HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-09-11 464. Bozeman, Mon tans September 11th, 1942 The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in reg1Jlar session in the Commiss ion Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, September 11th, 1942, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those being present were Mayor Busch, Commissioner Landoe, Commissioner Sorenson, City Attorney Ai tken, Ci ty Manager Quinnell, Ci ty;~np;ineer Thorpe, Direc tor of Finance Wal ter Davis and the Clerk, when the following proceedin~s were hnd to-wit: The minutes of the last rep,ular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commiss ioner Busch tha t the minu tes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe; those voting No, none. Bids -- Liability Ins1Eance on Cars The Manager stated this was the time and place set for the opening of bids for Property and .Personal Liability Insurance on the City's Auto Fleet. He presented and read the affidavit of p11bliclltion of the Notice to bidders and stated that the bid of the Bozeman Insurance As soc ia tion was the onl;'T bid received. Attention was called to tl:e fac t tha t t:he No tice called for bids to be f1 led on or before ?: 30 0' clock P. r,,~. On motion by T\layor BUScf!, seconded by Commis sioner Landoe tbe bid was opened by the Clerk of the Commission at '1:45 1?M., and found to be as follows: On Motion all votes Aye. "City Commissioners B07,eman, Montana Gen tlemen : We submit the' following bid for the Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Insurance on the City of Bozeman's Automotive }'leet, as per the list submitted by the City Commissioners; $181.85 for Bodily Injury Liability for $5,000.00 coverage for one pArson injured and $10,000.00 coverage for each accident. 63.96 for Property Damage Liability for ~5,OOO.OO coverage for each accldent. $ 245.81 Total Premium The above policy to be written in the Standard Accident Insurnace Company. Submitted by the following memb rs of the Bozeman Insurance Association; Bennett-Stity Agency H. L. Casey Agency Waite & Compan;T Heidel Aq:ency A. E. Stafford Gallatin County Abstract Co., C. E. C ou 1 s ton Fred B. Williams Cook Be. Fabrick H. I~,. Kors lund Yours very trUly, BOZEMAN IHS1JRANCE ASSOCIA'l'ION G. C. WAITE (Signed) Presiden t. By Chas. Vandenhook, Jr. (Signed) Secretary " It was noved by Commissioner Sorenso~, seconded by Commissioner Landoe that the bid of the Bozeman Insurance Association for porperty and personal liabili ty infmrance on the Ci ty flep,t for the :year endlng September 22nd, 1943 be accepted and the motion was carried by the following j~ye and No vote.: those voting Aye be- ing Vrayor BUSCh, Commissloners Landoe f. Sorenson; those voting :No, none. Anplicntions for City License The application of F. Barl Caven for a City License was presented and read. It was Moved by Commis ;,doner Lando e. seconded b;,! Commis sioner Sorens on tha t the applic3 tion be I I. I I .1 I 46[j approved and the license issued and the motion was carried by the followln? Rye and No vo te; those voting Aye being Nlayor BuscL, Commi s sioner Sorenson and Commis s ioner Landoe; those voting No, none. Reports The following reports for August were presented and read: Chief of Police Employment Officer and the report of the Employmen t Officer for the month of July. It was moved b;7 Com- m!ssioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Landoe that the reports be accepted and or- dered filed am' the J'l1otion was carr! ad by the following Aye ancl No vote; those voting Aye being Ma yor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and COTIlI'1is "ioner Landoe; those voting No, none. Police Radio -- Opprstion bv Fire~en The Manager read a communic"ltion from the members of the Bozeman 1"ire Department stating they would "pinch hit" for the Policemen between the h01JrS of 8 A. M. Hnd 12 P.>'. in connec tion with the ope ration of the Police radio. The communica tion was taken under advisemen t. R~port of 1~]nicip81 League The Manap:er read a communication from the City Attorney statinp the amount of unused funds in connec tion with the annual Munlcipal Leap:ue Conven tion he ld in Bozeman, Augu s t 21st and 22nd of this year, were refunded equally to the League and The City of Bozeman and the City's share being $78.62. It was moved by Commis ~doner Landoe, seconded by Commis sioner Sorenson tIle report be accepted and the following Resolution be adopted: R E SO L UTI 0 N WHERTGAS, Walter Aitken, City Attorney of The City of Bozeman, has been President of the Mon tana Municipal Leapl.le dur :Lng tbe pas t year, and as such Presjffin t and member of the LeaVle has at all times had the interest of the citizens and taxpayers in m5nd when carrying on the work of the League ,and the cl tizens and taxpayers ha VB received maximum benefits, and vrr:mREAS, said Walter Aitken, was Chairman of the Montana Municipal League Conven- tion he Id in Bozeman AUglJS t, 21 and 22, 1942, whlch was a mos t beneficial and suc cessful convention, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Cor\~MISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA That, said Commission does hereby extend their appreciation and their cor.:mendation for the work and services of Wal ter Ai tken, as J: resident of the Mont,ana Municipal League, as Chairman in arranv.ing and nrepar:J.ncr the Leap:ue Convention, and for the efficent way in which the financial affairs of the conven tion were handled. 'I'hat, a CODY of this Resolution be spread in full on the minutes of this meetin:c:. D,qted this 11th dB:! of September, 1942. Atte~ ~. ~. .... k of the Commission c::E: . Mayor and the motion was carried by the followinv. Aye and No vote; those voting A.ye being Ma7mr Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe; those voting No, none. 4(i() Radio Install~tion Co~p1eted The Manager stated that by Saturday, September 12th, 1942, the installation of the Police Radio would be complete and that J,Ir. E. G. Hendrickson wOlJld have approximately ~?50. 00 due him for the comple tion of the work. It was moved by Commiss ioner Landoe, seconded by Commis sioner .;)orenson tha t the Ci ty Manager be authorized to settle with F;. G. Hendrickson for the completed work; and the Clerk be authorized to issue a warrant to Mr. Henderckson, upon presentatIon of proper claim, for the balance dlJe him on the final es tima te as approved by the Ci ty Manager; said final estimate to be presented and read at the next regular meeting of the City Com- mission and the motion was carried by the following ~iye and No vote; those voting J.iye being Mayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 521 -- Garbage Assessment The Manager stated the resolution levy:inrr and assessing the garbage assessment for the year HJ42, in the amount of :lHl, 09'7 .82, had been prepared. He presented and read Resolution No. 521, entitled: A RESOLU'I'ION or' THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF' BOZEMAN, MONTANA LEVYING AND ASSSSSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALL R:~.:j\L PROPJ.t;RTY IN TEE CIlJ:'Y OF BOZEMAlIT.COUN.l.YOFGI\LL~.1.IN , S'I\I\'I'I~ OF MONTJ\NA, SERVICED AND li'ROM lNITICH GARBAGE WAS COLI,EC'l'ED AlT") W:'T/OVr:D -')Tffi rHG TIC: Yl';J\R 1942, TO DJTFRAY TH1!; COST MJD EXFENSE OF COLLECTING AND DISPOSING OF GARBAGE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF' ORDINi\NCE NO. 696 OF rrI1J:~ CITY OB' BOZEMAN. It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commls sioner Lamloe tha t the Resol-ution be provisionally passed and September l8t:-" 1942 be set as the drlte for hearing protests to the final adoption, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; thos e voting Aye being Mayor Busch, Commissi oner Sorenson and Commiss ioner Landoe; those voting No, none. i\c1;iournment There beinp: no further business to come before the Commis sian a t this time, it was moved by Commissioner Landoe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the meeting ad,iourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Ma'Vor Busch, Con1Jnis s loner Sorenson and Commissioner LanJoe ;thos e voting No, none. ~~~. Clerk of the Commission a-~ Ma yor .. 'I"~ r: ':". ......'.'..,) .,. ,; J .., I I' . .:::..- ..