HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-08-08 340 Bozeman, Montana Aus;ust 8th, 1941 TIle Commission of The Ci ty of Bozeman met :i.n regular session irl the C01!'JTlission Room, City Hall Building, Fr:i.day evening, August 8t1-1, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Those being present were Mayor Hoe:,', Comm:tsc"ioner Busch, Cow..m:t:":doner ;;)orenson, City Attorney Aitken, City Manager Lake, Director of Finance Walter Davis, and the Clerk, when the following prooeedings were had to-wit: The minutes of the last regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by COn'J:1issioner Sorenson tr~at the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Iv'iayor Hoey, Commissioner Huscn and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Reports The following reports for the month of July were presented: Fire Chief Librarian Engineer Cashier Police Judge Police Chief Swimming Pool Cemetery Board Plumbing Inspector Building Inspector ~irector of Finance Health Officer Water Collector It was moved by Commis~loner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the re- ports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those vo iti.ng Aye being ~;ayor Hoey, Commissioner Bus ell and Commis::doner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Mystic Lake Dam Discussed Mr. Jack Nash, L. t.n:. Cons tan t, l,'Val tel' Kraft, stockholders of tJ:1e Mys tic Lake Di tch Association; C. M. Thorpe, Engineer; A. H. Abbott, of the ?orest Service, were present to disCl..lSS wi th the Ci ty Commisfdon, as stockholders of the J~Y8 tic Lake Ditch ASfwciation, the recommenda tior's of the Fores t Service Engineers to widen the spillway to for ty fee t wide, and the ~Jilding of a now tower for the s~lt-aff valves. r~r. C. TC Thorpe stated that, in his opinion, with trle average annual run-off of 50 second-feet per square mile, the presen t spillway is amply large; thn t the plans for the dam were prepared by Mr. Fortier, an hydraulic engineer of renown reputation, -and he, no doubt, gave the size of the spillway muc]:-} consideration. City I'iTan8.[':er Lake stated that from his oalculations, the present spillway was ample to take care of an extremely heavy run-off. Messrs. Kraft and Nash stated they felt tbe spillway large enough for the dra .l.nage area. Members of the Ditch Association stated they felt the tower for the shut-off valves should be rebuilt in order to store water dur:Lng the winter months. The matter was discussed further and Jlr. Abbott stated he would present the informa- tion of this mee ting to the Fores t Service Engineers for their reconsidera tion. Delinquent Tax on 1!~'elfare Office Buildirg The matter of the delinrruent Special Improvement District taxes on Lots 40 to 42 and the East Eight Feet of 39; Block D; Tracy's 1st Addition, located at the corner of Third Avenue and Mendenhall Street, was discussed. It was pointed out that the builaing on these lots is used by Gallat.i:; County and The City of Bozeman has not been paid its delinquent taxes on this property. It was moved by Co~~issioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner ~orenson that the City A ttorney be ins truc ted and he is hereby direc ted to take the necessary steps to compel the I I I I I I 341 County of GallatIn to sell the above described property at a tax sale, and the motion was carried.. by the following Aye and No vote; those vo t.i.ng Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commis- sioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Application for City License The application of Geo. E. Florer for a city license was presented and read. It was r.1oved b7l Commissioner Busch, seconded by Mayor Hoe:; that the application be approved. and the license issued and the Motion was carried b:r the followInG Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being 1:8yor Hoey, Commiseioner Busch and Cor:rr::issioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Resolution No. 503 -- Lighting District Assmts. 'l'he Manager statedthe Resolution levy1.ne: the assossment for lighting maintenance :'Ln the amount of ;$2,483.30 for tr"8 various lighting- distriGts had been prepared. He presented Resolution No. 503, entitled: A RESOLUTIO"N OF THE COMMISSION 01" THE CITY 01" BOZEfi::UT, MUN'l'ANi\, LEV.YING AND ASSESSING LIGHTING DISTRICT MAIwrENANCE AIm :SLEC'I'RICAL CURHENT COSTS I"on SPECIAL IY:?Rovr.::r-tENT LIGHTING .JISTHIC'TS NUIiBiRS 100, 284, 2CB, 289, 290, 295, AND 300 OF Th'E CIT'! OF BOZENAN, PURSUANT 'l10 THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 5266 R. C. MONTANA 1935. It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that the Reso- luvion be provisionally passed and August 15th, 1941, be set as the date for hearing protes ts and the motion was c arried b~ic the followinc; Aye and No vote; those votine Aye be'ng Kayor 110071, Commissioner Busch and Comm:i.ssloner Sorenson; those votins No, none. Contracts for Plumbinc & Electrical Work -- Service BldG. The contract of the F. L. Dye Company for the electrical work and the contract of the Bozeman Plumbing & Heating Company for the plumbine work on the Service Building at the Cer.1etery were presented. The contracts were approved as to form by the City Attorney, whereupon, it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch thnt the contracts be approved and accepted and the certified checks returnod to the bidders and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; tr.ose vo ting Aye being ~,';ayor IIoey, Commissionor Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Tax Levy 1941 The Mana~er stated the resolution setting the tax levy for 1941 had been prepared; that the amount of levy for each fund was the same as 1940. He presented Resolution No. 502, en ti tied: A RESOLUTION OF 'l'HE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OP BOZET/[,'."ti: )~~TERMINING rrHE A~WUNT OF CITY TAXES POR ALL PURFOSl,;S, GSNF:RAL AND Sr}~Cli;L, TO Eli: LEVIED AND ASSESSED ON TAXABLE PHOPERTY IN TIm CITY OF BOZT:':Iv:/:JJ, 8'1'1\ TE OF MON'I'ANA, FOR 'l'1m CUHH.:.ENT FISCAL YEAR OF 1941. It was moved b;T Commis sioner Busch, seconded by Commissionor Sorenson tha t the Reso- lution be passed and adopted and the motion was carried bJ' the following Aye and No vote; tbose voting Aye being Mayor Eoey, Commis sioncr Busch and Commis ~lioner Sorens on; those voting No, none. Claim -- Service Buihiing The r;:anager presented Claim No. 1402 on the CeMetery Fund in the amount ofl\lB47 .18, representitJ.g 85;S of the value of tr..e work donA on the Service Building. After examina tion of the claim by the Commission, it was moved by '..;ommlss10ner Sorenson, seconded by Com- missioner Buscb thst tte claim be allowed and a warrant. be drawn for its payment and the 342 motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Petition -- Closing Alley Block D; Beall's 2nd. The Manacer presented a petltion of property owners in Block D; Beall's 2nd Addition; requestinG that the West 220 feet of the alley in tLis block be closed. The matter was discussed and it was pointed out that if the property owners would like to have the east- I.;.;." ~., '. west alley closed that a nort:h-south aile';,' should be provided. It was woved by Commis- sioner Sorenson, seoonded b;r Commis sioner BllS ch tha t fvrtber considera tion would be Given the peti tion when the propsrt:' owners agree to furnish a north-south alley, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; tbose voting Aye being Mayor IIosy, Commissioner Bllsch and Commissioner .sorenson; those vot:ng No, none. Sponsoring NYA Project The Manager stated a request had been made for The Cit~ of Bozeman to act as sponsor for A NYA Project to provide extra help at the 13ozemanDeaconess ITospital; that the sj)on- Boring of the NYA Project did not put the City to any expense; wOl.J.ld provide employment for about 18 persons and the NYA Project required a Government31 agency as a sponsor. After discussion, it was moved by CO:r.1Inissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sor- enson; that the C:!.ty Mannger be authorized to sign the ac;reement for the City of Bozeman, as Sponsor, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting A:re being Itayor Hoey, Com!~issioner Busch and CO:rn.rTlissioner Sorenson; those vot:l,ng No, none. Ordinance No. 711 Zoning Or~inance I The Manager stated the City Attorney had incorporated the recommendations of the Beard of Adjustment in the Zoning Ordinance. He presented Ordinance Nn. 711, entitled: AN ORDIN"ANCE CLASSIFYING, R':GlTLt, 'r::JW AND RC:STRI"::'l'ING THE LOeA'l1IONS OF' TRADES AIW INDUSTR res AND THE LOCA 'J'ION OF BUILDnmS ;)ESIGN.8D FOR SPECIFI:i;D USES; RIWULA'rD.G AND Ln~ITING rI'ES HEIGH'l' AND BULK OF BUILDINGS HEREAFrl'ER EREC'l'ED OR ALTZRE.J: REGliLA TING AND LDGTING ThE IhTENSITY OF THE USE OJ..' LOT ArmAS, AND RZGULl>TTNG AND DETERMINING TH~~:; ARSA OF YARDS, COVRrl'S ANJ OrrIfrm OPEN SPAC:C::S iNITHIN AlYD SUrmOUNDnm SUCH BUILDIKGS: li;S'l'A13LISEDW THE BOlHW.,\RTES OR DISTRICT'Sb'OR 'I'EI;; SAID rURPOSES; AND PHESCHIBING PENALTIES FOR TIlE VIOL.\ TIim OF ITS PROVISIONS; AN!) REPEALING ORDINANCE Nmm:;nED 682 AS Ar.mKJED BY ORDI- NAYCE NO. 699, OF TIm CPrY O:P BOZEMAN. It was moved by Commiss loner Sorenson, seconded by COlTI.-nissioner Busch too t the Or- dinnnce be passed and adopted and the motion was carried by the followj_Dg A.ye and No vo te; t:.""ose voting Aye being I.:ayor Eoey, Commissimer Busch and Commis sioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Adjournment 'l'here bei.ng no further busi.ness to co:!!e before the COIY1..mission at tLis time, it was Y::!oved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the meeting adjourn, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and IT$? vote; those vo t ing Aye be ing Mayor Hoey, Commissi.oner Busch and COlTIJ!'1:i.ssioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. ~)~ Clerk of- the Commlssion 1