HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-09-05 'I I 1 Bozeman, Montana September 5t, 1941 :J4f' The Commission of The City of Bozeman met in regular session In the Com.rnlssion Hoom, Ci ty Hall Bul Iding. Fr iday even'ine;, September 5 th, 1941 at 7: 30 0' (:;lock P. M. Those beInG present were Mayor O:oe:'7, Commissioner Sorenson, C01mnissioner :3usch, City Attorney Aitkon, Ci ty ~,'~anacer Lake, Dirac tor of Finance Wal tor D:'vis and the Clerk when the following proceedings were had to-wit: 'rhe minutes of the last rec:ular session were road and it was 1~"-oved b~;r i.iommissio"lcr Bus eh, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson th.a t the minutes be approved as read and the motion was carried by the followinp; Aye and No vote j those voting iiye being kayor IIoe~T, "'ommissioner Dusch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Reports The fo llowing reports for the mon th of Au(:>;u.s t were prosen ted: Cashier Fire Crllef Police JUd<"'"6 IrJalth Officer Via tel' Colle c tor Cemetery Board Swimmine Pool Chi ef of Police B11ilding Inspector Plumb ins Inspe c tor I t was ~noved by Commls s ioner Buscb, seconded by Carnmissioner Sorenson tha t tb,e reports be accepted and ordered filed and the motion was carired by the follow_:.D['; Aye d 1,T 1 t . A b" H ,- C'. B' d C . . an 1'10 va te; ti:OS e Va _cng :re e ,Lng ,a ,;;"or 110ey, Ol,1l'lUS SlO ner us en an omJ":1lS S loner Soren,son; elO se vo ting No, none. Sick Leave for C1 ty [employees The matter of City employees being off dut:r due to sickness and receivins pay was discllSsed. The Connniss:i.on expresse<;i approval of allowins pay for two weeks of sick leave. Dills for tho Month Claims Nos. 1404 to 1666 inclusive were presented on the various flmds as follows: A1rpor t Ceme tory ["':tre General Library Park Street '>Na tor Fire Relief Garba~e Band 'I"' * 20G.J4 2,253.61 1,429.95 3997. 00 986.63 1,536.85 2,191.28 16,909.34 2,356.20 760.00 13.00 6.75 355.00 5,000.00 2,121.69 40,11f3.34 l~. L. ~::> r. Ceme tor:! Suspense Cem. Pcrr.1. Care W s: C 1941 Bds Total ,'k 'ir The Eanager s to. ted be has 8u:11 ted these cL:,lms ancl finds tLem to be ture and Inwfl)l cia 1m3 ngains t The C:L t;.' of 130z ST',-an and recormY'.onds tha t ,"varran ts be dravm for the ir pay- mont, after examinatIon of the claims in detail by the Commission, it was moved by Com- mis sioner Sorenson, s ec ondod b)T Comm:ts s 10"-01' Busch thD. t war ran ts be c1rawn for their pay- mont and the motion was carried by the followino: Aye and Novotej those voting A\e being Mayor Boey, ComTI'issloner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; tb.O~38 vot.I.ng No, none. TIesolutlon No. 505 -- Vacrciting Artlmr Streot 'I'he V'anager stated that as instructed t~e City Attorney had prepared the resolution of intention to vacate lNest Arthur Street betwoen Block 8 and 13 of Butte Adeli tion. He presented Resolution No. 505, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF' TI;:-S COr.:JHSSION OF' Tim CIrrI O? I30Z~,;J.:AI<, riI01';'J'ANA DBCLAHING I':C TO BE TE.E INTI::NTION OF SAID CITY TO Vl,r-;ATE MD 0IS,::;ON'l'INU:":; 'rH.~_T POR'l'ION Of;' ".V2:ST ART!HlR Sr:l'RE;f::T LYING [~AS'r OF TIITs EAS'l' LINE 01<' WILLSON AVE'ti:1JE, SOUTH IN THE CITI OF 30Z ~~~L\N, T'ONTANA. 350 It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by C0rnr11ssioner Busch that the Reso- II tion be passed and .S!.dopted and September 12 th, 1941 be set as the ds. te for public hear- lng and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those vo tLng Aye being !1ayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and GOffi.'11issioner Sorenson; those votlnrr No, none. Da te for Garbn,p:e Assessment on New llous()s The matter of assessment on new houses for garbage collection was discussed. It was mOi}ed by Comrr'issioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that new houses occupied on or beforp the first Monday ln 1brch shall pay a full year assessrr.ent, that new houses occupied after that time shall not be assessed for garbar"8 colle ction until the follow- in?; year, and the motion was ca~Tied by the following Aye and No vote; those votinG A b. , , II "i' B' h de.. s t h . ye elng Ji'ayoroe7!, vomm SSloner "llSC.. an OmmJ.SSloner orenson; ose vo ting No, none. Ad.J ournmon t There beinG no further business to come before the Commission at tllls time, it was moved b:r Comrdssioner Sorensen, seconded by ..Jommi..sloner Buml trl8.t the meet;.ng ad,journ and the motion was carried b:, the following Aye and 1: vote; those votIng Aye beinf,,," n I,:!a:yor IIoey, Conrrnissloncr Busch and CommissIoner Sorenson; those voting }~o, none. A/t:~ 0.k ' Clcork of tho Commis s ion (J;'\ rv7'), ~ )([;yo r -.Jj,/",~ , u II....;.'.. " I 1-