HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-03-06 40S Boz eman, Mon tana March 6th, 1942 The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, Jl.Iarch 6th, 1942 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those beinR' present were rla ;Tor BUR ch, Commis sioner Landoe, Commis sioner Soren son, City A ttorne y Ai tken, Ctty ManatTer Quinrell, Director of Finance Walter Davis, and tre Clerk, when the follow- ina proceedings were bad to-wit: The minutes of the las t reg1Jlar s es s ion were read, and it was moved by Com:rn1.s~; ioner Sorenson, seconded by Commis sioner Landoe the t the mlnutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the followini! Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch, Comm1.ssioner Sorenson and Commlss:'Loner Landoe; those voting No, none. Deed in Escrow -- Returned City Attorney Aitken stated the deed in escrow, given to the Gallatin Lumber Company and Wm. o. Woods, had not been complied IIvi th and he had received the blank deed from the Securi ty Ban!\ & Trus t Compan y and was returning it to the Ci ty for their records. Investment of Police Reserve Funds It was poin tea ou t trIa t the Polic e Reserve Pund had cons iderable amount of funds available for investment. It was moved by Commissioner Lendoe, seconded by ComT'lis sioner Sorenson that the Director of Pinance be inctructed to invest the funds of the Police Reserve Fund as provided by law, anc: the motion was carried by tte following Aye and No vote; thos e vo ting A'STe be ing Ma;;'-or BuscL, Commis ",ioner Sorenson arid Commis s ioner Landoe; those voting No, none. Claims for the Month The claim of DouR;las L. Anderson in the amount of ~;82.76 being It/~ of his monthly salary as polic eman from January 1939 to March 1, 1942, deduc ted by the City and paid into the Police Reserve Fl.md as prescribed by law, was presented and read. The Manager s ta ted he had referred the c la:tm to the C:1. ty Attorney for an opinion which was read, s ta ting the law doe s not prOVide for any reflmd for deduc tions made from salaries upon voluntary re tiremcnt. It was pointed out the t the flmd is no t a savings account; that approximately 85;.;' of the fund is raised by general t~xation and less than 15% is contributed by the policemen themselves, and thnt the money so contributed can only be used for the purposes prescribed by eta tl1 te. Vifherellpon, it was moved by Com- missioner Landoe, seconded b~-r Commis ~doner Sorenson thnt the claim of Doug Anderson be disallowed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye be ing l'vTa;Tor Bus ch, Commie c" ioner Landoe and CO!n.'11is sioner Sorenson; t})Q:e vot lng No, none. Claims Nos. 2499 to 2641 inclusive were presented on the various funds as follows: Ceme tar:'T Fund Fire Fund Gene ra 1 Fund Library Fund Park Fund Street Fund Water Fund Cemetery Susoense Pd. Garbage" }'und~ ~;~ 372.93 1, 185.50 4,354.86 608.82 1,153.30 1,332.88 2,613.91 130.00 765.00 $ 12,517.20 'l'otal The Manager s ta ted he has audi ted these claims and finds them to be tri16 and lawful claims against The City of Bozeman. After exam:inntion of the claims in detail by the Cit~r Commission, it was moved by Comm:l.ssioner, seconded by Commissioner Landoe th~'1t warrants be drawn for their nayment and trle motion was carried by the followiniSAY8 and I I I I I I 4t )~J No 'lot,,",; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch, Commissioner Landoe and Com'ds,sioner Sorenson; those votin~ No, none. Reports The followinp; rc'ports for the month of February were presented: Cashier Librarian Fire Chief Buildinp: Inspector Plumbing InsoBctor Director of ~inance Cit'V" Engineer Chief of Police It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Landoe that tlle reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the followinG Aye and No vo te; those vot inp; Aye being Ma yor Bus ch, Commis sioner Lsncloe and Commis stoner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Applications for City License The followinR applications for City Licenses were presented and read: Sport Shop Gordon Obie 'N. V. Horrp: 'NoolworthT s Richardson's H. L. Casey Harry Miller ')r .S:. R. Grl<'TiT Frant: J. Trunk E. J. Bell, Sr. Dr. D. T. Griffith Alexander Art Com. Bozeman Auto Camp Monarch Lumber Co. Joe E. Vollmer Northern Au to Co. Elite Beauty Shop Jane's Beauty Shop Modern Barber Shop LettIe Barber Shop Classic Barber Shop Laureleaf Service Station Super Cream Ice Cream Standard Construct~on Co. Calfee Frinting Service Gallatin Chich lIatchery It was ;:;oved by Commissioner Landoe, seconded by Commission"r Sorenson thst the applications be acproved and the licenses issued and the motion was c8rried by the fol- lowinp: Aye and No vote; thos e v ot ins; Aye being Mayor Bus ch, Comrnis ::'loner Landoe and Commis2ioner Sorenson; those votinf": No, none. Purchase of Al1to -- Police Department The bids for a car for the Police Departmen t submi ttecl, Februar:r 13th, 1942 were agaln further discussed. It was pointed out that with radio equipment for the police car, it would be necessary to have a heavy duty police o:enerator and thAt the bid of the Northern Automob11e CompA.ny for a Chevrolet with a heavy duty police generator seenoed to be the lowest and best bid submitted for the class of equipment as specified in the call for bids. Therefore, it was woved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commi~2ioner Landoe that the bid of the Eorthern Auto Compan'y- in the amount of 1~l075.50 be accepted anrt the motion was carried by tho fo1lowinp: Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch, Commissioner Landoe and COT:1missioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. A:: :i 011 rnmen t There beinG; no further business to como before theCommis~ion a t this time, it was moved by Commi S~, loner Sorens on, seconded by Commie ~d oncr Landoe tho. t tb_e mee ting adj ourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No voto; those voting Aye being L'Jayor Bus ch, Commis 2 ioner Soren son and Commie r3ioner Landoe; tJI0 se voting No, none. Attest: ~1>:f1~ Ma~