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Bozeman, Montana
December 26th, 1941
The Commission of The Cit? of BozemAn met in re,[~)llar session in tbe Commission Room,
City Hall .Bc:dlding, Frida;T evening, December 26tl:l, 1941, at 7:30 o'clock P.~t. 'llhose
being present 'Nere Mayor Hoey, Commissioner Busch, Comrn~ssioner Sorenson, City ~i~anager
quinnell, JJirector of Finance Walter Davis, and the Clerk when the followinp: proceedings
were had to-wit:
The minutes of the last regular session were read, and it was moved by Commissioner
Sorenson. seconded by Commissioner Busch that the minutos be approved as read and the
motion was Garried by the following Aye and No voto; those voting Aye being ..i..ayor Hoey,
Commissioner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting No, none.
Employment in Street Department
Mr. Chet Baker and J. E. Pardew a "Rpeared before the Commis sion and a sked why they
had not been called to work in the Street Department; that they bad not been informed
they were discharged, and therefore they were lmable to understand why they were not
called recentlv when the Street Department had used men from other dep8rtments to carry
on its work.
'rhe men s ta ted further the? hacl worked for tIle City for a numb er of
years dlJrinp- the summ~'r months and fel t ttey Sh0111() be given preference to men in other
departments wben there is work to be done ':n the Street Department.
Mr. Baker and l\iir. Pardew were :i.nformee] the ma tter wOlJ.ld be inves tiga ted and the
Street Foreman would inform t!-:..em as to why they were not called.
Bond of City ~anager 'hlinnell
The bond of Fred quinnell, as City ~,~anager, in the RmOlmt of ~,I;20oo.00 was presented.
It was moved by Commissioner Busch, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson that tr-le bono be
accepted and approved and the motion was carri,ed by the following Aye and No vote; those
voting Aye being Mayor Hoe;?, COlTiyris:::doner Busch and Commissioner Sorenson; those voting
No, none.
Petition: Re Fire Fighting Equipment
Mr. C A Trultt, G. D. DOY'g,ld, L. Westlake,N. :. Nelson, H. \J. Embry, A. Coleman,
,J. G. Ragsdal e, and T. Marley, membe.rs 0 f the LoeB 1 Defens e Committee were pres en t and
presented a pet~tion recommending the purchase of a 750-f!8llon Pumper with ladder,
1000 feet of 2t" hose and 300 fet of l~" hose, together with gas masks and othe~
pieces of eqlJ,ipment for trle Fire Departmen t.
A Communication from the Chief of the Fire Department W8S read li~t-ng the equip-
ment needed, which incllJd 8(1 uniforms, fire fi7h ting clothing, Gas and Smoke ?/fasks, and
the 750-gallon Pumper eq'Jippec1 wi t}j hose and ladder as mentioned above.
Mr. E. Ii. StIefel and Brooke Hartman of the Charnb er of Commerce and 'N. G. Lowe of
the Jr. Chamber of Commerce were also present and stated their ore;anizations would like
to back-up the recommendations of the Local Defense Committee.
The members of the Local Defense Committee present wereinformed tbat the City
Commis~ion would lnvestlQ'ate the nGed for this equ 'pment, and give the matter of its
~)rchase careful consIderation.
Fire Insurance Dis tri but ion
The ~tanar:'r read 8. communica tion from tbe Executi ve Commi ttee of the Bozeman In-
surance Association recommending that the distrib1.Jtion of the $77,300.00 insurance
3... R~~
awarded to the .tJ)z eman Insuranc e As soc ia tiOD be dis trlbu ted as fo lloills :
Bennett-Stith Agency
H. L. Casey
c. E. Coul~ton
Fabricl{ Be Cook
Gallatin Abstract Co.
Heidel Agency
$ 10,000.00
;,i; 4,500.00
H. D. Korslund
~,~ar;r O. Smi th
A. E. Stafford
Fred Williams
Wai tei & Complny
It was moved by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded b;T Commissioner Busch that the rec-
commendstion of the Boz eman Insurance Associa tion be approved and the motion was carried
by the following A":Te and No vote; those vot'1ng Aye being JLayor lloey, Commissioner Bllsch
and Commissioner Soren2on; those voting No, none.
Ad j ournmsn t
There beinr.; no further business to come before the Comrnis':don at ttis time, it was
moved by- Comrris.. ion er Sorons on, second ed by Commis s1 on er B1JS eh tr.a t the me e ting ad jnlJ I'n
and the motion \"Ias carrie:l by the follow:ng Aye a.nd No vote; tlJOr'18 vot:Lng Aye being
~ ~
Hoe;T, Commissioner Busch and Comm:l.ssioner ~orenson; th08G voting Fa, none.
Attest: A
~ ~~-~~: ~,
~-"f the Commission