HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-03-13 4tO Bozeman, Montana March 13th, 1942 'J.1he Cormnission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, City Hall Building, Frida;T evening, March l3t:h, 1942, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those being present were Mayor Busch, CommissioDAr Landoe, Commissioner Sorenson, City At- torney Aitken, City Man8ger Quinnell, Director of Finance Walter Davis and the Clerk when the follow~ng proceedings were had to-wit: The minutes of the last regular session were read, and it was I!1.oved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lsndoe tha t the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; tho se voting Aye being Mayor EllS cb, Commis sioner Sorenson and Commis sioner Landoe; tho,s e vo ting No, none. Ordinance No. 717 -- Blackout Ordinance Messers. Harry Reif, R. E. Seitz, R. G. Ragsdale, Lovitt Westlake, members of the Local Defense Commission, appeared before the Commission and read a telegram from Tom D. Caverly, State CoordInator of Civilian Defense, calling on all local defense com- missions to make immediate plans for blaclwuts. Mr. Reif stated that if the City Com- mission would pass the blackout ordinance previously prepared, this would give the Defense Commission more alJthority to order electric signs, showwindow'lighting and other electrical displays wired so they can be immediately turned off. Thereupon the Manager presented and read Emergency Ordinance No. 717, authorizing blackouts and air raid protection orders, entitled: AN ORDIJlTANCl~ OF THI~ CITY OF' BOZEMAN AUTrIORIZING BLACKOUTS AND AIR RAID PROTECTION ORDERS, RULES ANI) RlWULATIONS: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLNL'ION 'l'HE~REOF; AN~)Di:;CLARING AN E1lli:RGENCY The proposed measure was trlen exam:_ned and discussed by the local defense commi ttee and city Commission and after careful consideration of the Ordinance as presented and read, It was moved by Commissioner Landoe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the Ordinance be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; tho se vo tlng Aye being Mayor Bus ch, Commis sioner Sorenson and Commis ::i oner Landoe; those voting No, none. Agreement -- ExchQn~e of Cemetery Blocks K. W. Haines, Howard Shoemaker, A. A. Cameron. Harry Biemstro:-: appeared before the Commis sion, on behalf of the Masonic Lod~e, and presented tJ::e signed agreement by and between the Bozeman Cemetory Board, The City of Bozeman and Gallatin Lod~e # 6 AF & AM, providing for an exchan~e of certain blocks in the Bozeman Cemetery as previously arranged between the parties concerned, and approved by the Ci ty Commis !Jion of The (;i ty of Boz8man, Novembor 14th, 1941. It waspointed out tllat Block 138, which was exchanged wi th the Masonic Lodge for the blocks whereon the chapel was erected last summer, lies directly south of Block 35, which is the "Veteran I s Memorial" block; and that the Cemetery Board had by resolution incorporated in Ordinance No. 634, promised to layout Block 138 to the south and ad- joining Block 35 for the futllre use of the Veterans. Members of the Masonic Lodge present stated they could set aside the north part of Block 138 for the burial of Veterans who are m0mbers of the Masonic Lod~e, which arrangement seemed to be satis- factory to those present, but no formal action was taken. I I I I I I 4'1t License Mr. W. O. Gedosch, was present and stated that he has paid a collector's license fee in The City of Bozeman for the past two years, and that he is the only one who pays this Collector's license. He said that others were doing this type of work, and were not re- quired to pay this fee, but refused to name them. From the evidence available it appeared that a solicitor's license could be issued for the business in which Mr. Gedoach is enga~ed and he thereupon presented his applica- tion for a City License as a solicitor. Applic8tions for City Licenses The followinry applications for City Licenses were presented and read: Pope's Pease's The liTo de Bung a 1 mV' Cnttin~'s C C Crabb Staudaher's C E Marquis W 0 (}edos ch F. L. Dye Co. Budd & Mellon Jack's MarkAt Vorell 8~ Nymon Galla tin Hotel Phenie S Ahern McCracken Bros. The 'Willson Co. .T. C. Penny Co. Dr. E. O. Holm Boz eman Courier ~'r. w. C. Da we s ,Julian S. Miles Roecher Drug Co. Chamber-Fisher Co. Rash's Barber Shop Dove's Barber 0hop Elaine Geauty Shop Bozeman Jewelry Co. Crystal Barbnr Shop Golden Crust Baker~T Keeton-Craft Clinic Fashion Beauty Shop Perkin's Barber Shop Lake Brilliant Signs Ninth Avenue Grocery Larson's Repair Shop Const to Coast Stores Keyser's OK Tire Shop Baxter Hotel Pharmacy Cass Mattress Factory Alene's Coffee Cottage A. Y. Russell Theatres Fifth Ave. Cash Grocery Hotel Baxter Barber Shop Bozeman Sheet Metal Works nr. R. R. Sigler ~r. E. J. Kearns ~.,todern Cleaners Barrell Cleaners N rthedrre Dair"IT r'l: :,:' ...' Bozeman -r.;;xchange Linsay Electric Evergreen Grocery .T. L. Macdonald Bal timore Hotel Park Barber Shop Hoffman's Cabins Don's Barber Shop Vt. Sts. T & T Co. West Side Grocery Dr. H. Culbertson Houser Dental Lab. North Side Market Dokken Funeral Home Sawyer's Stores, Inc. A. L. Snader's Dairy Gallatin Laundry Co. , and the applications of the Elk's Lod~e for a beer and a liquor license. It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded b;r Commissioner Landoe that the ap- plicatlons be 8pproved and the licenses iSS1Jed an(9 tree motion was carried by the fol10w- ing' Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and Com- missioner Landoe; those voting No, none. Ordinance no. 716 -- Proh:t.bi tin:'=': Sale of Fireworks The Manager read an ordinance prohibiting thB sale at retail and the discharging of firecrackers, firf'works, toy ["uns an '-1 the like wIthin The City of Bozeman. He presented Ordinance No. 716, entitled: AN OR"0INANCE PROIIIBI'I'ING 'l'BE SALE A'l' RS'r,u.IL ,\N,=; TEE USE OR DISCHARGE OF FIRECRACKSR~~;, F'IREWORKS, TORPEDOES, TOY PISTOLS AND GUNS, TOY CANNON AN)) ANY PYROTECHNIC DISPLAY OR DEMOKSTRATIO~~ WI'l'lIIN 'rHE CI'I'Y OF BOZEMAN; AND REP!;~'~JAING- OR1JIN~NCE NUMBER 625 OF 'l'HE CITY OF BOZl':MAN AlIi) ALL ORJI- NANCES IN CONFLICT m~REWITH. It was moved b;T CommiSSioner Lancloe, seconded by Commissioner Soren,?on that the Ordinance No. 716 be passed and adopted and U:e motion WAS c!lrried by the following Aye and No vote; tbose voting Aye being Vrayor Busch, CO'11missioner Sorenson and Commissioner Lan:',oe; t110se votIng No, none. ~xtension of GarbaITe Contract The written extension 8.nd mo,~ification of the garba:=re contr""ct was presented, where- b;-T tIle present contrqct for garbage collection and dlsposal is extended until and in- clucU.nr: tr.te 30th da;T of .Tune, and the amount of compensation increased ;:1)40.00 per rrontb. It was Moved b;T Commissioner Landoe, seconded by Comrris.'?ioner Sorenson that the Ya7tor and. the Clerk be authorized to sign the modified arrreement betweer: Julian S. 1\111es and The City of Bozeman for the extension of the garbage contract to .Tune 30th, 1942, 4t2 and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch, Commis8ioner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe; those voting lTo, none. Reports The report of the Healty Officer was presented and read. It was moved by Com- missioner Sorenson, seconded by Commis fdoncr Landoe tha t the report be accepted and ordered filec~ and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Bus ch, Commis s lonccr Sorenson and Commis s loner Landoe; tho se votIng No, none. It was moved by Comm:1s sioner Sorenson, secor-ded by Commissioner L1mdoe thp t the annual audit r0::'ort of C. 1:.. COllIs ton, CJ?A, be accented and ordored filed and tIle motion was carried b:-r the followlnrr Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Ma:,'or Busch, Com- missioner Landoe and Commissioner Sorenson; those votlng No, none. Meetinr: of ExeCl.ltive Committee of Montana j.::unlcipal Lea:~ue The City Attorney stated the Executive Committee of the Montana Municipal Leafue was to meet in Helena, March 28th, 1942. It was moved by Commissioner Landoe, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that it be4ng in the public interest, the City Attorney be au thorized to a ttend the meeting, and tha this expens es be paid from the General Pund and the motion was carried b':r the following Aye and No vr~te; those voting Aye being ~~ayor Busch, Commission9r Sorenson and Commis:::doner Lanclos; those voting No, none. Adjournment ThAre being: no further business to come before the Commi~'3ion at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Landoe, secondEd b;T Commi;~sioner Sorenson that the meeting aclj01Jrn and the motion was c.grried by the following i'.ye and No voto; those voting Aye being Yayor B1.lsch, CommisCJ:i.oner Sorenson ar'd Commissioner Landoe; those voting No, none. A;?e2: L/ ~'--~:xc~~:<r~ ~~~~/< !IIayo~ I I I