HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-09-18 "' I I' '\ " .... '. 467 Bozeman, ~ontana September 18 th, 1942 The Commission of The Cit;r of Bozeman met in reg"ular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, September18th, 1942, at '7:30 o'clock P.IL Those being present were Mayor Busch, Commis sioner Sorenson, Commis s1 oner Lancioe, Ci ty Attorney Ai tken, Cl_ty Man8.<7er Quinnell, Cit;! Engineer Thorpe, Director of Finance Walter Davis and the Clerk when the follow1ng proceedinITs were had to-wit: The mimJtes of the last rer.rular session were read, and it W~1S r,.,oved by Commisd.oner Landoe, seconded bv Commissioner Sorenson that the minutes be Rpproved as read and the motion was carried by the followin~ Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Uayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson, and Commissioner Landoe; those voting No, none. Applications for City License The followinrr applications for City Licenses were presented and road: .r. B. Ifeil ,To .J. IVTcCay Frank Bonn E. H. Bailey A. H. Stafford Dr. C.C. Seerley Bozeman Ice Co. Rufus C. Selvage Shcraeder's Refrirrerator Servi"ce Calso Service Station Franklin Pur Compan y Hauseman I S & J.1cCall' s Larson's Standard Service It was moved b;T Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Landoe that the applica tions be approved and the licenses i~lsued and the motion was carried by the follow- ing Aye and No vo te; those voting Aye being Mayor BUSCh, Commi ssioner Sorenson and Com- missioner Landoe; those voting No, none. Reports The followinf": reports for the month of August were presented and read: IIea 1 th Officer State Board of Health Water Examination It was moved by Commissioner Landoe, seconded by Com1"'lissioner Sorenson thst the re- ports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following hye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and Commis~ioner Landoe; those voting No, none. Cornmunica tion The Manager read a communication from Robert Keil, stating that on September 11th, 1942, a city car driven by W. R. Border collided with his car at the corner of South Bozeman and East Olive, and that he expected to file a claim for damaGes. The communica- tion was referred to the City Attorney. Resolution No. 522 -- Weed Assessment The Manager stated that the resohltion levyIng the assessment for the cutting of weeds for 1942, in the amonnt of :1f>121.00, had been prepared. He pr"'sented and read Resolution No. 522, entitled: Ii RESOLUTION 01" THE CQT\1}:"ISSION 0'2' THE CITY ~;F' BC'Z';;M;'.N, L;~VYn<G AK:-) ASESSING A SPECIAL AS~mSSr,'.::N'J' OF TAXES lJPON C~"RTAn"r rROF-:~RTP;:S IN '1'IIE err- 01<' BOZ::::\~!lr, COTTN,]:ry OF GALLATIV, ST'\'I'E OF MONrr/UTA, '1'0 DEFRA" ~['rn;:; CO:~T OF E'(rlr;~mnNA'L'IO}: ,\ND W~MOV AL OF NOXIOUS ':'.'T;~EDS paR TH!.~ YI~AR 1942 PURS1JANT TO TI-P:;; i'R()VI~nON S OF OR- DIN lHiCE NO. 428 Ti'NTI 'l'LED: "AN ORDINI\JWB DEFINING- AND PROVIDING FOR TIfT-j; PUNISH- MENT AND ABA TEMKNT OF Cii:RTAIN NUISANCES. II It was moved by Commissioner Landoe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the Reso- lu tion be provis iona l:1..y pas sed and September 25th, 1942, be set as the date for hearing protes ts and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No iTote; thos e vo ting Aye being Mayor Busch, Commis~ionf;r Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe; those voting No, none. 468 Hesolution No. 521 Garba~e ^ssessmcnt The Mana~~er stated this was the time and place set for hearing protests to the final adoption to the Resolution levylng the garba~e assessment for 1942. He presented affida- vit of publication of the Notice, and stated that no one was present to protest and no protests had been flIed. He presented Resolution No. 521, entitled: A RESOLTFI'ION OF' THE COMl;rrSSION OF TBE CI'l'Y OF' BOZmv:AN, MONTANA, LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSEs~)rH~NT m;' TA'~ES UPON ALl.., m'~AL FROPERTY IN Tlr~ CITY OF BOZENLAN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, ~~;rI'A'I'E OF NIONTANA, SlmVICED AND FROM WHICH GARBflGE WAS COLLECrI'ED AND R11~?:lOVED JURIJi,'G rI'HE YEAR 1942, TO DEFRAY THE COST AND EXPEN ~:;E OF COLLEC'I'ING AN!) D1 SPOS1NG O.F' GARBAGE UNDER TIlE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 696 OF THE C I'I'Y OF BOZEMAN. It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded b~r Commissioner Landoe tha t the Reso lu tion be finally pa s fled and adopted and the motion was carri ed by the following Aye and No vote; th.ose voting Aye being Mayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe; those voting No, none. Armory -- Lease Agreement The Manager stated that dl1ring t'he past week he had received the proposed leRse agreement from the Montana Arrrory Board, for the leasinp of the drill hall and the Com- mmity Room in the Armory &lildina. The proposed lease agreement was read along with the notes of the mee ting held on ,June 25th, 1942, a t which time the terms of the proposed lease was dis cus sed wi th rtr. Hichardson of the Armory Board. After reading and disclJssing the lease submitted by the Montana Armory Board, the Commis sion dec ided tha t the confl ie tint='; s ta temen ts in th.e proposed agr;c~emen t made it doub tful as to its meaning and likel y to be misunders tood; it wa s therefore surwes ted tha t the Montana Board be asl{ed to submit a lease agreement similar to the one which the AAA now has with the Board. Ad:i 011 rrmen t There beinr.>: no further bllsiness to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved b;.y Commis s ioner Landoe, seconded b v Commis s ioner :Sorenson thr t the meeting ad,iourn and the motion was carr:i.ed b~T the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Nfa::or Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe,~ tl10se voting No, none. AM~ Clerk of the Commission Ic'ayo~~ 1 I .1.. .'