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Bozeman, Montana
November 21st, 1941
The Commission of fl'he City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room,
City Hall Building, Friday, November 21st, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. fI'hose being present
were Mayor Hoey, Comrrissioner Busch, Commis~do:rer Sorenson, City Attorney Aitken, City
M-anager Lal{e, Director of Finance Walter Davis and the Clerk, when the 1'ollowing pro-
ceedlngs were bad to-wit:
The minutes of the last reglJlar session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner
BUSCh, seconde,-j b: Commissioner Sorenson tba t the mlnute~~ be approved as read and the
motion was csrried by the following Aye and No vote; those vot:lng Aye being Mayor Hoey,
COIT'illlis sioner Bus eh and Commi as ioner Sorenson; thos 0 v:) ting No, none.
Request to Close Slaughter House Road
Mr. P. .T. Seifert, local Agent for the Northern Paci.fic Railway Company presented
a request by his Company for the closing of the road, lmown as the Slaughter House Road,
where it crosses five Northern Pacific tracks.
Mr. Seifert stated that in order for freight trains to stop in the station, they
have to be cut at this crossing, which causes considerable delay, thus slowing up trans-
portation of freight.
Mr. SeIfert stated further th3t his company would improve Cedar Street, from where
it joins this "Slaughter House Road" to L Street, by grading and surfacing with at least
6" pit run gravel, twenty feet wide, if tl',e City would SiJrvey the road and assure his
Company that the Slaughter House Road would be ciosed when this improvement to Cedar
Street was completed.
The matter was discussed by the Commission an,} those present, and Mr. Seifert
was advised to present a petition signed by the three users of the Road requesting
that this crossing be closed when Cedar Street is improved.
Application for City License
The application of the Home & Building Insula tion for a ci ty license was presented.
It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Busch that the applica-
tion be approved and the license issued and the motion was carri ed b~} the following Aye
and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner
Sorenson; those voting No, none.
Telephone A~reement -- Re Water Shed.
':Phe Manager presented the annual agreement between the IT. S. Forest Service and
The City of Bozeman for joint-use of the telephone line to the south water shed. It was
moved by Commiss ioner BUSch, seconded by (;ommis:~ioner Sorenson tha t the Ma yor be au thor-
ized to sign the agreement for The Ci ty of Bozeman and the motion was carried by the
following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being Mayor Boey, Commissioner Sorenson and
Commis s ion er Bus chi tLo se v:Y'ting No, none.
Request to use Beall Park Building
Reverend Phelps appeared before the Commission to request the use of the Shelter
House a t Beall Park to hold public religious services for the General Council of the
Assembly of God. Rev. Phelps was informed that wi thin a very short time the building
at Beall Park would be used mOf't of the day on Sunday by skaters, and would not be
available for his use.
Appointment of Ci ty Manager -- Fred Q,1Jinnell
'1'he matter of the expressed desire of Aug H. Lake to be relieved from the duties of
City Manager, the application of F'red Quinnell, of Roundnp, Montana, for the appointment
and of the situation as to the probable re'turn of Maurice E. Henderson, now with the mil-
i tary forces of the Uni ted Sta tes, came up for formal cons idera tion. It was pointed out
th8t M_r. Henderson, in September, 1940, and then City Manager aslced for a year's leave of
absenc'C', which was granted, and Mr. Lake, as one familiar with the City's affairs, con"
sented to resis-:n from the Ci ty Commission and take over the duties of Ci ty Manager durIng
the assumed temporary absence of Mr. Henderson.
In September, 1941, Mr. Henderson applied for discharge from the military service
and was refused, sta ting tha t i::-, November he would renew his applica tioD for discrlarge.
Since then, Mr. Lake has asked to be relieved for reasons of health, being advised to
seek a lower al ti tude and warmer c lima te for the w~nter season.
Mr. Henderson wri tes tha t the matter of his discharge from the mili tary service is
l}ncertain, and in any event he will not h'11OW about it for sometine and perhaps not until
nex t s urrJ11er.
Mr. Fred ;:i,uinnell, of Roundup, Montana, has applied for the position, submitting with
his application numerous references and letters of recommendation from citizens of
Montana. '1'he City Commission having made an investigation as to Mr. Q"ll1nnell's experience
in city management and his personal and professional qualifications, and he, beine; advised
of the uncertainties of the situation respecting the r:'_'turn of N;r. Henderson and having,
expressed his willingness to accept the position subject ther~'to, anci the Commission
being fully advised, it was moved by Commis s loner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson,
that ~fr. Fred Quinnell be, and he is hereby appointed City Manag:r, the appointment to
take effect when he fHld City Manager Lake agree tha t Mr. Quinnell has sufficiently famil-
iarized himself wi th tbe City's bus iness and affairs to taJ{e over, and upon .:\:r. Quinnell
takIng the oa th and filing a bond as re(juirec1 by law and the ci ty ordinanc es; tha t the
salary of Mr. Quinnell shall be the same as tha t now paid r:;r. Lake, to-vri t: ~~250.00 a
month, until further action ther';on by the Cit;' Commission; that the appointment is ten-
dered Mr. Quinnell, and accepted by him, snbject to the condi tion and understancUng th'_lt
if Mr. Hender20n is released from military service, returns to Bozeman, that he may
resume the posi tion of City Mrmager which he held when called to military service, and
the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; tbose vo t. ne: Aye being Mayor
Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Corrnnissim-,er Sorenson; tho"'8 voting No, none.
There being no furth@r business to come before the ,ColTl.Yr..ission at this time, it was
moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by ....omrnissloner Busch that the meeting adjourn
and the motion was carried by the following Aye and No vote; those votinp- Aye being
Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch and Commissioner ijorenson; those voting No, none.
Mayor 7