HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-08-15 I -I: " I Boz eman, ~,:on tana AU~lSt 15th, 1941 B4a The Commission of The C1t:~ of Bozemen mot in reGular session in the Cor.nnission Room, City Hall Building, Friday evening, Auc:ust 15th, 1941 at 7:30 o'clock P.~,';. 'I1hose beinG present were Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch, Commissioner .:.:>orenson, C1 ty Attorney Ai tlwn, Ci ty Manager Lo.l<e, Direc tor of Pinance \Val ter Davis and the Clerk, 'Nhen the following proceedincs were had to-wit: The minutes of the last regular session were read, and .it was )"'",oved by Commissioner Sorenson, secondod by !(-ayor Hoe:,' the t tl:;e minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the following ),\ye and No vote; those voting Aye beine; Mayor Hoey, Cornr:lis loner Sorenson; thoso voting No, none. Claim of Northern Pacific Railway - Water Shed Land The ~anager presented Claim No. 1403 of the Northern Pacific Railway Company in the amount of $2,366.99, for 4733.98 acres of land on the south water shed. After examination of the Claim by the Com:rdssion, it was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by I~iayor Hoey that a warr[.mt be drawn for its payment and the motion was carried b;! the followinG A:,re and No vote; tr:.ose voting Aye being Mayor Hoey and Conrrnissloner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Resolution lJo. 503 -- Lichting Assmt. The Manager s ta ted this was the tir.!e and pla ce set for hearinG prote s ts to levy.i ng the assessment for the various lIghting districts for the :rear 1941. He presented the affida- vit of rmblication of the Notice and Resolution No. 503, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF Th'TI COl,'rraSSION OF 'I'l-IE CITY OF BOZi~I\:A}i, r-lCNTAKA, Lr~\lY-'NG AIT:) ASSESSING LIGHTING DISTRICT MAINTENANCE AFD ~LEcrrnICAL CT.:'R;mKT COSTS FOR SPECIAL n.';PHOVEII'iENT LIGHTING DISTHIC1'S NmmERS 100, 284, 28C, ~2B9, 290, 295, AND 300 OF TEE Crry OIl' BOZEMAN, PURSUANT TO TH!~ PROVISIONS OF SECTION 5266 R. C. MONTANA 1935. There being no one present to protest, it was ;roved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by lI'la)?or Hoey that the Resolution be finally passed and adopted, and. the ~otion was car- ried by the following Aye and No vote; those vot ing Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Sorenson; those votIng No, none. Applications for City Licenses The follow~ng applications for City Licenses were presented and read: ~,:a ytaC Shop J. A. D:J.xon Red Hen l\~ary O. S!'1i th VI. D. Wilblore II. C. :::arlinton John }i:. Railey Baker & IJoore Electric Shoe Shop Boze~an Cold Storage Hauseman's & ~cCalls Riddle's Service Station McEntire's Serivce Station Cass T\~attress c: F-urniture F'actor~T and tb.e aglica tion of the Elks Club for a Deer Licens e . It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded b:r Mayor Eoey that the applic8tlons be approved and the licenses lssued and the motion was carr:l.ed by the following Aye and No vote; those vo t:1.ng Aye being r~:ayor Hooy, Cc:mmli ssi oner Duscb and Coml1'.is s ioner Sorenson; those vot1ng No, none. Commisf1ioner Busel,,:. entered and was noted present. Reports The reports of the Emplo:;nnent Officer for the mon ths of J'll.lle and July were pre o~en ted. It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch tho.t the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried by the fo llowing A':Te and No vote; V ose voting Aye beine; Uayor Hoey, ComK:issioners Sorenson and Dusch; those vo tine: lTo, none. 344 Specifications for Pollce RadIo The Manager presented specifications for advertising for bids for a Police Radio for City coverage and specifications for a radio for City-County use. After examination of the specifications, it was moved b,;;r Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commi:csioner Sorenson th~1t the specifications be approved and the City Manazer be authorized to adver- tise for bids to be opened September 12th, 1941, and the mo tion was c arried b~r the fol- lowing Aye and No vote; tbose votinG Aye being Mayor Roey, Commissioner Dusch and Com- missioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Extension of Runwa:i at Airport Discussed ;,Tr. Dean Chaffin, G. C. Waite appeared before the Commission to discuss the exten- sion of tIle north-south runwa~r at the Airport. The difficultios, advantages and disad- vantages of extend:ng the rlmway to tl'Je ywrt1-, and to tJ:"le south were discussed, and it was decided to have the City Manager present this information to the engineers at .F'ort Peck for their consideration. COT.!111ss ion Resoh' tion No. 504 - - Opera tion 8, Tf'u_;n tenanc e of Airport The rv1anager stated the CAA hEld requested a resolution relative to the operation and tbc maintenance of the Municipal l\irport, and stated the City Attorney had prepared the resolution along the lines as sU13P'ested bJ" the CAA. He presented Resolution No. 504, entitled: A RESOLUTIOr OT,l TIG COMr:!IS~:,ION OF THE:ITY O}' DQZL':I,lAN, MONTANA, CONS'I'ITUTING ITS AGR.Ei.EMENT WI'l'E TUB UNI'I'KD S'llATi!.:S RELATIVE TO QP:2RA'I'ION AND MAUJTENANCli: OF 'l'~lE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL AIHIORT It was moved by COl1'nnissioner Busch, seconded by Corrunissioner Sorenson that the Resolu tlon be pas sed and adopted and the r'10 tion was c nrri ed by the following Aye and No vote; those vot_:.ng Aye beinf; Mayor IToey, Commissi oner Sorenson and Commisslon,"r Busch; those votI.ng 1:0, none. Tourist ~OUTt Plans The Manager presented plans for a tourist court to be built at the corner of North Seventh and Vil18rdb~T Charles Nunnelly. The plans were examined the Commission and b'\: ,J it was moved by C01nmissioner Sorenson, seconded by COD1nissioner 13USCJ.1 thot the plans be approved and the :motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor IToey, Comm:1.ssioner Busc;]. and C01'1'1r1issioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Vent in Stairway Approved Mr. Carpenter, of the Vloolworth Co., appeared before the CO!11t'lis :,,'1 on to ask pe rn:.i s s ion to extend a vent pipe t~r0ugh the stalrwa~ at 30 East Main so that it would extend out two Inches .1.' to the s tarlwa:f.. thus making the stairway two inches narrower. '1'he ma tter was discussed by the CO'Tlmission and it was decicft:extfl. that since .1. t appeared to be the only place that tho pipe could be placed, to permit~he p~e to extend two inches into the s tairwa~T. Ad j Durnmen t There being no further business tn come before the Gornmiss~~on at thls time, it was ~oved by Comnls :Jioner Sorenson, seconded by Com.'Tli sellon or Bus ell tha t the nee tine; adjourn and the motion vms carried by the followIng Aye and No vote; those voting ^:Te beins Mayor Hoey, Commissioners Sorenson and Thlsch; those votins No, none. Atte ~ :f! c~~~4~~~~ Clerl{ of the Ci t77 Co:m:rnissL:m d;4--><~~ Mayor U I I I