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Bozeman, Montana
January 5th, 1942
The Commission of 'l'he City of Bozeman met in regn1ar session in tile Commission Room,
City Hall BuilcUng, Monday morning, Janunry 5th, 1942, atlO:OO o'clock A.M. 'Those being
present were Mayor Eoey, Commissioner Busch, Commis:"ioner Sorenson, Commisc'ioner-e1ect
Lanc:loc, City Attorney Aitken, Gity ~vlanaD:8r Cj,uinnell, and the Cleri{, when the following
proceedinf;s were had to-',..,d t:
The minutes of the last regnlar sesslon 'Nero read, and it V'/!oS ~loved by Co~rrlp,sion';;r
Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Buscll that tbe minutes be approved os read and the
motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those votin~ Aye being Mayor Hoey,
Commissinner Buscll and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting 1\10, nOY'e.
Organization of Now Commission
'The lHayor state(~- the purpose of this m8etine; ".'as to complete any unfinished business
of the retirln;:r Commissj_on and for the organziation of the new Commission.
nler,; being no unfinished bJlsiness, retiring Mayor Boey made appropria te remarks
ex.pressive of his pleasure and appreciat:Lr)n of the co-operation and harmony which had
marked the proceed" ngs of the Commission dlJring Ids term of office, and expres sed his
e;ood wishes for a successflll ter';t1 for the new Commission; wberonpon Comr'ic~C'ioner BtlSch
too],( the chair as Ma yor, and Commissioner-alee t Landoe h,"l.ving qlJalified for the office
as CommissioTIPr tool{ his cbair as City Commis:Jioner.
City Attorney Aitken on behalf of The City of Boz~man ex.pressed to rAtirlng Mayor
Eoey the Ci ty' s apprecia tion of .hi s fai tLful and untiriD!~ service as Itayor and Ci ty
Commissior'8r Sorenson stated the City Commission W01}ld like to express their ap-
preciation of the work of FrankE. B_oey as Mayor and CIty Commissioner, and it was
moved by Commi8 sioner Sorenson, seconded by Commif: 2 ioner .uandoe tha t the following
Resol1J tion be entered. in full upon the minutes of this meetlng and copy mailed to
Yr. Hoey, and tiw motion was carried by the follow:tng Aye and No vote; those voting
Aye being Mayor Bus ch, Comr'.i,'" ::~ioner Landoe and Com.mi~; sioner Soren!:' on; tho se votinc;
No, none.
"WH!TRT'~AS: ~,Tr. Frank T.':. Boey has served as City CommiSSioner of 'r'he City of
Bozeman durin:7, the pas t four years and as Mayor of the C1 ty, and presiding of-
ficer of the Cit;:r Commission, during the past two years; and
Whereas: J'Jfr. Hoe;"" has noW voluntaril;T rptired from the Commission and his
offIcial connection wi.U; the business and affairs of the City bas been severed.
~Tow tr'Aref'ore .f.n;; -,I'I' K':S~;>Lvr.:D r3"v 1'HE COM?HSSION Ol~-' 'rilF: c I'l'''t OF BOZE!iJAN:
) \ , , ., _ __, ,) '.J
'rha t said Ci t;r ComP.1is8 ion desires to express and plrlCe on record as a part
of the proceedings of this orqanizetion moeting, an expression of its apprecia-
tlon of the services of Ii:r. Eloey as a me!11b(~r of this body.
He has been a faitY'ful and effIcient Commissioner, loyal to the interests of
the City, unselfish and unafraid.
As I'iiayor he has presided over tr'ie deliberat~ons of' the Commis:,,=_on Witll fair-
ness, wi t;~1 inflnl te patience and tac t, wi th good humor J_n irri ta t:lng si tua tions
and hIs counsel and advice have been of invaluable aid in the so 1u tion of clif-
ficult problems.
In his capacity as official head of the City he has discharged his duties
with dicnity, with ability and with an affability and cordiality toward the
stranger within our gates that has Q'reatly enchanced tbe reputatior of Bozeman
abroad as a friendly and hospitable City.
The City of Bozeman can ill-afford to lose the public services of citizens
of the Franlc noey t;,rpe, and it will be fortcln <:I te if at some fu tllre per:io(j tlJe~r
will a~aln be available.
That the Clerk of the Commission be, and he is hereb;! :i.nstrlJ_cted to mail a
copy of thi2 resohJtion ta Mr. Hoe;;."
Ad 5 ournmen t
There being no further business to come before the Commi,s sian a t this time, it was
moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Landae tha t the TIleetins: adj011rn,
and the motirm was carried b;;1 the following eye and no vote; tbose voting aye being iV!01.yor
Busch, Commissioner Landoe and Commis2ioner Sorenson; those voting No, none.
Cle\rK of the Comrrission
lta yor