HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-10-17 Public Comment - Bozeman Historic Preservation Advisory Board (BHPAB) - UDC Update To: City of Bozeman Commissioners From: Historic Preservation Advisory Board Subject: Unified Development Code (UDC) Recommendations Date: August 10th, 2017 The changes made to the UDC are positive and in the spirit of preserving the quality of historic preservation neighborhoods. One defining characteristics of Bozeman is the historic neighborhoods. As Bozeman continues to grow, pressure increases on maintaining not only structures but the nature of these neighborhoods. As the Historic Preservation Advisory Board (HPAB), we support treating preservation as a priority. Historic Preservation is much more than preserving individual buildings. It also includes the cultural and social aspects of our community. This includes elements of setting, such as the relationship of buildings to each other, setbacks, and views, all of which together create the character of a neighborhood. As a board, we reviewed the 500+ page UDC with a particular focus on the impacts of the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District and developed the comments below. Sec. 38.340 Overlay District Standards (page 204) C. Please leave in the crossed-out section that reads, “The neighboring community shall be provided notice and opportunity to comment upon the proposed property improvements in accordance with division 38.220 of this chapter. In addition, aggrieved persons shall have the right to appeal any design review decision made under the provisions of this article, in accordance with division 38.250 of this chapter.” E. It’s important to have the addition, “The district boundary can be revised as additional cultural resource survey work is completed.” Please make sure this section is included and not removed during editing. Sec. 38.340.040 Certificate of appropriateness (page 224) A. Please leave in the sentence, “by the historic preservation staff.” It is important that a professional oversee this process. The consistency and validity of these forms must be maintained. Sec. 38.340.050 Standards for certificates of appropriateness (page 207) E. Please keep the addition here, “Where there is a conflict between the neighborhood conservation overlay district design guidelines and other development standards in this chapter, the neighborhood conservation overlay district design guidelines take precedent, as determined by the reviewing authority.” This is important and should be included in the final draft. Sec. 38.340.090 Demolition or movement of a historic structure (page 209) C.1. Can “and the neighborhoods historic significance” be added? The historic structure is not a stand-alone entity; the surrounding structures and neighborhood should also be considered. D.4.b. Can the type of documentation be outlined and detailed in this section and can it be stated that the documentation should come from a professional with the appropriate credentials? Sec. 38.340.010 Intent and purpose. (38.16.010) Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District & Historic Preservation (page 204) Removing this part seems to take away from the value of public opinion in maintaining the historical, cultural and architectural significance of NCODs. Having the public’s support and input could lead to more preservation as people want to improve the area in which they live. Sec. 38.230.040 Review Authority (page 78) Do not change this section to reduce Design Review Board Authority. In fact, projects within the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District need more review. Projects within the NCOD and in the surrounding zones must respect and carry forth the design requirements of the NCOD guidelines to avoid compromising the values of the NCOD. Projects within this overlay district therefore need enhanced design review. Please add the following criteria: New construction, additions or material change to the exterior appearance of all structures and any new development within the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. Sec. 38.230.100(A)(7)(a) Plan review criteria: Conformance with the project design provision of Article 5 (page 84): The City of Bozeman should not remove the word “and height” from this paragraph. When the plan review authority is considering compatibility with and sensitivity to, the immediate environment of the site and adjacent neighborhoods, proposed building height is an important element that needs to be considered. Sec. 38.320.060 Zone edge transitions (new) (page 198): The overall goal of zone edge transitions ought to be to maintain neighborhood and historic character by creating compatible transitions that minimize land use conflicts. Within the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District, commercial, residential, public and industrial uses intersect within and close to historic districts. Therefore, the allowed uses in this area must take into account the transition from and to these diverse uses. Additionally, the transitions must respect and carry forth the design requirements of the historic districts to avoid compromising the values of the NCOD guidelines. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Rehabilitation of Historic Properties state the following, “Recommended - New work should be compatible with the historic character of the setting in terms of size, scale, design, material, color, and texture. Not Recommended - Introducing new construction into historic districts that is visually incompatible or that destroys historic relationships within the setting.” Therefore, we recommend zone edge transition requirements that are more stringent within and adjacent to a historic district. We recommend minimum side and rear setbacks for development within BP, M-1, M-2, B-3 and UMU districts within 100 feet of a historic district will be a distance of half (X/2) of the initial vertical wall height (X) from the property line. Initial vertical wall height cannot exceed 150% of average neighboring wall height. Vertical wall height may increase 25% every 25 feet. Sec. 38.340.010 Intent and purpose (F) (part I) (page 205): Historically significant" was added. Remove this addition. This could narrow the intent of the section. This is the NCOD chapter. The purpose of the NCOD should be to preserve a neighborhood's character defining features, not just the historically significant ones. Further, the overlay protection should be for older neighborhoods that may not be able to qualify for historic designation. Sec. 38.360.040 Accessory dwelling units (page 223): Section D.2.a allows detached ADUS on a lot with alley access. Many alleys are too narrow to accommodate a dwelling unit. Change to "alleys at least 30 feet wide". The city should also add language about amenities in the alley like lighting, snow removal, etc. and the need for all residents to have access to the same amenities. Sec. 38.340.080 Review of demolition or movement of historic structures or sites section C.2. (page 208): The policy process for determining whether there is “no viable economic life remaining” needs to be more clear. HPAC recommends the planning department and city commission make certain this policy is effective enough to meet the policy goals of the planning department for demolition The HPAB wants to thank all commissioners for consideration of our recommendations to the UDC. We believe our recommendations coincide with the needs of a growing community, while maintaining our municipal culture and historic preservation principles. Sincerely, The Historic Preservation Advisory Board