by Commissioner Landoe, seconded by Commiseioner Sorenson that tho bid be taken under advisement until the next meeting and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; thos e 'toting Aye beingM.a ~ror Busch, Comrris s loner Sorenson and. Commissioner Landoe; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 513 -- Final Passage The Manager s ta ted. this was the time and pIa co se t for hearing pro tes ts to the levy- ing of the assessment for parlcing maintenance for 1942. He stated that no one had appeared to protest the passage of the Resollltion, and thereupon presented the affidavit of publi- cation of the Notice and Resolution No. 513, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF TIm C01CI:rrSSION m' THE CPPY OF BOZEMA}; LEVYING AN;) ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSI~SSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALL THE PROPERTY IN SPECIAL IMPROVEME;NT DISTRICTS OF THE CITY OF BOZ_~MAN, COUNTY OF GALLi\TIN, STA'I'l~ OF MONTANA, F'OR TEE MAINTENANCE OF PARKINGS TO IJEFRAY THE COST OF' MAINTAINING 'l'HE PARKINGS WITHIN SAID SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS OF THE C IT'" OF BOZEMAN !<'OR 1942. It was moved by Commiss ioner Landoe, seconded by Commi s s ioner Sorens on the t the Resolution be finally passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the followIng Aye and No vote; those votinp A~Te being Mayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe; those voting No, none. Resolu tion No. ;-:14 -- Final ?assap;e The Mannger stAted t'-is was the time and place set for hearing protests to the levying of the assessment for street sprinkling for the year 1942. He stated no pro- tes ts had been received and tha t no one was present to pro tes t. He presen ted the af- fidavit of publicatlon of the Notlce and Resolution No. 514, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF TInt; COMMISSION OF 'I'HE CITY OF' BOZEMAN LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXfJ;S UPON ALL Tl-IE PROPEH'I'Y IN STREE'I1 SPRINKLING DISTRICTS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN', ST.ATE OF' MONTANA, TO DEFRAY SEV'~NTY-FIVE PERCENT OF TIJE COST OF SPRINKLING STREETS \Pil THIN SAID STREET SPRINKLING DISrrRICrl'S OF THE CITY OF' BOZEMAN FOR THE YEAR 1942. It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Landoe that the Resolution be finally passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those vot1ng Aye being Mayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and Commis- sioner Landoe; those voting No, none. Ordinance No. 718 -- Amending License Ordinance The Manager s ta ted he had informa tion of a reliable ml,ltitire tha t the Zeigler Carnival Company was bringing their carnival to Bozeman ~11y 20th, and they had in fact been pas ting bills in the Ci ty. advertis ing their carnival, in spite of the fact tha t the company's advance a,p'ent had been warned tha t the Ci ty Commission had agreed not to permi t a carni va 1 to show 30 days before the Rodeo and Carni va 1 sponsored by the ,Tr. Chamber of Commerce. It was reported that the Zeigler cRrnival had arranged to show just beyond the city limits thus creatIng an emergency endangering the peace and safffiy of the inhabi tants of Bozeman, and tha t to meet this emergency it was necessary to pass an emergency ordinance giving the City power to license and control circuses, carnivals and similar shows within three miles of the City Limits. He presented and read Ordinance No. 718, entitled: I 1- I I -I I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AMENDING SUBSECTIONS 9 AND 10, dIVISION "G" OF SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 637, OF THE CITY OF' BOZEMAN, KNOWN AS THE GENER~,L LICENSE ORDINANCE, SO AS TO EXTEND THE EFFECT OF THE PROVISIONS OF SAID SUBSECTIONS TO TFffiEE MILES BEYOND THE CI'I'Y LIMITS AS AUTHORIZED BY SECTION 5039.15 REVISED CODES OF MONTANA, 1935; AND DECLARING AN EMERG1~NCY. It was moved by Commissioner borenson, seconded by Commis ~doner Lancloe tha t the Ordinance be finally passed and adopted and the motion was carried bv. the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch. Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe; those voting No, none. Budget -- Fiscal Year 1942-43 The Manager stated that that Montana Law required, that on or befor'~ the 20th of July, the annual Budget should be presented to the Corrnnission; the t in compliance wi th the law he had prepared such a budR'et which he then presented and read. He also stated th8t copies would be prepared and presented to each rneIT'ber of the Corrnnission for exam""' ination and sutdy prior to the next meeting. Adjournment There be lng 110 further bus ine s s to come before the Corrnnis sion a t this time, it was moved by Commissioner Landoe, seconded by Commis sioDer Sorenson that the meetinp: ad .1ourn and the mo tion was c8rried by the fo llowinr l~ye and No vote; tho Be voting Aye be ing Mayor Bus eh, Comrnis sioner Landoe and Comrnis sioner Sorenson; those vo ting No, none. At te $ t : ~A~ Cler of the Commission ~~1J Me yor ~4~)