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Bozeman, Montana
.Tanuary 1, 1943
The Commission of The Cit;T of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room,
City Hall Building, Friday evening, ,January 1, 1943, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those being
present were Mayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson, Commissioner 1andoe, City Attorney Aitken,
Ci ty Manager Quinnell, and the Clerk, when the following procned::ngs were had to -wi t:
The minutes of the last regular session were read and it was ""'oved by Commiss ioner
Landoe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the minutes be approved as read and the
motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch,
Commissioner Landos and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none.
Claims for the Month
Claims Nos~ 3982 to 4093 inclusive were presented on the various funds as follows:
Ceme tery
Airpor t
Cemetery Suspense
SID Revolving
VVar Bond -
The Manager stated that he has audited these claims and finds them to be true and
lawful claims against The City of BozeTTlan and recommends that warrants be drawn for their
payment. After examination of the claims in detail by the Commission, it was moved by
Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commis sioner Landoe tha t the claims be allowed and
warrants drawn for their payment and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No
vote; those voting Aye being Ma;/or Busch, Comrdssioner Sorenson and Commis sioner J..Jandoe;
those voting No, none.
Application~ for City Licenses
The following applica ti ons for C i t;T Licens es were pre sented and read:
Beer License:
Park Ice & Cold Storage
Liquor License:
Business License:
West Lamme Grocery
B-1 bi & ~I t~ C
ozernan ~ urn nr lea ~ng o.
It was moved by Com~is 8 loner Landoe, secorded by Commis sioDflr Sorenson till t trie
applica tions be approved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the follow-
ing Aye and No va te; those va ting Aye be Ing Mayor Busch, Comrnis s ioner SoreDOO nand Com-
missioner Landoe; those voting No, none.
Bond for Fire Chief McCrosson
The official bond of John McCrosson as Fir8 Chief in the amount of $1,000.00 was
presented. The bond was approved as to form by the City Attorney, whereupon, it was
moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by- Commis~'ioner Landoe too t the bond be accepted
and approved and the motIon was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting
Aye being Mayor B1Jsch, Commissioner Landoe and Commi:lsioner Sorenson; those voting No, none.
Skating at Beall Park
The Manager r nported at lenp:th on the Recrca tion Board mee ting of December 31, 1942,
s ta ting that a commi ttee from the Hawthorne PTA was present a t the meet ng urging that
. ..J~...J
that skating be maintained at Beall Park as in former years. The minutes of this meeting
showed that the Recreation Board after careful consideration and discussion of the pro-
blem, had voted to rescind their former action and maintain the skating rink at BAall
Park in the same manner as formerly.
AftelJ discussion, it was moved by Commisflioner Landoe, seconded by Commissioner
Sorenson thet the actior of the Recreation BOArd be approved and the motion was carried
by the followJng Aye and No irate; those votinp' Ay€! being Mayor Busch, Commis~ioner Lan-
doe and CommisRioner Sorenson; those voting No, none.
Appeal to Supreme Court
YJa tson Ca se
City Attorney Ait~ren stated that in order to hBve a court dec.ision regarding the
1Natson case, he WOllld like authorit;r from the City Commission to appeal this case to
the supreme Court. It was ",:oved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Comr'1issioner
IJandoe that the City Attorney be authorized to go to the Sl.lpreme Court with the case
of Theodocia Watson vs The City of Bozeman, and the motion was carried by the follow-
ing Aye and No vote; those vo ting Aye being Mayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and
Commissioner Landoe; those voting No, none.
Maintenance of Cemetery Lots
The Manager read a proposed House 13111 for the collection of lot assessmen ts to
provide for the uniform care of cemetery lots, which will be introduced into the State
Ad,i ournmen t
There being no furtb8r businAss to come before the Commission at this time,
it was moved by Commissioner Lanclos, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the
meeting ad,iourn. and the motion was carried by the followins Aye and No vote; those
voting Aye bAing Mayor Busch, Commis~=d_oner Sorenson and Commissioner Lando8; those
voting No, none.
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