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Boz eman, Ni"on tana
April 10th, 1942
The Commission of The Citv of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room,
City Hall BUildinp', Fridav evening, April 10th, 1942, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those being
t M B} C i. La d C mi .oner Sore ~ Cl.t" Attorne~,..~ Aitks'n,
presen were .ayor usc.~, omm S~10n8r n oe, om, SSl n.;.>on, ,y _, .
City Manap:er Q,uinnell, Director of 1<'inance Walter Davis and the Clerk, when the following
proceedings were had to-wit:
'The minutes of the last rer;rl11ar sAssion wern read, and it was moved by Commissioner
Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Landoe that the m:1mltes be approved as read and the
motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor BUSCh,
Commis sioner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe; those v 0 tinE! No, non o.
PoliceLJuring Jaycee RoundllP
Wm. Pentilla, President of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, appeared before the Com-
mission and stated the ,Jr. Chamber of ommerce was willing to furnish t1:le policemen for
the policing of the carnival grounds and the .Ll.oundup gr01.;mds during their annual show,
but they fel t that The Ci ty of Bozeman shonld stand the expense of addl tional policemen
needed to handle traffic and the crowds up-town.
The Mayor informed Mr. Pentilla that they would check into what has been done in
for~er years before a decision is reached.
Ap:reernent -- Vasonic Lodp's
Mr. L. F. Hardie, Ross Jensen, and Herr:' Biemstroh members of GallatJn Lodge # 6
AF & AM appeared before the Commission, and stated they wOlJld like to have the agreement
between The City of Bozeman and themselves,for the exchange of blocks, rewritten as of
tllP current date, to replace the first agreement. It ~~;as finally determ-'..ned th2,t this
new a"'reement together wi th th.e new deed WOllld be drawn up as sugn:;ested, and presented
to t:ce Masonic Lodo:e # 6, for approval.
Applications for City Licenses
The followi~g applications for City License were presented and read:
Dad GiLlette & Co.
Insul-F'ibre Co.
It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Landoe tha t the
applica tions be a pproved and the lic enses issued and tbe motion was carried b v the .fol-
lowlng Aye and No vote; those votlng Aye being Ma~ror BUSCh, Commissioner Sorenson and
COm1"1iss:loner Landoe; those voting No, none.
The report of the Heal th Officer for tIle mon th of March was presented and read. It
was r"'oved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Landoe that the report be
accepted and ordere d filed and the motion was carried b~: the following Aye and No
vote; those voting Aye being Ma;ror Busch, commissioner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe;
Tr.e bond of R. C. Embry, as Chief of Police, in the anJount of $2000 was presenteci.
t~ose votina No, none.
Bond of Chief of Police
The bond was approved as to forrl by The City Attorney, whereupon, it was moved by Corr:-
missioner Landoe, seconded b't Commissioner Sorenson that the bond be accepted and ap-
proved and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye
being Mayor Busch, Commis~doner Sorenson and Commissioner Landoe; _ those voting No, none.
Anplicstion for Space in Ar~ory
The Manager read a communication from the Local Selective Service Board applyinp; for
space ln th'J Armory B1Jilding. No action was taken.
~elegates to Water Works School
The Manae'er stated the annual meeting of the Uontana Section of the Amsrican Water
\Vorks Assoc la tion and the school for wa terworks and sewage disposal employees wOllld be
held in Helena, April 15th to 1St}", 1942 and tl::at he and W. R. Border, Water SlJperintendont
would like to attend.
It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded b':\' Commissioner Landoe that, it being
in the public interest, City Manager Quinnell and W. R. Border, SlJperintendent, be author-
ized to attend the Water Works Meeting and School in Helena, and tlmt their expenses be
paid from the Wa ter Fund, and the ,,cotion was carried by the following Aye and No vote;
those voting Aye being Ma:ror Busch, Commis ~ioner Sorenson am) Commisdoner Landoe; those
votIng liTo, none.
Arrreement witt N. p. Ru. -- ODAn~ncr of Cedar Stroet
An agreement between the Northern Pacific-Railway and The Oit.. of Bozeman was pre-
sented B.nd read, wherein the Nr')rthern Paclf'ic Railway BQ'rees to p:rade and gravel Cedsr
Street from L. Street to the "Slaughter House Road" provided that the City will permit
the clos Inp: of t'--:e "Slaurr}:ter House Road", whe re it cros ses tIle Northern Pac i.f ic 'l'racl{s
as requested by the sipners of B petition submitte~] to the Cit;' Connnission Nov8mber 28th,
1041. The matter having been discussed and agreed upon at previous meetings, it was
T'10 vod by COIT'JTIis s loner Lancloe, seconded by Comrnl S 2,ioner Sorenson that the rv;a :!Or and Clerk
be authorized to sign the agreement for 'l'he City of Bozeman, and the motion was carried
b;T the following Aye and No vote; those; those voting Aye being Mayor Busch, Commissioner
Sorenson and Commiscdoner Lando8; those voting No, none.
Ad jOl,rnment
There being no further business to come before the Commis~ion at this time, it was
moved b:y Commissioner Landoe, seconded b'T Commissioner Sorenson tlv1t the mGet:l.ng adjourn
and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; thos e voting Aye be.'. n[" IvJ:8 yor
Busch, Commis .c;:i.. oner LanCloe and Comcnission8r Sorenson; those vo ting No, J"one.
C:t-srk of the Commission
~,~a yor