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Bozeman, T,:on tana
April 24th, 1942
The Commis sion of The Cl ty of Bozeman met in regular se::! sion in the Commi SElion [{oom,
City Hall Building, Friday evening, April 24th, 1942, at 7:30 o'clock P.:'.1. '1'hoso bej.ng
present were Mayor Busch, Commissioner Landos, Commissioner Sorenson, City Manager Quinnell,
Direc tor of Finance 1Hal ter Davis and the Clerk, when the followin~ proceedinq,s were had:
The minutes of the last regular session were read, and it was moved by COIDmi::sioner
Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lancloe that the minutes be approved asread,and the
motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye belng Ma;ror Busch,
Commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe; those voting No, none.
Rental of Ar~ory to AAA
Messrs. :E. A. Stiefel, Roy K.eister, Eugene Graf, a committee representing the Cham-
ber of CommercA, appeared before the Commission and stre<'sed the urgent nee::!, of the AAA
offices being retaine:'! in 1302 eman. The COIDml ttee sta ted tho.t the presen t quarters of the
AAA are not sa tl sfac tor;T due to Insllfficien t light, ven till) tion and space, and to the general
run-clown condItion of the premises. OUter ci ties have offeree:! to flJrnish more desirable
I')uarters for these people an:~ the committee felt thnt ratber than lose them and the AAA
payroll, The Cit;T of Bozeman should try to rent space to them in the Armory Buildin0'.
B. B. Brews ter of the AAA Office was presen t and s ta ted tha t the space available in
the Armory B1Jildlnc would meet their requirements, and that if their Accounting Office
could be moved into the Chamber of Commerce Rooms, they would l11>;:e to rent that space
also. ~;!r. brews ter submitted proposal blanl{s for the Ci ty' s use in submi t tinq' a bid for
furnishIng the desired space in the Armory BiJildinp'. },:r. Stiefel stated he felt the
Chamber of CO!i~merce would relinq1Jish any rights they might have to U181r space in the
buildinp' if it was deemed best for the welfare of tlie Community.
The ma tter wn8 tl-'oroughly discussed by the Commission and those present, and it was
moved by Commi.ssioner Lancloe, seconded by Commissioner 00renson that the City Man8ger be
Bllthorized to sub!l1it a bid to the AAA for the rental of sp,"lce in the Armory Buildinr; both
with and wlthont the Chamber of Commerce rooms and subject to the rio:ht to use the bu:Il:3-
in~ at all times by the National Guard, and the City's taking over of the blli1di,ng ~lnd
the motion was cnrricd by the followlnrr Av,,:) and No vote; those vot7nn: Aye being Mayor
BUSCh, Commis3ion",~r Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe; those vottnp; Ko, none.
Applicntion for City License
The application of G. ~. Harker for a city license was presented and read. It was
moved by Commis s loner Sorenson, seconded by Commis sioner Lando e tha t the appllc8 t ion be
approved and the license i saued and the motion was c~\rried by the following Aye and No
vote; those votlng Aye bein(J' Mayor Rusch, Commis ~'ioner I,)orenson and Commissioner LaDdoe;
those vatlnp.: No, none.
Communications -- Request for Stop Stroot at G9.rfiold
A letter from Mi ss Bertha Clow, 1121 South Third, was read reoues tlng th~l t Garfield
Streot be m8CJe an arterial highway. The Hanaper stated an investigation would be made
and a report prepared for submission to the Cit;:T Commission at the next meeting.
A letter from Ethel Harrison. Dean of Vvomon at T/lontana State College, was read offer-
ing the assistance of the students of Montana St,"! te College in case of an emorgency. The
lettnr was referred to the Chalrman of Civilian Defense.
Opposition to Closing East Peach Street
A Comnmnica tion from. Lillian Gardner Young .,"'as read sta ting tha t she does strenuously
oppose the closing of East Peach Street and requested that her objection be noted in the
minutes of' this moot:lng.
Petition -- Increase of Salary -- Police'T'en & FirelY1en.
A petition from the Policemen nnd FireMen was presented and read, requestin~ an
increase In war;es. The matter was discussed but no action taken.
Con tinua tion CertLfice te for Plumber's ,?r ~~': S Pi tter' s T3ord.
The continuation certificates of the bonds of Frank J. TftJnk as a Plumber and as
a Gas Fitter were I)resented. It was moved by COl~missi on or Sorenson, seconded by Comrnis-
sioner LBndoe th2t the certificates be approved and accepted, subject to the approval
b~{ the Ci t;r Attorney, A.pd the, motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those
voting Aye beinp Mayor Busch, Commissionor Sorenson and Commissioner Landos; those voting
No, none.
There being no further business to come before the Comn:ission a t this time, it was
moved by Commissioner Landoe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the meeting adjonrn
and the motion was carried by the fOllOWing Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor
Bllsch, Commi::sioner Sorenson and Coml"1issioner Landoe; trIOse voting No, none.
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~l, o~ Commission
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