HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-10-03 ........ " .-...1 .. . Bozeman, Mon tana October 3rd, 1941 The Commission of The City of BozemHn met in regular session in the Comnission 110om, City Hall Buildinr;, Frida~r evenlng, October 3rd, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock F.M. 'r\hose being present were Mayor Hoe~T, Commissioner Busch, Commissioner Sorenson, Cit~r Attorney Aitken, Cl ty r,';anagor Lake and t~~o Clerk when the followin=~ proceedings Vlere had to-wi t: 'r'he minutes of tl.:e IRS t resular session were rend and it was r:wvod by Commis sioner Bus ell, seconded by Commis~, :Loner voren8 on tJ:Jfl t the m nu tes be approveci as read and the mo tion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; tllOse voting Aye being I,,;ayor J:;,00:7, Commisc"ionor Buscb, and Commis?' loner Soren son; thos e voting No, none. Request for Si3ewalk. Protest to S:dewalk Order Er. O. E. Shepperd appeared before the Conunission and asl{ed why he had been ordered to cons true t a wall{ a t his property loca ted at tt.e corner of Vv"illson and Gax-fie Id if :';=1'. '1'. 13. Holl{er who was relieved of the order a t the sa:m.e time was not ordered to cons trWJ t his sidewalk. Io'r. Shepperd was informed by the Commission tr..at sInce he Was relieved of the con- struction of Ilis walk tbat two homes Imve been completed south of his prOfert: and they both have sidewalks in.' taIled; that tho stroet is not paved and tbose residents should be ent:i.tled to an outlet. All members of the Cit~: Cornmlssion stated that the order of the Cit:r Manager for Mr. Shepperd to construc t the wall: should stand. l;Jr. Pi; I'/!:rs. .Joe Livers A.nd ~,lrs. Van Camp were present and asl{ed if the vvalk aloTI.0' the the nortrl of 11r. IIollcer's property at FiftY1 and Arthur could be ordered in. They were in- forme,; that the conditions have not changed since IITr. IIolker 'Nas rolieved of the constrllc- tion of his walk and the COllnnissioners stated that under the clrCl1r"stances that the walk should not be ordered in at this time. After further dlscussion,::ity Attorney Aitken was authorize,,: to write 1,:1'. IIolker that it wOlJln please tl,e Commission if Mr. Holker would volunteer to install the walk this 'Sear. Report of Fire School TvTr. 'iN. O. lTatthews, Fire Chief, was present and reported on the Fire School rle at- tended at folson, IvTontana, and also on fire sirens which l10 investigated at the school. '1'lle matter of fire sirens "''las laid over for flJrtl";or investip:ation. Rules for Police & .Fire lJept. In compliance wi tll. ComrlJ.s slon order, the r,;unager presented copien of rules and regula- tions for the joint-opera tion of the Police ar:d PIro :Jopart:r'onts for the Commi3~: :oners to look over and present reco~mendations or su~~e8tions. Reports The follo'Ni.ng rer~ort3 for the mon th of September were presented: Cashier T~n[!~ineGr LIbrarian Flre Cl~ief Police Jud~e Cerr.e ter~r Board 'Na ter C;llec tor CLlef of Police Phl.mblng Ins pec tor Building Inspe c tor aY1d the report of the Librarian for the mon th of Augus t. It was l'!oved by COI'1l"1J.ssioner Busch, seconded by Commis[:ioner Sorenson thA.t U18 reports be accepted and ordered filed and tbe motion was carl'iecl by the followinq: A':re and No votej tI:ose voting Aye being liayor Eoe:,~, Comrnisfioner Buscl: and 00mmisf:~L-m8r 301'onson; those voting 1':0, none. 3bO Res 011) tion No. 509 -- P ,i nal i'assa::re The Manager stated this was the tiIT.e and place set for tbe hear~;.ng of protests to the final adoption of the resolution levylnr~ th.e assessment for garbage collection and disposal for 1941. He stated tr",,'lt no one was present to protest and no protests had been filed. lIe presen ted Resolu.t ion No. 509, en ti tied: A RESOLUTION OF' THE COMiHS,,;ION OF TIlE Crry OP BOZ;-::ri'i~F, MUN'I'Al\:A LEVYING AND ASSESSIlJG A SPECIAL ASSESSMEN'r OF TAXES Ul'ONALL REAL HWIJER'l'Y' IN Tr:T;; CITY OF' BOZL']v:AK, COUliTY 01,' OALL,'1'I1\', 3'I'AT.2; OF' !.IOr;TAJ:-1'A, SERVICED AJ.I;D FRarr WEICH GARBAGE VJAS COLLECTJ2:;) AKD R2EOVi::D0UHING 'l'E2: l.'EAR H14l, TO DEIi'Rl\Y 'I'm:;; COST MID EXFENSE OF COLLECTHUJ AND DISrOSING OF GARDi'GL~ UND1~R TI':E :r:ROVISI01JS OJ,, OFWI}:M;CE 1W. 696 Oii' TIlE crrry OIi' BOZEr,:A:r. It was moved b;," Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner E1JSch tha t the Reso- bltion be finally passed and adopted and the motion wes carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being I'i~ayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch ~md Gonnnissloner Sorenson; those voting No, none. Bills, for the r~Ion th Claims Nos. 1667 to 1841 inclusive were presented on the various ~lnds as follows: Airport Band Cemetery Cemetery Suspense Vire Genoral Garbage Library Park F.L. &: P. Street 'l'la ter S.LD. ~$ 63.95 40.80 646. ;:,6 35.00 3,139.14 4,210.40 760.00 51'1.45 4'77.58 10,627.54 1,446.78 8,2(28.34 3.;35 _....."~-,~. 30,256.69 Total g:' ~.j> The Iilanager stated he :!:"las audi ted these claims and finds them to be true and lawful claims agiUnst The City of Bozermn and recommends tl::at warrants be drawn lor their pay- ment. After examination of the claims in detail, 1 twas Y':oved b? Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by C0111rnis sionor Busch th8 t the c 18 .Lms be approved and warren ts be drawn for tl'.:eir pa yrnent and the mo tion WC',S carried by the f ollowlr c; l,ye and Ko vote; thos e vo tlng Aye being ]'-.~a;Tor EOC:,T, Commiss:Loner 131J8Ch snd Commissioner Sorenson; tLose vot.:ng 1:0, none. Ballot on Dogs 2 Garbage Disposal '111:1e C1 ty Attorney presented proposed ballots, for the Commission to examine, on the qlle s tion of dogs and:!arbage disposal, which micrh t be put on an ex tl'a ba llot at the sren- eral elec tlon in li'ovomber. The ma tter was tal{en under 8dviseT!1ent and is to be given further consideration. InvestT'1ent of C r C li'unds T'he Manse;er stated the Cemetery Permanent Care Pund had ar)proximately ~;4000 which COlJld be invested. After dlscllSsion, it was ')"';0'7ed by CommIssioner BUBeL, :,'econded by Comrissioncr Sorenson that the Cit;;r Manager be authorized to invest $4000 of Cemetery Permanent Care mone:; in Series G, u. S. :Jefenso Bonds and the motion was carried by the follow1ng Aye and No vote; those voting .\ye be::ng L:a:'or Eoey, Gornr:;,isslonor Buoeh and Commissionor Soro~son; those vot1ns Ko, none. llcL j CJ urnme n t rrhere be inc; no ftIT t1':er bus ines s come before tt.c COl:ll~,iE.\ sion a t thIs time, it was moved b:r Com. Dllsel:~,s econded by Con. Sorenson Umt the meetJnc: adjourn and t)"lO motion was carried 'Ry tIle f ollmv 1ng A;l~ anc~ He") vote; tho se vo tine; Aye be in c; Ea;Tor Hoe:T, Com. 13118bc nnci Com. >Jorens;)n; zth~ vot~ng };o, none. Attest. / //;::7 'lI..:' . . ._. --> .' ,..,;-:.-" (:> ..--. ~Z"-dp(',.-& _;;e.._p-J I Clerlr o~ the Commis slon ~~A~' cf(/ K yor . "I~ I. ." j,.