HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-08-22 I I I Bozeman, Montana Augus t 22, 1941 B45 The Cor.lInission of 'rhe Ci ty of Bozeman !'let in regnlar session in the Commiss:ton Room, City Hall Building, ?'riday evening, August 22, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock F.r/:. Those being present were Vayor Eoe;r, ComlJ1:T.ssioner Sorenson, Commissioner Busch, G.:ty Attorney Aitken, Ci ty Manager Lake, Direc tor of Finance Vial ter .:Javls and th.e Clerk Wf:,en the following pro- ceedlngs were had to-wit: The minutes of the last regular session were read and it was moved by Co~ni~slonor Bus ell, seconded by Commis s loner Sorenson tha t tr,e rrdr.u tea be a ~)proved as react and the mot10n was carried by tbe followinc Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, COTl1mis sioner Sorenson and CommiEi s ion or Bus cll; thos e vo t:tng No, none. Cabaret at Dutch Mill 1,'Ir. John Boyle, of the Dutch Mill, appeared before the Commission to asl{ permission to dance a t the Dutch lHll. Mr. Boyle was informed there was no thing in an y ordinance which would not permit dancing as long as it was only incidental to their regular licensed bl1s:tness, and as Ion:,"" as no boer or liquor were sold there and no charge was made for the danc :;ng . Applications for CIty Licenses The followiD[, applications for City Licenses were presented and read: D .il. Herron Everett Krudde Geo. Oswald J. 11'1. Herrin I t was moved by COn'J'Tlis sioner Sorens on, seconded by Con1Jnis s ion er Bus ch tha t the ap- plica tions be approved and the licenses lss1J.ed and the rno tion was carrIed b:y the follow- :Lng Aye and IJo va te; thos e va ting Aye be ing, Ma:ror Hoey, Commis s loner Busch s nel Commiss ioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Parking North of Uain Street The Manap:or ITesented a petition from the Chamber of Commerce requesting that the City Commission restrict parking on NortllWillson, N,.,rth 'Tracy, l:orth Black and North Boz eman be tween :\ ~ ,011 l)'.Laln Mendenhall Streets to nInety minutes. and It was moved by CO:rrJn:Lssionor Busch, seconded b7 Commissioner Sorenson that the pet:i- tion be granted and the rJotion was carried by the followinc Aye and :No vote; those vot:-.ng Aye baint:: Hoe;.~, CO)1'1r:ds ~doner Busch and Comr.1is si oner Sorenson; those voting No, none. I/[a'Tor " Bondof Ed L:ellon 'r't.e bond of EeL ~;:ellon as a Gas Fitter was presented. 'rhe l)Qnd was a[Jproved as to form b>, the Cl ty Attorney, whereupon, it was moved by Comm:is sioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch tha t the bond be approved and accepted and t11e motion was carried b'T ,.' the follow.ing Aye and 1':0 vote; those voting: Aye beinE.'; N:a;/or Hoe y, CO~I~~~i8 ,'~.onor Busch and Comrr,ls sioner Sorenson; t',o se w) t lng No, none. Report The monthly report of the State BO,<1rd of l1ealth for water 2.nspect:i.on Vias presented. It was moved by Comrr:issionerBuscL, sec::mded b~ Commissioner Sorenson that the rej)ort be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carried b;-: trle followinu Aye and 1\0 vote; those votl.ng Aye being !\iayor Eoe:!, Comml.ssioner Bnsc:.:, ar:d CommiE:sinner Sorenson; those v 0 tIne; No, none. Invc8t~ent for Ce~. Fcr~. Care F~nd The !>ilanai3cr s ta ted tr.ere was approxima tely .\!i5000 of Cemetcr:-, ~")eX'manGnt Care money which should be invested; that from available information, it appeared that a U. S. Defense 846 Bond of Series G seems to be the be s t :LnV8S tment. I twas 11'!oved by Commi ss ioner Sorenson, seconded b;T Comr.llssi oner Bus c:-;. tha t tl.le Ceme tery Permanent Care Fund monies be invested in a $5000 U. S. Defense Bond of Series G, and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Roey, Commis si oner Bus ch and COIDmissi oner Sorenson; thoe e va ting No, none. Deleeate to Library Convention The Manao::er stated the Northwestern Division of Library Association are to hold a conference in Victoria tbe ls ter part of t::lis month, that it seems advIsable to send Miss Cook to the Jonfeneree. I t was moved by Comml s ~doner Bus ch, seconded by Conunis s :toner Sorenson the t, it be ~ng in the p'ublic interes t, tho t 1/:-188 Cook, Librarian, a t tend the c onf erence in Vie toria and her expenses be paid from the Librar;' Fund and the motion vIas cc:rried by the following Aye and 1';0 vote; those votine; Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commis ('ioner Buscl~ and Commiss1.onerSorenson; those voting No, none. Ad,i CJ1Jrm,:en t There be-1 ng no further business to come before the Commission a t this time, 1 twas ,:roved by Commis si oner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Bus ch tha t the mee t:tng ad .iourn and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye beiDI3 Mayor Roey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. At te s t : ~J~~~. Clerk 0 f the City Cornmiss :ion -~ I I I