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Bozeman, Montana
March 20th, 1942
The Commis sion of The City of Boz oman me t in regular sess ion in the C Or.1!11 is sion Room,
City Hall Builrl1ng, Friday evening March 20th, IG42, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those being
present were Mayor Busch, Commissioner Landoe, Commis~'ioner Sorenson, City Attorney Aitken,
City Manager Quinnell, Director of Finance Walter Davis and tl'e Clerk, when the follow-
ing proceedings were had to-wit:
TIle minutes of the lastrep';ular session were read, and it Vias moved by Commiss:.t oner
Landoe, seconded b;: CommisfCioner Sorenson that the minutes be aoproved as read and the
motion was carried by the followIng Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch,
Commis~doner Lancloe and Commis si oner Sorenson; those vo tin,! }ro, none.
Applications for Clty Licenses
The following applications for City Licenses were presented and read:
The Cue
^ E Siess
Adam Fink
R ,J Cowles
The Camplls
Dave Douma
Sam Hollier
Glenn ~10tel
Home Grocery
E W Thompson
Gallup Dairy
Babcock Dairy
Louise's Cafe
Bon ton Baker;T
Fred }i'. V'lillson
.T. M. Sto tesblJry
Anderson Motors
Arnold C. .0urand
Lester C. Npwman
Bob's Super Save
Poor's Food Stare
Bridges Donut Shop
Al1to-Electric Shop
Snappy Service Cafe
Kes~ler Bro~. Dairv
D. Landrith Seed C~.
Bon Ton Flour ~ills
Classic Beauty Shop
Mon tana Seed & Gra in
Lorraine Beauty Shop
Speith Electric Shop
Myer's Texaco Station
Seitz Texaco Service
Geo . Eno:lish fl'in Shop
Lovelace Motor Supply
H R McCay Hardware Co.
Anderson Bealltv School
William's Texaco Station
v. P. Schaurer Furniture
Street's Service Station
Litening Service Station
Forristell's Cash Grocery
Oliver-Stollt Implement C~.
Swanson's Standard Service
Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
Bozeman Coca Cola Bottling Wks.
It waS 1110v"'ld by Commi Sfl ioner Sorenson, seconded b;r Comvris :,1ioner Landoe tha t tIce a n-
plications be approved and the licenses issued and the motion was carried by the follow-
ing Aye and :Eo vote; those votlnlY, Aye being Mayor Busch, 807"2""118 sioner Sorenson an(l Com-
mis sioner Landoe; tho p, e vo t:ing No, none.
~,ids for Fire~en's Un:t-"or:"'!s
The Manager stated this was the time and place set for openjng of bids for uniforms
for members of the Fire Department and read tl1e notice of the call for bids. It was moved
by Co:rlll1issioner Sorenson, seconded, by Commissioner Lanclos that the bids be opened an~l read
and the motion was c8rried b;T the following Aye and }\o vote; those voting Aye being lvIayor
BUSCh, Commisp,joner Sorenson and Commis:",ioner Landoe; those voUng No, none.
ThB following Bids were opened and read:
C'ty Dye Works
McCracken Bros.
$ 412.44
After examination of the proposals and samples presented, they showed thAt tbe firm
of McCrac]{en Bros. had submitted the lowest al1(} best bid, whereupon it was moved by Com-
mis ~i on "'r Landos, ;:; econeJed by Commi ss ioner Sorenson tha t the bid ofivicCracken Bro r,. be
accepted an~ the motion was carried by the following A";TO and No vote; those voting Aye
beIng Ma"or Busch, Commissioner Sorenson and l.Jommissioner Lancloe; t}lose voting No, rone.
CO;'1!'1U n iCR tioD - - P'ire Fia-htlnrr El'"'llJ lpmen t
The Manager read a communication from Mayor Roehl of I;ewsi town invi tine: members of
the Commission to Lewistown to witness a demonstratlon ant; test of' their new fire-fighting
equiment, including a 750-gallon pumper, ladcler and other appliances.
The ~fara.r:er was ins truc ted to aCKnowledge receipt of the invi ta tion and to thank the
Ms,;ror for h1s kindness. No further ae tior was taken.
The Manager st~ted Mr. L. H. Richardson, Chairman of the Montana Armory Board, was in
Bo7.eman during the past week and had advised tha t the Armory Board would meet wi th the 01 ty
Commission in Bozeman on or before the 15th day of April for the considera tion and adop-
tion of' a resolution providing for the opora tion and ma:lntenance of the Armory Bl)ilding
and for the clarification of some provisions of the oriRinal agreement that might other-
wine be misunderstood.
Blackout Hules ?,~ Regula tions
The Manager read proposed rll1es and regulations for blackouts, which he had sent to
the Chairman of the Civilian Defense Commie sion for their considera tion, the rules to be
presented again at the next re~111ar meetlng of the City Commission before being finally
There being no further bus ines,,,< to come before the Commis sian at th.is time , it was
moved b;T Commis " ioner Sorens on, seconded b;' Commis pion er Lancloe that the meoting adj ourn
and the motion was carried by the following 11yo and No vote; those voting Aye being i.layor
Busch, Comrn.1.s2ioner Sorenson and Commiscioner LanrJoe; those voting No, none.
Olerk of the Commission
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