HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-10-24 B6fi Bozeman, Montana October 24th, 1941 'l'be Commission of '1'h0 City of Bozeman met in rogular sC~"210n in tte Cornmiscion Boon, City Hall Buildinp;, F'riday evening, October 24th, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.]\f. Those belng present were Mayor IIoey, Commis s loner Bus ch, Commis sioner Sorens on, Ci ty Attorney Act::"n,""": Aitken, City Manager Lake,Uirector of Finance Walter Davis and the/Clerk~- when the 1'01- lowing proceedinp:s were had to-v;it: The rrinutes of the last refJ'lllar session were read and it was moved by C,)mmlssioner Busch, seconded b:r Corn:r:U':c1ione;I' Soren~jon U~t\ t the mInutes be approved as reaj ard the )1"0 tion was c8rrled by the follo1.':ing Aye and .No vote; t~:l.OS 0 vo tin; Aye being Mayor Hoc:)", Co~missl()ner Busch and Con>'dssioner SoremJOn; tl,iOSC) votln0' No, none. Permit -- Radio Station 'r'be II':anager presen tad an appli cn tlon for the cons true ti.on of a radio s ta tion for tbe police radi.o. It VI' as Y:1avod by Com.,."Ls si oner Sorenson, seconded by Commis sion or Bus ell that the City Mana0'or be authorized to sian a perrrit for the con8t~lctlon pf the police radIo station and the motion W8.S carrieC'.. by the followl,nr~ Aye and Fa vote; those votlnc A;/e be ing T.Te ;,/or Hoey, Con~rni S 21 onor Bl,]S cll and Commis 0 loner Soren:' on; thos' e . vo tLnr~ No, none. Petition -- Ll~hting ~lstriet The ManlC~ger presented a peti tion slr'~ned b;' llobert I'~sgar and Herman RllScfl, requostine; that a lighting district be created for the purpose of installing and mainta1ning modern ornamont81 street li('l'hts on North 'rrnc:v Avenue between Main and I'lendenhall Streets. ;."a'Tor Eoe;7 stilted he wO~Jld lilco to have included in t.he dish'lct IJort.rl Blacl{ between !lain and rv~.endenhall and also South Grand I\venue betwoen l'.'1a:tn and Olive Streets. The Comrnis sian S1Jp,:()'es ted tha t ty.o I':'nmJ <1'er obtain the consen t of tIle s ic:ners to include the throe other blocks. Re por t The report 0 f theEmplo~'111ont Officer f or the mon tL 0 f Sop tenber was pres en ted and r08.d. I t waG moved by Com:,"'ls 8 .Tor,er Soren son, s eeonded b:: Commissioner Bus c1'1 th& t the ro::;ort be accopted ':Hl.C) ordered filed at,d tl-,e motion was c.<)rr~ed b;' the following Aye and No vote; thos e va ting Aye being 1',1a ;'01' Eoey, CO!'1mis~; ioner Bus CI-I and vomrrd.s sloneI' Sorenson; those voting No, none. Airport -- Re Power Line on Pandera Tract A communication from lTaior Selee was read, statine: the pow0r line serv;np: the Bozeman A:trport rTust be moved; th3 t the CAA could not use Governmcnti?unds for its mavin?;, since it was not 10c8ted on the A:i.rport. ':L'tle ManE~cr statecl he had biken t}-18 ),,'J.';tter up wltll the T/ontnna Power Comyxmy, OVID.r-;JI'S of the line, and ho~-)ed to T'Ct them to move the line. Dele,n-ate to Police School A letter from tlw Pederal Bureau of Investi-;-:ation was presentee'!. requcst_~nc th..e .Police CL ie1' to a t tend n school to be Le L1 at 3u tte, Oc tober 27th and 213 t:::-~, IJ41. Af tar di s- cu S~; i.on, 1 t was moved b :" Com!Y',is s ioner Bus cL, s ccondecl b;! C01:'11:,1s ::loner Jorem; on that it be lng in the plJblic In tere s t of t::eJepnrtmcnt of Sa fa t:.' th~1. t The C it:, of .Do zerr9 n be represented, ancl tIle Chief of Folice be sent to 0utte to attonc.1 triO school, and J:-ds expenses be pale] from t1::.e 8-eneral F'unc] and the motion was cnrrled b::' t be followln'7Aye nnd 1':0 vote; tl:ose vot}ne: .^,ye belne; Y8;mr E00;', Commissioner B1JScl: and Conwllssioner Sorenson; tr::o o-e '10 ting l~o, none. I I I I I I Requos t for Ex tenoon of Tlrr::.e to Ins tall VJalk A 10 tter fror:1 .:\tr. O. '. S:heppard was rea(i, s te t:Ulg }-;e }:lad sold Lis lots a t the cor- Dcr of ':l:!.llson and Garfield to 1\11'. Clyde Fowell and 1.:1'. Pmvell woulJ need a l.~_ttle I".ore time to install the walk ordered in b:r the City. The I,~ana~or st.~"ted LIe waLe had been installed by Mr. Powell. Iteservoir South Side 'The j\:anager stated tbat work had been co~mencod on tl-:..e now reservoir on the South 01de; that trlO earth excavated was bein'!, used to reenforce tl18 present resorvoj.r on its lower side; tho t a ban-'-: a')011 t ten fee t w ide had beer: br01J t 1) p to near '.va tcr leve 1, aCldlna: much to tLe safet.,;- of the old reservoir. ~ave Scales in Other Citles The Clt:y Attorney,iialter Aitken, reported he }'If,,-d sent out que~~t10rmal:r'es to otller r'j:ontnna cities inqnirine'" as to their wan'e scale. He o1JOted replies from t':18 follow:1.n::,,: :311 t te T.ns s0111a 90;2: per h011r. 75~: reI' hour. 62C}/ pc r hour 71-7/1:3; per llOur Great Falls 67tt, after Oct 15th, 751-. Helena Anaconda It was notpd tha tall Uie c1 tics rq1ort.i.nt: were f'lrs t-clasR c1. ties. Wind Shield Stickers Carl En lIens te :tnc:r reported wl!:.ds hie Id s tl clwI's ha.J. been pa s ted on winJs 1.lle Ids so the:, obsturctet:i the visj.on of' the driver. The Slrr,llS had been sponsored by trle Jurlior Chanber of Commerco to advertise tho:tr~01r_lng show "Sw:nc Outll. 'rho C1 ty Ii1anaf~er s ta ted he \7o~)ld c"111 t~le rresident of the club and ns~ that i t ~)e stopped. A:"'1.5 onrnmen t '['here bein'j no further business to come before the C01"-mission at this tiY1c, it was rr:oved bv Comciss1.oner Busch, seconded b" Conn:',lssioncr Sorenson tllnt ti-le mcct~:nr:: adiourn ~. .,,' "" '-n' ~) and trle motion was c~lrried by tho following Aye and 1:0 voto; those voting hye be' " n ,-' .. , S l."ayor ",ooy, vOTl1!:!.lS s:concr orenson and Com~'LR~"lonpr B1,qnM' t'.'oQo vot.~~~ ]~o none ~,I ,LJ.,.~I._",,,..... _A..~_.\''''':':J .., .....<:'7 ".1,,1_...11<...:; .,., "Ill Att2Jt: ~7 4&.01:..~:1~~~- .(df!!~ Cler},: of the Comnis s ion ~ ~i:a~'or ? C' ,.} J\) I