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Bozeman, Montana
Aue;us t 1, 1941
The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room,
City Hall Building, Friday evening, August 1, 1941 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those being present
were Mayor lIoey, COnl.'11issioner Busch, COnl.'11issioner Sorenson, Ci ty Manager 1a1<e and the Clerk
when the followinrr proceedings were had to-wit:
The minutes of the last rerrular session were read, and it VIas moved by COnl.'11issioner
Sorenson, seconded by Mayor Ibey the. t the minutes be approved as read and the motion was
carried by the following Aye and No vo te; tLos e voting Aye be ing Mayor Boey, Commis sioner
Dus ch and COnL'11is sioner Sorens on; those voting No, none.
A~plications for City License
The following applications for City Licenses were presented and read:
Greyhound Fountain
R W B # 110 Root Beer Stand
It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Com::nissionor ~orenson that the ap-
plica tions be approved and t.~e licenses issued and the motion was carried by the following
Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being 1/[8 )lor Hoey, COnL'TIiEl ::doner Sorenson and Comm:.s ::!loner
Busch; those voting No, none.
Claims for tbe l,,'!on th
Claims Nos. 1201 to 1401 inclusive were presented on the various funds as follows:
Fire ,.
Gene ra 1
S tre e t
Vi a ter
CeYl18 tery Suspense
'.1 T Q ")
j: ......,;. ~_, ,', l:.
Plumbing Exarr.d.ner' s
2, 1;5G .69
~l? l5,550.13
The ManaGer s ta ted he has andi ted these claims and finds U:em to be true and lawful
c laim3 agains t 'The City of Bozeman and recommends tha. t warrants be drawn f or their pay-
manto After examination of the claims in detr:dl by the City CO!lmissioners, it was r:'.oved
by Com.missionor Soren3 on, seconded by COr:1Y:lissioner Busch tha t warrants be drawn for their
payment and tYee motion was carried by the following ~ye anci No vote; those voting j~ye
being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; tlJose voting No, none.
Judges & Clerks -- Frimary Election
The ManaGer s ta ted tha t judges and clerks for the Primary Elec tion to be he Id Augus t
26tb, 1941 should be appolnted. A proposed list of Judc:es and Clerl:s was presented as
Precinct No. 1
Ida B. Shelton; ~\!abel Bemis; Amelia H. Harmner; Blanche .":ilkin; Sylvia Smith
Precinct No.2
Genevieve Shookrnan; Ella GRoss; Rhea is Franshr:Jm, Anna Pirdley, Czarena Stansberry.
Precinct No.3
Ida Morrow, Addie ~/1. Harper, Lillie Lyon, Ida L. Ginn, Anna roe tter
Precinct No.4
Wr:1. IIollingswortb, 'N E Krueger, Della Gilchrist, Anne. Clsrk, Ada VanHorn
frecinct No.5
Jessie B. Machemor, AlIce Kleinschmid t, Sus ie tIny Bress ler, Edl th A. Oliver.,
Lillian B. '-Valkor
Free :tnc t No. 6
James L. Taber, Eva Harr~s, Marjorie Adamson, Lillian Finley, C L. Donaldson
Precinct No.7
J.L. Gracey, Mary Gary Kathryn Staudaher, Alice Gocsack, Nellie Hoadley
Precinct No.8.
Grace Swim, Pearl Mapes, Gladys K. Law, Anna Hines, Hachel liancock
It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by COn'J11issior..or Sorem'lOn that the list
be approved and tbose named appoin ted and t,he motion was C3.rried b~{ the following Aye and
No vote; those vot ing Aye being Mayor Hoey, C0111r.1is sioner Sorenson and Commis sioner Busch;
those voting Ro, none.
Request for ~lection -- Gas & Steam Ee3.t Pranchise
The Man3.c;er read a COlY'lm.mica tion from the Billings Utili ty Company reques ting a fran-
chise to sell natural gas and staem heat in rrhe Cit;' of Bozeman; that an election be called
for that purpose.
The ma tter was discussed and taken under advisement.
Adj Ol)rnmen t
There beinc; no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it vms
moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commiss ioner J3u8dl tha t tr~e meetine; adjourn
and the notion was carried by the follow::.!"'",'? Aye and No vote; those. voting Aye being Llayor
Hoey, Commis sioner Busch and Commls;J loner Sorenson; thos e vo t_lng No, none.
Attest: ~
~J t4~.
Clerk 0" the CitJT CoU'..mission