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Boz eman, },:on tana
Oc tober lOth, 1941
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The Cornmis s ion of The Ci ty of Boze:rmn me t in re;ular soss ion in tho COU1.'11is s ion Room,
City Hall BuildinG, Friday evening, October 10t:b, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.r,<T. T11086 being
present were l:;ayor Hoey, Connnissioner Sorenson, City Attorney li.i tken, Ci ty- ManR,(,;er Lake,
Direc tor of }<'inance Wal ter Davis and the Clerk, v..hen the followir'G' proceedings were had:
The mjnutes of the last regular session were read, and it was moved b)T Comrnissioner
Sorenson, sec0nded by I/fayor Beoy that the minutes be approved. as read and tho motion was
carried by the followine: Aye and TTo vote; those vot:'!Y'.'3 Aye being I/a:,Tor Hoey and Commis 2ioner
Sorenson; t}-tO S e voting No, none.
Exar.-:.i.na tion of Depos i tory Bonds
The Director of Finance presentod a list of the Depository Bonds held as security for
the C~_t:T'S deposit in the various banks in the City. The list was examined and checked
by the Com:miss:ton, whereupon, it Vias moved by COrrh'TIissioner Sorenson, seconded by Ii;a:,ror
IIoey tha t the lis t be approved and entered in f1.11l in the minu to s and the f"lotion was car-
1:oe'1 and Cor:unis 8ion or
" .
ried b:r the followin['; Aye and No vote; those vo tircg A:e beinc; ;,jayor
Sorenson; those voting :No, none.
Commercial National Bank, Bozeman
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Trusteed with Federal Reserve Bank of Minn:
u. S. Treas. No tes Sories D-1942, 2;b, du e 9/15/42
u. S. Treas. Bonds of 1948, 2f-%, due 9/15/4B
T). S. Treas. Bonds of 194(3-51, 2-3/4%, due 3/15/51
u. S. Treas. Bonds of 1951-S4, 2-3/4%, due 6/15/54
u. 3. Treas. Bonds of 1946-48, 3%, due 6/15/48
u. S. Treas. Donds of 1948-51,2-3/4;~, clue 3/15/51
To tal
Gallatin Trust & SavIngs Bank, Bozeman
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
'rrusteed with Helena Branch of Fe<1oral ReS. 3k. of l,:inn.
IIome~ owner's Loan Corp. ~eries }i:, Irk;;, 6/1/47
Homo Ownors' Loan Corp. ;:)eries A, 3;~, 5/1/52
Consolidated Fed. Farm Loan Dds., 3~, 1945-55
~..~ ed;, F~am Mor t: Dds. 194~ : 47.L;f2 -3/ 4~S; r 3/1/47
l,. u. 'Ireas. Gels. 1943-40, 3,,,-/0, due 10/15/45
U. S. Treas. Dels. 1955-60; 2 -7/8}~, due 3/15/60
To ta 1
Securi ty Banl{ ~: True t Company, Boz eman
Federal ~eposit Insurance Corporation
Trus teed wi t1.1 He lena Dr. of Ped. Res. Bk. of 11inlOl.
Ho:me:Ovmers' 1..1an Co.r.p. S.'arie,s It, l}~b, due 6/1/47
n -, rn E- l~l':l ,-,.~ 3' -1 9/1l':/r.:5
'_. t>. lreas. ...( s. :7;:) -00, /0, (ue ;:) ;:)
Tota 1
1';. Y.
'I~ 5000.00
30CCJO .00
l70'J .00
(~~ 5000.00 ,+'. 50,)0.00
'Ii> ~j!
5000.00 5000.00
12000.00 12000.00
$ 22000.00
This is to cer tify thn t we, tbe Commis sion of The Gi t; of Dozema n :tn complb.nc (,; with
the provlsions of Section 4767, Political Code, R.C.~,:., 1921 as amended by Chapter 49, Laws
of 1929, and as nmended by Chnpter 23, Extraordinary Session Law of 1933-34, have thls day
examJ.ned the Deposl tory Bonds held by the Director of l"inance as secur:L ty for tlle deuos:i. ts
of City Funds held by 'the several banli:s of Bozcman 3~d find them to be a; at)ove stat~d. ...
Dated this 10th day of October, 1941.
11:0. yo r
CiffiS. SOR2NSOK (SiGned)
COffi.'nis slone r
r:Che report of the Director of Finance and the C1 t:r Engineor for the month of Septernber
were prcsented. It ViaS rnoved b;.T COr.L"llss1:mer Sorenson, seconded by Commisc.doner Hoc:,: that
the r'~;port3 be accepted and ordered filed and tl~c mot~._()n v{as carriedb:,' tho folJ.owlnS Aye
and ro vote; tLlOSC voting Aye being Mayor HOG;:! and Commissioner Sorenson; those votlngHo, none.
Vacatlng Portion of North Rmlse
The C:1ty Eng:Lneer stated that North House Avenue, at the intersection of BA8t Beall
Street is 85 feet wide; that its west boundgry does not ~arallel its east boundary, and
sugges ted tha t a triangular s trip alone; it wes t boundar~T be tween Beall Stree t and I.::enden-
hall Street, twenty-five feet wide at the north line of Beall Street and comine to a point
a t the sou t1:1 line of of tho alley in Glock D of Or lc:I.nal rl'ownsi te be vaCR ted in order to
make tl"'le street morc uniform in widt?!. After exm:lination of the Map, it was moved by
T{a77or lIoey, seconded by COffi'fllssloncr Sorenson tbRt tl!e su.s~estion of tln
Enr1'inecr be
apI)roved and t}:e City Attorney be instructed to prepare a resolution to vacate that
portion of North House Avor.l'e am'] the :r.1oticm was carried b~T the following Aye and No
vote; thos e vo tine: Aye being Ti~ayor I-Ioey, COll1rnls s loner Sorenson; tho se vo ting No, none.
Contract Cnncelled Re: aldg. on Lot 16; Block E; O.T.
The matter of the uncompleted ~Jildine located on Lot 16; Dlock E; Oriclnal Townsite
west of the Clty Library was discussed. It was pointed out that the contract for the
payment of the lot has not been completed and tlJere seerr.s to be no plans for the cOJ"1ple-
tion of the build!n~.
It was moved by Mayor Hosy, seconded by Commissioner ~orenson that the City Attorney
be ins truc ted to take such steps as necessar;-! to cancel the con trac t
wi th reference to Lot 16; Blocl<:. J~; Original rrowns! te and tho motion was carried by the
following il:T8 and Ko vote; those votinc Aye beine; :t,Ia:ror Hoey and '-'ommiss:;oner Sorenson;
those voting Ko, none.
Application for City License
'11he applica tion of \1. o. 138(';uhn for a ci ty lic ens e was prosen ted and read. I twas
moved by COITJ11issloner Sorenson, seconded by l\Iayor Hoey that the applica tlon be approved
and the license issued and the motion was cDrriecl by the follmvinc:, Aye and 1\0 vote; tl;ose
voting Aye being ri:eyor I:oe;T and Commissioner Sorenson; t}'ose voting' Eo, none.
Claim -- Service BldZ. at Cemetery
Claim No. 1842, of W. T). WIllmore in the amo'..lnt of ~;966.t3 for parment on the Service
T.'uildin g con:s true tion at tb.c Come ter:r was presen ted. After exarlinrltion of the claim, l t
1 b i' i' ~,
was :r.1ovec y "'om!Y.::"s BJ.oner I.,.}orenson,
seconded by ]\:a:TOr Hosy tha t the claim be allQ\ved and
a warrant drawn for its payment and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No
vote; tYose vot:tng Aye beine; Mayor Hoey, and COnL"Y!issloncr Sorenson; those voting No, none.
Referendum Ballot -- General Election
'1'he Ci t~T attorney sulmi tted a for!:) for ballots to be submi t ted to the voters of t:~e
November 4th election, for the purpose of affording the public a means of expressing its
preference in the me t ter of do?s and r:arbage. 'I'he Commie s ion expres sed its approval of
the form_ and Instrllcted the Clrl<: to have the necessar~r number printed.
Contract Ro: Montana Armory Board
The City Manao:er s ta tee} he had :lnforma tlon tending to show the Armory Board would
not provide G. caretaker for the Armory untll tlw return of the National Guard, at which
tirre the War Department will provide the caretaker; that tI~is VI01Jld add considerable to
the City's high operat:i..ng cost, and was not in aecor"d wltl-: triO Wia:r.ae;er's :l.nterpretation
of the conditions
of the contract lease; that he had, therefor, served
no tice on the Arrr..or7..T Board thn.t s Ince the lea,~] e con trac t had no t been accepted by the
Board, The City of Bozeman withdraws its offer to enter into a lease contract until
there is a definite understanding on the matter of a caretaker.
After readIng of' the letter wri tten tothe Nion tana Armory Board, it was Y10ved by Com-
missioner Sorenson, seconded by Mayor Eoey the t the action of the liIanagcr be aPl)roved and
t]Je motio11 was c arMed b:T the following Aye and N("'\ vote; tl-::.o se vo tine Aye be ing 11:::\ :Tor
}joey, Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none.
ldj ~)urnment
'There be ine no further bus ineas to come before the T30ard a t this tiL1B, it VIas moved
by CO!Tlr1is8:i.oner Sorenrmn, seconc;ed b:r ;.,"o.::,or H087'.' that tl:e meeting a(.iourn and tho motion
was carried by the following Aye and No voto; those \tot.l.nc, Aye b8:!-ng Llayor IIoe~/ and com-
r.;,:n3ioner Sorensor'; t:ose voting No,
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