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Bozeman, Montana
January 23, 1942
The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in reg11lar session in the Commission Room,
City Hall Building, Friday evening, ,January 23, 1942, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those belng
present were Mayor Busch, Commissioner Landoe, Commis sioner Sorenson, Ci ty Attorney Ai tken,
Ci ty Manaa'er Quinnell, Director of Financ0 Vial ter Davis and the Clerk, when the followIng
proceedIngs were had to-wit:
The minutes of the last regular session were read. and It was !/oved by Comn:i.ssioner
Sorenson, seconded bv Commissioner Landoe that the minutes be approved as read and the
motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch,
Com",is sioner Soren son, and Commissioner Landoe; tho c'e \TO ting 1':0, none.
Applications for City License
The following applications for City License were presented and read:
Western Ur:ion
Chas. R. Poor
Holland Furnace Co.
Standard Oil Compan~
Safeway Stores, Inc.
Helena Cream Station
Hines Motor Supply
Phillips Book Store
Owenhouse Hardware Company
Gallatin County Abstract Co.
It was moved by Commissioner Lsmdoe, seconded by Commi8sioner Sorenson that the ap-
pl1cations be approved and the licenses 'ssued and the motion was cRrried by the follow4ng
Aye and No vote; those vo t:1ng Aye being l~ayor Busch, Commis sioner Landoe and Commis s ioner
Sorenson; those voting No. none.
Supplemsn tary A0'reement -- Ci ty - County Radio
The City Attorney s tn ted tha t before the Feclera 1 Communic8 tions Commis:, ion would grant
The City of Bozeman a license for the operation of its Police Radio Station, certain condi-
tions had to be agreed to b;,T the Ci ty and the County. He thereupon presented a Supplemen-
tar~T Agree'T1ent to be entered into by the County of Gallatin and The Ci ty of Bozeman embocly-
ing these conditions which was read.
It was moved by Commission"r Landoe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the
agreement be a pproved and accepted and the Mayor and Clerk be au thorized to sign the agree-
ment for The City of Bozeman an~ the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote;
those vot'ng Aye belng Mayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and Commis2ioner Landoe; those
voting No, none.
Bids for Police Auto
The Manager stated the car used by the Police Department needed to be replaced, and
that under exi:"ting condit:1ons, due to war demands, it would be a good idea to ,get O1Jr
order in as soon as possible.
It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commis-
sloner Landoe that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for a car for the Police
Department, bids to be opened li'ebruary 13th, 1942, and the motion was carried b:l the fol-
lowing Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Ma::Tor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and
Corr.mis s ioner Landoe; tl:o se va tinp; No, none.
Collection of Waste Paper
Mrs. W. R. Plew, Harry Reif, Capt. H. Peterson, M. Sener, reproC'8nting the Salvation
Army, and L. 'l'[. Trl' 1 tt, of the Local Defense Board, appe ared to as k the Commis sion for the
1) se of a garage in the armory building to be used by the Salva ti on Army for the handl ing
of waste paper collected for defense purposes, and also for the use of a ci ty truck to
help in the collection of the 'Naste paper. It was pointed out that this garage WOlJld be
an ideal place for the stora["e, sorttng and bailing operations, as it was heated and
about centrally located.
Those present were informed that the Armory Building was not under the jurisdic tlon
of the City as yet, and would not be until after its completion, and the time of completion
is uncerta in because of the c1ifficul ty in getting necessary supplies and ma terials. How-
ever, the City Commiseion signified its willingness to help in the collection of waste
paper in any reasonable way.
Public Hearing -- Budget
The Manager stated t is was the time and place set for public hearing of the annual
appropriation Ordinance for the first six months of 1942. He presented arfidavit of
publica tion of the Notice for public hear:i.ngs. As no one appeared before the Commission
to present sugp'es tlons, ask ques tions or to pro tea t, no official ac tion was taken in the
Ad,; 01Jrnmen t
There being no further b11siness to come before tl~e Comrr,l~Jsion at t1:1s time, it was
moved by Com,,:,'i:.sioner Sorenson, seconded by Commi:3s10ner Landoe that the meeting adjourn
and the mo tion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those vo tlng Aye being Ma :lor
Busch, Commissloner Sorenson, and Commh'sioner Landos; t1'lOse voting No, none.
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